Chapter 804
Naturally, there were no packs of wolves or tigers in the large camp of the Ming army in Mobei.

The fear that made Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen feel in their hearts was not the pack of wolves and tigers, but Lu Bu sitting on top.

Lu Bu was wearing a brocade robe at this time, and was lying on the seat, his eyes fell on Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen as soon as they entered.

As soon as Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen met Lu Bu's gaze, they were startled, and subconsciously lowered their heads.

Even though both of them are the ten thousand chiefs of Xianbei in the east, their status is only below the leader, they have thousands of soldiers, and they have fought countless battles, but when they saw Lu Bu, they were still terrified in their hearts.

Among the Han people in the south of the Xianbei tribes, they only remember the names of four people.

One is Xu An, and the other is Yuan Shao. Xu An is the monarch of Ming, and Yuan Shao is the monarch of Wei.

Moreover, Xu An led the army to kill the commander of the western Xianbei, slaughtered the western Xianbei royal court, and led the army to occupy the hometown of the western Xianbei.

Therefore, the tribes of Xianbei knew the names of the two of them and kept them firmly in their hearts.

The third person is Du Liao General Li De.

In the past, there was a dispute between the two Xianbei in the Middle East. Xu An appointed Li De to guard Monan to control the central Xianbei.

Li De led the army out of the fortress with almost no defeats. Xu An ordered Lu Bu to lead the Xiaoqi battalion northward and preside over the battle in Mobei.

Lu Bu went north and arrived at the camp of the Ming army in Monan. The civil servants counted the results of the battle. During Li De's guarding of Monan, he killed one Xianbei Wanchang and seven Qianchang. The army took [-] Hulu heads. .

The tribes of Xianbei in Mobei retreated when they heard the banner of the Ming army, and they were terrified when they saw Li Dezhi's yellow banner.

And finally Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's reputation is higher than Yuan Shao and Li De's reputation in Mobei, and it is almost the same as Xu An's reputation.

Xu An slaughtered the western Xianbei, so he was remembered by the tribes of Xianbei.

When Lu Bu's name first appeared among the Xianbei tribes, it was because of the battle between the Yellow Turban Army and the Southern Huns in Shuofang.

The Yellow Turban Army defeated the [-] troops of the Southern Huns with inferior forces, overthrew the Southern Huns in the First World War, and Ding Ding merged with the state.

At that time, it was Lu Bu who killed the Southern Huns alone in Xubu.

Later, when Lu Bu really became famous, it was during the period when he led the Xiaoqi battalion to station in Monan.

The reason why the central Xianbei surrendered to the Ming court was not only because Wei Ting supported the eastern Xianbei, but also because Lu Bu had led the Xiaoqi battalion to station in Monan.

At that time, the Xiaoqi Battalion had just completed the replacement of the new riding gear, and the Xianbei in the middle moved southward to invade the Hetao area, bypassing the Yinshan Mountains, intending to enter the Hetao Plain and plunder Bingzhou.

At that time, the Xiaoqi Battalion led by Lu Bu was in Wuyuan County, Bingzhou.

It was Jian Man who led the Xianbei army to the south. At that time, Jian Man was young and vigorous, and wanted to use the south to win the hearts of the generals, establish his own power, and overwhelm the leader in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that the first opponent he met was Lu Bu.

At that time, Lu Bu led the Xiaoqi Battalion and was stationed in Wuyuan County, waiting for Xu An's transfer order, and was preparing to attack Liangzhou.

The Xianbei army suddenly appeared in the north of Wuyuan County, just in time to bump into the Xiaoqi Battalion, which was furiously raising horses at that time.

At that time, Jian Man led his personal guards to the front of the cavalry formation based on his meritorious service. Lu Bu saw the opportunity and led the fine cavalry to break through the cavalry formation of the Xianbei army and directly captured Jian Man.

The guards guarding Jianman fought desperately, and then took Jianman back, but also because of Jianman's retreat, the entire cavalry formation of the Xianbei army collapsed completely.

In the Battle of Hetao, the Xianbei in the central part suffered heavy casualties, and two Wanchang who followed Jianman in the battle were killed.

At that time, Lu Bu didn't know about Jian Man, and the Yellow Turban Army didn't have much contact with Xianbei at that time. Lu Bu just posted a simple military report, saying that he defeated the Xianbei's southern invaders by thousands of people.

Later, because of the loss of strength in the central Xianbei, and because Wei Ting increased his support for the Eastern Xianbei, he had no choice but to choose to join the Ming Court and rely on the power of the Ming Court.

Otherwise, with Jian Man's personality, she would definitely not want to be a Marquis of Guiyi and be constrained by others everywhere.

This matter was not known to Xu An until later, after passing through the Eagle Wolf Guard.

In Mobei, Lu Bu had a very high reputation. In the battle of Hetao, Lu Bu's bravery was almost engraved in the hearts of the Xianbei tribes in the central part.

