The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 383 Long Yubintian

Chapter 383 Dragon Controls Bintian (Two in One)

The dim lights in Houde Hall seemed to indicate that something bad was about to happen.

Green smoke curled up, several old eunuchs were standing by the dim palace lanterns, and outside Houde Hall, there were seven or eight embroidered emissaries in embroidered clothes sitting on their knees.

Liu Hong was half lying on the bed, he just woke up from his sleep.

It was a nightmare, he dreamed that the imperial palace was occupied, he dreamed of the imperial palace with mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and in his dream the prosperous Luoyang was burned to the ground by a foreign army.

All the people mourned, all the officials were silent, and the rebels rushed into the palace to kill wantonly.

Liu Hong tried his best to open his eyes wide, and fixedly looked at the carved beams and painted buildings above his head. His eyes were dull and full of lifelessness.

Empress Dowager Dong stood beside the dragon couch with a haggard look. She held Liu Hong's hand tightly with one hand, and held a handkerchief in the other hand to wipe off the sweat beads that oozed from Liu Hong's forehead.

She bit her lips tightly, without saying a word, her eyes were full of sadness.

She was very resentful that her son suffered so much, but she was powerless and could only watch helplessly.


Liu Hong turned his head to look at Empress Dowager Dong and his mother.

This time, he didn't call her empress or any other noble titles.

Dong's eyes were slightly red, she stopped her hand movements, clenched Liu Hong's hand a little more, and her eyes softened.

"Mom is here."

Dong Shi tried hard to squeeze out a smile.

"Is Jian Shuo here?"

Liu Hong opened his cloudy eyes, looked at his mother, and spoke with difficulty.

"It's here, it's already here."

Dong raised her hand and wiped the sweat dripping from Liu Hong's neck.

"The Embroidered Clothes Messenger just reported that Jian Shuo has brought people into the palace, and will arrive at Houde Hall soon."

Liu Hong was lying on the sickbed, almost so thin that it was hard to see the human form.

Dong Shi looked at Liu Hong who was extremely haggard in front of her eyes, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed down from her eyes slowly.

"Are you hungry? If you want something to eat, Mom will ask someone to make it for you right away."

Dong lowered her head, not wanting Liu Hong to see her crying. She was afraid that Liu Hong would see her crying, which would make her even more sad and her condition worse.

Liu Hong shook his head. He looked at Dong's face. The young grandmother in his old memory had disappeared, replaced by a haggard face, crow's feet around the eyes and gray hair.

I can't remember how long it has been, it seems that since he took over the government, he has been estranged from his mother a lot.

This is the first time that Dong has been by his side for more than two days. In the past, he was addicted to pleasure and sensuality. He only saw a few times a month. Even if he made a special trip to see him, it was actually just a simple visit. After a while, he left quickly without saying too much.

Mrs. Dong took the container of water, fed Liu Hong and took a sip of water. Liu Hong improved slightly, and seemed to have some energy.

"Have another nightmare?"

Dong put down the container of water in his hand, and smiled reluctantly.

Liu Hong smiled, and said softly: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from my mother."

Liu Hong was born in the Interpretation Pavilion of the Hejian Kingdom. His father died early, and his mother, Dong Shi, brought him up. They have lived together for more than ten years. Liu Hong's words and deeds are basically the same as Dong Shi. very clear.

"Jian Shuo has already left the hall."

Just as Mrs. Dong was telling Liu Hong the interesting things that happened in the interpreting pavilion, an old servant quietly walked up and reminded in a low voice.

Liu Hong restrained his smile, and his thoughts were pulled from the bright interpretation pavilion in Jizhou to the dim Hall of Houde.

"Let Jian Shuo come in quickly."

Liu Hong waved his hand and ordered.


The old servant agreed to leave and walked quickly to the outside of the hall.

After a while, a rather burly general in a crimson battle robe walked into the hall.

This person is none other than Jian Shuo, the captain of the military academy and the commander of the embroidered emissary who rushed all the way back to Luoyang from Jizhou.

Jian Shuo walked into Houde Hall anxiously, and saw Liu Hong lying on the bed at a glance.

"National redemption, Jian Shuo is late..."

When Jian Shuo saw Liu Hong, he knelt down not far from the bed. Empress Dowager Dong was next to Liu Hong. He didn't dare to go forward, that would be rude.

"Come here, come to me."

Liu Hong raised his hand with difficulty, beckoned, and signaled Jian Shuo to come closer.

Seeing Liu Hong's gesture, Jian Shuo didn't dare to delay, so he hurried forward and knelt beside Liu Hong's bed, but still kept a certain distance from the Queen Mother.

"Help me up."


Under Liu Hong's instruction, Jian Shuo slowly helped Liu Hong up.

Liu Hong struggled to get up slowly, Empress Dowager Dong also stepped forward to help Jian Shuo hold Liu Hong up, and then Liu Hong stood up from the bed.

