Chapter 846
When Xu An was in Pingyuan City discussing logistics and the southern expedition with Yan Zhong, Jia Xu, and Xu You.

Yan Zhong pointed out an extremely strange point.

Just a year ago, that is, in the third year of the Ming Dynasty.

It seems that a Han army entered a seaside area in Donglai County, Qingzhou, and dispersed the local residents.

Because of the change of the Han army and the sudden influx of many people into Donglai County, the hidden personnel of the Eagle Wolf Guard also became concerned, so they sent this information to Qingzhou to find a way.

This information was submerged in the pile of information at the beginning. Eagle Guard received a lot of information, so he didn't pay much attention to it at first.

With the deepening of the investigation, the level of this information gradually began to increase.

After Yan Zhong arrived in Qingzhou, he began to sort out the information, and he also found out this information.

Comparing the map, Yan Zhong also discovered the clues and weirdness in it, and then brought it up during the meeting and told Xu An.

And when Xu An saw the place Yan Zhong was pointing at, the first word he thought of was "Weihaiwei".

As for Weihaiwei, as long as you pay a little attention to the history class, you should know something about it.

In the [-]st year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent the Japanese invaders, Weihaiwei was established, which means "weighing the sea and the territory", and the name of Weihai comes from this.

But let Xu An remember that the name Weihaiwei was not because of the Ming Dynasty, but because of a war in the last years of the Qing Dynasty.

During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Japanese army won the Battle of the Yellow Sea and seized the command of the Yellow Sea. In late November [-], they occupied Lushun.

The Beiyang navy suffered heavy losses in the battle of the Yellow Sea, so Li Hongzhang ordered the Beiyang fleet to rely on land and water, with the army sticking to the forts, and the ships relying on the forts on the shore for defense.

In January 1895, 1 Japanese troops landed in Rongcheng Bay, Shandong, attacked the Weihaiwei Fort, and blocked the east and west ports with warships.Land defenses were not strengthened, and Weihaiwei finally fell.

In the final ending, Ding Ruchang, the admiral of the navy, committed suicide and the entire army of the Beiyang Navy was wiped out.

The failure of the Battle of Weihaiwei marked the complete defeat of the Qing Dynasty on both sea and land fronts.

Weihai Weijun Port has a unique geographical location, bordering on the Yellow Sea, connecting Yantai to the west, and separated from the Bohai Strait to the north.

Weihaiwei is a good ice-free port, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the entrance to the east, and Liugong Island in front of it, forming two waterways and entrances to the east and north.

Ridao, Huangdao, Yashi and other islands are arranged on both sides of Liugong Island, forming a natural barrier in the port area, and the situation is dangerous.

However, the army in the late Qing Dynasty was too useless, which led to the final fall of Weihaiwei Military Port.

It is for this reason that Xu An also has some understanding of the location of the Weihaiwei Military Port.

When Yan Zhong pointed to the recessed place in Donglai County, Xu An immediately thought of Weihaiwei.

Speaking of Weihaiwei, then, the only thing that can be associated with it is the military port.

Weihaiwei is undoubtedly a good place to build a military port, although it is not called Weihaiwei now.

Considering the information provided by the Eagle Wolf Guard, I am afraid that Hanting has secretly built a military port here.

If it is not a military port, there is no need to hide it like this, and even relocate all the surrounding residents, and limit the scope of its activities.

And why go to such great lengths to hide a military port?This is a little bit of patience.

Thinking about it this way, there is actually only one answer.

That is, the Han court secretly hides a navy.

The Han Ting wanted to repeat the old trick, just like when the Eagle Wolf Guard was paralyzed and careless, the embroidered messengers suddenly attacked the Eagle Wolf Guard lurking in the Han area, destroying the Eagle Wolf Guard's intelligence network in the Han area in one fell swoop.

It's just that this time the target was changed from Eagle Wolf Guard to Ming Dynasty's navy.

The Han court should have expected that the Ming army would most likely attack from the sea first, in order to contain the strength of the Han army in Qingzhou, so that they could not take care of both ends, fighting on two fronts, exhausted.

The Han and Wei courts did not pay attention to the development of the navy at all.

The Han court's power at sea is very weak, with almost no navy.

The same is true for Wei Ting, which also has no navy, which is why Gongsun Du can do whatever he wants.

No one except Xu An paid much attention to the development of the navy.

And this caused the Ming navy funded by Xu An to take the lead, and the Ming army's navy has always firmly grasped the supremacy of the sea.

