The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 813 4 Out of Tiqi

Chapter 813
Weijun, Yecheng.

Between streets, squares and cities, curtains form curtains, and curtains form curtains.

The previous wars did not have much impact on the common people in Yecheng, only the powerful families in Yecheng were affected.

When the news of Fanyang's defeat reached Yecheng, it was at the time when many aristocratic families fled from Yecheng.

These powerful families were intercepted by the cavalry army of Shanggu Camp led by Xu You, all of them were captured, punished and confiscated a lot of money.

The flags on the city wall of Yecheng changed, and the original blue flag became a yellow flag.

After those troops who called themselves the Ming Army entered the city and implemented military control, not only did it not have much impact on the lives of ordinary people, but it even improved the law and order a lot.

Not only because all the rangers and bullies who were rampant in Fangshi were all sent to prison, but also because all the aristocratic and powerful families in Yecheng disappeared during this period of time.

During this period of time, all the powerful families in the land of Hebei rarely acted, and they did not go out if they could not go out.

The eagle wolf guard was like a sharp knife hanging above their heads, and they didn't know what would fall down.

Although Xu An said earlier that those who take the initiative can reduce the guilt, but how much the guilt is reduced depends on the judgment of the eagle wolf guard.

Except for the Shen family and the Qu family, all the powerful families in Hebei were trembling and did not dare to go out of their way in the slightest.

The reason why the Shen family has some confidence is because of the trial and assignment. At any rate, the trial and assignment is now the procurator of Jizhou Province, who is in charge of Jizhou's criminal name.

In addition to Qu Yi's reasons, the Qu family moved from Liangzhou, and they didn't have a firm foothold in Jizhou, and they didn't have much land.

The only land that Yuan Shao rewarded Qu Yi was the only land. The Qu family had just acquired it for only a few years, so naturally they were not talking about fish and meat villagers, and they were rampant.

When the powerful family could no longer influence the people in the city, and after the Ming army took over the various places, the ordinary people had less people who oppressed and exploited them, and naturally they were much more relaxed.

Years of wars caused prices to soar, and the life of the city residents was quite difficult, but after the Ming army took control of Yecheng, prices were quickly suppressed and returned to the peaceful era.

The first order issued by Xu An after all parts of Hebei were attached was to cancel all previous tax laws and regulations, and only need to pay land tax according to the regulations of Taiping Road. This year, he does not even need to pay labor support money.

In order to ensure the stability of Hebei, not only did Xu Rong, Yu Du and others lead the army to guard all sides, Xu An also ordered Fu Zhu to go to various places to preach the simple Ming court law, post notices, and send special personnel to explain its meaning.

The public trial has never been carried out, but the collection work of the Eagle Wolf Guard has not stopped for a moment. As the agency under the jurisdiction of the Six Gates, during this period, a large number of thieves and bandits have been wiped out.

Those aristocratic families have not been punished for the time being, but ordinary bullies and robbers are basically captured by the six doors and beheaded for public display.

The reduction of tax revenue and the improvement of law and order also made the common people in Hebei have a good impression of the Ming army.

The powerful propaganda, as well as practical means, made the Ming army warmly welcomed in all parts of Hebei for a while.

Although the spread of ancient news is much slower than that of later generations, it is not as slow as imagined.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass one thousand.

In just two or three months, public opinion in various places has eased.

According to the original propaganda in Wei Ting, the Ming army has always been demonized, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. The Taiping Dao is directly a cult.

When the Ming army first entered Jizhou, the people all over the country were actually panicked and apprehensive, and they didn't even dare to go out. They fled immediately when they saw the yellow flag of the Ming army.

But now all over the world have a certain understanding of the Ming army, and the Ming army's actual actions have made the people in Hebei dispel their wariness.

What Xu An was waiting for was this opportunity.

In the second year of the Ming Dynasty, on November [-], in the early morning.

In Yecheng, the government office of Yinglangwei attracted the attention of the whole city.

It's not because the people in the city were vigilant, but because the Eagle Wolf Guard made too much noise this time.

In the past, the state government of Jizhou was not actually Yecheng, but Gaoyi of Changshan Kingdom.

But Yuan Shao later moved the state government to Yecheng.

Part of the reason for this is that Yecheng is located in the key road area in the northern region, and the roads extend in all directions.

It happens to be in the partial center of the seven prefectures of Ji, Qing, You, Bing, Yan, Henan, and Sili, and radiates outward from the center, making it more convenient for people and materials to come and go and replenish.

