Chapter 819
Hao sweat, frost and wind blow the world, and the hot spring fire well has no business.

The dragon and snake in Zeguo can't stretch out in the cold, and the thin cypresses in Nanshan fade away.

No matter what happens in the world, time never stands still for a moment.

Winter is coming faster and faster, just entering December, but the snowflakes have already begun to fall.

The weather in Youzhou is colder than that in Jizhou and Qingzhou.

This is still the case in Youzhou south of the Great Wall, not to mention Monan and Modong provinces north of the Great Wall.

The big tree in the courtyard has only bare trunks left, and the leaves have all withered and fallen.

It has been snowing in Yecheng for three or four days, and a lot of snow has piled up on the big trees in the courtyard, as if covered with a layer of white feathers.

The public trial in Hebei did not cause too much commotion this time, and the commotion was quickly subsided, and the implementation went very smoothly.

With the progress of the public trial, a large amount of money was checked into the treasury, and a large amount of hidden grain was also confiscated.

In order to store these grains, Xu An directly ordered the construction of granaries in Xiaquyang, Yecheng, Pingyuan, and Jixian.

It is worth mentioning that the grain hidden by the powerful families in the land of Hebei is twice as much as the grain stored by the official state of Wei. No matter how much food there is, I am afraid that the food can only rot in the warehouse like this.

As for money, there is no way to compare with the surplus money in the treasury of Wei State.

With the annexation of Hebei, the crisis of scarcity of money and food was easily resolved.

The north wind was like a knife, passing over people's cheeks, making people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"It's getting colder today."

Xu An spit out a cloud of white mist, and tightened the fur robe he was wearing.

"The winters in the past few years have become colder and colder. The northern grasslands are not easy..."

Hao Zhao had been with Liu Shi in the military area of ​​the two counties before, so he spent a lot of time dealing with the Wuhuan Department of Shanggu, and he also had some understanding of the northern grasslands.

The cold wind howled, and Xu An frowned. The colder the winter, the harder it would be for ordinary people to survive such a winter.

He used to spend the winter only in single clothes, and he knew what it was like.

On the way to escape from Xiaquyang to Jingxingguan, after someone fell asleep, no one got up again.

Even the yellow angels, the elite of the army, don't have enough clothes to keep out the cold.

Most of the clothes to keep out the cold were sent to the rear, and those old and weak women and children who were in poorer health needed those clothes to keep out the cold.

No clothes to cover the body, no food to fill the stomach.

In fact, the defeat in Quyang was not only due to the command, but also due to hunger and cold.

"In the past few years, how has the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe suffered from disasters?"

Xu An tilted his head, glanced at Hao Zhao, and asked.

"There was a white disaster in the grasslands last year, but most of the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe entered the Great Wall in winter, so the disaster was not serious, but the Xianbei people lost a lot due to the white disaster."

Hao Zhao thought about it and replied.

"Zi Yuan."

Xu An pondered for a moment, turned slightly sideways, and shouted to his side.


Xu You was sitting in the house next to him, at the door, with a stove in front of him, and he did not stand on the promenade with Xu An and Hao Zhao watching the falling snow in the courtyard.

When Wang Fen's rebellion was revealed and the embroidered messenger chased him, the embroidered messenger left a very long wound on his chest during the chaotic battle in the mountain temple.

At that time, the knife almost killed him. He was lying on a stretcher on the road from Shanshen Temple to Jingxing Pass.

The high fever caused by the subsequent wound infection made him walk before the gate of hell. Fortunately, he survived in the end.

Although the wound on the chest has healed, it has left sequelae, which will cause a dull pain every certain season, and now it is even more difficult to stand the cold wind or the cold.

Hearing Xu An's voice, Xu You stood up and answered.

"There's no need to stand up, just memorize it for a while."

"The weather will continue to get colder, and the disaster situation on the grasslands will continue to worsen. In winter, the passes of the Great Wall will be temporarily opened, and the herdsmen from the two provinces of Monan and Modong will be allowed to go south to spend the winter in Bingzhou and Youzhou. Give it to Ji Ang and Liu Shi, let them restrain the herdsmen under their command, and try not to cause conflicts and riots."

Xu An thought for a while and added another sentence.

"Let Huang Long and Xu Rong make preparations in advance and vacate the space first. You can see if there are any capable people in Zhongshufu for this matter, and manage and coordinate it. After all, it involves the four provinces and needs to be coordinated."


Xu You responded, pondered slightly, and said.

"Since Duke Ming said that the weather will continue to be cold, does this need to be a routine in the future?"

Xu An frowned and thought for a moment. He knew that the weather was getting colder every year, so he finally decided to make it a routine. Although this move would have some impact on Bingzhou and Youzhou, it could minimize the damage.

Today, the ratio of the number of Hu Han in Modong and Monan is almost one to one. In the past ten years, the ancient Wuhuan tribe has been gradually sinicized, and their costumes and hair crowns have changed, completely abandoning everything before. .