Jian Shuo supported Liu Hong, lowered his head, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Liu Hong looked at Jian Shuo who was crying, and said weakly, "I'm not dead yet, why are you crying..."

"When the country ordered me to go to war, I still struggled to support the country. I haven't seen you for ten months, but the country is much lighter..."

Jian Shuo suppressed his voice and tried hard to stop his tears, but he couldn't stop.

A smile appeared on Liu Hong's pale face.

"Help me out for a walk."

Jian Shuo looked hesitant, and deliberately refused. Now Liu Hong's health is very poor. Before he came, Jian Shuo had already learned about Liu Hong's physical condition.

"It's okay."

Liu Hong looked at Jian Shuo with a resolute expression.

Jian Shuo lowered his head and gave up the idea of ​​refusing. In fact, he never refused any request from Liu Hong.

If it wasn't for Liu Hong, perhaps he would have died in this deep palace many years ago.


Outside Houde Hall, a new attic was built a few days ago, which was named Zhaixing Building by Liu Hong, and a group of guards were in the four directions of Zhaixing Building.

On the top floor of the Zhaixing Building, there were only three people on the top floor of the Zhaixing Building. Jian Shuo supported Liu Hong and stood by the railing, looking at the stars all over the sky, while Empress Dowager Dong was sitting on a mat not far away.

"How's the situation in Jizhou?"

Liu Hong looked at the starry sky for a while, and felt a little more relaxed.

"It's all arranged."

Jian Shuo knew that Liu Hong might ask, so he answered immediately.

"The minister has handed over the upper barracks to Lu Shangshu. The 'Moth Thief' wants to flee from Anping to Julu County. Lu Shangshu has mobilized the army. Liu Yu, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou each lead their own troops and surround the The other two sides of 'Moth Thief'."

"Now the Wuhuan Qiao King sent by the puppet Yan has also been repelled by our army. Now our army can concentrate its forces to deal with the 'moth thief' in Jizhou. Moreover, Gongsun Zan's victory at the Shimen, the puppet Yan Kingdom will not be able to jump a long way. It’s a good day, and the situation is very good now.”

Jian Shuo said to Liu Hong with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry about the country. Xu An has been jumping for so long. This time, our army has gathered a group of elite soldiers and strong generals in Jizhou. They all say that Yan Liang and Wen Chou are the champions of the three armies. Lu Shangshu is the pillar of the country. People, this time there are forbidden troops to help in the battle, Jizhou has gathered more than [-] soldiers, although there are millions of 'moth thieves', but most of them are just mobs, my master Han Wangshi will definitely be able to sweep away evil spirits and wipe out the world."

The corner of Liu Hong's mouth turned up, and he also laughed along with Jian Shuo, but the smile quickly disappeared from his face.


Liu Hong sighed.

"If I trusted Huangfusong, Zhu Jun, and Lu Zhi, I am afraid that the situation of my big man will be several times better than it is now."

Jian Shuo paused, then laughed again.

"The country has a long life without borders. Such a minor illness will definitely survive. Now my big man is also regaining his vitality. The courtyard of the Interpretation Pavilion is intact. When the war in Jizhou is over, the country can go to the Interpretation Pavilion to cultivate for a while..."

Liu Hong waved his hand to stop Jian Shuo's words.

"My own body, I know it myself, you don't need to choose nice things to say to me."

Liu Hong stared at Jian Shuo who was at the side. The emperor of the big man was tormented by illness, but he still had some energy and spirit. At this time, he also had some power of the old emperor of the Han Dynasty: "You know the situation in Luoyang. ?"

"Reporting to the country, the minister is in charge of the embroidered clothes envoy, and he is quite clear about the situation in Luoyang."

Jian Shuo agreed and said in a low voice.

Liu Hong looked at Jian Shuo with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "I have already made a will, which will be passed on to the Prince's Association, and Liu Xie will be established as the emperor."

Jian Shuo suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Hong beside him, his smile froze on his face, at this moment he had forgotten the etiquette and rules.


At this time, Jian Shuo's heart was turned upside down.

Liu Hong actually made up his mind to abolish Liu Bian and make Liu Xie emperor.

You must know that Liu Xie is only eight years old now, and he is just a child, how can he become a good emperor.

There are party members inside, relatives of the He family, and rebellions in the three states outside.

Although Jian Shuo had told Liu Hong that the war in Jizhou was optimistic, in fact, facing the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An, who would dare to say that it was a sure victory.

And the retreat of King Wuhuanqiao's trilogy was not because of the Han army in Jizhou, but they had finished looting and looting a lot. At this time, there were changes in the north, so they withdrew from Jizhou.

Even if Liu Xie is really established as emperor, it is not difficult for the He family to abolish it.

Now the He family has one family and two generals, He Jin is the great general, he is granted the title of Marquis of Shen, commanding the forbidden army, and the head of the capital.

