Chapter 852
On the surface of the sea, the sound of war drums shook the sky, and the shouts of killing continued.

Although Dong Xi's attack was blocked by the frigate of Liaozhou at the last moment, it still disrupted the formation of ships around Liaozhou.

Many fast boats and warships of the Han army broke into the inner circle. Under the attack of arrow rain and ballista, they tried to board the Liaozhou with ship hooks to slow down the speed of the Liaozhou.



The horn of the Han army's attack did not stop for almost a moment.

However, only small boats were able to rush into the inner circle, and the soldiers on those ships were often shot and killed by the soldiers of the Ming army guarding the side of the ship before they boarded the Liaozhou.

However, these soldiers of the Han army still completed one of the tasks, which slowed down the speed of the Liaozhou.

Xu An was standing on the poop, and he had noticed the Han warships approaching not far away.

The battle flags hoisted by the warships of the Han army were clearly visible under the telescope.

"Sun Ce."

Xu An's expression froze slightly.

It was beyond his expectation that Sun Ce was in the ranks of the navy of the Han army, but it was reasonable.

When Sun Ce pacified Yangzhou, he did have experience in water warfare, and the results he achieved were not small.

At the same time, he also saw the banner on the flagship of the Han army, which was a little far away, but he could clearly see the word "Zhou" written on it.

Although Xu An didn't see clearly the identity of the official position, he knew that Zhou Yu was probably in charge of the entire Han army navy now.

No wonder the Han army was so decisive at that time. The strong men cut off their wrists without hesitation. If Zhou Yu was the commander, everything made sense.

Knowing that the opponents were Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, Xu An didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, but a high-spirited fighting spirit surged up.

Up to now, there is no one who can make Xu An feel scared anymore.

Even when facing Huangfusong under Fanyang City, Xu An maintained a normal heart.

Facing the armored cavalry led by Sun Jian to charge to the death, Xu An did not panic at all.

The three heroes at the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhu Jun, Lu Zhi, and Huang Fusong, were defeated by his men one after another.

How could they be afraid of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who are just fledglings?

As the commander of the fleet, Gongsun Kang needs to look at the overall situation at all times, and he also noticed Sun Ce who was rushing towards the Liaozhou.

The fleet he had sent to rescue Gan Ning had already been pushed aside by Sun Ce.

Zhou Yu left a part of the warships to confront him, and led the rest of the ships to gallop towards the battlefield here.

However, the distance from the main force of the Han army navy led by Zhou Yu to the battlefield was not much different from that of the main force of the Ming army navy who rushed to help from the north.

In other words, when Zhou Yu arrives, the main force of the Ming army's navy will also arrive on the battlefield.

The only danger now is the seven Han warships led by Sun Ce.

As soon as the warships guarding the side of the Liaozhou received the semaphore from Gongsun Kang, they all stepped forward to stop them.

Xu An found Sun Ce's boat, and Sun Ce saw where Xu An was.

Seeing the big ochre-yellow flag, Sun Ce looked cold, and there seemed to be flames dancing in his eyes.

The revenge of killing the father is never shared.

The warships led by Xu Sheng and Chen Wu stood guard beside Sun Ce.

More than ten escort ships of the Liaozhou came to surround Sun Ce, blocking the front of the Liaozhou and Sun Ce.

And the surrounding warships of the Ming army also came to this side for reinforcements. There was no way out, and the two wings surrounded him, which had already blocked all the roads of Sun Ce.

But things did not develop as Gongsun Kang expected.

The warships in front of Sun Ce were not able to stop Sun Ce.

Sun Ce led with a knife in one hand and a rope in the other, standing at the bow of the ship to show that he would never retreat.

The soldiers under his command were impressed by Sun Ce's courage, and they all fought with their best.

The two warships of the Ming army that came to stop them were defeated by him. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and they were powerless to stop Sun Ce from moving forward.

Under the cover of Chen Wu, Xu Sheng and other generals, Sun Ce's ships managed to escape from the siege of the Ming army's warships, forcing a bloody path.

After all, the Ming army's navy was inexperienced, and the escort fleet that was going to stop it was able to be dispersed by Sun Ce despite having a great advantage.

The defeat of the escort fleet opened the door to the Liaozhou, and Sun Ce led the ships under him all the way to the Liaozhou without any obstacles.