As the capital of the Wei State, Yecheng has actually experienced two expansions, and a large number of people have poured into Yecheng.

After Yuan Shao established the country, in order to let the powerful families under his rule follow his wishes and be used by him, he not only gave them a lot of benefits, but also used means to let him move the main clan members to Yecheng. middle.

Among them, the Wuji Zhen family is included...


The Yinglangwei Government Office in Yecheng was rebuilt from the original government office in Yecheng, covering a rather large area.

Since September, this place has been transformed into the government office of the Eagle Wolf Guard, and the surrounding people can often see Tiqi wearing Eagle Wolf uniforms going in and out of it.

Pedestrians will also deliberately avoid the Eagle Wolf Guard Office. After all, there are often Tiqi wearing Eagle Wolf uniforms holding some prisoners with iron ropes, passing by this road, and bringing them into the prison in the Government Office. .

At this time, in the Eagle Wolf Guard Office, the silence was terrifying, even a needle drop could be heard.

Zhang Ji was wearing a purple dress, with his eyes slightly closed, sitting on the seat, the Yanling Saber was placed on the table beside him, not hanging on his waist, he seemed to be waiting for something.

In the lobby, a group of Qianhu officials in red eagle wolf suits were all armed with bows and knives. They also wore a chest armor on top of the eagle wolf suits, standing with their hands down on both sides.

In the courtyard outside the hall, there are eagle wolf guards standing, all wearing ivory white eagle wolf uniforms, and they are all hundred household officials in the eagle wolf guard.

It wasn't until they got out of the courtyard that they saw the eagle wolf guards in blue and black.

After Yang Wei, the original appeasement envoy of Yingwei, was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Xu An promoted Zhang Ji to be the envoy of Yingwei, filling the vacancy.

Zhang Ji had already been trained by Xu An in the Eagle Wolf Guard a long time ago. He started as an ordinary Tiqi, and relying on his hard work, he gradually climbed to the position of a thousand households in the Eagle Wolf Guard.

In more than ten years, Zhang Ji was no longer that thin and weak kid who could only charge behind Xu An with a flag.

He is also in his twenties now, and he has passed the age of starting a family very early.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, Zhang Ji slowly opened his eyes, left his seat, and stood up.

A person who was also wearing a purple eagle-wolf suit just like him walked into the hall at this moment. When he saw Zhang Ji, a smile appeared on that person's face.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The clothes on the eagle wolf guard represent their rank in the guard. From bottom to top, they are black (black), blue, white, red, purple, and fragrant (khaki). There are six colors in total.

Among the eagle wolf guards, only the peacekeepers can wear the purple eagle wolf uniform.

Among the Eagle and Wolf Guards, there are only two pacifiers in total, who are in charge of the Eagle Guard and the Wolf Guard respectively.

"It's been a long time indeed."

A smile appeared on Zhang Ji's face, and the person who came was Zhao Ji, the emissary of the Wolf Guard.

When Xu An arranged for him to enter the Eagle Wolf Guard, he served under Zhao Ji's command. From Henan County to Zhangshui, Jizhou, he followed Zhao Ji to learn all the way. Xu An is more like his big brother.

After Zhao Ji and Zhang Ji exchanged brief greetings, they stopped communicating. The purpose of his visit this time was not to reminisce about the past, but to complete the task set by Xu An.

Zhang Ji naturally understood the seriousness of the matter. He picked up the Yanling Saber on the table and stood at the head on the right.

The public trial has always been presided over by the wolf guards, so the commander of this operation is Zhao Ji, who is the governor of the wolf guards, not him.

Zhao Ji walked to the center of the hall, then turned to face everyone in the hall, and solemnly took out a seal from his arms.

A thousand households wearing a red eagle wolf suit stood beside him holding an imperial edict in both hands.

"Follow the decree of the Taoist monarch."

Zhao Ji looked solemn, holding the seal in his hand, and said in a deep voice.

"On the driving sticker, as long as there are famous people, no one should escape."

"Arrest people by name, convict them according to law, confiscate property, arrest important criminals!"

Zhao Ji paused for a moment, his cold eyes swept over the thousands of household officials in the hall, his tone suddenly became cold, and the temperature in the hall even dropped a little because of it.

"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"

"Investigate and rectify the lawlessness, clean up Hebei, and re-determine the universe by rectifying the principles of the court!"

"Announce it to the world, and the salty envoys will hear it. It's like a law!"