Judging from the current performance of Hanting.The Han court should have hidden a navy in the Weihaiwei military port.

The strength of the Hanting Navy is definitely not strong. If the strength of the Hanting Navy exceeds that of the Ming Dynasty Navy, it will definitely not be so timid.

If the Hanting navy is strong, it can send troops to threaten Liaozhou and Haidong.This will effectively contain the strength of the Ming army.

Of course, in addition to this reason, another reason is that Xu An also does not believe that Han Ting can build sea ships that are more powerful than Fuchuan and Galen Ships.

Today, the craftsmen with the best shipbuilding technology in the world should all be in Mingting.

Since the establishment of the offensive and defensive system, in the workshops on land, among craftsmen such as blacksmiths and carpenters, there are only three craftsmen who have reached the level of master craftsmen.

But in today's Mingting Shipbuilding Workshop.But there are also two people who have reached the level of master craftsmen.

Both of these two craftsmen provided valuable suggestions for Ming Ting's warship development.

The newly launched warships of the Ming army have now adopted its improvement method.

The bottom of the warship is based on the keel from the beginning to the end, and the hull is made of multi-layer sheets. The components are firmly connected by mortise and nail joints, which improves its sturdiness and makes it collision and anti-corrosion. The ability to collide has been greatly enhanced.

There is also an improved caulking process that is carefully worked out to further ensure the watertightness of the cabin.

The performance of the warships of the Ming army is definitely far ahead of the warships built by the Han court. There should be no warships with higher technical content than the warships of the Ming army in the whole world.

It is absolutely impossible for Hanting to close such a gap in a short period of time.

In terms of quantity, the Hanting navy will definitely not be too many. After all, in order to supplement the lost troops in the Northern Expedition, the Hanting spent a lot of military expenses on the army.

Therefore, the next actions of the Hanting navy can be guessed with a little empathy.

After Xu An put himself on the body of the chief general of the Han army, he quickly came to a conclusion.

It is impossible for all the Ming fleets to gather together. After all, they did not know that the Han army had hidden a navy.

The Ming army, who was used to having no opponents at sea, might really be shocked by the sudden appearance of a hostile fleet.

The tasks must be carried out in batches, and even the Haidong Fleet may not leave Haidong Province, but will only let the Liaozhou Fleet go south.

And this gave them a chance, as long as the Ming army relaxed its vigilance, they could concentrate their superior forces and attack any Ming army fleet.

Although the Ming army has strong ships and sharp blades, with only one squadron, there is absolutely no way to beat the well-prepared Han army navy who has a huge advantage in numbers.

It is bound to be difficult to fight in a hurry, and as long as the Han navy can swallow any of the squadrons, it will have a great advantage in the naval battle that is resolved.

A squadron usually consists of [-] to [-] ships, but losing [-] to [-] warships at once is already a huge loss for the Ming Navy.

At that time, as long as they rely on the Weihai Weijun Port, the Han Navy Navy will be able to easily control the offshore waters.

If the sea battle is stalemate, the Ming army will not be able to continuously send soldiers to land in Donglai County.

In this way, the crisis at sea was easily resolved, and the Han army in Qingzhou only needed to fully deal with the Ming army crossing the river south of Qingzhou. In this way, the pressure on the defense of the Han army in Qingzhou would be greatly reduced.

The Han court is at a disadvantage. Although they have mental calculations but they don't have the heart, they have too few means available. Sea battles are not as good as land battles, and they don't have so many tricks and tricks to use.

The specific strength of the Hanting navy is unknown, and the Weihaiwei military port is in a dangerous situation. A rash attack will not only scare the enemy, but may even damage the troops. After all, the deployment of Weihaiwei is impossible to know.

How many warships there are in Weihaiwei, and how many garrisons are there is a cloud of fog.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to attack Weihaiwei directly. The complex terrain of Weihaiwei is a big problem for the attackers. With the help of Liu Gongdao, the attacking ships may even be trapped in the military port, unable to escape.

And if you have been cautious, it is not realistic to not disperse the fleet.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?
As time goes on, there are always times when we are negligent.

So Xu An thought of using himself as a bait to board the Liaozhou.

He has already released this news, in order to let the main force of the Han army's navy come to attack.

At this time, the other ships of the Haidong Fleet and the Liaozhou Fleet were waiting in the northwest, waiting for the Han Navy to enter the battlefield.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Next, it depends on when the Han army becomes impatient.

Xu An's expression remained unchanged, he stood on the side of the boat and calmly looked at the eastern sea.

