The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 393 The Battle of Zhangshui 4k

Chapter 393 The Battle of Zhangshui (4) [-]K
"call out----"

The sharp wooden whistle sounded suddenly, and He Man raised the long stick in his hand, and hundreds of yellow angels behind him roared in unison, and at the same time raised the vertical melon hammer and curved edge shield in their hands.

These standing melon hammers were specially ordered by Xu An to be made by craftsmen, in order to be used on the frontal battlefield to fight against the sharp soldiers of the Han army and the forbidden army in Xiyuan.

The sharp soldiers of the Han army and the forbidden army of the West Garden are both equipped with iron armor extensively, and also filled with other protective materials on the iron armor. It is difficult to cut through with a knife and difficult to pierce with a spear.

"Wan Sheng!!"

He Man's military order was like a signal to open a reservoir.

After roaring in unison, the Yellow Angels turned into a flood of water that had accumulated in the reservoir for a long time. When the gate was opened, it rushed out in an instant.

Zhang Nan's expression changed drastically, why didn't he know that he had fallen into a trick to lure the enemy.

"It cost such a big price..."

Zhang Nan's heart was cold, he was like a broken bamboo along the way, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army marched everywhere, at least four to five hundred people of the Yellow Turban Army died in his previous assault.

And he could tell that the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were really defeated.

Throwing away their helmets and armor, their banners falling down, the generals of the Yellow Turban Army yelling at them vigorously, as well as their angry counterattacks, he could clearly see all the soldiers who had already fled in embarrassment.

Zhang Nan knew that Xu An must have withdrawn some of his soldiers to retreat, which weakened the defensive force of the area he was attacking, and made him break through the formation one after another.

But the two armies have been fighting endlessly, and the most taboo thing is the retreat of the fighting troops and the collapse of the army formation, because a little carelessness may cause a chain reaction, causing the entire front to collapse. Xu An dared to act like this. This is what shocked Zhang Nan.

"Zhang Nan?!"

There was a sudden explosion of shouting, Zhang Nan raised his eyebrows and looked forward, and the heavily armed yellow angels in front of him had already rushed over.

There is no way to avoid, no way to retreat, Zhang Nan knows that if he retreats at this time, all the parts under his command will inevitably be crossed, and he will even be driven out by the yellow angels, killing the generals all the way out.

He Man swung the long stick in his hand, and several guards beside him with double hammers followed He Man forward, and the sharp guards and guards standing in front of Zhang Nan were all knocked to the ground by him.

The hammer smashed on the iron armor, and the huge force directly acted on the human body covered by the iron armor, and its lethality far exceeded the damage that a knife and gun could cause to the iron armor.


Zhang Nan let out a roar when the long stick made of fine iron fell on his head, and instead of retreating, he raised his long-handled saber not to be outdone, and received He Man's powerful and heavy blow.

Under the tremendous force, the iron rod collided with the handle of the long knife, and even sparks flew out.

Zhang Nan's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect the force on the long stick to be so strong. After a long battle, he was already a little weak, so he knocked Zhang Nan half-kneeling on the ground.

He Man's heavy blow far exceeded his expectations. Zhang Nan held the long handle of the saber with both hands and struggled to resist the force from the long stick in He Man's hand. His hands were already numb from the shock. .

Huge force came along the hilt of the knife, like a long whip soaked in water, causing severe pain to his internal organs, and the blood in his chest was also churning.

Zhang Nan's heart was full of fear, and the fighting spirit that had risen in his heart disappeared like flowing water. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the Yellow Turban general in front of him.

Zhang Nan gritted his teeth, abandoned the long knife and rolled towards the back, trying to escape He Man's attack range.

But how could He Man make Zhang Nan happy? He Man's eyes sharpened, and he held the end of the fine iron rod with one hand. With just a swing of the ape arm, the long fine iron rod in his hand swept out like a wheel.

Before Zhang Nan got up, he heard a sound of piercing through the air. First, a loud noise sounded in his mind, and then a huge force came from the helmet on his head, all the way to his head. In the process, the severe pain distorted Zhang Nan's complexion. He stretched out his hand to grab something, but the force had already brought him to the ground, and the endless darkness immediately swallowed Zhang Nan's thoughts.

Holding a long fine iron stick, He Man stood on Zhang Nan's corpse with one foot, staring at the soldiers of the Han army in front of him, as towering as a general descended from the sky.

Zhang Nan's death became the last straw that crushed the Han army.

