The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 861 Unexpected

Chapter 861 Unexpected
The next instant after the whistle sounded, more flames lit up from the left.

In the thick fog, there was the sound of heavy footsteps.

The earth seemed to be vibrating, and the fog seemed to rise and fall with the rhythm.


The sudden fire and the piercing whistle made the horse under Li Qian startled and let out a long hiss, raising its front hooves high.

Li Qian was caught off guard by the horse and fell off the horse.

But at this moment, the locust-like rain of arrows had penetrated the thick fog and shot towards the panic-stricken Han army above the official road.

The pain of the arrows came and went, and under the dense rain of arrows, a large number of Han soldiers were injured by the arrows, or they directly drank their hatred on the spot.

A group of cavalry soldiers following Li Qian's command also lost a lot under the attack of the arrow rain.

The war horse was frightened by the flames and feathered arrows. Although the knight on the horse tried his best to control it, he was still in a panic.

The scene was completely out of control. Li Qian fell off his horse suddenly. Many people didn't know it and thought it was an arrow that fell off his horse.

Fortunately, the cavalry who followed Li Qian were all Li's family soldiers, otherwise they might have fallen into collapse at this time.

It's just that when they rushed to rescue Li Gan, the officialdom had already become a purgatory scene.

The Ming army's arrows rained wave after wave, and they seemed to have no intention of fighting.

The fog filled the air, and the Ming army chose the most conservative style of play, suppressing with long-range bows and crossbows.

"Blow the horn and order the whole army to follow the official road and head east!"

"Don't stop!"

Li Gan straightened his slightly crooked helmet, his expression was terrifying.

"Whoever falls, don't stop!"


The dull sound of the horn was blown slowly, but it spread throughout the entire official road in an instant, and it was extremely outstanding among the harsh and sharp whistles.

On the official road, all the Han soldiers turned their heads to look at the place where the horn sounded.

The sound of the horn was the signal agreed upon at the outset.

If there is an ambush by the Ming army, when the horn sounds, there will be no restraints, and everyone will just follow the official road and flee to the east.

On the official road, the soldiers of the Han army who were still in order at first heard the sound of the horn, and everyone rushed forward like crazy.

But they still have some sanity left, and they didn't drop their armor.

Although the armor is heavy, they all know that there must be enemies blocking them ahead, and they cannot abandon the armor on their bodies.

Every time they walked a certain distance, someone would tell them how far they were from their destination, and just in front of them was the troops to meet them.

As long as you and the corresponding troops can survive!

On the official road, horns sounded one after another.

Li Gan was guarded by a group of armored cavalry in the center.

Dawn has appeared on the horizon, and the world is becoming brighter.

But Li Qian's heart slowly sank.

The whistle of the Ming army kept ringing, and there were whistles of the Ming army in all directions.

A large number of feathered arrows poured down from the left and right sides towards the official road.

From time to time, the cavalry guarding Li Qian's side fell off their horses, and the constant wailing sounded like they were trapped in a ghost cave.

A large number of Han soldiers fell to the ground on the official road. Some of them were shot and killed by arrows, but more of them just lost their ability to move and did not die.

Han troops who were shot by arrows and lost their ability to advance continued to fall, and the official road was filled with the miserable and desperate roars of the Han troops.

They howled and begged in pain.

Wanting their robe Ze to take them to escape this boundless purgatory together.

But under such circumstances, how could anyone stop...

Most of these soldiers who followed Li Gan were members of the Cheng family. Many of them actually knew each other well, and they were even brothers, and they were related by blood.

After the few soldiers who stopped and wanted to flee with Pao Ze were shot to the ground, no one cared about his begging.


The sound of horseshoes came from the west, and the cavalry of the Ming army had already set foot on the official road, and they were heading east along the road.

The first to bear the brunt is the rear of the Han army.

When the horn sounded, it already indicated that the striker had suffered an unbearable blow.

After hearing the sound of the horn, the rear troops all dispersed. Li Dian originally wanted to resist for a while, but he remembered that Li Gan had spoken to him.

Although he was very unwilling, Li Dian still speeded up his horse and galloped all the way forward.

Under the dual effects of fog and night, the Han army above the official road has become a mess.

The infantry of the Ming army did not set foot on the official road, and the cavalry of the Ming army came from west to east in order to prevent the two armies from accidentally injuring them.

Accompanied by the sound of the Ming army's riding whistle, the Ming army along the way stopped shooting one after another.

