Chapter 836
Jane's death caused panic on the battlefield.

The soldiers of Fuyu Kingdom didn't react at all, they saw their son Jianwei lying on the ground.

Blood gushed out from the wound in Jane's throat and flowed down from Jane's mouth.

Jane was lying on his back, and his throat, which was not protected by armor, was pierced by a feathered arrow.

Jane held the arm of the guard next to her tightly, his eyes were full of desire for life.

But no matter how much he tried to survive, it would have no effect.

Jane's hand finally fell to the ground.

Gongsun Du put down the binoculars in his hand, and he clearly saw Jian Weiju swallowing his last breath.

"Order all the troops to keep in line, and those who do not move will be killed immediately."

Gongsun Du handed the binoculars to the guards beside him.

"There's no need to block the news, just let the news spread to the capital of Fuyu."

"Then Yuchichou has no value in living. Send a letter to the Eagle Wolf Guard so that they can do it."

Gongsun Du made no secret of his hostility.

In fact, Wei Qiutai had passed away a long time ago.

This ruler who once ruled Fuyu Kingdom for more than sixty years, and also had the power to stir up the situation in the north, lost his vigor when he was young, indulged in pleasure and ease, and completely lost his heart.

Corruption was rampant in Buyeo, and the Eagle Wolf Guard easily bought the servants in the palace of the capital of Buyeo.

At the beginning, Gongsundu married the daughter of his clan to Wei Qiutai in order to show his win over.

With this layer of relationship, coupled with the activities of the Eagle Wolf Guard and the investment and layout of a large amount of money, the Eagle Wolf Guard has actually penetrated into the most central area of ​​Fuyu.

I have to say that although Wei Qiutai is old, his body has no serious problems, and it is not a problem to last for a year or two.

But the current situation does not require Wei Qiutai to continue to live.

After all, if Wei Qiutai survives for a day, then Fuyu Country will not be in chaos for a day.

There are many ways for the Eagle Wolf Guard to kill people. The palace of Fuyu Kingdom has been infiltrated by the Eagle Wolf Guard for a long time. In the eyes of the Eagle Wolf Guard, it is actually no different from a sieve.

Wei Qiutai is getting old...

Gongsun Gong is the second son of Gongsundu. This time, as the eldest son Gongsun Kang stayed in Liaozhou, he followed Gongsundu to fight northward.

After all, the victory against Yilou is almost a certainty this time, so why not use the military exploits picked up for nothing.

Gongsun Gong was not as calm as Gongsun Du, and Jian Weiju's death made him think of many things.

For example, the head of the Xianbei Shanyu who had chosen to join the Eastern Xianbei died under a feather arrow while on the battlefield.

Obviously there are so many guards protecting them, even if they charge forward, they may not be able to get injured, but just like this, they were injured by arrows when the war was about to win.

The two Xianbei were eaten up and wiped out by the Ming army in this way, and there were almost no bones left.

Now how many Xianbei people left in the three northern provinces are women and children, and the rest were either moved to the south for labor reform, or entered the interior to farm, or went to the Western Regions to farm as the Northern Army.

I heard that the Taoist Lord also arranged for some Xianbei people to move eastward to the west of Fuyu, and it seems that some of the Xianbei people were also moved to Fuyu.

Gongsun Gongce stepped forward immediately, thought for a moment, and said with a smile.

"Father planned a strategy. Once Jian Weiju and Wei Qiutai die, there will be chaos in Fuyu Kingdom. The battle on the South Road will go smoothly. As long as our army defeats Yilou again, father will definitely be rewarded by Daojun."

Gongsun Du glanced sideways at Gongsun Gong who was standing beside him, and shook his head.

"I don't care if I get rewarded or not. Now my position should not change much. Governor of Liaozhou, Marquis of Liao, this is already the highest position I can reach."

"However, I am satisfied. Apart from those Marquis Guiyi, there are only two marquises in the entire Ming Dynasty. One is me, and the other is Lu Bu."

"I, the Marquis, just donated the land of Liaozhou in return for being the first to work."

"This time to pacify Liaodong, the most reward I can get is to be a general of the third rank."

Gongsun Gong was a little puzzled.

"Father wiped out the four kingdoms and expanded the land for thousands of miles. The Taoist Lord only added a first-level official title to his father. This..."

"Some of them can't be justified."


"Xu An's surname is not Liu, and this Ming Dynasty is not a big man."

