The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 631 Closing

Chapter 631 Closing
In the third year of Chuping (192), on May [-]th, Huayin.

From the Luoyang area to the Guanzhong area through Hongnong County, there are three must-pass places, which cannot be bypassed anyway.

The first is Hangu Pass, the second is Strider Pond, and the third is Huayin.

Many people in Huayin may not be familiar with it, but anyone who knows history has heard the name "Tongguan".

"The peaks and mountains are like gatherings, the waves are like fury, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road."

The river flows south in the pass to Tongjiguan Mountain, hence the name "Tongguan".

Tongguan is bordered by the Qinling Mountains in the south and the Yellow River in the north, and the Wei River flows into the Yellow River as a barrier.

On the west side, there is Taihua Mountain, with many mountains and mountains, towering into the clouds. This situation is called "the key of the Three Qin Dynasty, the throat of the four towns".

But now there is no such pass as Tongguan. Tongguan was established at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Cao Cao established Tongguan in the first year of Jian'an (196) in order to prevent military chaos in Kansai, and abandoned Hangu Pass at the same time.

Historically, Tongguan was not far from the east of Huayin County.

Dong Zhuo set up defenses in Huayin, and was stationed east of Huayin, at the throat.

Dong Zhuo set up the Chinese army on a loess plateau in the east of Huayin. The loess plateau is also called the loess platform and the loess table-shaped highland.

The loess plateau is often in the shape of petals.The top of the loess plateau was flat, with a slope on the edge, and the surrounding area was surrounded by deep valleys. The place where Dong Zhuo stationed his troops was a platform in the loess plateau.

Dong Zhuo sent Xu Rong to occupy the hills to the south, and Fan Chou stationed troops to guard the Wei River in the north, forming horns, drawing support from both sides.

All eight thousand Xiliang cavalry were placed in the central army to prepare for the Yellow Turban Army's attack.

"It's true that the peaks and mountains are gathered together, and the waves are like anger..."

Xu An stood on the hill, holding up the binoculars to look at Dong Zhuojun's arrangement.

Rao had seen the Eight Xings of the Taihang, but when he saw the topography of Dong Zhuo's camp, Xu An couldn't help being shocked. The topography was shaped by the mighty power of heaven and earth, and it was a wonder in nature.

The country is so beautiful that it attracts countless heroes to compete.

Power, status, beauties, and wealth are all in your pocket, the power of life and death is in your hands, and you can control the world in your hands...

Xu An clenched the binoculars in his hand.

The thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, Jiaozhou and Yizhou are isolated, and there are eleven prefectures in the world. He has already occupied two of them, and two prefectures in Youzhou.

Now, the most affluent place in the world - Sili Xiaowei Department, will also be in his pocket!
The Guanzhong Plain is full of powerful and powerful families, and Dong Zhuo relies on Guanzhong and Sili's wealth to support a huge army that is impossible to maintain in ordinary regions.

Guanzhong left Weihan, right Longshu, thousands of miles of fertile fields, the south has the Rao of Bashu, and the north has the benefits of Huyuan, blocking three sides and sticking to it, and only one side can control the princes in the east!

Now that Liangzhou and Bingzhou are stable, they have already been taken into Xu An's pocket, and there is no need to worry about the future. The west and the north do not need to be prepared.

Zhang Lu and Liu Yan are the masters of success, and there is nothing to fear in the south.

A golden city thousands of miles away, the legacy of descendants and emperors forever!
Now Dong Zhuo has really come to the end of the road, the battle of Taiguguan, Sun Jian shattered Dong Zhuo's ambition to dominate the world, and the battle of Yanshi, Sun Jian eliminated Dong Zhuo's hope of re-emergence.

Internal and external troubles, encircled on three sides, and repeated defeats made the morale of Dong Zhuo's army extremely low.

Dong Zhuo was sure to lose this battle.

Living in Guanzhong and Bingzhou and looking at all parts of the Central Plains, you can receive You, Hebei, Henan, and Yan in the east, and Yi and Jing in the south. The career of an emperor is worthy of the name.

Banners and flags were unfurled, halberds and spears were like a forest, and countless soldiers appeared in Xu An's field of vision. Xu An clenched the binoculars in his hand.

Just yesterday, news came from Yingwei that Chang'an City has been closed for a long time now, Dong Zhuo seems to have lost the control of Chang'an City, and the army is therefore panicked. Although the news was finally suppressed by Dong Zhuo's generals, the impact it caused It has been unavoidable.

This also convinced Xu An that Chang'an City had already been taken by Wang Yun and others. According to the news sent by the Yingwei of Chang'an City, Dong Zhuo led the army almost out of the nest. Huben and Habayashi have only about [-] soldiers in total.

Meiwu does have two to three thousand defenders, but Meiwu is outside Chang'an City, and if there is a change in the city, it will be difficult to rescue it in a short time.

"The Loess Plateau is vulnerable and difficult to attack. Dong Zhuo stationed a heavy army on it, with Fan Chou and Xu Rong on the left and right to assist him. He thought that it would not be easy to conquer the horns. Does Wenhe have a good strategy?"

