Chapter 864
The wind picked up and the fog cleared.

The strong wind blew away the dense fog of Yuquan Pavilion.

The banners are hunting, and the armor is shining toward the sun.

At this time, Qu Yi finally saw the whole picture of the battlefield clearly.

Yuquan Pavilion is divided into four areas.

The southeast and southwest are mountainous areas.

There are hills in the northeast, and plains in the northwest, bordering on Jishui.

The Han army camp they attacked just now is on the official road, between the plains in the northwest and the mountains in the southeast.

When the fog cleared, Qu Yi saw that the entire southeast and southwest mountains were covered with fiery red flags of the Han army.

The current Han army doesn't hide it at all. They hold their banners high and stride forward, their morale is like a rainbow.

And in the hills of the northeast, it is also filled with the fiery red flags of the Han army.

The Han army in the hills in the northeast even separated an army of about [-] people and set foot on the plains near Jishui in the northwest.

"A large number of Han troops suddenly appeared in the south, and our army's rear has been cut off!"

Qu Yi didn't care about thinking too much, he led his horse up to a slightly higher mound, and looked around the entire battlefield.

After he watched the entire battlefield, his heart finally sank to the bottom.

The retreat route has been cut off, and now they are surrounded by the Han army on three sides, and the only place without the Han army is the northwest.

But the northwest is not the way of life, but the cold Jishui.

Although Jishui also has ice ages and dry seasons, this period has not yet arrived.

Today's Jishui is still turbulent and icy cold, but it is an insurmountable moat for them.

No sappers, no one to build pontoon bridges.

Forcing Jishui is tantamount to seeking death.

"Zikang, you lead the rear of the army, I'll go ahead and check the situation."

Qu Yi directly handed over the task of the rear army to his generals.

Now Weiyi's breaking point is the Han army in the southwest.

Although the Han army in the southwest temporarily cut off the way back.

However, the Han army has not completely completed the encirclement, and the Han army in the southwest should have cut off the official road not long ago.

If Guan Hai led the Xiliang camp and had not yet entered the boundary of Yuquan Pavilion, they would definitely react when they saw the sudden appearance of the Han army.

The best opportunity now is to take advantage of the unsteady foothold of the Han army in the southwest, break through the formation of the Han army in the southwest, lead the troops under his command to withdraw, and reduce casualties.

Qu Yi led the guards under his command and rushed forward all the way, and all the cavalry on the official road ran away when they saw Qu Yi's banner.

Riding a fast horse, Qu Yi quickly arrived at the front team.

At this time on the official road, the Han army's military formation has been laid out.

Qu Yi's expression was dignified. After a cursory glance, this Han army numbered at least [-].

In the formation of the Han army, drums and trumpets kept sounding, flags were waved, and people came and went.

The Han army was walking down the mountain road in an orderly manner, marching towards the official road.

This Han army completely cut off their way back...

But the good news is that the adjourned Xiliang camp has not yet entered Yuquan Pavilion.

Qu Yi saw the vanguard banner of the Xiliang camp in the distance.

After a while, the banner of the Xiliang camp disappeared among the trees.

Qu Yi knew that the scouts from the Xiliang camp must have discovered the situation here, so he reported to Guan Hai at the rear.

Qu Yi calmed down a little. Fortunately, he didn't lose his mind completely at that time, and let Guan Hai lead the three thousand Xiliang camp to retreat, which also avoided the risk of being wiped out.


The current situation is in a sense even worse.

The Xiliang camp was not surrounded, so the only thing he could rely on was the [-] cavalrymen who entered the camp first.

In the previous Yuquanting camp, there were some casualties, and now he may not even be able to make up a [-]-man cavalry team.

Koji held the rein tightly in his hand.

Now an important choice is placed in front of him.

He did not make a mistake in his judgment. The Han army is indeed still in formation, and its foothold is not stable.

But the problem is that there are more Han troops cutting off the back than he imagined.

Now, should we take advantage of the unstable foothold of the Han army?

He only had less than [-] cavalry under his command. If he didn't break through the Han army's formation and suffered heavy casualties, then he would be defeated by then, and he might not be able to survive the arrival of the Xiliang camp.

Before, Qu Yi was worried that Guan Hai would walk too fast and enter the Yuquan Pavilion, but now that Guan Hai did not enter the Yuquan Pavilion, he was too cautious and walked too slowly, which made Qu Yi very uncomfortable.

The vanguard scouts are usually four or five miles away from most of them, so that means that the Xiliang Camp will arrive at least half a quarter of an hour later.

In half a quarter of an hour, the Han army is about to encircle and come.

Qu Yi clenched the spear in his hand and gritted his teeth.