There was a sneer at the corner of He Man's mouth, he raised his stick and waved it forward, and ordered in a cold voice.

"Leave no one, kill them all!"


A group of yellow angels all agreed in a deep voice, and charged forward frantically.


Lu Zhi stood on the lookout cart with a solemn expression, he had already seen Zhang Nan's banner falling down.

At this time, the sharp soldiers of the Han army who broke into the formation of the Yellow Turban Army were completely in chaos. Under the leadership of He Man, the yellow angels quickly killed the sharp soldiers of the Han army.

They even dispersed the broken soldiers and broke through several Han army formations one after another, disrupting the originally orderly offensive rhythm of the Han army, and greatly reducing the pressure on the Yellow Turban soldiers on the rest of the front.


The low horn sounded from the front line of the Yellow Turban Army.

He Man stopped his forward steps and raised the fine iron stick in his hand. A yellow angel beside him who wanted to charge forward was stopped by him.


He Man gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

The horn sounded in the front line, which was the signal to remind He Man to retreat.

The group of yellow angels did not hesitate. No matter what military order the lord general issued, as long as it did not violate their beliefs, they would resolutely carry it out without any hesitation.

No one cared about the corpses of the Han soldiers lying on the ground. Although those corpses represented military merit and rewards, none of these yellow angels cared, because what they wanted was not military merit and rewards.

Thanks to the long-term training, the advance and retreat of the Yellow Angels was extremely orderly, and they retreated into the formation of the Yellow Turban Army in just a blink of an eye.

And just when He Man, who was in the back of the palace, had just retreated into the formation, countless fiery red banners caught his eyes.

A armored cavalry leaped into his field of vision. The leading general, a Han cavalry general with a spear, leaped forward, and behind him, hundreds of soldiers were holding tower shields and holding sharp knives. , the soldiers of the Han army with red tassels on their heads came slowly.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, He Man could still feel the aura of this army, which was completely different from that of Jizhou's county army. It was an incomparably fierce aura.

If the Jizhou Army is described as ferocious wolves, then the Forbidden Army from the West Garden is the king of beasts in the forest - colorful tigers!
"The Forbidden Army of the West Garden?!"

He Man had seen the sharp soldiers of the Han army, and he didn't have much fear, but this was the first time he had seen the forbidden army in Xiyuan, an army that had been living in rumors.

The visual impact brought by the Xiyuan Forbidden Army is far better than that of the Han Army's elite soldiers several times.

Chunyu Qiong rode on the horse, and looked proudly at the well-organized Yellow Turban Army formation in front of him. These soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who had made great achievements in the Battle of Kuicheng were not taken seriously by Chun Yuqiong. Because under his command, the most powerful soldiers in the world are assembled, and they are equipped with the most elite weapons in the world.

There is no army, no generals, who can stop this powerful army composed of hundreds of warriors.

Chunyu Qiong looked towards the pole-watching chariot in front of the Yellow Turban Army not far away, where a large khaki flag was erected.

"Qianhu Hou..."

A gleam of coldness flashed across Chunyu Qiong's eyes, and he stared at the tall telescoping chariot surrounded by a group of soldiers.

The husband holds the Wu hook with only one hand, and his spirit is higher than that of Baichilou.
Whoever wrote the history for ten thousand years wants to become a prince three thousand miles away.

In the past, Huangfusong won the title of Marquis of Huaili when he fought against the Yellow Turban Army, and the rent and tax of Shihuaili and Meiyang counties.

As a warrior, no one would want such glory.

But at this time, as long as Xu An's head is removed, this honor can be obtained, how can people not feel jealous.


On the trolley, Xu An had a clear view of the situation on the battlefield. The left and right camps were coming from two sides.

In the distance, Lu Zhi's cart was slowly moving forward, and the infantry in the barracks had already stepped forward, slowly approaching the center, while the Jizhou soldiers were slowly retreating.

Lu Zhi joined the Forbidden Army of the West Garden, which also proved that the Han army sounded the clarion call for a general offensive.

Xu An pressed his hands on the handrails, leaned forward, and stared at the grass in the distance. Lu Zhi's telescoping cart was also slowly approaching.

Xu An's expression changed. The Forbidden Army on the two wings of the West Garden was slowly approaching, and it was only [-] meters away from the position of the Yellow Turban Army soldiers.

"My lord, the imperial guards on the two wings have entered the shooting range."

Liu Pi stepped forward and reminded.

"I know."

Xu An clasped the armrest with both hands and nodded.

"Wave the blue flag, throw stones at once, and target the forbidden Han troops on both wings!"

