Chapter 508
Luoyang City, Dong Zhuo's residence.

Originally, Dong Zhuo stayed overnight in the palace, causing dissatisfaction among all the officials, but finally returned to his mansion under Li Ru's strong advice.

But now Dong Zhuo's mansion is as luxurious as the imperial palace, even worse.

Even sometimes, when discussing major national affairs, Dong Zhuo directly sent officials to the mansion to report and discuss, without even going to the palace.

The officials of the Manchu Dynasty dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Now Dong Zhuo's power has completely reached its peak.

He did not go to the court, praised him without being famous, and walked on the palace with his sword. None of the officials in the capital dared to refute him.

Not long ago, because of the Kwantung Allied Forces, Dong Zhuo caused another storm in Luoyang City.

A large number of aristocratic families were killed, including the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third prince.

Dong Zhuo killed Yuan Kui, the grand servant, Yuan Ji, and more than [-] members of his family who were above Chikou, on Yuan Shao's account.

There are other families related to the Kwantung Allied Forces that were not spared by Dong Zhuo. .

Under Dong Zhuo's instruction, Xuan Tingwei set off a big case in Luoyang
For a time, everyone in Luoyang was in danger, every house was closed, Dong Zhuo's mansion was full of loyalists, and Xuan Tingwei's big case in Luoyang involved thousands of people.

Countless heads fell, a large number of powerful families were implicated, money was confiscated, and land was confiscated as Dong Zhuo's private property.

At this time, Dong Zhuo's mansion was very quiet.

Apart from Dong Zhuo, only Li Ru was still in the house, and Dong Zhuo sent the rest of the people out.

The news of the fall of Hedong County has already reached Dong Zhuo's ears.

Xuan Tingwei was defeated by Yinglangwei's offensive, and Yu Fuluo rebelled at a critical moment, leading to Niu Fu's defeat.

Now in Hedong County, only the city of Fenyin has not fallen into the hands of the Yellow Turban Army.

But now Fenyin has already been surrounded by an army led by Xu An, and his son-in-law Niu Fu is now besieged in Fenyin.

There are more than [-] soldiers with Niu Fu, among them there are more than [-] Xiliang soldiers, and these [-] Xiliang soldiers are the backbone of his army.

"This Xu An is really courageous."

Dong Zhuo sneered, Li Ru's eyes moved slightly, he could hear the suppressed anger in Dong Zhuo's voice.

"Who does he think he is? After attacking Hedong, he dared to send envoys to Luoyang?!"

Dong Zhuo's eyes were full of tyranny.

Not long ago, after Fenyin was besieged, a group of envoys sent by the Yellow Turban Army went to Strider Pool.

And the purpose of that team of envoys was to come to Luoyang to have an interview with Dong Zhuo, and they actually claimed that the Yellow Turban Army didn't actually want to occupy Hedong County.

Naturally, Dong Zhuo would not believe a single word of this kind of nonsense.

Didn't the Yellow Turban Army actually want to occupy Hedong County?Now the last stronghold controlled by the Xiliang Army in Hedong County is Fenyin.

And now the city of Fenyin is still surrounded by the army led by Xu An.

Yu Fuluo rebelled, and the Yellow Turban Army captured the southern area of ​​​​Hedong County in less than ten months. If there is still no plan, then what is a plan?
Dong Zhuo's eyes were full of murderous intent, and now he finally understood Liu Hong's feelings in the past.

The time when Xu An sent troops was always chosen at a critical moment.

Moreover, every attack is well-planned and extremely swift, like thunder and lightning.

If he missed a hit, he retreated quickly.

But once a hit hits, the follow-up offensive will continue like a gust of wind and waves, making it difficult to parry.

Originally, Dong Zhuo didn't like Xu An at all, even if Xu An was appointed to join the state at that time, he was already famous all over the world.

But Dong Zhuo actually still dismisses Xu An. In Dong Zhuo's eyes, Xu An is just a magic stick like Zhang Jiao who can only play tricks by relying on his luck.

When he clears the Central Plains and takes control of the world, it will be easy to destroy Xu An.

But the current Xu An made Dong Zhuo feel a sense of crisis.

Dong Zhuo was very familiar with that feeling, because he also had that feeling when he first met Huangfusong, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun.

"Sun Tzu Military Struggle" has a saying: "Therefore, it is as swift as the wind, as slow as the forest, as invading as fire, as immovable as a mountain, as difficult to know as shadow, as moving as thunder."