"Order the entire army to withdraw to the northwest and gather in the direction of Jishui."

Qu Yi steered his horse and headed northwest.

Accompanied by the sound of bugles, nearly [-] cavalrymen from the first-class battalion followed Qu Yi and galloped away.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes came from the cavalry formation. Although the Han army had the superiority in numbers, many people still looked ashen.

In the face of cavalry, all infantry actually have a kind of fear.

The horses came galloping, and being in the army formation, they couldn't dodge or turn around at all. They could only shake the cavalry's charge with their flesh and blood.

Once defeated, they will face the pursuit of cavalry, and there is no place to escape.

Although Chen Gong looked calm and breezy, in fact he was sweating a lot.

Qu Yi didn't choose to rush forward, which made him relax somewhat.

He knew exactly how the cavalry's impact had been improved after being equipped with the new type of riding gear.

So he has always dismissed the so-called Yanzhou defense line.

The terrain of Yanzhou is flat, and the moment the cavalry of the Ming army set foot on the territory of Yanzhou, Yanzhou's defense line will collapse, and there is not much resistance at all.

Today's Ming Ting controls all the horse farms in the north, not Wei Ting who only controlled one horse farm in Youzhou in the past.

The Han court no longer has a cavalry unit that can check and balance the cavalry of the Ming army.

Liu Bei and his [-] Youzhou cavalry were all buried under Fanyang City.

Chen Gong sighed, if he had a cavalry team of [-] men in his hands, he would not need to be so passive at all, and he could even eat up more Ming troops.

But the two hundred horses that were given to Li Qianyun were all collected from the hands of the school lieutenants and captain's personal guards.

Without a horse farm, the south would not be able to breed many qualified war horses.

Chen Gong led the horse and looked towards the other side of the official road.

Qu Yi saw the scouts from the Xiliang camp even when he came late, so he could see them clearly.

Chen Gong also didn't expect Qu Yi to be so cautious, and even left a cavalry behind.

If the number of this cavalry is large, it is not good news for them.

He only has more than [-] infantry under his command. If he is attacked by two cavalry, it will be difficult not to collapse.

However, this was actually Chen Gong's wishful thinking. The reason why Qu Yi let Guan Hai lead the Xiliang Camp back was because he didn't want to offend Guan Hai too much, and at the same time he didn't want Guan Hai to share much of his achievements.

Because of the heavy fog, Qu Yi led the light soldiers who had first boarded the camp and rushed into the trap.

However, when Chen Gong rushed to the battlefield, he discovered that there was still a Ming army that had not entered the encirclement net.

This thick fog that almost covered the sky had a great impact on both sides.

Although the terrain in the northwest is flat, it is mostly soft fields and it is more difficult to march because of the rain, which is extremely unfavorable for cavalry maneuvering.

Although the terrain is flat, the road is muddy and the speed advantage of the horses is gone, which limits the cavalry's movement.

Qu Yi withdrew to the north, winning a respite, but it also made him fall into this embarrassing situation.

The purpose of the Han army's choice of Yuquan Pavilion is precisely this, to drive the Ming army into this place and limit the combat power of the cavalry.

Although Qu Yi was clear in his heart, he had to act according to the script of the Han army.

Xiang Yu broke the [-] Qin army with all his might, and Han Xin fought his last battle to defeat the Zhao army.

But that was all their own scheme, and now Qu Yi was forced to the water's edge.

The long and fast galloping has already made many war horses out of breath, and even the knights on the horses have exhausted a lot of physical strength, and the mud everywhere makes it difficult for the war horses to move.

Qu Yi's heart became more and more cold. He managed to snatch the vanguard and wanted to win the first victory in the Battle of Qingzhou, but instead he led the army under his command into the enemy's encirclement net and became a leader. joke.

At the same time, a large number of Han troops were rushing towards the northwest, and everywhere they could see the fiery red banners of the Han army seemed endless.

"General, Xiliang camp!"

An excited shout interrupted Qu Yi's thoughts.

Qu Yi looked along the fingers of the guard beside him, and sure enough, he saw the banner of the Xiliang camp at the end of the official road.

"Huang Tian blesses you."

Qu Yi actually scoffed at Tai Ping Dao, but at this moment he only lamented Huang Tian's blessing.

"Blow into the army whistle and kill them! Clamp down with the Xiliang camp to block the Han army."

Qu Yi did not hesitate, time is the most precious thing now.

The Han army on both sides is about to approach, and if they don't break through, they will really fall into the enemy's line.

Qu Yi's side launched an attack, and Guan Hai naturally saw it clearly. He led the cavalry from the Xiliang Battalion into the northwest plain, and did not attack the Han army above the official road.

