The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 844 The New Commercial Law of Fusang Province

Chapter 844 The New Commercial Law of Fusang Province

After the envoys from Yamatai encountered the Liaozhou fleet, they stayed with Gongsun Kang for a long time.

Through the conversation, they also understood that the huge empire called "Han" that once faced them across the sea has now been destroyed.

The country that replaced it was the "Ming" country.

The current monarch of the Ming Dynasty is Xu An, who is honored as the Taoist monarch, not the emperor.

After listening to Gongsun Kang's story about Xu An, the envoy of Yamatai directly believed that Xu An had the same divine power as their monarch Himiko, and they were all gods.

The envoys of Yamatai respected Xu An very much, and the impact of hundreds of warships on them was too great.

And above the port, the group of armored soldiers brought by Xu An made everyone in Yamatai dumbfounded.

When Xu An, who was in the governor's mansion of the military port, met them in the governor's mansion.

Nan Shengmi and Urban Niuli sat on the chairs, looking extremely uneasy, and Nan Shengmi was very uncomfortable.

One is because of Xu An's prestige, and the other is because they are used to sitting on the floor, but it is difficult for them to get used to sitting on such a high chair. This chair is uncomfortable no matter what.

Those warriors in the governor's mansion who wore iron armor and were equipped with waist knives were even more afraid.

The distance they walked from the port to the governor's mansion, if the soldiers they encountered came to their country, they could easily wipe out their country.

Xu An remembered that the reason Yamatai was destroyed was not because of internal strife, but because of foreign aggression.

And the biggest foreign trouble is the dog slave country that has been opposing it.

The Gonu Kingdom and the Yamatai Kingdom have always been at odds, and there have been conflicts between the two countries.

In the original time and space, Queen Himiko of the Yamatai Kingdom sent Zai Si and Wu Yue to Cao Wei in the eighth year of Zhengshi (247 A.D.) to state the situation of the war between the two countries and ask Wei to send troops for assistance.

Xu An used this situation as an entry point, and brought it up during the conversation.

The envoy of Yamatai only thought that Xu An could understand ghosts and gods, so he knelt down and asked Xu An to send troops to assist them in the war against the Gonu Kingdom.

Xu An readily agreed.

A mere dog slave country can be destroyed by hand.

You don't even need to personally send troops to defeat the Gou Nu Country.

When Xu An said that he would send an army to destroy the Gou Nu Kingdom, Nan Shengmi was grateful and bowed down.

However, Xu An was only willing to confer the title of Marquis on Xiematai, and its leader as Marquis of Guiyi.

Nan Shengmi raised some objections to the title, and the reason why Yamatai sent Nan Shengmi as an envoy was because Nan Shengmi was proficient in Chinese culture.

Han culture is also considered a compulsory course for nobles in Yamatai.

Xu An bluntly said that for vassal states and vassal states, now they can only be named princes, not kings, and Nan Shengmi still did not continue to insist.

This Taoist monarch is not like the emperors of the Han Empire recorded in the book who do not like to expand their power.

When he was next to Gongsun Kang, every time he heard news about wars in various places.

It seems that the Ming army has just defeated the northern country, wiped it out, and occupied its land.

Previously, the Yamatai Kingdom had exchanges with the Three Koreas across the sea, but just a few years ago, the Three Koreas were defeated by an army called the "Ming Army", and the country was destroyed.

This Taoist monarch of the Ming Empire seems to be extremely keen on expanding the empire's territory...

The reason why Himiko sent them to meet the tribute this time was to know what their new neighbor thought.

Originally, because of the war with the dog slave country, there has been little communication with the outside world.

However, the Ming army has already begun to build a military port on Tsushima Island, and sometimes even the tall warships of the Ming army can be seen above the sea, which makes everyone in Yamatai feel panic.

To be honest, everyone in Yamatai was terrified.

They are afraid that one day, those who call themselves "Mingren" will drive tall warships and cross the sea to wage war against them, break through their capital, and destroy their country.

No matter what, you can't win, and Nan Shengmi is not a fool.

So he just raised an objection, but he didn't insist, for fear of offending Xu An.

Xu An agreed to almost all of the conditions offered by Xu An, except for a few points, Nan Shengmi said that he would report to their lord, Xu An did not make it too difficult for Shengmi.

However, several agreements have been roughly finalized.

First, Yamatai pays tribute regularly every year.