Xu An put the binoculars back into the lens tube next to Gaoqiao's saddle, and asked Jia Xu who was beside him.

"The land in Guanzhong is actually already in Duke Ming's pocket, so there is no need to rush."

Jia Xu smiled lightly.

"Chang'an is changing now. Before Dong Zhuo sent troops to attack the Hedong County of our department, we were defeated. Our army attacked Guanzhong from three sides. Dong Zhuo's army had internal and external troubles, and people's hearts were fluctuating. Now is the time when morale is low, but it has not yet fallen to the bottom. "

"What does Wenhe mean?"

Xu An pondered for a moment and asked.


Jia Xu Jia Xu shook her folding fan lightly, her eyes were slightly sharp.

"All we have to do now is wait."

"Our dark hands buried in Chang'an City have already been activated, and the news of the Chang'an Incident will not be hidden for long."

"Guanzhong has become a dangerous place. Wang Yun has controlled Chang'an, and he will never stay in Chang'an for a long time..."

"Wait until Wang Yun goes south, wait until Yan Gong and General Zhang Yan invade the hinterland of Guanzhong and take down Chang'an City, then they can continue to advance eastward. At that time, they will be encircled on both sides, and our army will be able to defeat Dong Zhuo's army without a fight."

"But it's not just waiting."

Jia Xu picked up the folding fan in his hand and fanned it into fingers, pointing at the camp of Dong Zhuo's army, and said calmly.

"Dong Zhuo's army hadn't won for a long time, and was defeated again. It was a time when morale was low. Our cavalry, Xiaoqi, Wuxiang, Bingzhou, Shanggu, Duliao, and Xiliang are all famous cavalry in the world. Duke Ming can make his troops brave. The generals call for battle in front of Dong Zhuo's camp every day."

"If Dong Zhuo shuts the gates of the camp tightly and does not go out to fight, he can just use this to dampen his spirit. As soon as the army arrives, he will be able to make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop."

"If Dong Zhuo were to fight, it would be right for me. When it comes to a head-on confrontation, the soldiers are elite. Dong Zhuo's cavalry, how can anyone be able to fight against our cavalry? In terms of the bravery of the generals, Dong Zhuo's brave generals, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Hua Xiong and the others are already on the battlefield, so how can there be anyone who can rival our general?"


Jia Xu paused and smiled.

"Without waiting for Yan Gong to lead the army to arrive, the morale of Dong Zhuo's army has already fallen to the bottom and collapsed."

Xu An nodded slightly, the strategy offered by Jia Xu was not an overly complicated strategy, but a conspiracy directly put on the stage.

And Dong Zhuo can definitely see this conspiracy, but he has no way to counter it.

"Send me the general order."

Xu An stared at Dong Zhuojun's tent in front of him, his tone suddenly changed, and he gave an order in a deep voice, while the order cavalry behind them all led their horses and took a step forward, bowing their heads to obey the order.

"Order Lu Bu to be in charge of Zhou Cang, Ma Chao, Pang De, and Guan Hai to lead the Xiaoqi Battalion with [-] cavalry, and Gong Du to be in charge of Zhang Liao, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Hao Zhao. The four generals will select the two battalions of Shanggu and Bingzhou with [-] cavalry to take turns in front of Dong Zhuo's camp. Let's call for formation and rush to help each other, and then order Xu Huang to lead the Wuxiang Battalion and the [-]st Wuzu Battalion to sit in the central army and lead the overall situation."

Xu An issued the order, issued the warrant, and ordered the cavalry to take over the flag, wave the whip, and leave in the dust.

The cavalry was ordered to gallop into the formation, and only for a moment, banners were waved and drums were beating loudly in the formation.

Smoke and dust floated up, the whistle sounded loudly, the neighing of war horses continued, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes came from all directions.

Ten tall khaki general flags moved out of the Yellow Turban Army's formation one after another, followed by a large number of khaki cavalry flags.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The tall Huangtian War Drum, which was in full bloom on the four-wheeled carriage, was sounded, and the sound of the drum was heard in all directions.

"Wan Sheng!"

Shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami came from the various formations of the Yellow Turban Army.

Wang Qi also held his head high, fists clenched in his chest, and saluted all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, paying the highest respect to the comrades who took the lead.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A more rapid drumbeat sounded, it was the drumbeat of marching drums.

Wang Qi pulled out the Yanling Saber from his waist, laid it across the chests of the soldiers who were lined up in a tight formation beside him, and shouted loudly.

"go ahead!"

Along with Wang Qi, he issued military orders, as well as other military lords.

On the hillside, Jia Xu looked at the Yellow Turban Army marching down the hill, still feeling a little unbelievable.

The huge army formation of the Yellow Turban Army moved forward slowly, and nearly [-] infantry and cavalry mixed teams moved forward together, but there was no confusion at all, but it gave people a sense of order.