Huangfusong was born in a noble family, set an example by example, stopped the generals he wanted, and used the method of stopping his desires to guard soldiers.

Zhu Jun was born in a poor family. He used his power to control soldiers. He was good at attacking. He used troops quickly and fiercely, and invaded like fire.

Lu Zhi is an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs. He uses his wisdom to control his troops, cultivates military strategies, his offense is as swift as the wind, and his defense is as steady as a mountain.

It is not too much to say that Huangfusong, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun are the top three famous generals in the world.

But when Dong Zhuo really got to know Xu An, he discovered that Xu An was already faintly comparable to Huangfusong, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun in terms of military tactics.

If it is said that Xu An in Kuicheng killed Zhu Jun and defeated Hanoi County, it was because of exhaustion of organs, intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, and Hanoi's weak army, that's why he killed Zhu Jun.

Then the battle of Jizhou was a real head-to-head confrontation. Although the Yellow Turban Army had a special war weapon, a stone throwing machine, Yan Zhong was there to assist.

But Xu An was still the main general of the Yellow Turban Army in that battle. Xu An resisted the situation and suppressed Lu Zhi from the front. This is a fact.

In the past, Zhang Jiao, who practiced the yin and yang military law in the "Taiping Jing", once defeated Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo had seen with his own eyes the morale that the yin and yang family could boost.

Soldiers of Yin-Yang: "Advance in accordance with the times, promote morality, fight with the fight, because of five victories, false ghosts and gods will help."

Just because I have seen it before, this also made Dong Zhuo feel more dignified.

Xu Anxiu's army was yin and yang, and his knowledge of military strategy was obtained from the "Taiping Jing".

And it seems that compared to Zhang Jiao, Xu An's grasp of the theory of Bing Yin Yang School is even better.

Relying on the "Taiping Jing" and the experience accumulated in successive battles, Xu An has actually become a master of the Yin and Yang Soldier.

And the shadow of the hidden soldier artificer is inside.

The current Dong Zhuo even suspects that besides the "Taiping Jing", Xu An has other inheritances and teachers.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the kind of catapult that can throw stone bullets from a long distance, as well as various training, training, and armaments.

Such as the Yanling knife, such as the four-wheeled carriage, such as the heavy armored army is fully equipped with blunt weapons.

This is exactly in line with the characteristics of military artisans, "learn hands and feet, use equipment, accumulate organs, so as to benefit the winner of offense and defense."

Today's Xu An also cultivates military yin and yang, and military skills. His method of using troops is different from Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Lu Zhi, and is unique.

Xu An's use of soldiers is described by four words, which fits the four characters of "moving like thunder".

If you don't move, you're done, and if you move, it's like thunder, thunder!

The more he looked at Xu An's family history, the more he delved into Xu An's journey before, the more startled Dong Zhuo became.

It started from a humble beginning, but it can rise rapidly.

Pacifying Taihang, going to war in Kuicheng, invading Shangdang, advancing on Hedong, Dingding and Bingzhou in Xu'an made Dong Zhuo see Xu'an clearly.

Xu An's character is very cautious, and he often makes decisions before acting, and hardly acts impulsively.

Throughout his experience, regardless of whether the enemy is strong or weak, they are all well-planned and then act quickly to defeat the place in one fell swoop before the enemy is fully prepared.

The lion and the elephant fight the rabbit with all their strength.

With Li Ru's help, Dong Zhuo restored Xu An's family history, and only then did he see a complete Xu An.

Taihang Mountain, Shangdang County, Wangwu Mountain, Taiyue Mountain, northern Hedong County, Bingzhou, South Xiongnu, and Youzhou counties, and finally entered Bingzhou in Huangjin of Sizhou.

Along the way, the development of the Yellow Turban Army seemed to be in Xu An's plan.

The Yellow Turban Army seems to have been moving forward in an orderly manner, without being confused or hindered by any other things outside, and has never been disturbed. They have always been walking forward on their own path.

It didn't take too much time for the Yellow Turban Army to capture all these places. They all attacked the city and defeated the enemy army at an extremely fast speed. It can really be called thunderous.

With the addition of new types of catapults, new four-wheeled carriages in the Yellow Turban Army, and the emergence of a large number of cavalry, the Yellow Turban Army is now becoming more and more mobile.

Dong Zhuo suddenly had a feeling that maybe the real enemy that finally hindered him from capturing the world was the Yellow Turban Army in the north, not the Kwantung Allied Forces that seemed to be powerful now.

(End of this chapter)

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