Gongsun Du held the whip and the rein in his hand, kicked the horse's belly, and walked a few steps forward.

"You haven't met Daojun, you don't understand."

Gongsun Du stared at the rolling mountains in front of him.

He remembered the first time he met Xu An.

At that time, Xu An had just won the Battle of Fanyang, and with the prestige of victory, he coerced Hebei and quickly pacified the two prefectures of Hebei and Youzhou.

Then Xu An led the troops all the way north, the bright line was because Gongsun Zan was trapped in Yijing at that time, and he wanted to attack Gongsun Zan.

But in fact, Xu An wanted to show off his force and show off his might.

Just like when Qin Shihuang was traveling around, declaring his sovereignty to the world, he frightened Xiaoxiao with swords.

He received a call at that time, so he and Xu Rong went to meet Xu An.

That day in the military tent outside Yi Jing, he met Xu An.

He had met Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo and Gongsun Zan, and the two emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Yuan Shao is like an eagle, showing his sharpness.

Sun Jian was like a tiger and aggressive like fire.

Dong Zhuo is like a bear, tyrannical and heartless.

Gongsun Zan is like a wolf, full of ambitions.

The Emperor of Han argues like a sheep, weak and timid

The emperor of the Han Dynasty is as cohesive as a snake, with hidden sharp teeth.

They are nothing but birds and beasts, mortal creatures.

But Xu An is like a "dragon".

The change of the dragon can be big or small, can rise or hide.

Big ones swallow clouds and mist, and small ones hide their shapes.

Ascension means soaring among the universe, while hidden means lurking in the waves.

The four prefectures of Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Yizhou, and Guanzhong were impoverished under the control of Zhang Yi, Han Sui, Liu Yan, and Dong Zhuo, but they were just dormant under the control of Xu An.

The flying dragon leaves the sky and follows the clouds into the abyss; the potential dragon is in the abyss, and follows the clouds to the sky.

Dalinlong came out of Tianhe, and the four library soils ranked ninety-five.

Now Xu An, the true dragon, has flown out of the mountains, aspiring to win the Central Plains.

Qianlong in the abyss, soaring to nine days.

It's not difficult to get along with Xu An, Xu An always gives people a feeling like a spring breeze, and there are no rules and regulations that make him feel restrained.

And he didn't feel the slightest contempt in his heart, he just respected Xu An more and more.

Now that I think about it carefully, maybe this is what Xu Rong said to him at the beginning, "power but not anger, intimacy but hard to offend".

"Official title, title, these are important, but they are not important."

Gongsun Du pulled the reins, controlled the horses under his seat, and looked at the undulating mountains.

"The Dao Lord above my head is different from any emperor in this world. Our Dao Lord is not a mortal..."

Gongsun Du raised the whip in his hand, pointed at the sun in the sky, and said to Gongsun Gong who was following him.

"When the Han Dynasty ruled the world, the surrounding countries were all kings, but now that the Taoist monarch has established the Central Plains, none of the surrounding countries can be worthy of a king."

"Even if there are hundreds of thousands of people in Shanggu Wuhuan, its commander is just a mere Marquis of Guiyi."

"Tadun, the only one of the three prefectures in Wuhuan, was granted the title of Marquis of Guiyi. Of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, only one part of Wusun was granted the title of Marquis of Guiyi, and none of the other countries were granted the title of Marquis of Guiyi."

"The Taoist Lord has conferred only nine Marquis of Guiyi in total. After Qianman died in Rao Leshui, the titles of Marquis of Guiyi of Wei Choutai and Bogu will be removed immediately. Yihou only has six people."

"I remember, it seems that Taoist Lord never said that the title of Marquis of Guiyi can be hereditary, right?"

Gongsun Gong's expression changed slightly, as if the title bestowed by the Taoist Lord had never been said to be hereditary.

In other words, the title of Marquis Guiyi cannot be inherited, only the conferred can hold it, and their next generation heirs have no way to directly obtain the same title.

At the same time, he also remembered that it seemed that his father's position as Marquis of Liao was not clearly stated as a hereditary succession.

Even the champion who pacified the northern border did not seem to have hereditary words.

A lot of beads of sweat oozed from Gongsun Gong's forehead. He carefully examined his father's expression, not even daring to breathe out.

He couldn't figure out what their Taoist Lord was thinking.

He didn't know what kind of thoughts his father had in mind.