Gongsun Kang's expression was deep, and he was furious.

He had never felt so humiliated.

"Crossbowmen step forward and shoot quickly!"

At this time, Gongsun Kang didn't care about preserving the strength of the crossbowman, he directly gave the order to shoot quickly.

After many years of training, it was finally time to test the results. Following Gongsun Kang's military order, a locust-like rain of arrows poured down from the Liaozhou, and shot towards Sun Ce's ship.

Sun Ce has been standing on the bow of the ship, but this time facing the rain of arrows, Sun Ce had to hide in the bunker.

In order to prevent the fast boat attack of the Han army, most of the ballistas on the Liaozhou had already fired projectiles. Now when Sun Ce rushed into the formation, most of the ballistas were still being loaded.

The more nervous you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.


When the two ballistas on the starboard side were finally loaded with projectiles, Sun Ce's ship had already approached.

The crossbowmen on the Liaozhou had already fired a lot of arrows in the previous battles, but now they fired again, and most of them were almost exhausted.

Many people's hands trembled, and it was even difficult to rewind the crossbow.

Two stone bullets flew out from the Liaozhou. Although the distance was short, one of the stone bullets missed and flew past it.

Although the enemy ship was close, the gunner who fired was too nervous and missed a hit.

However, the other stone bomb was still a meritorious service, and the hit part happened to be the position of the mast.


The mainmast of Sun Ce's ship let out a whine, and it had already tilted to one side.

The damage caused by the stone bomb was too great, and it was almost broken on the spot.

Sun Ce's expression changed slightly, and the mast broke, which meant that there was no way out. Even if he wanted to flee to the coast and abandon the ship, there was no way to do it.

Now he is truly committed to death.

"The crossbowman shoots quickly for cover, throws the hook, and closes the distance!"

With the issuance of the military order, the bowmen of the Han army who were hiding behind the bunkers came out in response, firing their bows and arrows one after another.

The soldiers on the warship under Sun Ce rushed here, and everyone held their breath.

At this time, the bow and arrow were released, just in time for the moment when the crossbowmen on the Liaozhou were exhausted.

On the starboard side of the Liaozhou, many crossbowmen did not react, and were killed on the spot by the arrows, screaming one after another.

And the light soldiers of the Han army on Sun Ce's boat also threw their boat hooks one after another.

"Hey!" "Ha!"

Accompanied by the shouts, the hooks were pulled in one by one, and the warship under Sun Ce and the Liaozhou were getting closer and closer to each other.

"Boom!" "Ci——"

Accompanied by the deafening sound, the two warships approached each other in parallel.



The horns of the Han army's attack and the shouts of killing sounded almost at the same time.

A pair of boarding equipment was set up one after another. Before the soldiers of the Liaozhou could react from the impact, a dozen light soldiers of the Han army with sharp knives had already jumped onto the Liaozhou. superior.

Gongsun Kang didn't have time to grab the fixed rope, and the impact just now made him fall on the board of the boat.

The guards beside him hurriedly helped Gongsun Kang up, and Gongsun Kang held his helmet, just in time to see the soldiers of the Han army pouring into the Liaozhou.

Gongsun Kang's face was as dead ashes, shaking like chaff.

"Stop them!"

Gongsun Kang pointed at the Han army that was rushing up, and they had completely lost their size.

"Don't stand next to me, stop the Han army boarding the ship!"

"If Lord Dao makes any mistake, all of you will be buried with him!!"

Gongsun Kang pushed away all the guards who were still guarding him. He really couldn't bear the responsibility of putting Xu An in danger.

If the Han army's foothold is not stable, all of them are driven off the Liaozhou, maybe it can make up for one or two.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Kang didn't care about any danger, he pulled out the Yanling Saber from his waist, and rushed straight towards the starboard side.

Gongsun Kang has forgotten about the general and not, and the danger or not. He only knows that he can die here, but Xu An must be fine.

Once Xu An made a mistake, it would not be his fault at that time, and the entire Gongsun family would probably be buried with him.


A light soldier of the Han army, holding a dagger in his hand, stepped on the boarding utensils and galloped up.

Before stepping onto the side of the ship, he jumped up and threw himself fiercely at the soldiers of the Ming army guarding the starboard side.

However, without waiting for his figure to fall
Several cold long spears had pierced like poisonous snakes, and with just a flash, they had pierced into the chest and abdomen of the light soldier of the Han army.