Paying tribute does not require beauties or warriors, but a certain amount of gold and silver, Japanese brocade and sea pearls.

Second, the king of Yamatai expressed his submission to the kingdom of Yamatai and enshrined Ming as the master.

Third, the heir to the king of Yamatai needs the canonization of the Ming court to legally inherit the country, and the Ming court promises not to interfere with the selection of the heir.

If someone usurps the position of the lord, Ming Ting is also obliged to send troops to recapture the position of the lord for the original legal heir.

Fourth, the Ming Court will send troops to assist the Yamatai Kingdom to advance. After the Gonu Kingdom is wiped out, the Ming Court has the freedom to deal with all the prisoners of the Gonu Kingdom.

Last but not least.

Xu An had a brief look at the territory currently occupied by the Yamatai Kingdom, and then discovered that the Yamatai Kingdom did not fully understand Dongyi Island.

So Xu An ordered people to take out the map, pointing to the map of Dongyi Island, and wanted to set up a new province called Fusang Province in the place not currently occupied by Yamatai.

Naturally, this request was opposed by Nan Shengmi.

Although it was the first time for Nanshengmi to see a map, he also understood what would happen if these places were taken away by the Ming court. In his opinion, these lands should belong to their lord Himiko, and no one should occupy them.

Xu An didn't care about Nanshengmi's objection, he just asked Nanshengmi to discuss with their lord Himiko and gave Nanshengmi a certain amount of time.

However, Xu An made no secret of the threat in his words, and said that the Fusang Province must be established, and no one can change his opinion.

If this agreement cannot be signed, all previous agreements will be void.

At that time, it will not be him who will talk to Yamatai, but the warship of the Ming army.

Furthermore, those who do not have land have no owners.

The reason why they were informed was that Yamatai was acting as a vassal state, so they were notified. It was a notification, not a request for permission.

After weighing repeatedly, Nan Shengmi finally agreed.

There are no more than [-] or [-] warships that can be used for naval battles in the entire Yamatai. The warships are small and cannot sail far.

This time, in order to act as a card, they have already taken out all the warships that can be sold in the country, but they still want to go far.

In fact, in this vassal state, they have to do it, and they have to do it if they don't do it. They have no choice.

Nan Shengmi didn't think that what Xu An said about sending warships to talk to them was Xu An's empty threats.

The Ming army stationed on Tsushima Island, as well as the large warships docked in the port, don't look like empty shelves...

Then Xu An ordered the artisans accompanying the army to cast a gold seal immediately, with a purple award, and awarded Himihu the title of Marquis of Guiyi of the Ming Dynasty, and awarded Nan Shengmi the title of Shushan Zhonglang General.

After Nan Shengmi took the decree to thank him, the matter came to an end.

But Xu An thought for a while, told Nan Shengmi not to rush back, and asked Nan Shengmi to follow him south to attack the Han army.

To be honest, Dongyi Island is still too far away in this era.

The wind and waves at sea prevented the communication between Dongyi Island and the mainland, and it was also a natural barrier for it.

If the aborigines on the entire island resisted, it would be a big trouble.

After all, Dongyi Island has many mountains and a long coastline.

Drill into the mountains and become a bandit, or go to an uninhabited island and become a pirate. At that time, the long coastline of Dongyi Island and the many uninhabited islands may become a bottomless pit that consumes the military expenditure of the Ming army. .

There is indeed such a possibility. If so, then show a wave of force and convince the Yamatai Kingdom completely.

With the support of Yamatai, Ming Ting can use a proxy war to annex the entire Dongyi Island and establish a new province.

Proxy wars also consume much less money than participating in the war in person, and there are no casualties on one's own side.

So Xu An is going to let Nan Shengmi and others see how the Ming army fought, so that they can clearly understand the gap.

In fact, in the final analysis, the number of people in the Ming Dynasty is still too small. Years of wars, various turmoil, and famines have caused the population of the Han Empire to continue to decrease.

The seven prefectures occupied by Xu An only have a total of more than [-] million people, and there are still a lot of people who are far from [-] million. You have to count the number of newly established provinces and vassal states, and all of them can be counted. There is a quantity of thirty million.

This includes the North, Western Regions, Liaodong, and Southern Xinjiang.

