The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 808 Northern Xinjiang Province

Chapter 808 Northern Xinjiang Province
There was chaos on the North Shore.

The central Xianbei cavalry who had already crossed the river were all ashamed, and their retreat was cut off. They all knew what it meant.

They are now like meat stuffed in dumpling wrappers, like prey trapped in a paddock, and what awaits them is a butcher knife raised high.

At this time, the morale of the Xianbei cavalry in the central region suddenly fell to the bottom, while the morale of the Xianbei army in the east, which had been suppressed, was high. They saw the hope of victory, and they found that victory was just around the corner and within easy reach! !

"Kill it, kill it! Kill Qianman for me!"

"If anyone kills Qianman, he will be made a master, rewarded with a thousand cattle and sheep, and a hundred slaves!"

The leader's eyes flashed with fiery murderous intent, he had completely forgotten that he and Qianman were actually cousins, and that the same blood flowed from both of them.

But not only he forgot, Qianman also forgot this fact long ago.

They are no longer brothers. When the supreme power and lofty status were placed in front of them, they were all confused by the power. They raised their butcher knives and swung fiercely at their former brothers. go.

The leader once had a trace of clarity, he did not kill Qianman, he spared Qianman's life, but this kindness led to the split of the Xianbei tribe, and also led to his current predicament.

The leader now has no sympathy at all. He wants to kill Qianman, execute Qianman in front of everyone, and teach Qianman's head to the whole Mobei. Let's all take a look and see what will happen to those who oppose him!
He is the future co-owner of Xianbei, he is the master of Mobei, and he is the famous king on the grassland!


Beside Kui Tou, countless Hu Qi rushed straight ahead, they were no longer afraid, no longer afraid.

The Ming army has defeated the main force of the Xianbei army in the central area, and now is the best chance to beat the dog in the water and gain military exploits.

Holding the head of the enemy, they can get cattle, sheep, slaves, women, everything they want from their leader!
The leader didn't charge too far, he joined the melee, he just charged for a while, and after arousing the emotions of his generals, he left the battlefield. He stopped his horse and stayed on the edge of a battlefield, looking not far away. The battlefield of chasing and fighting.

He has been fighting for too long, many times he is not allowed to fight in person, his armor was left with several knife marks by the enemy, fortunately the armor he is wearing is the red refined armor sent to him by the Ming army , is the armor that only senior generals of the Ming army are qualified to wear, otherwise, I am afraid that his current injury will be much worse.

There was a sound of horseshoes, Kuitou Xun looked to the left, and he found a group of cavalry from the Ming army approaching his direction.

"General Zhang!"

When Kuitou saw the person coming, he also let go of his heart.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Yang who commanded the Wuhuan cavalry.

"Thanks to General Pingbei for his assistance in this battle, otherwise it would be difficult to resist with my subordinates alone."

"After the war, General Pingbei is invited to stay for a while. I have selected some special products from Mobei for General Zhang. When General Zhang returns to his hometown, he won't be without something."

Kuitou greeted him with a smile, speaking a bit jerky Chinese, without the slightest tact in his words, and straightforwardly wanted to give Zhang Yang a gift.

Zhang Yang smiled and cupped his hands.

"Then bother Gui Yihou, don't worry, don't worry."

Kuitou was all smiles, and it didn't affect his mood at all when Zhang Yang called him Marquis of Guiyi.

Guiyihou is Guiyihou, Marquis, and Wangjue, but it is just a false name. As long as he can continue to lead Xianbei, no matter what his name is, he can accept the titles of adults, captains, and other lower-level titles.

"Guiyihou, I have a question and I am very confused. I wonder if Guiyihou can help me?"

Zhang Yang drove his horse up to Kui Tou, and stood side by side with Kui Tou.

"General Pingbei asks casually, as long as I know, I will definitely answer General Pingbei."

Kuitou was in a good mood at this moment, and laughed loudly.

"Hou Guiyi, please come here with your ears. The Daoist actually wants to ask Guiyihou about this matter, so no outsiders can hear it."

Zhang Yang looked solemn and said solemnly.

Although the leader didn't know why, he still moved closer to Zhang Yang.

He didn't notice at all that the soldiers brought by Zhang Yang had already separated him from his guards.

At this time, among the rebellious army, a group of Xianbei cavalry suddenly rushed straight towards his direction, while the Ming army guarding the front seemed to have not reacted and generally did not go forward.

Accompanied by a piercing Xianbei language, dozens of feathered arrows shot straight at Zhang Yang and Kuitou.