Blood flowed from the wound of the light soldier of the Han army, and he was killed on the spot.

However, not waiting for the soldiers of the Ming army who were guarding here to breathe a sigh of relief, a cold light flashed over.

A sailor of the Ming army with a spear in his hand couldn't dodge in time and fell into a pool of blood without even making a sound.

More light soldiers of the Han army stepped onto the deck of the Liaozhou immediately after them.

These light soldiers of the Han army fought their backs, advancing but not retreating, dying but not living, and they already had the will to die.

The light soldiers of the Han army jumped onto the Liaozhou ship one after another, not seeking self-protection, only seeking to kill, and ignored the swords and guns stabbed at them by the Ming army.

The momentum of the Liaozhou soldiers was suppressed by the light soldiers of the Han army for a while. Many veterans who had fought in the South and the North under Gongsun Du's command, and even experienced battles, were even timid because of this.

Although these Liaozhou soldiers have received corresponding military training, they still belong to the category of feudal army.

They can't reach the level of soldiers and sharp soldiers of the Ming army, and their fighting will can't even compare with the military area soldiers and army soldiers of the Ming army.

"Stop them!"

When a group of Liaozhou soldiers were about to collapse, Gongsun Kang finally rushed to the battlefield.

Although Gongsun Kang seldom goes into battle in person, it doesn't mean that his martial arts are shallow and he doesn't have the courage to go into battle.


The Yanling Saber was out of its sheath, and the thin leather armor on the two light soldiers of the Han army who jumped forward could not block the edge of the Yanling Saber in Gongsun Kang's hands at all.

When the wind suddenly picked up, the cold light flashed, and the bloody intestines and intestines immediately spread out from the place where the gap was cut.

But just as Gongsun Kang drew back his sword, a light soldier of the Han army stabbed him with his sword.


Gongsun Kang slumped his shoulders and suddenly took a step forward.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly resounded, and Gongsun Kang's shoulder bump hit the heart of the light soldier of the Han army.

The huge force directly knocked him unconscious, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground weakly.

Gongsun Kang's personal battle finally stabilized the morale of the Liaozhou soldiers and stabilized the front line again.

Just when the front line was stabilized, when Gongsun Kang was about to lead his soldiers to drive the light soldiers of the Han army off the starboard side, a sense of crisis suddenly rushed into his heart.

Gongsun Kang's eyes suddenly enlarged. The last time he had this feeling was when he was stared at by a fierce tiger in the mountains.

But now he is on a warship, where do tigers come from on the rivers and seas?

A cold light suddenly appeared in front of Gongsun Kang's eyes, and Gongsun Kang's heart was alarmed, and he raised the Yanling Saber at the last moment.

But hearing the explosion of "铛", Gongsun Kang only felt a wet household registration and a pain in his chest, and then he fell straight backward uncontrollably.

The tip of a piece of Yanling Saber flew up in response to the sound.

Gongsun Kang only felt a burning pain in his chest, and the tiger's mouth seemed to be covered with sea water.

He wanted to stand up, but he didn't have any strength. He watched the tip of a piece of Yanling knife fall from the air and stab it not far in front of him.

The shape of the Yanling Saber is quite familiar, it seems to be his Yanling Saber.

It's just why the tip of his Yanling Saber is in front of his eyes. His Yanling Saber is obviously held in his hand.

From Sun Ce's violent attack to Gongsun Kang being knocked to the ground by him, all of this happened in a flash, and there was no time for everyone to react.

Gongsun Kang fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Sun Ce's bravery was extraordinary and he killed people like hemp, which made all the Liaozhou soldiers feel extremely fearful.


With a low growl, Sun Ce jumped into the Liaozhou soldiers who were still in a daze like a tiger descending a mountain.

With just one turn of the ring knife in his hand, the Liaozhou army soldier standing in front of him was immediately disemboweled.

The organs and intestines inside immediately poured out from the cut open abdominal cavity.

Sun Ce's personal battle not only aroused the courage of the light soldiers of the Han army again, but also made the morale of the soldiers in Liaozhou fall to the bottom again.

"Mr. Dao, the enemy troops have boarded the ship, please move to the cabin to avoid the arrows."