He despised the enemy strategically, but tactically he gave great importance to the Han army.

This time he was in the waters of the Bohai Sea, preparing a huge surprise for the Han army.

However, Xu An can be calm and composed, but Gongsun Kang is not as calm as Xu An at this time. If he had known that Xu An was going to board the ship and used himself as a bait, he would never choose to take the Liaozhou fleet south, and would definitely push it away. give to someone.

Although it is well prepared, it is almost foolproof.

But Gongsun Kang still couldn't stop the wild thoughts in his mind.

Gongsun Kang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and looked around.

The eyes of the sailors on the Liaozhou were almost all excitement and excitement, and there was no tension or fear.

In their eyes, Xu An was no different from a god. When Xu An boarded the ship, the weather was almost calm, which made them believe that Xu An was the destiny.

As for Xu An's Tengxiang guards who took the Liaozhou as guards, they all stood with their knives on their faces, their expressions remained unchanged, and their eyes were as calm as an ancient well.

To put it simply, it is expressionless...

Gongsun Kang looked at these Tengxiang guards, and even once doubted whether the long-standing legend of Taoist soldiers was true.

These Tengxiang Guards did not experience any seasickness, as if they had been sailors and had spent time on rivers.

Gongsun Kang glanced to the side, and seeing Tai Shici's nervous expression at this moment, he suddenly felt that he had met a confidant, and even felt a little teary.

If Xu An wasn't nearby, he would have rushed up to give Tai Shici a hug.

In other words, why didn't he think that Tai Shici was such a kind person before? It should probably be that they communicated too little, and they must communicate more in the future.

Two quarters of an hour passed quickly, and Gongsun Kang's hanging heart relaxed a little.

"Mr. Dao, two quarters of an hour has arrived, why don't we return to Changshan port first?"

There are many ports on the Changshan Islands. The largest port, which is the military port as a springboard, is named Changshan.

"Not urgent."

Xu An raised his hand to stop Gongsun Kang's next words.

He had put some bait on it before, and the flagship has never sent warships to swim in the waters around Weihaiwei.

This time we are going to attack Huang County, and the landing site is also chosen to be on the left side of Weihaiwei.

It took another quarter of an hour to wait from the sea level to the coastline, enough time for the Han navy to arrive.

If the navy of the Han army wants to make great achievements in one fell swoop, it is the best choice to launch an attack suddenly while taking advantage of the first wave of attack.

Then the Han army in Donglai County can also take advantage of the loss of supplies of the Ming army's land division, calmly surround the Ming army's landing troops, gather them and wipe them out

Not to mention, in order to boost morale, Xu An personally boarded the Liaozhou and led the escort fleet to escort the transport ship to the south.

Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime!
Xu An is the current monarch of the Ming Kingdom, and he is the one who brings the entire Ming Kingdom together.

As long as Xu An dies, the Ming Dynasty, which is already sweeping the world, will suddenly decline.

Destiny will return to the Han Dynasty.

The sky will be resurrected, and it is still unknown who will rule the world in this domain!

"Ding ding ding ding——"

The ship's bell rang suddenly, it was the ship's bell that found the enemy.

The Liaozhou ship froze suddenly when they heard the bell, and then everyone's eyes focused on Xu An.

Amidst the ear-piercing ringing of the bell, Xu An calmly climbed to the height of the stern, raised the binoculars in his hand, and looked in the direction pointed by the command flag.

Under the lens, the fiery red flags on the sea level in the distance are almost covering the sky and the sun, thousands of sails are racing, and hundreds of boats are vying for the flow.

On the surface of the sea, a large number of Han army warships are quickly appearing under the camera, and the main force of the Han army navy is galloping here!

The flag bearers on the watchtower kept waving the command flag.

Xu An watched the waving of the command flag, and pulled the camera to the north.

In the north, there are also traces of Han warships.

The Han army was probably already ready to go, but the Han army circled a big circle and attacked from the north and east at the same time, intending to surround them here, gather and wipe them out.


"set sail!"

Xu An put down the binoculars in his hand, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Order the ships to head to the predetermined position."

"This battle must be done in one battle!"

 There is another chapter update around 11.30pm.

  By the way, I would like to recommend a book to everyone. The author is my friend and I recommend it in friendship.

  It is still a seedling for the time being, the number of words is not many, the subject matter is still very innovative, and the style of writing is joyful.

  The title of the book is "I am backed by a group of ancestors in Chongzhen".


(End of this chapter)

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