The cavalry of the Ming army cut through the thick fog like a sharp knife, and also cut through the formation of the Han army.

The ranks of the Han army lay on the official road like a long dragon, while the sharp knives formed by the cavalry of the Ming army divided it into two from the tail and cut all the way to the head.

How can a two-legged man outrun a four-legged horse?

Those soldiers of the Han army who were wounded by the arrow and fell down on the side of the road, still breathing but not dead, did not have a chance to live.

The cavalry of the Ming army mercilessly stepped over their bodies with their horses, brandishing their sabers and mercilessly harvested the soldiers of the Han army who had not had time to escape.

The Han army had actually fallen into collapse, and they fled all the way, like a bereaved dog escaping from the pursuit of the Ming army.

The distance of three miles can be reached in an instant while riding a war horse.

Looking at the scene around him, Li Gan felt frightened, but he didn't dare to show it.

The front was covered by heavy fog, and the sky hadn't completely brightened yet, so the field of vision was extremely limited, but the sound of fighting ahead could be heard.

"Da da----"

Li Gan's heart tightened. He saw several groups of black shadows emerging from the thick fog, followed by a rush of horseshoes.

Li Gan's face was ashen. He didn't expect the cavalry of the Ming army to be so fast that they had already stopped in front of them.

It seems that this time, the sky is really going to die, and they still lost after all...


A loud shout from the front made Li Gan, who was already ashamed, suddenly tremble.

Li Gan took a closer look, and at this time the black shadows had rushed out of the fog.

He could see clearly that those cavalry were flying the red flag of the Han army, not the yellow flag of the Ming army, and the leader was his son Li Zheng.

"Ah Weng, let's go, I'll stop the pursuers for you!"

"Not long ago, the scouts reported that they found the Ming army nearby, and I couldn't notify you. They didn't find us, so I waited until they attacked, and launched an attack to their rear. Now the Ming army blocking the way is trapped. Chaos, Ah Weng, you lead the people to go first, and I will help you block the pursuers."

Li Zhengzong immediately stepped forward and quickly explained to Li Gan.

"well done……"

Li Gan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something, but he suddenly thought that Li Dian was still behind.

"Why don't you see Mancheng?"

At this time, Li Zheng also found that Li Dian, who usually followed Li Qian, had disappeared.

"There is no need to worry about Mancheng's martial arts. For now, we should evacuate quickly."

Li Gan gritted his teeth, but still made up his mind.

Even if it was too late to go back to save Li Dian now, he could only hope that Li Dian could escape successfully and pin his hopes on Li Dian himself.


When it is broken, it will be harmed instead.

Li Qian made up his mind and swiped his whip on the horse's buttocks, and the horse went straight forward in pain.

The rest of the people also galloped forward with Li Gan.

Li Zheng glanced at the back, and the strength of the Ming army far exceeded his imagination.

Whether he was mentally calculating or not, he couldn't defeat even a few soldiers of the Ming army, he just entangled them.

If it was dawn, the Ming army would react and a large force would arrive, even if it was him, there would be no way to get away.

Li Zheng withdrew his gaze, and followed Li Qian and galloped towards the east.

The fog filled the air, and soon their figures completely disappeared in the dense fog.

At this time, the Ming army still did not move.

The Ming army who ambushed was Xu Huang's military pawn battalion, and they ambush in the dense forest on both sides of the road.

The fog filled the air and blocked the sight. Fighting under such a thick fog is prone to confusion and accidental injury, so they did not rush to the official road.

At the forefront of the official road, there was originally a group of about [-] soldiers of the Ming army blocking the road.

But because of the fog and night, the detective cavalry did not find the corresponding Han army hidden in the valley.

Li Zheng then led the troops under his command to launch a sudden attack from the rear and flanks when the soldiers of the Ming army were in formation.

Facing the sudden arrival of the Han army from the rear and flanks, although the soldiers of the Ming army were powerful, they suffered a loss when they were caught off guard, and the bows and crossbows of the Han army caused a lot of damage to them.

The cavalry of the Han army who arrived later even broke through the front formed by some small groups, thus giving Li Gan a chance to escape.

Qu Yi was the one who led the cavalry up the official road from the west to chase after him. Xu Huang's subordinates were almost all infantry, so the task of chasing him naturally fell on him.

Qu Yi did not charge forward, but walked on the edge of the main force of the cavalry with his personal guards.

As the day progresses, the sky is getting brighter, but the fog is also gradually thickening.