"I know that the He family is very powerful, and if Liu Xie is established as the emperor, there must be some people in the court who oppose it, and there must be many people who oppose it."

Liu Hong also saw Jian Shuo's worries. He didn't know about Jian Shuo's worries, but although Liu Bian was thirteen years old, his mind was not as good as Liu Xie's.

Moreover, he is really indecisive, he is obedient to Empress He, and he listens to He Jin's words.

If Liu Bian was really established as emperor, then he would be nothing more than a puppet emperor. The He family would definitely be able to use their status as foreign relatives to override Liu Bian, and even turn him into a puppet with strings.

Liu Hong's eyes flickered, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He was pulled out from the Interpretation Pavilion at the beginning, and succeeded to the throne in the Luoyang imperial palace, trembling like walking on thin ice, living cautiously for a long time, always living under the shadow of his foreign relative Dou Shi.

Liu Hong knew that feeling, he knew that feeling, he didn't believe in any Jin, he didn't want to hand over the world of this big man to He Jin, a brainless pig butcher, and he was still an idiot who took refuge in the aristocratic family.

For the aristocratic family, for the powerful, Liu Hong has always sneered and hated it.

Liu Bian is definitely not a good candidate for the emperor. On the contrary, Liu Xie is more valued by Liu Hong. Although he is only eight years old, Liu Xie has already shown intelligence that is far different from ordinary people.

Every time Liu Hong took the school exams, Liu Xie was able to answer the questions fluently, even excluding the files he had read, he could also answer his own opinions.

Moreover, Liu Xie acted resolutely and never shirked responsibility. As the saying goes, three years old see big things. Liu Hong felt that when Liu Xie grows up, he will definitely become a generation of Mingjun, and he will definitely be able to rejuvenate the great man.

Liu Hong's face was pale, and every word he said now cost him a lot of energy.

"Nowadays, my big man has both internal and external troubles, surrounded by tigers, leopards and wolves. The world must not be handed over to the He family, absolutely not to He Jin and those damn party members!"


Liu Hong's face was solemn and his tone was extremely stern.

He tightly grasped Jian Shuo's clothes and stared at Jian Shuo.

Jian Shuo felt a little timid when he looked at Liu Hong's captivating gaze. Under the dim light, Liu Hong's face looked extremely terrifying.

"I just called you back to Beijing."

Liu Hong's face was gloomy and cold, and his voice seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworld.

"He Jin is not a planner, he has already been controlled by the party members, the three states are in rebellion, there are internal worries and external troubles, my big man is in turmoil now, and the powerful families are all watching the wind and wanting to profit from it."

Liu Hong stared at Jian Shuo with bloodshot eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I have lived with Mrs. He for a long time. I know her temperament very well. She is stubborn and jealous. There are no concubines and maids in the harem who are not afraid of her."

Liu Hong looked solemn, and said: "If the throne falls to Prince Bian, then according to her temperament, she will definitely not give Liu Xie a way out, nor will she give you a way out, even..."

Liu Hong secretly glanced at the Empress Dowager Dong behind her, and winked at Jian Shuo.

Jian Shuo's heart tightened slightly. The former beauty Wang Rong gave birth to the prince Liu Xie. Empress He sent someone to poison Wang Rong with poisoned wine. Liu Hong was furious because of this, and wanted to depose Empress He from the position of empress. Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and other eunuchs We have to give up only after we resolutely dissuade them.Later, the prince Liu Xie was raised and taught by the Empress Dowager Dong himself, and he was called Dong Hou.

According to Empress He's personality, after Liu Hong's death, he and Liu Xie must have a difficult end...

Even Empress He might attack Empress Dowager Dong.

And this one might not be small...

Liu Hong raised his head and looked at Haoyue above his head, and murmured: "Once Liu Bian succeeds to the throne, my great man's throne will even fall into the hands of the aristocratic family. It may be unknown whether the lord of the world will be named 'Liu' again... "

"Promise me, Jian Shuo."

"Promise me, you will definitely support Liu Xie to succeed to the throne, help Liu Xie control the court, and stabilize my great Han country, so that I will not be stolen by Xiao Xiao and the family..."

Liu Hong's voice became weaker and weaker.


The long wind howled and blew past the top floor of the Star Picking Building.

"It would be great if I... stayed in the Interpretation Pavilion with Aunt all the time..."

Liu Hong looked at the stars all over the sky, and slowly closed his eyes.

His throat felt like a pinprick and he couldn't speak, he felt his body getting heavier and heavier, and the only strength he had was disappearing from his body.

Jian Shuo supported Liu Hong and tried his best not to let Liu Hong fall down.

He raised his sleeve to wipe the tears from his face, but soon more tears came out, and the tears blurred his vision and blurred his eyelids.

Liu Hong leaned on Jian Shuo's shoulder, as if he had fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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