The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 519 Beitou

Chapter 519 Beitou
Zhang Yang's face was gloomy, and he handed over the whip to the attendant, before the guards guarding the tent opened the tent, he had already walked up to him, lifted the curtain with his hands, and walked quickly into the big tent.


At this moment in the tent, more than a dozen generals were sitting on both sides. When they saw Zhang Yang walking into the tent, they all stood up immediately, and all of them focused their eyes on Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was slightly startled, and stopped at the door. He didn't summon the generals, but now all the generals are concentrated in the battalion commander, which is a bit unusual.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to ask a question, he saw a group of generals standing in front of them, a general wearing a military uniform and azure blue shirt.

"Lieutenant Jia didn't want to guard Pingjin Pass, how did he come to the barracks of our Bingzhou Army?"

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a rather unfriendly tone.

What Li Ru said at the beginning was even better than what he sang, and Dong Zhuo was sure at the beginning that they were conferred with the state army and rewarded with a lot of money.

But as time went by, Dong Zhuo became more and more miserable.

The dirty work was done by them and the Bingzhou Army, the former Luoyang garrison, and the county soldiers, and all the good things were done by the Xiliang Army under Dong Zhuo's command.

Let's talk about the Battle of Xingyang, although Xu Rong successfully defeated Cao Cao and Bao Xin.

But obviously they were the pioneers of the Bingzhou Army, but in the end most of the rewards were the generals of the Xiliang Army. Most of the credit was taken away by the Xiliang Army, leaving only a little broth for them.

It was the same in the battle of Xincheng later, they fought hard with the state army in front, but in the end the rewards they got were pitifully small.

There were many reasons for the defeat in the Battle of Taigu Pass. In fact, the biggest reason was renunciation. Dong Zhuo had more than [-] soldiers under his command. There was dissatisfaction, so when the defeat was obvious, he chose to give up without hesitation.

Even along the way, a large number of trilogy defeated by Sun Jian chose to join Sun Jian's command and became Sun Jian's pawns.

The forward troops that attacked Taigu Pass in this battle were actually Sun Jian's surrendered troops.

Sun Jian was clear about rewards and punishments, and he never harshly criticized the soldiers, nor did he have factional prejudices, and he never deliberately suppressed them.

The troops under Sun Jian's command are actually extremely complex, from the Yuzhou army, to the army of King Chen Liu Chong, and the Yuan family's soldiers, Ji Ling led the elite Yuan Shu army, and the county soldiers of Nanyang County.

Sun Jian's army actually had more factions than Dong Zhuo's army, but there was no internal friction in Dong Zhuo's army.

There are factions in Dong Zhuo's army now, in fact, no one else is to blame, it is because of Dong Zhuo.

Ever since Dong Zhuo took control of Luoyang, he has frequently made foolish moves, indulging in a life of sensuality and luxury.

Li Ru, Dong Min, Xu Rong and others all once advised Dong Zhuo, but Dong Zhuo turned a blind eye to their advice, and always insisted on his own opinion and wanted to have fun.

It wasn't until the Kwantung Allied Forces gathered their troops that Dong Zhuo turned around again, at least he was no longer as addicted to pleasure as before.

It's just that Dong Zhuo at this time went from one extreme to another. A large number of ministers were killed by him. It was indeed safer to move the capital to Chang'an, but Dong Zhuo had no plan, and even connived at the reckless actions of his soldiers.

Dong Zhuo could no longer listen to other people's opinions, even Li Ru's request for a meeting was sometimes rejected by Dong Zhuo.

Today's Dong Zhuo is no longer the Dong Zhuo who "was a young and heroic man, traveled around the Qiang, and bonded with all the heroes", and he was no longer the Dong Zhuo who was willing to "kill the cattle and feast with each other".

He became selfish, he began to indulge in sensuality, he began to indulge in a corrupt life, he was willing to degenerate, and he was willing to sink.

Jia Xu bowed to Zhang Yang, walked out of the queue and asked.

"Taiguguan was defeated. Sun Jian has already led the army to Luoyang. Xiangguo has now led the army to retreat westward. Xiangguo seems to have ordered General Hua Xiong and General Zhang to stay behind and let you two lead the troops to stay in Luoyang. I don't know. Is there such a thing?"

All the generals and schools in the big tent looked at Zhang Yang, and there was a commotion coming from their sides. Everyone's eyes were on Zhang Yang, and they all wanted to know whether the news from Zhang Yang was accurate.

Although they had been psychologically prepared for a long time, they were still extremely upset when they heard the news.

Zhang Yang pressed his waist knife and walked to the first seat, he didn't even look at Jia Xu.

Now the gap between the Xiliang Army and the Bingzhou Army is getting bigger and bigger, and now Dong Zhuo let him stay in Luoyang, making it clear that they are the Bingzhou Army as the rear.

"Aren't you in the tent when Xiangguo gave the order?"

Zhang Yang naturally didn't have the slightest good looks towards Jia Xu, and said coldly.

"Lieutenant Jia has something to say, you can speak it out, there is no need to waste time probing."

"Since General Zhang said so, if I don't say it clearly, I really don't know what is good or bad."