Kuitou finally noticed this surprise, he panicked and wanted to escape, but at this moment, he felt a sudden pain in his throat, and when he reacted again, a feathered arrow had pierced his throat .

Kuitou covered his neck, he was speechless, and he stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Yang.

"you you you…………"

Blood gushed out of his throat, blocking what he wanted to say.

There was a panic everywhere, and the voices of Xianbei, Chinese, and Wuhuan intertwined for a while.

The horse neighed, and the horses under Kui Tou and Zhang Yang were hit by arrows almost at the same time.

Zhang Yang stabilized his figure by virtue of his superb skills, but Kuitou couldn't control the horse. He could only watch helplessly as he fell to the ground fiercely. He looked forward in disbelief, looking at Zhang Yang. .

All his personal guards and nobles from Xianbei had surrounded him at this time. They hadn't noticed the situation on Kuitou's side before. At that time, Zhang Yang led the troops and cut off their sight. Saw the last scene.

A group of Xianbei cavalry shot a shower of arrows in the direction where Kuitou and Zhang Yang were.

The chief's mouth kept bleeding, and his eyes were filled with fear. He clung to the grass, trying to raise his head. He wanted to tell everyone that the arrow that pierced his throat was not from the Xianbei team. It was Zhang Yang who stabbed him in the throat.

I don't know if the so-called Xianbei people are really Xianbei people.

But he couldn't help it, he couldn't speak anymore.

The continuous gushing of blood made Kuitou's body temperature gradually disappear.

No matter how hard Kui Tou struggled, everything was useless. Kui Tou slowly let go of the grass, and the last trace of expression in his eyes finally disappeared along with the dilated pupils.


In the second year of the Ming Dynasty, the first ten days of October.

Nearly four months have passed since the Battle of Fanyang.

Today, there is only one city in the three states of Hebei that has not been planted with a yellow flag.

Outside the city of Yijing, Xu An stood on a mound with a whip on his horse, looking at the city of Yijing surrounded by layers of mounds.

No wonder in the original time and space, even though Yuan Shao had an army of tens of thousands, he was helpless against Yi Jing. Gongsun Zan could hide in Yi Jing for four years.

Yi Jing was really built into an iron wall by Gongsun Zan, as impregnable as gold.

Looking at the crooked ravines and the mounds one after another, Xu An couldn't help but feel a little troubled.

If there is no siege weapon such as a counterweight catapult, if you want to attack Yi Jing, then you can only take your life to pile up.

Unlike those cities with tall walls, the Yi Jing built by Gongsun Zan was actually more difficult to attack.

After all, those well-built cities still have people in the city, and they were built to protect the people, while the Yi Jing built by Gongsun Zan is completely a military fortress group.

There are only relatively narrow roads on one mound after another, and the rest of the places that can be seen are just gullies. The outermost gully is even more than ten. If you want to attack Yi Jing, you must first destroy those ten or so extremely The deep gullies are filled first, and this will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

The soil dug out of those gullies has been built into "Beijing", which is used as a peripheral and internal defense for direct internal use.

What Gongsun Zan did the most during his stay in Yijing in the past few years was digging ditches, and then used the soil dug out of the ditches to build mounds, which was also the construction of "Jing".

And attacking a capital in one place will be attacked by several other capitals, making the attack even more difficult.

Gongsun Zan didn't know what method he used. The mound he built was able to persist for a long time even under the bombardment of the counterweight trebuchet.

After the Battle of Fan Yang was won and Liu Shi led the Youzhou Army to defeat the withdrawing Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan immediately fled into Yijing with the remnant soldiers.

It has been more than a month since Liu Shi led an army to besiege Yi Jing.

It was also the filling of the gullies in the main attack locations, and the use of catapults to pull out the surrounding capitals.

Liu Shi didn't bring many catapults, and there were less than [-] counterweight catapults in the entire two-county military area. Counterweight catapults were strictly confidential affairs among the Ming army.

The selection conditions for the catapult soldiers need to be innocent, believe in the way of peace, and have passed the previous selection and multiple assessments before they are eligible to control the catapult.

The ideological selection conditions of the catapult soldiers are not even inferior to those of the yellow angels.

Many soldiers who met the requirements of the Yellow Angels ideologically but could not meet the physical fitness eventually became catapult soldiers.

It can be explained that the catapult soldiers in the army are the reserves of the Yellow Angels.

There are no more than [-] siege weapons such as counterweight catapults in the entire Ming army, [-] in the two counties military region, [-] in the Taihang military region, and ten in the Padong military region. The main force of the Ming army has [-].