"At the beginning in Yizhou, Zhao Zhi led his troops to attack thousands of miles, conquered four cities in a row, planned to take Yufu, and seized Jiangguan. Such achievements, in the eyes of the Taoist Lord, are only enough to be named 'Bo'."

"Because I helped move the Yellow Turban of Mount Tai, sacrificed Liaozhou, and subdued Fuyu and Goguryeo, I was granted the title of Marquis of Liao."

"Compared to Zhao Zhi, this achievement is higher."

"It's just that Guo Tai regained the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, defeated the coalition forces of Dawan and Guishuang, and subdued Che Shi and Wusun. His achievements far surpassed mine, and he was only named Ping Xibo."

"My position as Marquis is becoming more and more uncomfortable..."

The chaos on the mountain path had subsided, and the death of Jianwei made Fuyu's army into chaos.

However, under the strong suppression of the Ming army, the team soon regained their calm.

"The tiger that ran out of the Jiuyuan mountain forest leveled the entire northern border before being made a Marquis by the Taoist Lord."

"What do you think the marquis means in my Ming Dynasty now?"

A gleam flashed in Gongsun Du's eyes.

"After listening to my talk about the situation of Goguryeo and Buyeo last time, not long after I returned to Liaozhou, Taoist Lord sent me a letter asking me to recruit soldiers from Goguryeo and Buyeo to attack Yilou and Woju, and asked me to look for opportunities Annex these four countries."

"Based on my achievements, I am not worthy of the position of Marquis at all. The reason why I was conferred the title of Marquis of Liao in the first place was partly because of the price offered by the solicitation, and partly because I needed to destroy the four kingdoms of Liaodong as repayment."

"Our Daoist Lord has not proclaimed himself emperor so far, and I can't figure out his thoughts."

"One doesn't live in the palace, and the other doesn't ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor. Even if he became the king at the beginning, it was only for the founding of the country."

Gongsun Du recalled the scene when Xu An summoned him, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Xu An's body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, he couldn't see clearly at all, making it hard to guess.

"He doesn't seem to care about power, but he holds power tightly in his hands."

Gongsun Du's voice was low, and he lowered his eyes, as if he was remembering something.

"If I didn't find out later that he also has behaviors and emotions like ordinary people, I would doubt that he is a real god..."


"It may be my illusion. I felt that Daojun seemed to be hesitating at that time, and he seemed a little confused in his heart."

"Stop talking about that."

Gongsundu raised his head again, he didn't know why he felt this way.

All of this has nothing to do with him, he can hardly control Xu An's thoughts, and most of the things that Xu An is confused about are mostly helpless.

Gongsun Du's gaze was refocused on the soldiers of Fuyu State below.

"Order all the Liaozhou cavalry to rest for a moment."

Gongsun Du turned his horse's head, faced the crowd in front of him, and shouted loudly.

"In a moment, follow me to attack the capital of Yilou Kingdom!"

The military order was like a mountain, and the messengers took Gongsun Du's general order and galloped quickly towards the rear.

"I will lead my troops to attack the capital of Yilou Kingdom."

"You stay here with your troops and horses to prevent the mountain road from being cut off, and send a letter to Liaozhou to your brother."

"Once there is chaos in Fuyu country, let him immediately lead troops to the border area, but don't enter Fuyu country for the time being, just keep the border stable."

"Let those idiots from Fuyu country fight a few battles in the country first."

"The more chaotic Fuyu country is, the greater the benefits for our army. Remember, if the fire is not strong enough, then fill it with more dry firewood."

"When the turmoil in Fuyu country lasts for a while, we will enter the country of Buyeo to put down the rebellion."

Gongsun Du gave the order calmly, even though he was old.

But the successive battles did not make him feel tired, but rejuvenated him.

He found that it was this kind of life that he liked before, but the tranquility made him feel at a loss.

Just as Gongsun Du was thinking, a rhythmic sound of horseshoes sounded from behind him.

"Marquis of Liao."

A general riding a white horse and wearing a blue brocade robe rode over from one side.

"Thanks for your hard work."

When Gongsun Du saw the person coming, a smile appeared on his face.

"This time he was able to pacify Liaodong, and Zilong made extraordinary achievements."

"If you can share the worries of the Marquis of Liao and protect the stability of the country, Yun, you should do your best."

Gongsun Du smiled even wider.

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

His biggest achievement in Liaodong was not having tens of thousands of elite cavalry under his command, nor was he building a huge naval fleet.

Instead, he got many famous ministers and generals.