Jia Xu walked out of the queue slowly and stood opposite Zhang Yang. He saluted again, then raised his head and asked in a deep voice.

"Sun Jian is very brave. In the battle of Taigu Pass, I am afraid that he has recruited a lot of soldiers. I am afraid that the number of soldiers under his command will not decrease, but will increase."

"Xiangguo left Huaxiong to defend Luoyang with [-] elite cavalry, and left the general to lead Bingzhou with [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to assist in the defense. Although this is the case, in fact Luoyang is no longer safe, and the general left is just a pretense. Palace army, cover the retreat of the army, the general must have known..."

Zhang Yang stood in front of the desk in the first seat, with his back to Jia Xu, and his expression became more ugly following what Jia Xu said.

Jia Xu looked around at the people in the tent, what Jia Xu saw on their faces was either anger or anger, and the state army had already complained a lot about Dong Zhuo.

"Zhang Yang started in the army. He is familiar with military books and military strategies. He must also know what it means for Luoyang to be lost and the defeat of Taiguguan."

Zhang Yang turned around and faced Jia Xu, but he heard an unusual meaning from Jia Xu's mouth.

Losing Luoyang, they basically lost the strategic initiative, and it will be even more difficult to get out of Guanzhong.

After the defeat at Taigu Pass, Dong Zhuo's army collapsed thousands of miles away, almost losing all their energy and energy. It was reasonable for Dong Zhuo to choose to retreat westward.

But Zhang Yang also knew that if he went to Guanzhong, he might not be able to return to Luoyang for many years, or even never return to Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo's current ugliness had already been seen by Zhang Yang.

The land of Guanzhong is indeed a king's business, but it also depends on who it is.

If it was the first emperor who worked hard to rule, and the previous kings of the pre-Qin Dynasty, it would naturally be the land of kings and hegemony.

It is possible to "strengthen the survivors of the sixth life, develop a long-term strategy and impoverish the inner world, swallow the princes for two weeks and perish the princes, act as the supreme and control the Liuhe, hold on to beat and flog the world!"

However, the land in Guanzhong is blocked by natural dangers, but it is also a land of conservation.

How can Dong Zhuo, who is now showing his ugly face, be compared with the talented and bold Emperor Shihuang?
I'm afraid that when he arrives in Guanzhong and Chang'an, he will only let the generals guard the checkpoint, and then continue to live his extravagant and luxurious life in Chang'an City.

Jia Xu observed the change of Zhang Yang's face, he paused slightly, his voice sharpened, and continued to speak

"Dong Zhuo's achievements are meager, but he stole the position of Xiangguo and abolished the emperor. He is rebellious and perverse! He has no support from the people, family, or army!"

Zhang Yang's heart suddenly changed, and his complexion suddenly changed. Jia Xu's words can be said to be heartbreaking.

"Jia Wenhe, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Zhang Yang shouted angrily, interrupting Jia Xu's words, and all the generals in the camp were in an uproar, all looking at Jia Xu.

Jia Xu's face remained unchanged, he glanced at the generals in the camp, and said calmly.

"Sun Jian's heart is now in Luoyang. General Zhang led the Bingzhou Army and lost some soldiers. It is true that he can return to the Guanzhong area, but Dong Zhuo will probably let the general stay at the Strider Pool to prevent Sun Jian from continuing to advance west."

"General Zhang must also know in his heart that the situation is mostly the same as I said below. In these few battles, which time did General Zhang either act as the vanguard or retreat, and which time did he not serve as the army?"

Jia Xu sneered.

"Dong Zhuo acted like this, defeat is inevitable. Today's Xiliang army is just a dilapidated ship sailing on the big river, sinking only overnight."

"The evils he committed are innumerable. He stole and dug the imperial tomb, burned the palace, killed the ministers, destroyed the ancestral temple, arbitrarily abolished the emperor, worshiped the country, faced the emperor face to face, had no etiquette, disregarded the dignity, violated the etiquette law, and perverted for a long time. , has provoked the wrath of the heavens and the resentment of the people..."

The more Zhang Yang listened, the more frightened he became. He originally thought that Jia Xu might be because Dong Zhuo was worried about him and wanted to deceive him, but Jia Xu was in front of him, enumerating Dong Zhuo's crimes in front of everyone.

After Jia Xu uttered all the crimes, Zhang Yang broke out in a cold sweat.

These words, as long as Xuan Tingwei listens to one sentence, it will be the end of death!

But Jia Xu didn't intend to stop at all, he took two steps forward, approaching Zhang Yang, and continued speaking in a deep voice.

"Now that General Zhang is leading his troops west to Guanzhong, once Dong Zhuo is defeated, General Zhang may be charged with the crime of treason in the future when the liquidation is settled. At that time, not to mention the eternal infamy, even General Zhang's family may not be preserved!"

Jia Xu looked at the terrified generals among the battalion commanders, and sneered.

"I'm afraid everyone here will inevitably be designated as rebellious at that time. I don't need to say more about the method of the embroidered clothes messenger. The crime of rebellion is the crime of family punishment!"