In order to prevent leakage, there are special team members following the catapult convoy, who are responsible for fire-proofing and burning the catapult in case of emergency, so as to prevent the catapult from falling into the hands of the enemy.

The technology of the counterweight catapult is far ahead of this era. If the technology of the counterweight catapult falls into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

A faint sound came from not far away, Xu An turned his head and looked aside, it was the catapult that had been calibrated and activated again.

In sight, dozens of stone bullets flew across the low sky and flew towards Yi Jing.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose, and several stone bullets hit the ground, rolled forward along the ground, and then fell into the gully, disappearing before Xu An's eyes.

The other few stone bombs hit the mounds around Yi Jing fiercely, and a mound suddenly collapsed, revealing the structure inside the mound. The soldiers inside the mound were obviously a little panicked At a loss.

Xu An has seen such a scene here many times.

It has to be said that Gongsun Zan is really a genius for defending the city. Even Hao Zhao was stunned when he saw Gongsun Zan building mounds like this, and how he built the capital to protect himself.

Seeing Gongsun Zan's approach, Xu You shook his head helplessly.

He Man also launched an attack with his pawns. He first used a shield cart to open the way, and then tried to attack a mound, but soon after being attacked by several mounds, He Man decisively ordered to retreat. Order.

Then this siege battle became a unique public siege battle.

Staff officers from the Privy Council, Taipingdao Army Academy, instructors from the Martial Arts Hall, and many instructors came to Yijing to study Yijing in detail and learn from its construction experience.

Xu An felt that Yi Jing's model could be implemented in the North and the frontiers as a military fortress for the Ming army.

Only a few thousand soldiers are needed to resist the protracted attack of tens of thousands of troops. It has to be said that Gongsun Zan still has his own things.

During this time, Xu An ordered soldiers to attack Yi Jing many times to observe how Gongsun Zan defended.

In some places, Gongsun Zan left enough space, and even hid cavalry in some mounds, and suddenly launched an attack on the siege troops. Fortunately, the soldiers battalion was well-trained and did not allow them to make meritorious deeds and cause losses.

Because it was just a test, the soldier battalion had also put on their armor, so the casualties were not serious, but they got a lot of useful information.

Xu An raised the binoculars in his hand and looked at Yi Jing in the distance.

Among the layers of mounds, there is a particularly tall building, which is the residence of Gongsun Zan, and the family members of Yi Jing's defenders also live in the earthen huts near the high building, which is already the core area of ​​Yi Jing.

Yi Jing can't last long, Xu An will not let Gongsun Zan stay in Yi Jing for four years like in the original time and space, he still has a lot to do, he can't waste so long on a city.

When the catapults from the Taihang Military Region and the eastern border of Youzhou arrive in another week, dozens of catapults will bombard them together, which can shorten the attack time to a minimum.

The battle of Rao Leshui that took place in September has ended, and the news was delivered to him yesterday.

Lv Bu defeated the central Xianbei in Rao Leshui, and the captives collapsed. Lv Bu was in the midst of the rebellious army, beheading Qianman, beheading the kings below [-] ranks, and the central Xianbei collapsed.

Yu Fuluo led the army to catch up with the old and weak women and children of the central Xianbei who were at the foot of the Great Xianbei Mountain in the north at that time. He killed the guards and captured all the old and weak women and children of the central Xianbei. .

The Ming army suffered [-] casualties, the Wuhuan cavalry suffered more than [-] casualties, and the eastern Xianbei army was not counted, and the Eastern Xianbei Shanyu Kuitou died.

After the Rao Le Shui campaign, more than [-] people surrendered from the central Xianbei.

The Xianbei tribe in the east also lost its command, and its army, as well as more than [-] old and weak women and children, were temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Ming army.

Xu An put down the binoculars in his hand, and pinned it to his waist.

From the beginning, he had no intention of conferring anyone as Xianbei's Marquis of Guiyi.

Although the Wuhuluanhua has not happened now, Xu An will never allow any hidden dangers.

Xianbei is different from the Wuhuan and Xiongnu tribes who have surrendered to China for many years, and they have a great awe of China. These Xianbei people entrenched in Mobei, once they become stronger, they will not hesitate to attack China.

The threat of northern Xinjiang must be eliminated.

Northern Xinjiang cannot be ruled by the Xianbei, nor can it be ruled by any other tribe.

After this battle, the vast land of Huaxia's northern border will not belong to the Xianbei people, nor will it belong to any of his tribes, but will belong to Daming and Huaxia.

The land named Xianbeilia will soon be renamed the Northern Border Province of the Ming Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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