There are Guan Ning, Bing Yuan and Wang Lie in charge of politics.

So that in Liaozhou, the strong do not bully the weak, the crowd does not bully the few, and merchants and merchants do not hesitate to buy.

There are Tai Shici and Zhao Yun outside, who frighten the barbarians and coerce overseas.

"Zilong, you have always been upright, but this time you are going against your righteousness and stabbing people in the back."

Gongsundu looked at Zhao Yun and sighed.

When Zhao Yun came to vote at the beginning, he was quite surprised.

Zhao Yun used to serve under Gongsun Zan's command, the decision was not made by Zhao Yun alone, but by the villagers of Changshan Kingdom. Yuan Shao's exploitation was serious, so they chose to support Youzhou.

The ruler of Youzhou was still Liu Yu at that time. Since Liu Yu took office, he has widely practiced benevolent government and won the hearts of the people.

In the several battles with Yuan Shao, Zhao Yun showed his talents.

Qu Yi had chased Gongsun Zan back then, and almost beheaded Gongsun Zan. In the end, Zhao Yun led the troops to block Qu Yi who was pursuing him, and Gongsun Zan escaped the murder.

After that, in Longcou and Pingyuan, Zhao Yun also made outstanding achievements.

Later, Zhao Yun asked Gongsun Zan to resign and return to his hometown because of his brother's death, and there was no news from him.

The confrontation between the Han and Wei dynasties resulted in constant tax increases and all kinds of heavy labor.

In the end, it also affected Zhao Yun who kept his filial piety at home.

The Zhao family in Changshan is not an aristocratic family, but a poor family, with great prestige among the villages and pavilions.

It was also because of this that he became a general under Gongsun Zan's command.

After the filial piety period expired, Zhao Yun also left Changshan Kingdom again.

Only this time he had no intention of becoming an official.

The reason why I went to Liaodong was only because I received a message about Liaodong.

After the defeat of Gongsun Zan, the elite of the leading lineage retreated to Yijing, and the rest of the troops scattered.

When Zhao Yun went to join Gongsun Zan, there were many comrades who joined the army with him. Some of these people survived, and they fled all the way to Liaodong.

Zhao Yun went to Liaodong to find them.

At that time, the situation in the world was turbulent, and no one could see the situation clearly.

Zhao Yun originally wanted to serve the Han Dynasty, but he was worried that his family would be implicated. After all, the Han Dynasty and Wei Ting were opposed.

After Zhao Yun arrived in Liaodong, Gongsundu heard Zhao Yun's name and learned that it was Zhao Yun who defeated Qu Yi, so he kindly invited Zhao Yun to stay in Liaodong.

The kindness is hard to come by, and Zhao Yun also discovered that Gongsun Du is indeed a benevolent leader.

At that time, Gongsun Du occupied Liaodong, recruited talents, set up a school, recruited refugees, and traveled overseas.

Due to Gongsundu's determination and painstaking efforts, the Liaodong area gained temporary peace when the Central Plains was under the haze of war.

Most people from the Central Plains took refuge in Liaodong, and Guan Ning, Bing Yuan, Wang Lie, Tai Shici and others also came across the sea to seek refuge.

Zhao Yun did not choose to accept the solicitation at first.

He originally served as an official under Gongsun Zan, but he didn't want Gongsun Zan to kill Liu Yu later, making the people of Youzhou miserable.

He worried that Gongsun Du would do the same.

However, after repeated consideration and investigation, Zhao Yun finally chose to accept Gongsundu's solicitation and become an official in Liaodong.

Because he found that Gongsun Du is indeed a very charismatic protagonist.

"Although Fuyu is attached to him, his lord, Wei Choutai, is old, and the son of the country, Jian, is like a bear and a tiger, but his voice is like a jackal. It's not like a generation who is willing to be inferior to others."

"If it doesn't get rid of, there will probably be chaos in Liaodong. The choice made by the lord, Yun, thinks there is nothing wrong with it."

"Yun Fei is a person who loves fame. As long as he can protect the peace of the people in Liaodong, even if his reputation is damaged because of it, it is nothing."

"Zi Long……"

Gongsun Du looked at Zhao Yun with awe-inspiring expression, and was speechless for a while.

The world is going downhill, and people's hearts are immortal.

He has been in the officialdom for many years, and was promoted all the way as a small official in Xuantu.

Then he followed Shengwei Shang Shulang and Jizhou Governor until he was dismissed because of rumors.

