The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 561 Gaoping First City

Chapter 561 Gaoping First City

December [-]nd.

After receiving the news from Wang Xin, Xu An did not delay, and immediately raised his army to the south, and continued southward all the way, heading towards the predetermined battlefield - Gaoping City in the south of Anding County.

Originally, Xu An chose to fight against Han Sui and Ma Teng outside Gaoping City.

But people are not as good as heaven. When Xu An led the army all the way to Gaoping, it didn't take long for Han Sui and Ma Teng to react.

Although the two had an agreement before, saying that if Xu An led the Yellow Turban Army to invade, the two families would strike out unanimously, but when the juncture really came, the two sides had already fought a real fire, so how could it be so easy to join forces in one place.

When the two finally reached a consensus and wanted to return to the teacher, they were already one step behind.

The main cavalry army under the command of the two is still in Hanyang County, and it is still more than ten days away from Gaoping City.

Gaoping, also known as "the first city"

"Continued Hanshu · County and Country Chronicles" Anding County: "Gaoping has the first city."

Sanshui City is located in the north of Anding County. Although it is the only city in the north of Anding County, it is not impossible to bypass Sanshui City.

Gaoping City is completely different from its Sanshui City in terms of importance and geographical location.

In the third year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (114 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up Anding County and built Gaoping City in order to strengthen the military defense of the northwest frontier.

The Gaoping city site is located on the west bank of the upper reaches of the Gaoping River.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Gaoping River was wide enough for boats.

The terrain along the Gaopingchuan River is open and flat, with thousands of miles of fertile fields and abundant grain and crops.

Moreover, the geographical location is extremely important. In the south of Gaoping City, Lushan Gorge (Sanguankou to Wating) is connected to the capital, and through the gorge and along the Jinghe River, it can lead directly to Chang'an.

If Gaoping City wants to continue going south, it must conquer Gaoping City. Gaoping City is the real gateway of Anding County.

Without conquering Gaoping, it is absolutely impossible to enter the southern part of Anding County.

The situation of Gaoping City is rock-like, Dongyue is on the left, Xiping is on the right, Jiulongbin is in the front, and Beiyuan is in the back.

The Qingshui River is in the southeast, and the Yinma River is in the northwest.

This is not only an important military town, but also a must pass through the northern route of the eastern section of the Silk Road.

It is located in the northern part of Qinlong, according to the throat of Liupan.

"The breastband is Xiliang, and the throat is Lingwu", "according to the shoulders of the eight counties, the core of the three towns".

Known as the "Mouth of Xisai" and "Guanzhong Barrier", it has been an important place for military deployment in the past dynasties.

When Xu An finished preparations and led the army to Gaoping, he did not wait for Han Sui and Ma Teng's coalition forces.

Yingwei's reply was very quick, and Xu An learned that the troops of Han Sui and Ma Teng were still in Hanyang County.

Not only that, but only a few reinforcements from other places in Anding County rushed to Gaoping to support them.

At this time, Zhang Yan had led his troops to the city of Linjing, the prefecture of Anding County. The prefecture was besieged, which also attracted the attention of all the generals in Anding County.

Now all the parts of Anding County are rushing to help Linjing, but they don't want Xu An to come to Gaoping City like a divine soldier.

This is simply a godsend.

What God does not take, is to be blamed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu An directly ordered a strong attack, using crude ladders and some improvised siege equipment to collect siege tools everywhere, and forcibly attacked Gaoping City.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xu An to let the elite direct cavalry under his command consume this kind of attack without the slightest preparation, and naturally the family soldiers and Qianghu slave cavalry under Wang's command could not be included in the siege sequence.

So there was actually only one choice from the very beginning, and that was to mobilize the Xianbei cavalry recruited from the Xianbei in the west to take on the responsibility of storming the city.

During the entire Gaoping siege, almost all the Xianbei people died.

Xu An led the cavalry army of the headquarters to sit in the central army to monitor all parties, while Wang Xin led the private soldiers of the Wang family and the Qiang Hu Congqi as supervisors, and ordered the Xianbei people to launch a strong attack on Gaoping City.

The fugitives were killed immediately, and even their tribes were seated.

Under such strict military orders, none of the Xianbei cavalry sent to attack the city dared to escape.

Surrounded by Qiang Hu Congqi and Wang's family soldiers, the elite armored cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army sat behind them, standing still.