The tribes of Xianbei have writing, but there are very few literate people, only the nobles can read.

But most of the Xianbei tribes know one Chinese character, and that Chinese character is exactly the word "Lu".

This is also an important reason why Xu An chose to let Lu Bu preside over Mobei. On the battlefield, as long as Lu Bu appears, the morale of the Xianbei army will be lowered.

Facts have also proved this. After Lu Bu took command of Mobei, both the central Xianbei and the eastern Xianbei avoided the control of the Ming army, and no one in the eastern Xianbei dared to cross the thunder pool.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen were originally dissatisfied with being left in the gate for a long time, but after seeing Lu Bu, they were both silent and trembling.

Not only because of fame, but standing in front of Lu Bu, I really feel that everything is seen through by Lu Bu's eagle eyes, and no action can escape his gaze. in danger.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen had no doubts, as long as Lu Bu wanted to, he could kill them both in an instant.

"Tell me, why did the leader send you here?"

Lu Bu cherished his words like gold, he still maintained the previous movement, his head did not turn, but his eyes moved slightly downward, looking arrogantly at Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen.

"Report... General..."

Fu Luohan stuttered involuntarily, half because of nervousness, and the other half because he was afraid of Lu Bu's hostility.

Inside the big tent, all the generals of the Ming army were silent, just staring at the two of them, which made the pressure on them even heavier.

Budugen's situation was slightly better than that of Fuluohan, and he was not so miserable. He took a step forward and said under pressure.

"Before Yuan Shao controlled the three counties of Wuhuan and Youzhou. Our forces were weak and therefore we had to submit to Yuan Shao. It was not because we deliberately disobeyed the Heavenly Soldiers. If we did not submit, we could only be destroyed. Please remind me, General."

Bu Dugen's voice was a little hoarse, although there was a bit of a pause, but he still completely said what the leader asked him to say.

"Now that Wei Ting has been destroyed and Yuan Shao is executed, our tribe is willing to submit to Daming, and our king is also willing to resign from the title of prince and be granted the title of Marquis of Yi. The tribes of Xianbei are willing to guard the northern border of Daming forever..."

Just when Bu Dugen was about to continue speaking, Lu Bu, who was sitting at the top, raised his hand to stop Bu Dugen from speaking next.

"I just need to know the leader's decision. If there is anything else, I will save it to the officials of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Etiquette."

Lu Bu stood up slowly. Originally, he was sitting on the tall head seat, and both Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen had to raise their heads slightly. Now that Lu Bu stood up, the two of them could only look at it with their necks up. To Lu Bu's face.

Lu Bu's figure was much taller than ordinary people. Although Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen were tall, they looked a little short in front of Lu Bu.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen both swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling even more frightened.

"This time Jian Man led the army eastward to attack you, but we have not received any news."

Lu Bu looked down at Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen, and walked down the steps slowly. He did not hide what happened in Mobei.

"Jian Man has his own ideas. It seems that he doesn't want to be the Marquis of Guiyi of my Daming, but wants to be the co-lord of your Xianbei, the king of your Xianbei."

"I sent you the news before, saying that the Western Xianbei might attack, and asked you to gather troops in the north. I thought you could resist for a longer time, but I didn't expect that without Wei Ting, you would be defeated so quickly."

The faces of Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen were as if they were on fire. When they received the news, they understood that Ming Ting seemed to be not on the same level as the Xianbei in the middle, and they were indeed gathering their tribes to go north.

They didn't have many choices. Since the Ming army hadn't launched an attack, the Wuhuan of the Three Commanderies and the Wuhuan of Shanggu had no action either. North assemble.

But what people didn't expect was that this time, Jian Man spent all his money and recruited more than [-] riders to march eastward.

Two hundred thousand cavalry is already an extremely terrifying number. Jian Man estimated that in the central Xianbei territory, the remaining garrison forces are very limited.

To support the action of [-] riders, the military rations required are massive, and people eat horses, and every day is an astronomical figure.

The leader only gathered [-] cavalry in the north, which he thought would be enough, but he never expected that Jian Man would be so mad.

As soon as the war broke out, the eastern Xianbei's defense line in the north was already in pieces.

The strength of the central Xianbei was stronger than that of the eastern Xianbei. This time, the eastern Xianbei suffered a big loss. Without Wei Ting's assistance, there was absolutely no way to stop the subsequent offensive of the central Xianbei.

So Kuitou led the main force to retreat southward, and at the same time sent Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen to look for the Ming army.

The leader knew that only the Ming army could save them at this time, and their last chance of survival lay with the Ming army.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen drove non-stop all the way, starry night, and rushed to the Ming army camp at the fastest speed.

"But it's okay."

Lu Bu waved his hand. He didn't pin all his hopes on the Eastern Xianbei.

"Expand the map."

Lu Bu turned around again, waved his big hand, and gave an order in a deep voice.