The first thing he wanted to ensure was that Qu Yi could lead his troops to break through the encirclement net, instead of killing the Han army.

What's more, the Han army above the official road has already completed the formation, and it is not wise for the cavalry to attack the infantry phalanx that is waiting in full force.

However, when the Xiliang camp entered the plains, the muddy ground still greatly slowed down the movement speed of the Xiliang camp cavalry.

The cavalry has lost its mobility and impact, which is actually worse than that of pure infantry.

The war horse was originally a help, but it was a help.

Guan Hai also discovered this problem at this time.

"The forwards get off their horses one or two times and rush forward, and the rest of the songs are on their own guard, and don't step into the farmland."

Guan Hai made a decisive decision and dismounted all the cavalry of the Xiliang Battalion as the vanguard, forming an army formation and advancing forward.

At this time, the Han army, which was supposed to completely cut off the way to the south, had just formed an army formation, and there were still gaps in many places, and their foothold was not yet stable.

The sudden arrival of the Xiliang camp also caused a certain degree of panic among its troops, but they were quickly suppressed.

Ordinary people find that they are in an ambush, and they must want to retreat, and the army that is mainly under pressure is naturally the one that cuts off the retreat.

Therefore, the trilogy led by Chen Gong responsible for cutting off the return of the Ming army was almost all the elites under Cao Cao's command.

Three thousand Danyang soldiers, two thousand guards, and the other five thousand were all Yanzhou veterans who participated in the Dongjun War.

The army guarding the northernmost side was none other than the most valiant Danyang elite soldiers under Sun Ce's command.

In an instant, two khaki torrents hit the red circle almost at the same time.

Amid the roar of mountains and tsunami, the two armies finally fought hand to hand.

There were screams of slander one after another, blood gushed out in bursts, and the sharp ring-headed knives and halberds harvested cheap lives on the battlefield, and the tragic hand-to-hand combat began.

Facing the attacks of the two armies at the same time, these recruits recruited from Danyang County exploded with extremely strong resilience.

The arrival of the reinforcements greatly shocked the morale of the cavalry who boarded the camp first.

Although the army formation of the Danyang soldiers has not yet collapsed under the onslaught of the Xiliang camp and the Xiandeng camp of the Ming army, the defeat is only a matter of time.

It is very likely that they will not be able to hold on to the Han infantry in Yuquan Pavilion to reach the battlefield.

And the Han army in the south has no way to divide their troops to support, because not far away, more than [-] cavalry troops from the Xiliang Camp are about to move. Once the number of the Han army decreases, they may launch an attack without hesitation.

"Ming Gong, the enemy army is cautious, and they have arranged a rear army. The thick fog obscured our army and failed to find it. We rushed to besiege. Now that the enemy's reinforcements have arrived and their morale has been revived, it is really unwise to fight again."

The battle on the banks of the Jishui River was full of fear, and the fighting power of the Ming army was truly terrifying.

It is very clear that the combat power of the Danyang soldiers is full, but under the onslaught of the Ming army, the army array was almost broken several times.

"If there are still Ming army infantry in the rear, our army may find it difficult to leave at that time. Why don't we retreat temporarily to avoid the front..."

"The cavalry of the Ming army pursued quickly all the way, and there was absolutely no infantry behind them."

Cao Cao's face was full of anger, his tone was gloomy, and he directly interrupted Man Chong's words.

In this situation, the two armies are already entangled, how can they easily withdraw their troops?

"Withdraw at this time, if the enemy pursues, there are many enemy cavalry, and our army is defeated in the front line. The enemy chases and chases our army, and our army is in a dilemma, and there is even the risk of defeat."

Cao Cao turned his head to look at Man Chong, his eyes full of hostility.

Man Chong lowered his head directly at this glance, not daring to look directly at Cao Cao.

"At this time, how can we withdraw troops?!"

"I have already ordered Miaocai to lead the troops to detour to Nanshan to intercept the enemy's way back."

Cao Cao rode his horse and raised his whip, scanning the generals behind him with his sharp eagle eyes.

"Today, all the elites of our Qingzhou are gathered here. If you can't even eat the vanguard of the Ming army who fell into the net, what are you talking about guarding Qingzhou and revitalizing the Han Dynasty?!"


Cao Cao raised the whip in his hand and shouted angrily.

"Today's battle, if you win, you will perish!"

 In today's chapter, I feel a little messed up...

  Very dissatisfied with writing

  Recently, I have really fallen into a bottleneck period. I used to be good at writing war scenes, but now it seems to be mediocre.

  Yuquan Pavilion will be guarded as soon as possible in the first battle, and it will definitely return to its original level.

(End of this chapter)

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