Zhao Yun doesn't have much worldliness, what he has is just a relic of the ancient gentleman.

Those who are upright and upright are hard to invade.

Is the golden scale a thing in the pool?
Gongsun Du held the rein tightly, at this moment, he finally made up his mind.

"Zilong is so brave, he finally gave in to me."

Gongsun Du stared into Zhao Yun's eyes and said solemnly.

"My Gongsun Du is just the lord of one state and one place. Liaodong is too small for you after all."

"Ming Gong..."

Zhao Yun's expression changed slightly, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Gongsun Du.

"When the Liaodong matter is settled, I want to recommend you and Ziyi to the court."

"Only by Daojun's side, in the center of the world, can you and Ziyi's abilities have a place to display, instead of being wasted by me and Liaodong."

"Ming Gong..."

Zhao Yun's expression was moved, he could see that Gongsun Du was really thinking about him.

"You and Ziyi have followed me for many years, treated me as master, and worked hard."

"Although I don't want to give up, I can't stop the official career of the two of you."

"This Liaodong, after all, is too small for you..."

Gongsun Du's mood was a little low.

His ambitions have all faded with time, and he's becoming more and more nostalgic.

Gongsun Du suddenly understood why Liu Hong wanted to make a northern tour of Jizhou to repair the Jiedu Pavilion.

"The Daoist Lord has sent a notice that at the time of the autumn harvest this year, the Southern Expedition Edict will be issued to attack the Southern Court and unify the world."

"Now that Jane is dead, the time is just right, and you can catch up with this southern expedition."

Gongsun Du raised his whip and pointed at the undulating mountains in front of him.

"The pacification of the Liaodong four countries this time is what I have laid down for you for promotion."

He is old and has no ambitions.

This time the four kingdoms of Liaodong will be pacified, and the position of Marquis of Liao will also be secured.

Xu An is a benevolent lord, he knows that he can use this merit to bless his clan to prosper.

His title of Marquis of Liao cannot be inherited, not because of hereditary succession.

It's just that this title cannot be inherited, but the title of Marquis of Liao will not be conferred for generations to come.

That is to say, even if Daming has been passed on for thousands of generations, he is still the only one who can be called Marquis of Liao.

Unchanged for many generations, unique through the ages.

A smile appeared on Gongsun Du's face.

In the future, on the history books of later generations, he will definitely be able to pass on independently...

There are four levels of titles in the Ming Dynasty: Duke, Marquis, Bo, and Zi, which are different from those in Qin and Han Dynasties, and similar to those in Zhou Dynasty, except that Baron is missing.

But so far no one can be named Duke, and the only ones who can be named Marquis are him and Lu Bu.

Although the title of marquis cannot be inherited, his eldest son can be downgraded to the title of earl, and the next level can become a viscount.

Then the rank of title will remain unchanged, and it will be passed to the fifth generation to terminate.

The Ze of Gentlemen, he will be executed in the fifth generation.

These are Xu An's promises to him.

Although the Marquis of Guiyi has the name of Marquis, it belongs to the title of foreign amnesty, which is different from the domestic title.

If it is forced to be converted, then the rank of Gui Yihou is probably the first rank of earl, and it is a one-time title.

"Ming Gong's kindness, Yun, will never forget each other."

In fact, in this battle, Gongsun Du can fully credit his two sons, Gongsun Gong and Gongsun Kang, with his achievements.

The battle in Liaodong is going well, and the enemy is not strong, but the achievements of expanding the frontier are profound.

Gongsun Du stared at the mountains in front of him, his thoughts drifted away with the mountain wind.

Looking back on his life, he had no regrets.

But he met Xu An and heard the blueprint that Xu An had drawn for him.

He only hated that he was born [-] years earlier, if he was born [-] years later, he would be able to join the Ming army in his prime and join the menacing general trend of the world.


It's a pity that there is no if in this world.

Born in Liaodong, he served as an official in Liaodong.

In the future, he will also live in Liaodong forever.

Gongsun Du raised his head, the sun above the sky was so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it.

"call out------"

A sharp sound suddenly sounded from behind Gongsun Du.

Gongsundu looked back, it was the whistle of assembly.

The hour has come.

Next, it is time to pacify Liaodong.

The whistle sounded one after another, and on the mountain road, countless cavalrymen of the Ming army with helmets and yellow scarves had already stepped on their horses.

Their destination is the capital of the enemy country!
(End of this chapter)

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