Just in front of the first seat, the tether on a hanging pillar was pulled away by the soldiers in the tent.

In this way, a very detailed map was displayed in front of everyone.

Both Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen had a sudden feeling in their hearts.

The map in front of me is exactly Mobei, with mountains, rivers and rivers in great detail.

Even on the map, there are many small characters written and many small flags drawn.

Both Fuluohan and Budugen were nobles of Xianbei, and they naturally knew Chinese characters. They found that those Chinese characters were written with the names of various tribes of Xianbei that had been transliterated, and the positions of their small flags were exactly those tribes. Frequently stationed location.

Xianbei is a nomadic tribe, living by water and grass, but the tribes also have a certain range of activities, but the map in front of them depicts them in great detail.

Only then did Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen realize how transparent they were in the eyes of the Ming army.

At the beginning, they all wondered how the royal court of Xianbei in the west was discovered, and wondered why Xianbei in the west was so easily broken into the royal court. Now everything can be explained clearly.

They underestimate intelligence and spies, and don't think that these things can affect the situation on the battlefield too much, but when the detailed and appropriate information is placed in front of them, they realize how huge such an advantage is.

Fuluohan and Budugen gradually calmed down from their fear. Now they and the Ming army have become allies, and Jianman is their common enemy.

On the map, there is still a lot of blank space for the Xianbei in the east, but the Xianbei tribes in the central area are much more detailed, and the Xianbei in the central area has been infiltrated really badly.

"The two of you go back and inform the leader to gather an army and set up defenses here."

Lu Bu walked up to Tutu, picked up his command whip, pointed to a place in Xianbei in the east, and said in an unquestionable tone.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen suppressed the fear in their hearts and walked forward, and found that it was the watershed of Rao Leshui.

"Your mission is to gather in the south of Rao Leshui to attract the main force of Jianman's army. Our army is on Danhan Mountain. Jianman will never dare to attack from the west. If he dares to detour from the west to Rao Leshui to attack your rear , just as I like, I will lead the troops to the east and garrison on your west side, if Jianman dares to divide the troops, I guarantee that they will never cross the river border."

Lu Bu saw Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen's expressions were a bit embarrassed, and he knew that they probably thought that the Ming army was going to use them as cannon fodder.

"Don't worry about not having enough troops. I have sent orders to Shanggu Wuhuan and Three Commanderies Wuhuan to rush northward to help. Wuhuan's reinforcements are definitely faster than Jianman who is still in the southern part of Xianbei Mountain."

Xu An asked Lu Bu to take charge of the situation in Mobei. Naturally, the power to mobilize Shanggu Wuhuan was also handed over to Lu Bu. After the war in Youzhou was settled, Xu An ordered the three counties Wuhuan to move closer to the north, and also handed over the power of mobilization. Without Lu Bu, after all, Mobei is extremely important to the Ming Dynasty.

If Xianbei is unified, there will definitely be endless troubles.

China has been a farming civilization since ancient times, and due to various reasons and constraints, it is difficult to control the northern grassland for a long time.

Therefore, the Huaxia nation has defeated the powerful enemies in the north several times, but there will always be new tribes to replace them.

Before the appearance of double-footed stirrups, the Han Empire lost control of northern Xinjiang due to civil strife.

Then, after the emergence of new types of riding equipment such as double-footed stirrups, the combat power of the cavalry was greatly enhanced, and the mobility was also greatly improved. Huaxia, which lacked horse farms, has long been harassed by nomads from the North.

During the heyday of the military power of the Ming Dynasty in the later generations, they even went deep into the fishing sea and captured all the nobles of the Yuan Empire.

However, the remnants of the Meng Yuan tribe still occupy Mobei. Although the Ming army made several northern expeditions, they were often unable to find the headquarters of the Meng Yuan tribes, so that the Meng Yuan re-developed on Mobei.

Now that Pandora's box of new riding equipment has been opened, Xu An naturally wants to seek more.

Now that the central Xianbei army is gathering to move eastward, and Jian Man wants to unify the Mobei Xianbei tribes, the traces have been found, and it is time to wipe out the main force of Mobei Xianbei in one fell swoop, how could Xu An let it go.

"All I need is for you to hold Jianman's army in Rao Leshui for seven days, and Wuhuan of the Three Counties and Wuhuan of Shanggu will join you in resisting Jianman."

"If you can't even finish the task that has been delayed for seven days, then I don't think the leader is worthy of the Marquis of Guiyi."

Lu Bu's voice was cold and chilling.

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen looked at each other. Lu Bu's words gave them no excuse to shirk.

They really have to contribute their strength in this battle, otherwise, why Mingting could directly defeat the central Xianbei, why did they have to keep the eastern Xianbei, and it would be better to wipe them all out.

"Follow the general's orders."

Fu Luohan and Bu Dugen both bowed and bowed down.

Lu Bu watched the two bow down, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, showing a cruel sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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