The fog filled the air, which had a great impact on marching operations.

Qu Yi really didn't like the foggy weather, he had never seen such a thick fog in Liangzhou and Jizhou.

The dense fog reduced visibility, making it impossible to see the slightly smaller flags, and it was extremely difficult to command.

Qu Yi listened to the messenger's report, his expression slightly condensed.

He didn't expect that the Han army would bury a supporting force here. Neither the eagle wolf guards nor the scouts noticed it. The general of the Han army in Licheng seemed to be able to survive because of this, and fled towards the east.

"Order the former army to continue the pursuit."

After listening to the hailstorm, Qu Yi glanced ahead and issued a military order.

The messenger made a promise, and was ready to deliver the order, but was blocked by a person.

"Wait a minute."

The person blocking the way of the messenger was none other than Guan Hai.

Qu Yi frowned slightly, showing displeasure.

Since the Battle of Luoyang, after his mistake caused the Xiliang camp to lose a lot, Guan Hai has become more cautious.

The current heavy fog made him feel a little uneasy.

"Right now, the fog is getting thicker and the line of sight is blocked. If there is an ambush ahead, it may be..."

"The defenders of Licheng abandoned the city and fled in a hurry. They didn't know that our army would set up an ambush here. There were not many steps to respond here. It was just that the Han army had an ambush ahead in order to ensure that the defenders of Licheng could evacuate safely. Probably hardly any."

"What's more, in such a thick fog, even if the Han army really has an ambush, the ambush soldiers will not be able to see the road clearly. When the time comes and the chaos will form a group, it will be beneficial to our army."

Koji's tone was slightly cold, and he said bluntly.


Guan Hai still wanted to persuade, but he couldn't refute.

What Qu Yi said was indeed convincing, and there was nothing wrong with the analysis.

The probability of the Han army setting up an ambush is indeed very small, and such a thick fog, even if it is an ambush, the two sides will have no battle at all.

"Order the former army to continue the pursuit."

Qu Yi repeated the military order again, and the ordered soldiers hurriedly bypassed Guan Hai and moved forward.

"Since General Guan is worried about the ambush, why not General Guan lead the Xiliang camp to suppress, and I will take the lead in boarding the camp and take care of it."

When Qu Yi saw the messenger leave, Guan Hai did not continue speaking, and his tone softened a lot.

After all, Guan Hai was an old general of the Taiping Dao. Although Qu Yi had a much higher official position than Guan Hai, he knew that his position in Xu An's heart was definitely not as high as Guan Hai's.

Guan Hai is Xu An's direct descendant, although Qu Yi was dissatisfied with Guan Hai's disobeying him face to face, he was unwilling to offend Guan Hai too much.

After all, he is just a general.


Guan Hai did not confront Qu Yi again, but accepted the task of being the rear team.

"Then I will lead the former army one step forward."

Qu Yi didn't want to stay with Guan Hai any longer, so he led his personal guards and rode his horse forward.

There was nothing wrong with Koji's judgment.

The fog filled the air, and it was difficult to launch an ambush.

Naturally, the Han army cannot assume that the Ming army will 100% discover the defenders who evacuated Licheng.

Li Gan showed no signs of fraudulent defeat, because it was indeed a real defeat.

Not only did Li Qian leave his nephew Li Dian in the battle, he even almost escaped himself.

And it was Li Gan's true defeat that made Qu Yi more certain that there was no ambush ahead.

And Chen Gong's original plan was not to launch an ambush under such circumstances.

His original intention was that Li Qian could use the fog to evacuate Licheng, making the proud Ming army more arrogant at this time, and then quickly advance towards Tai County and Dongping Mausoleum after occupying Licheng.

Then, using the hidden terrain of the southern hills, cut off the marching ranks of the Ming army, and devoured Qu Yi, who was the vanguard, to hit the morale of the Ming army.

If Li Gan is found, he will discard Li Gan as an abandoned son.

Now that he was discovered by the Ming army, Li Qian would never escape.

After all, Li Gan is just a foreign general after all, it doesn't matter.

But what people didn't expect was that in order to appease Li Gan, letting Li Zheng meet in the valley on the east side turned out to be the key to Li Gan's escape.

So a situation that no one expected appeared like this.

At this time, Li Gan led the defeated army in Licheng and fled eastward, followed by Qu Yi's more than [-] cavalry who first boarded the camp, and behind them were Guan Hai's [-] Xiliang cavalry in the rear.

 Try to update the speed tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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