"Then let's make it a routine. At this time of year, the Zhongshufu will send a coordinating envoy to coordinate the four provinces and preside over the winter work."

"As for the herdsmen in the northern Xinjiang province, they are also allowed to move south."

Xu An did not forget the Northern Xinjiang Province, which governs the Mobei region, but it is naturally impossible for the herdsmen in the Northern Xinjiang Province to enter the south of the Great Wall, after all, the distance between them is indeed too long.

"In the spring of next year, all the Beifu troops will be transferred to the Western Regions. We don't have so much food to feed idlers."

In the Battle of Rao Leshui, both Jian Man and Kui Tou were killed. There were more than [-] people in the Eastern and Central Xianbei. Young and strong.

Most of the young and strong, about [-] people, were sent to the south and entered the labor camps, where they will be subjected to heavy corvee labor. They must work in the labor camps for at least ten years before they can be released.

The competition for living space has always been brutal.

Historically, when China was weak, the nomads in the north went south, causing even millions of deaths.

During the five chaos in China, the people of China were even reduced to two-legged sheep, no different from livestock.

Xu An didn't show any mercy, he was well aware of the threat of restlessness in the north.

When necessary, he can raise the butcher knife without hesitation.

Up to now, he has already forgotten the name behind him.

He would rather bear the infamy of his life, but also let the country prosper.

The establishment of Ming Dynasty was based on the martyrdom of tens of thousands of people.

The sacrifice of millions of people has brought about today's Daming.

He had promised his teacher, and he had sworn an oath before the altar of the gods.

The next time he comes to the Divine Stage again, he will definitely make Huang Tian's virtue famous in this world.

He will do his best to make the unreachable world of Huang Tian come to the world.

The remaining [-] Xianbei were young and strong, and their physique was strong, and they were all incorporated into the sequence of the Beifu Army.

Some of the officers and generals of the Beifu Army were Ming Army cavalry drawn from Duliao Camp and Xiaoqi Battalion, the other part were students who graduated from the Taipingdao Army Academy, and the grassroots officers were selected slaves from the Xianbei tribe.

These slaves have been abused and oppressed by the Xianbei people for a long time, and they have become grassroots officers. They will stand with the Ming army without hesitation and will hardly associate with the Xianbei people.

The number of slaves in the Xianbei tribe is not small. After persuasion, there are more than [-] slaves who are willing to join the Beifu Army, and the size of the Beifu Army has expanded to [-].

With an army of this size, Xu An naturally wouldn't keep them all the time, and just transferred them to the Western Regions to expand their territory.

The Southern Xiongnu and Shanggu Wuhuan have almost been assimilated. They practice Han rituals, know Chinese characters, speak Chinese, and wear Han clothes.

The Huns have already been removed, and the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe has also been removed. Although they are still collectively called the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe, the current management of the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe has been attributed to Modong Province and Liu Shi.

The title of Marquis of Guiyi in Nanlou was also changed to Marquis of Dingxiang. Most of the members of the Wuhuan Tribe in Shanggu were accepted as naturalized nationality, and even quite a few people obtained Chinese nationality. Most of the people who obtained Chinese nationality were The Wuhuan cavalry who entered the Shanggu camp were granted membership for their military exploits.

Xianbei is different from Wuhuan and is difficult to be assimilated.

Wuhuan and the Xiongnu have been attached to the Han court for many years, and they are actually vassals, while Xianbei is an enemy from beginning to end. Tan Shihuai led Xianbei to reach the peak, which also planted seeds in the hearts of all Xianbei people.

Therefore, Xu An's methods against Xianbei were far more cruel than those against Wuhuan and the Huns.

Except for women and children, the rest of the men were either exiled into the army or used as corvees.

There must be a battle between the Western Regions, Dawan, and Guishuang, and it is naturally unrealistic to rely solely on the armies of the Western Regions, Liangzhou Army, and Western Regions Army.

Dawan is nothing to be afraid of, but the Guishuang Empire has a large population, and they have the upper hand in the war of attrition.

Although the Liangzhou Army and the Western Regions Army are powerful, their numbers are limited. If there are too many casualties, it may even shake the rule of the Protectorate of the Western Regions. After all, the surrender of the Western Regions is still based on the strong foundation of the Ming Army. Cultural Identity.

Because of this, the armies of the countries in the Western Regions will definitely not do their best to fight for the Ming court.

"The Beifu army has just formed an army, and most of the army are Xianbei people. To ensure safety, I thought we could send the Xiliang camp to follow the army to monitor, and let the Xiliang camp cavalry return after entering Dunhuang County."


Xu An did not object to Xu You's proposal.

Now that the war in Jingzhou has come to an end, Xu Huang has led his troops back to Chang'an, and the Xiliang Camp has no mission, so it doesn't delay things.

The Beifu army has just formed an army. Although there are former slaves suppressing the Xianbei people, there are certain risks. With the elite cavalry from the Xiliang camp as a deterrent, it can indeed ensure safety.

Xu An crossed his hands together and stretched them into the sleeves made of fur, and the temperature in his hands slowly began to rise.