"You might as well open your eyes and see what happened to the rebels in the past. In the seventh year of Guanghe, millions of yellow scarves were used as flags, and trees were cut down as soldiers. Eight states rose together and were pacified by Huangfusong. Huangfusong used his The dead body built sixteen 'Jingguan' in Xiaquyang to show the world and tell the rebels what crimes they should have!"

All the generals and schools of the Bingzhou Army all looked ashen. Some lowered their heads, some turned their eyes to Zhang Yang, and some even stood unsteadily.

But Zhang Yang calmed down slowly at this time. He looked at Jia Xu who was facing him, and his voice became colder.

"What is Captain Jia looking for me for?"

Jia Xu looked into Zhang Yang's eyes, and there was no trace of fear in them.

"I'm here to point out a way out for General Zhang, to point out a way out for the Bingzhou Army."



Zhang Yang frowned, and said with a sneer: "According to Lieutenant Jia Du, going to Guanzhong is death, and staying in Luoyang is also death. Now the Kwantung Allied Forces in Hanoi are still in the north, and there are soldiers blocking the pass outside the east. Sun Jian is in the south. , all four roads are dead, where is there any way out?"

"Go north."

Jia Xu pointed to the north and said calmly.


Zhang Yang looked solemn and repeated.

"Jizhou Mu Han Fu's general Qu Yi was in civil turmoil. Han Fu personally led the army to conquer but was defeated by him. Han Fu and Gongsun Zan had friction again. Now the Kwantung coalition forces in Huai County have actually retreated more than half. Yuan Shao led the troops to support Han Fu. Today in Hanoi County, only Wang Kuang leads more than [-] soldiers and is still stationed in Huai County."

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, and sneered.

"Even if there are only more than [-] soldiers in Huai County, it is difficult for our army to conquer the city in a short time based on our existing troops. Once the enemy's reinforcements arrive, our army will definitely be defeated. Even if you control Hanoi County, what's the point? If Luoyang can't hold it, how can Hanoi County hold it?"

"Who said we were going to capture Hanoi County?"

Jia Xu took another step forward and continued speaking.

"Nowadays all the heroes in the world are fighting together, the Kwantung coalition forces are not united, and each has their own plans. The land outside the pass has been divided up by them. Following Dong Zhuo to go to the pass is only a dead end."

"The only way out now..."

Jia Xu paused, pointed to the north, and said firmly.

"Go north and join Xu An!"

Zhang Yang's complexion changed slightly, and his heart was full of waves, which was even more shocking than when he first heard Jia Xu enumerate Dong Zhuo's crimes.

"Nowadays the prestige of the Han Dynasty has been demolished, the Eastern and Western emperors stand side by side, and the prefects and governors of various places have their own minds. They have already annexed each other, fighting endlessly, and showing a tendency to separate regimes."

"Although the Eastern Emperor is intelligent, he is still young and cannot control the heroes of the Kanto."

Zhang Yang looked solemnly, Liu Xie was really smart, he had met Liu Xie once, he behaved like an adult, not like an ordinary child, he was much more mature than Liu Bian and even mentally.

Now Liu Xie proclaims himself emperor in Chendu, but the Kwantung heroes don't seem to respect this emperor.

The Kwantung Allied Forces have almost collapsed and have begun to attack each other.

Except for Sun Jian who is still insisting on fighting alone, the rest of the princes have already begun to think carefully.

Jia Xu looked around at the people in the tent and said loudly.

"Xu An is now occupying the territory of the twelve counties, surrendering the Xiongnu, taking over Wuhuan, and closing Liangzhou in the west. He has won successive battles."

"There are Shanggu County and Dai County Youzhou County in the east, and the six cities in the northern part of Zhongshan, Jizhou can also be taken. Youzhou can be taken."

"In the south, there is Shangdang, which can look forward to the Central Plains, and Hedong County, where troops can enter Guanzhong."

"Taiping Dao has become a climate. Xu An's army is strong and the people are rich. It has not been seen for a long time now. It is just accumulating vigor. When the food and grass are abundant, it is time to attack Youji!"

"There are many cavalry under Xu An's command, including Wuhuan Tuqi, Xiongnu bow cavalry, Xiaoqi battalion and other cavalry. The warriors and sharp warriors are famous all over the world. Those who are trapped in the camp and the yellow angels are even more powerful soldiers in the world. Looking at the heroes of the world, Is there an opponent?"

Jia Xu took another step forward, facing Zhang Yang, and said solemnly.

"Xu'an has the spirit of a benevolent master. He attacked Bingzhou, but he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He was willing to surrender to the generals and schools. Except for causing disasters to neighbors, the rest of the sinners were forgiven, and he did not violate the people."

"Xu An is now thinking of talents and thirsting for talents. If General Zhang leads the army to Beitou, he will not only have a way of life, but also have a bright future."

"Wang Kuang is weak, and he will not dare to stop the general. We will go north from Pingjin Pass and go straight to Tianjing Pass in Taihang Xing. If we march at full speed, we can reach it in five days with infantry."

Jia Xu's face was very serious, and he bowed deeply to Zhang Yang with both hands.

"Prosperity and decline are all in the general's mind."

(End of this chapter)

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