There is no escape, no escape.

There was no other way, and the Xianbei, who had no choice, launched a strong attack on Gaoping City under the leadership of the leaders of their respective tribes.

After a full seven days of bloody battle, more than [-] Xianbei corpses were piled up under Gaoping City, and the Yellow Turban Army finally broke through Gaoping City.

Under the Gaoping city, it is not an exaggeration to say that the oars were bleeding and drifting.

The price of conquering Gaoping City was the more than [-] Xianbei cavalry who were buried outside Gaoping City.

After Xu An captured Gaoping City, he did not continue to advance to the south. After all, there are still many cities in the south. Now the army lacks siege equipment. If they want to conquer those cities, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Although the Xianbei people could serve as pioneers, four thousand people were killed or injured in the conquest of Gaoping, which has already aroused some resistance in the Xianbei army.

There were [-] Xianbei cavalry who were forcibly recruited, [-] under Xu An, and [-] under Yan Zhong, and they were now assembled together.

There were [-] casualties in the First World War. The siege of Gaoping City was a wheel war. Almost every unit of the Xianbei Battalion was dispatched once. The heavy casualties also made the resistance of the Xianbei people even more serious.

No one wants to die in vain, and now the Xianbei cavalry is really approaching its limit, with a [-]% casualty rate, if the Xianbei are forced to attack the city at this time, they will very likely suffer backlash.

Xu An then ordered the amnesty of the group of people with the most meritorious deeds, and promised to exempt his tribe from labor reform, which made the resistance of the Xianbei people a little less.

And in fact, after conquering Gaoping City, Xu An didn't have any need to attack other cities. He occupied Gaoping City and had a decisive battle with Han Sui and Ma Teng in Gaoping, which had the greatest advantage for the Yellow Turban Army.

After conquering Gaoping City, the original deduction plan also needs to be changed.

With Gaoping City as a stronghold, there are more places for Xu An to display, and the situation on the battlefield has become more favorable for the Yellow Turban Army.

A large number of scouts were sent out by Xu An, and surveyors from Eagle Guard were also sent out to draw topographic maps and make sand tables.

At the same time, Xu An dispatched Yinglangwei Kuaima to pass on the military information.

In the first military order, Xu Huang left Zhangye City, Wuwei County, and attacked Lingju City, the northern gateway of Jincheng County in the south, threatening Jincheng County behind the territory occupied by Han Fu.

The second military order was to order Zhang Yan to first encircle Linjing, the prefecture of Anding, and the three cities around Linjing, and only destroy Yinpan [pán] and Quail [chún] Gu [gū] in the south.

The city of Linjing and the city of Pengyang in the north were retained, but they were only besieged without breaking through.

The threat of Linjing prevented Ma Teng from going all out in the Battle of Gaoping, but he was not allowed to continue to threaten the southern part of Anding County.

In fact, almost all the infantry under Zhang Yan's command were directly under Xu An's command. Military pawns, sharp warriors, and yellow angels were all in their ranks. If you really want to break through Linjing, it will not be difficult.

But once Linjing City is broken, Han Sui and Ma Teng will definitely choose to give up defending Gaoping City, or even give up the entire Anding County, and find a new place to fight Xu An.

It is a big taboo for military strategists to be attacked by the enemy, and it is not worth taking such risks.

For the battlefield of Gaoping, after countless deductions, Gaoping's terrain is open and suitable for cavalry combat, and Xu An now occupies the initiative on the battlefield of Gaoping.

Once Han Sui and Ma Teng gave up Gaoping and retreated to Hanyang County, Xu An would not be able to find a suitable place for a large-scale battle with the Xiliang Army for a long time to come.

The war will be dragged into a tug-of-war, a confrontational war and a war of attrition, which Xu An undoubtedly does not want to see.

New styles of harness such as double-footed stirrups, high bridge saddles, and horseshoes are not in the factory battle, but must have spread slowly.

Now the Yellow Turban Army has an advantage in equipment, but once Han Sui and Ma Teng learn the shape of the new harness and imitate it, the difficulty of liberating Liangzhou will undoubtedly increase several times in an instant.

Therefore, the battlefield must be in Gaoping, and must be in the wilderness outside Gaoping.

In this battle, the cavalry will be used to decide the outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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