The essence of the Han Empire is now actually in the five states of the Central Plains, Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, and Henan. Jingzhou is not yet a land of fish and rice for later generations. Only Nanyang County in the north of Jingzhou is better developed. There were three million people at the time of the original statistics. about.

If it is regarded as the hidden domestic slaves in the powerful family, there will be more slaves without human rights.

The current taxpayer population of the Han Empire is more than [-] million, but in fact, counting the hidden population, servants, etc., it may be approaching the [-] million mark.

However, it was impossible for the Han Empire to use all of these manpower, and it was difficult for the aristocratic families to let go and make concessions in this regard.

And no matter how courageous and decisive Liu Xie is.

He couldn't even kill himself.

If there are now [-] million, [-] million or even [-] million people in China, even Xu An would dare to think about expanding its territory to Asia.

In this era, population is an important data to measure a country.

Only when there are many people in the country can it occupy more territory and truly control these territories in its own hands.

The more territory there is, the more resources there will be.

Relying on the Silk Road, Ming Ting now makes a lot of money relying on the trade along this road.

The Silk Road, as well as the transactions in the Northland, the construction of public facilities in various places, the low land tax, and the construction of workshops, made a lot of money flow into the people, and also made the domestic business of the Republic of China more prosperous.

Because of this, the domestic laws of the Ming Dynasty have also been reformed accordingly.

Wei Lv, the head of the Ministry of Law, presided over the law in person, summoned the students of the National Academy of Sciences, and jointly edited a new law with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry.

The content of the law is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, as well as various rules and regulations on business.

Although Xu An encourages business in the country, he cannot allow those businessmen to completely let themselves go without any restraint.

Production is slack and commodities are in short supply, so hoarding and raising prices has become the only way to make money.

A market economy without any regulation will inevitably breed such strange phenomena. This is what actually happened during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

There is a passage recorded in "Historical Records Ping Zhun Shu".

"The unruly profit-seeking people accumulate surplus business to sell goods, and the goods are sold vigorously. Rice is worth ten thousand yuan, and a horse is worth a hundred gold."

There is also a description in "Historical Records: Huozhi Biography": "Farming is not as good as industry, industry is not as good as business, and embroidery is not as good as relying on the market."

Back to the bottom, the country fell into chaos.

In ancient times when productivity was low, if everyone went into business instead of farming, it would inevitably cause turmoil in the country.

That's why Xu An used the law to protect the rights and interests of workers, and at the same time imposed heavy taxes on big businessmen, not allowing them to treat workers harshly.

Xu An didn't need to cross the river by feeling the stones, he knew exactly what to do from the beginning.

I also know what kind of chaotic consequences will be caused if I don't do it.

Some dangers must be nip in the bud, otherwise, if the dangers develop and grow in the future, they will be serious and even shake the foundation of the country.

The current Ming Dynasty is developing rapidly, and various problems are therefore of endless levels.

The household department of the Ming Court now mostly relies on mining, trade, and commercial taxes. Most of the land taxes are collected in kind and have not been converted into money.

On the other hand, it also reduced the burden on the common people. At the same time, the market price was stipulated, and merchants could not purchase grain at a price lower than the market price. The government also set up special grain banks to purchase grain.

Without exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, when the people's lives are rich.

As a result, the population of Ming Court ushered in a huge increase. In just a few years, the number of newborns was born like a blowout.

The hospital academy run by Hua Tuo played a role at this time.

Students who graduated from the medical school taught Wen Po how to deliver babies in various places, which greatly improved the benefits of natural delivery and reduced the mortality rate of births.

Although the previous law prohibited abandonment and drowning of infants, considering local issues, it is impossible to cover all aspects. Many families may still abandon and drown a baby girl after giving birth.

Originally, Xu An had been thinking about this issue, but the arrival of the Yamatai envoy gave Xu An a solution.

The solution to it is actually very simple, and Xu An already has a plan in mind, but all of this requires one thing - money.

And with the envoys from Yamatai coming this time, the mountains of gold and silver on Dongyi Island are just around the corner.

Naturally, there are enough laborers for mining, and the eradication of the dog slave country can just let the people of the dog slave country go to mine.

So Xu An issued a decree that every family who gave birth to a baby girl can get a certain tax exemption, and according to the age of the baby girl, the amount of tax exemption will be increased at the age of eight and sixteen.

And if the baby girl dies shortly after birth, then the tax exemption will be canceled to prevent tax evasion.

(End of this chapter)

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