All the Eagle Wolf Guard Tiqi all agreed with a loud bang.

Immediately, the entire government office of the Eagle Wolf Guard erupted.

Holding the seal in his hand, Zhao Ji strode out of the lobby, followed by Zhang Ji, followed closely by the Thousand Household Officers of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

The horse neighed, Zhao Ji had already stepped on the horse, and a group of eagle wolf guards followed Zhao Ji and galloped towards the east of the city.

The government office of the Eagle Wolf Guards turned against Yingtian. Just after Zhao Ji led a team of Tiqi away, more Eagle Wolf Guard Tiqi rushed out of the government office of the Eagle Wolf Guards in Yecheng. Under the leadership of the official, they galloped out of the city and all over Hebei.

The sound of horseshoes resounding in the city of Yecheng, like a surging river, not only attracted the attention of ordinary people in Yecheng, but also aroused the vigilance of all the aristocratic families in Yecheng.

But just as they wanted to inquire about the news, they found that the streets were filled with soldiers wearing yellow scarves at some point.


The eagle wolf guard did not hide his appearance at all, and the sound of huge horse hoofs soon spread into Zhen's mansion.

Zhen Mi was sitting in the study, reading a book, when she also heard the commotion.

She didn't wonder for long, and soon the door of the study was opened, and several maids had already walked in, accompanied by several family soldiers holding ring knives.

Zhen Mi noticed that everyone's faces were full of panic.

Zhen Mi is so smart, she suddenly thought of what happened.

"Brother, can you tell me what happened outside?"

Zhen Mi walked out of the study room, first saluted her elder brother, and frowned slightly.

"A lot of Ming troops appeared on the street, and the passages around the mansion have been controlled by Ming troops."

Although Zhen Mi is only thirteen years old, Zhen Yan has never regarded her little sister as a child.

Zhen Mi has been extremely intelligent since she was a child, and many times her insights even surpass those of ordinary adults.

Xiangshi Liu Liang's attitude towards Zhen's family and Zhen Yi's other children was normal, but when he saw Zhen Mi, his expression was moved, and he pointed to Zhen Mi and said: "This woman is precious."

"Brother, don't tell me that the clan didn't hand over all the hidden money and food."

Zhen Yan's face froze, thinking of Zhen Mi's advice to him before, asking him to hand over all the hidden money and food, including the money and food in the secret treasury, and only keep [-]% of the money at most.

Seeing Zhen Yan's expression, Zhen Mi couldn't help but sighed in her heart, after all, she was soft-spoken and couldn't shake the clan's decision.

"How much of the clan is left behind?"

Zhen Yan's eyes flickered, avoiding Zhen Mi's sight, and sighed: "Almost fifty percent."

A trace of helplessness appeared on Zhen Mi's fair face. Among everyone, she knew very well that her own destiny could not be determined by herself, and she was already tied to the clan.

She was still young, and what she said was not valued by the clan. She thought it would be useful to ask her elder brother to advise her, but it seemed that the clan didn't accept her opinion.

"It seems that my Zhen family's hundreds of years of foundation may be ruined..."

Zhen Mi shook her head and sighed softly.

"Brother, please let all the servants in the family lay down their weapons and don't act of resistance. There are only a few hundred servants in the family, but there are tens of thousands of Ming troops in the city. How can there be any chance of winning?"

Zhen Yan sighed, and waved to the soldiers standing in the courtyard. The soldiers dropped the swords in their hands. In fact, they all knew that they were just hitting the stones with eggs, but they had weapons in their hands. There is also a little sense of security.


"Bump the door."

Zhao Ji waved his hand lightly, signaling the group of Tiqi standing in front of the door to disperse, and ordered to the Hercules behind him who had been waiting for a long time.


A group of wrestlers suddenly agreed, and raised the bumper that was placed on the ground.

The gate of Zhen's mansion has not been opened for a long time, and Zhao Ji is not going to wait any longer.

But before the wrestler raised the bumper and rushed towards the gate, the gate of Zhen's mansion, which had not been moved for a long time, opened from the inside at this moment.

Zhao Ji narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his right hand.

In the rear, a group of Yinglang Wei Tiqi in black clothes had already raised their bows and crossbows.

The cold crossbow arrows were facing the direction of Zhen's mansion, but all their attention was on Zhao Ji's right hand. Once Zhao Ji's right hand was clenched into a fist, they would not hesitate. Activate the crossbow in your hand.


Zhao Ji didn't make a fist, but slowly lowered his raised right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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