Jia Xu looked back at Xu An who was stationed in front of the horse. Now he could understand why Xu An wanted to set up literacy classes in the army, and he also understood why Xu An wanted to set up a military academy to provide training for officers and generals.


Huayin Dong Zhuojun camp.

Dong Zhuo's face was calm, and he leaned his hands on the desk, but the gloomy look that occasionally flashed in his eyes still betrayed him, which proved that there was actually a backlog of anger in his heart.

Apart from him and Li Ru, there was no one else in the camp.

Outside the camp, there was a loud noise from time to time. The Yellow Turban Army had called for battle for three days in a row, but they did not launch an attack. Every day that passed, Dong Zhuo could clearly notice the changes in the army.

The Yellow Turban Army built a high camp wall, leaned against the camp for defense, and called for confrontation from time to time, but did not take the initiative to attack, but wanted to wait for them to attack first.

The military has not been peaceful these past few days. Some bad rumors spread from time to time in the military. The infiltration of the Eagle Wolf Guard is all-round, not only for the government and the people, but even for the army.

In order to expand the army, Dong Zhuo recruited a large number of recruits, and the Eagle Wolf Guard also took advantage of this opportunity to break into Dong Zhuo's army.

Xuan Tingwei searched several times, but with little success.

Now the army is in a state of panic, people are against each other, and some even secretly escaped from the camp and went directly to join the Yellow Turban Army. On the first day, Dong Zhuo did not expect this situation, and a team led directly with the whole team. He escaped from the barracks and surrendered to the Yellow Turban Army.

Dong Zhuo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to say that Xu An's choice was the most correct and the best choice at the moment.

But such a choice was a disaster for him.

Chang'an City has been occupied by Wang Yun, Huang Fusong and others, and he lost control of Chang'an City.

Dong Huang was assassinated, and the Imperial Army also fell into the hands of Huangfusong and others. The officials and families in Chang'an gathered their soldiers, recruited the strong people, and took control of the place, as if they were plotting something.

Now that the Yellow Turban Army is encircling from the north, west, north, and east, Wang Yun, Huangfusong, and Gai Xun are not idiots. It must be obvious that Chang'an City is impossible to keep. The attitude of the Yellow Turban Army towards the powerful family is well known. I will never stick to Chang'an.

Dong Zhuo knew very well that Wang Yun and others might lead the army to lead the emperor south to Wuguan and retreat in the direction of Nanyang County in Jingzhou.

The emptiness of Chang'an means that the Liangzhou soldiers brought by Yan Zhong can drive straight in and come from the west.

At that time, there will be Yellow Turbans on both sides of the east and west, and Xu An doesn't need to do anything, the huge pressure will make his soldiers collapse on their own.

"Xu An...Xu An..."

Dong Zhuo let out a long and helpless sigh with remorse on his face.

"Make a plan and then move, don't move before it's done, move like thunder, you deserve to be a master of the art of war."

"The number one yin and yang soldier in the world is definitely not in vain..."


Dong Zhuo pressed his hands on the desk in front of him, and slowly stood up, his voice hoarse and deep.

"Let Niu Fu lead the cavalry to attack first..."

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru and asked solemnly.

"This battle will be in your command."

Li Ru's expression was slightly moved, he bowed down and fell to the ground with one bow.

"I will live up to Duke Ming's entrustment!"

Dong Zhuo strode forward, almost all the fat raised in Luoyang and Meiwu had disappeared. After all, he was still the Lang Guan who used to be able to shoot left and right on horseback.


When Dong Zhuo reached the tent door of the big tent, he stopped suddenly.

Li Ru knelt down on the ground and looked back at Dong Zhuo.

The sunlight outside the tent shone on Dong Zhuo's pitch-black armor, reflecting the gloomy light. Dong Zhuo looked calm, holding the sword at his waist, and looked at Li Ru who was sitting in the dark in the tent.

"Take care of yourself."

Dong Zhuo walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger, resolutely walked out of the big tent.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

When Li Ru came back to his senses.

The sound of war drums outside the tent has spread throughout the camp.


Shouts came from the military camps everywhere, and the sound of horns continued. Li Ru slowly stood up.

The time for the curtain to end is coming.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

On the field, the sound of war drums beat like thunder on the chests of every soldier who was fighting bloody battles, shaking their loyal blood in their chests.

Dong Zhuo held the reins tightly, with calm eyes, looking at the fierce battlefield ahead.

The red tulip under him was eager to try, and the smell of blood aroused its fighting spirit.

The sound of slashing generals and capturing the flag resounded in the battle formation, and black and black banners fell down one after another.

Dong Zhuo's hand holding the rein became tighter and tighter, and the loud shouts of killing aroused the deepest memories in his heart, and the memories of the past battles gradually came back to his heart.

He once became the most powerful person in the world, he once controlled the lifeline of the world...

But unfortunately, he failed to grasp all this.

Virtue does not match, he loses people's hearts, and his mistakes lead to his ultimate failure.

But all of this will end today.

everything is over.

(End of this chapter)

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