Xu An raised the folding fan in his hand, first pointed at the Forbidden Army of the West Garden on the left, and drew a fan shape in front of him, and finally the head of the folding fan stayed on the square formation of the Forbidden Army of the West Garden on the right.

The blue flag on the lookout pole waved.

There was a loud noise immediately behind the front of the Yellow Turban Army. The yellow cloth was lifted by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, and the catapults were moved out of the fence and behind the bunker.

"Quickly enter the predetermined position, adjust the angle, and adjust according to the training of the previous few days!"

A military officer of the Yellow Turban Army walked back and forth, shouting orders loudly.

"Hurry up!"

The warriors of the Yellow Turban Army chanted chant and pulled the catapult forward slowly.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who stood in front of them all gave way, and in a short time they gave way to the grass under their feet. The place where the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army gave up was the location selected in advance by these catapults. Watchtower, this watchtower is exactly the watchtower used by the observers of the catapult convoy to observe the distance of the enemy.

One after another, the catapults quickly stopped at the predetermined position. They had practiced this situation many times, and they were naturally familiar with it.

These catapults are not the kind of counterweight catapults used in previous sieges, but torsion catapults.

Although the counterweight trebuchet is powerful and has a long throwing distance, but the volume of the counterweight trebuchet is too large, it will inevitably be discovered by it, and the angle adjustment and loading time are relatively long, so it is not suitable for field combat, but more suitable for Siege.

These torsion trebuchets were Xu An's new weapons against the West Garden Forbidden Army.

Torque trebuchets rely on twisting a rope to create a force ejection.The ejection rod is usually upright, with a "spoon" or leather pouch for the projectile at the top of the rod, and the lower end of the rod is inserted into a tightly twisted horizontal rope.

It uses the power generated by the twisted tendons to project stone projectiles. There is a beam on the top of the frame, a tightly twisted tendon is installed horizontally on the bottom, and the end of the projectile rod is vertically inserted in the middle of the tendons.

At the top of the rod was the "scoop" or pouch for the pellets, and the lower end of the rod was inserted into a tightly twisted horizontal rope.

Usually, the elastic force generated by the twisting of the tendons makes the projectile rod tightly against the beam, and the projectile rod will be leveled down when casting,
When ejecting, first use the winch to pull the ejection rod to a nearly horizontal position, and put the projectile in the "spoon" or the leather ammunition bag.When the winch rope is released, the ejection lever returns to a vertical position and ejects the projectile.

There are many wild animals in the Taihang Mountains, and defeating the Xiongnu allowed Xu An to obtain a large amount of meat, but also allowed Xu An to obtain a large number of animal rubber bands, and there was no shortage of materials for making twisted ropes.

These torsion catapults were also secretly produced in the workshops in the Taihang Mountains. All operators were selected and trained militarily in the mountains.

Xu An also participated in the formulation of the training plan, trying to keep the quality of the twisted ropes as consistent as possible, and then selected some Yellow Turban Army talismans who are quite proficient in arithmetic, and taught them some mathematical knowledge, such as the relationship between angle and range. , to calculate the relationship between the tightness of the twisted rope and the range.

Then he was arranged to be the calibrator of the torsion catapult, and by the way, he was allowed to continue to teach the idea of ​​peace in the army, so as to consolidate the loyalty of the personnel of the torsion catapult team.

The production of torsion catapults is easier, so now Xu An owns more than sixty torsion catapults.

These torsion catapults did not follow the Yellow Turban Army all the way south into Anping, but were left in Shan County from the beginning, so these catapults could also be transported to the Zhangshui Plain in time.

"Four rounds!"

The military officer of the Yellow Turban Army shouted orders, and then raised the ring sword in his hand high.

"Car No. [-] is complete!"

"Car No. [-] completed!"

"Car No. [-]..."

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who manipulated the torsion catapult moved quickly without a trace of procrastination. They knew that every second they slowed down, more people would die, and they were one step closer to victory.

They trained hard for many days, repeating mechanical movements every day, just to load faster, control better, and shoot more accurately, to win.

"Let's go!"

"call out----"

The ring head knife was swung down, and the sharp whistle sounded at the same time. There was no need for a test shot. As early as a few days ago, they had already tested the approximate landing point. point location.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Sixty torsion catapults roared almost at the same time, the projectile rods rebounded suddenly and hit the beam, and the stone projectiles loaded on the throwing spoon flew out one after another under the action of huge force!

(End of this chapter)

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