It was another midwinter year, and it was said that the auspicious snow would herald a good year, but Xu An felt that the coming season would not be a good harvest year.

In May of this year, a small-scale locust plague occurred in the Sansuke area, that is, in Zhongzhou. Fortunately, it did not reach the terrifying scale of last year. It only destroyed a small part of the farmland, which also benefited from the action of locust removal.

In autumn and September, the Han River overflowed and floods occurred, which affected the harvest in Yizhou to a certain extent.

Many people were displaced due to the flood. Zhang Yan, as the governor of Yizhou, handled it properly. He adopted the method of providing relief with work to temporarily resettle the affected people, which stabilized the situation and did not let it continue to deteriorate.

During this time, Yizhou is rebuilding water conservancy and repairing the affected areas.

Yizhou's overall grain revenue and expenditure is in a negative value. This year, not much grain has been saved, and some of the stock left by Liu Zhang has been consumed.

Part of the reason is due to the reduction in production due to floods and the consumption of work-for-relief, and the other part is due to the consumption of the Battle of Jingzhou. The Battle of Nanjun and Yiling lasted for several months, consuming a lot of manpower and material resources.

In his memory, Xu An remembered that during the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period, natural disasters in various places hardly stopped.

Xu An withdrew his gaze, turned around, walked to the chair beside Xu You and sat down, stood in the cold wind and blew his drowsy head, which also made him more conscious.

Looking at the slowly burning flames in the stove, Xu An's thoughts also diverged a little.

"A person who walks a hundred miles is halfway to ninety. The last ten steps are not easy."

Xu You took the iron fork and stretched it into the stove, and adjusted the charcoal in the stove to make the stove burn a little more vigorously. Hearing Xu An's emotion, his hand holding the iron fork also stopped. air.

"It's really not easy to go."

"Although the main force of the Han court was defeated, they still have the strength to fight. Although our army got money and food in Hebei, we spent a lot of money and food because of the chaos in northern Xinjiang. Now there are disputes in the Western Regions, and we are transporting food from Liangzhou In the Western Regions, there is a lot of loss, and a lot of food is needed to support the immigrants from the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang and the Beifu Army."

Xu You put down the iron fork in his hand, put his hands in his sleeves again, and leaned forward slightly.

The fiery red light from the furnace shone on his body, coating him with a layer of red light.

"How does Duke Ming plan to arrange Yilou and Woju?"

Xu You didn't continue to talk about the issue of money and food. It only needs to mention this issue.

After mentioning the points, he turned to ask about the two countries located in the northeast of Liaozhou.

Yilou and Woju are to the east of Fuyu Kingdom. They are said to be countries, but they are actually more like tribes.

There are four countries in the northeast of Liaozhou, namely Puyu, Goguryeo, Yilou, and Woju.

Fuyu King Weiqiutai took the initiative to become Gongsundu's vassal and married the daughter of Gongsundu's clan, while Goguryeo was subdued by Gongsundu, and its lord Bogu had already declared his surrender.

The lords of Puyu and Goguryeo both held the title of Marquis of Guiyi and existed as vassal states.

"What do you think of Ziyuan?"

When Xu An heard Xu You's question, he knew that Xu You probably already had a draft in mind, so he immediately threw this question back to Xu You.

Xu You pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice.

"This time, our army's victory over Xianbei spread our reputation far and wide. The Yilou and Woju tribes are located in the Northeast, and the news is blocked. Maybe we don't know about our army's victory in the northern border, but Goguryeo and Puyu definitely know about it."

"Ming Gong can ask Gongsun Du to find an excuse to attack Yilou and Woju. At the same time, he will recruit Goguryeo and Puyu. Absolutely dare not refuse."

"The war in the Northeast is unfolding, and our army only needs to serve as a supervising army and sit back and watch the tigers fight."

Xu You's eyes were slightly cold, and he said slowly.

"In this way, the four divisions of Puyu, Goguryeo, Yilou, and Woju can be weakened at the same time, and our army does not even need to pay any money."

"Minggong plans to mobilize the navy at the end of next year to imitate Gongsundu's attack on Qingzhou. At that time, he can also recruit soldiers from Puyu and Goguryeo to fight south, and only need to pay a little property."

Xu You lowered his voice.

"Since Duke Ming set up the Haidong Province, our army must take the lands of Puyu, Goguryeo, Yilou, and Woju into our pockets. Otherwise, if these four tribes break out in the future, our Liaozhou Province will be cut off. If we have no connection with Haidong Province, then we may lose control of Haidong Province and Dongyi Island."

"Only by weakening the two countries of Puyu and Goguryeo, can we implement the chieftain system in their land, eliminate threats, and completely turn it into my land of China,..."

Hao Zhao also walked into the house from the corridor at this time. Just as he was about to sit down, he heard Xu You's cold voice.

I don't know if it was the effect of the cold wind, or because Hao Zhao felt a slight chill in his body after hearing what Xu You said.

(End of this chapter)

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