Xu Hong and Tai Shici stepped forward to dissuade Xu An at the same time. Sun Ce was only [-] meters away from Xu An, and now Xu An was completely within the range of the crossbow.

It's just that the light soldiers of the Han army who boarded the ship did not carry arrows at all, and could only fight hand-to-hand with short soldiers.

This distance is already a very dangerous distance.

Most of the soldiers under Gongsun Kang's command have collapsed. At this time, the only guards beside Xu An are the soldiers of Tengxiang, Eagle and Wolf, and some Qingzhou soldiers led by Tai Shici.

"With Ziyi here, why should I retire?"

Xu An did not move at all, and flatly rejected the proposal of Tai Shici and Xu Hong.

"I'm standing here, watching you defeat the enemy!"

Xu An knew very well that he must not retreat at this time. Once he really hid in the cabin, the Liaozhou soldiers on the ship would definitely lose all fighting spirit and be unable to organize an attack.

At that time, the situation will fall to the side of the Han army, and at that time he is really in danger.

Tai Shici felt a sense of awe in his heart, and it wasn't until this time that he truly felt admiration for Xu An.

He finally understood what kind of talent made Lu Sheng willing to guard Taishan County alone, and he still stood firm and unwavering.

"Daojun wait a moment, I will go to take the head of the enemy general for Daojun."

Tai Shici held down the handle of the knife at his waist, left Xu An's side, and rushed towards Sun Ce's position.

Not far away, at this time Sun Ce had already rushed into Teng Xiangwei's army formation.

Xu An's expression remained unchanged, but Sun Ce carried the shadow of Sun Jian.

Sun Ce at this time was just like Sun Jian in Guangzong at that time, unstoppable.

In the direction of the long sword, spears and shields are all shattered, and soldiers and generals are all invincible...

It's just that the Tengxiang Guard guarding Xu An's side is not comparable to the Liaozhou soldiers. The so-called fearlessness of the Han army's light soldiers is just a joke in the eyes of Tengxiang Guard.

Teng Xiangwei soon showed them what it meant to put life and death aside.

Teng Xiangwei, who was injured and fell to the ground, didn't even let out a scream.

Even though he was shot several times and his body was wounded several times, as long as he survived, he would still not retreat half a step, fighting endlessly, sacrificing his life.

Teng Xiangwei's bravery far exceeded Sun Ce's expectations.

They didn't care about life and death at all. After finding out that they would cause damage to Sun Ce under normal circumstances, they began to use life-for-life tactics.

Although Sun Ce was brave, he couldn't hold back Tengxiangwei's sacrificed attack. He was forced to retreat by Tengxiangwei for a while, and wounds began to appear on his body.

Tai Shici left Xu An's side and went into battle with a knife, which also caught Sun Ce's attention.

Sun Ce clenched the Huan Shou Saber tightly in his hand. He knew very well that this person must be a brave warrior who could guard Xu An's side, and a tough fight would be inevitable.

Sun Ce focused all his attention on Tai Shici not far away, but he ignored threats from other places.

Sun Ce's boarding of the Liaozhou did not affect Xu An's mood, but it made the soldiers on the frigates around the Liaozhou extremely panic.

If something goes wrong with Xu An, what will happen to their future...

"What are you panicking about!"

Everyone on the ship was in a panic, but Zhao Yun's face did not show the slightest panic. At this time, he was not far from the Liaozhou.

"The people on board, who is Sun Ce?"

Holding the carved bow in his hand, Zhao Yun grabbed the lookout soldier who was observing the enemy's situation, and asked in a deep voice.

"Wearing a red robe and a red headband, that is..."

The watching soldier pointed to the Liaozhou and quickly described it.

Before he could finish his words, Zhao Yun drew his bow and set his arrows.

As soon as he finished speaking, the arrow had left the string.

In the next second, the feathered arrow shot by Zhao Yun had already arrived.

Sun Ce, who was fighting, didn't have time to react, the cold arrow clusters broke through the thin leather armor on his shoulders, and penetrated deeply into his shoulders.

The hand that hit the arrow couldn't exert any strength at all.

This sudden arrow completely disrupted Sun Ce's rhythm and made it impossible for him to move forward.

Raising his head, a group of Teng Xiangwei holding sharp knives has already swarmed over...

 It's a big chapter, five thousand words, I may have to renege on my promise and get fat today, which is a bit unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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