The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 869 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chapter 869 Divine Soldier descends from heaven
The war horses neighed and charged back and forth, and the Ming army knights on horseback raised their wrists high, swung their sabers and slashed down heavily.

The mournful howling of the dying, the snapping of spears and halberds, and the shattering of weapons can be heard endlessly.

The horse's iron hooves stomped on the corpses lying on the ground, and moved forward frantically.

The severed limbs and broken arms were kicked by horses and rolled back and forth in the river of blood, and the seriously injured and fallen horses struggled painfully in the pool of blood.


The battle drums in the Han army formation were like thunder, and the Han army had already encircled them from all sides.

Although the gathered ordinary Han troops could not stop the Ming army's cavalry assault, the fighting along the way made the Ming army's cavalry speed decrease and slow down.

Under several shocks and the division of the reinforcements of the Han army, the cavalry formation of the Ming army was already fragmented, and the cavalry wall had already disintegrated.

Now the cavalry of the Ming army launched an attack in a wedge-shaped formation just like ordinary cavalry, with Qu Yi and Guan Hai as the tips of the arrows.

The infantry of the Han Army had obviously been trained in how to ride against each other. They were extremely well-trained, and they worked in groups of several. The two in the rear were to stab the knight on the horse, and the three in the front were to stab the horse under him.

Although Qu Yi and Guan Hai are brave, they are ultimately weak.

Single and divided Ming cavalrymen were stabbed to death by the surrounding infantry of the Han army, or fell off their horses.

The pool of blood formed by the blood accumulated on the ground is gradually solidifying, turning purple, and turning black.

"call out------"

The sound of the whistle was piercing, and Qu Yi used his saber to cut down a Han soldier who was avoiding him, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He had pierced through the cavalry formation of the Han infantry, and his position at this time was less than a hundred steps away from where Cao Cao's general flag was.

Just a hundred steps away in front of him, Qu Yi could already see Cao Cao's attire.

At this time, Cao Cao had a golden helmet on his head and a crimson battle robe on his head. He immediately stood on the mound, surrounded by a group of Han army cavalry in robes and belts, and Han army infantry holding bows and crossbows. Guards on both wings.

Normally, the cavalry speeds up, and the distance of a hundred steps is just a blink of an eye.

But now the distance of a hundred steps has become a natural moat.

Because just ahead, the army formed by the Han Army Tiger Guards had already blocked their way and stood in front of them.


The war horse neighed, Qu Yi reined in his horse and stopped, looking at the fiery red banner not far away.

A group of cavalry pawns who followed him forward had already broken through the army formation.

The snorting sound of the war horse kept coming from the side, and white air was sprayed from the horse's nose, whistling.

A group of Ming army cavalry on horseback was already out of breath, and even the men and horses were soaked in blood.

At the end of the crossbow, the arrow cannot penetrate Lu Jin.

Now it has really come to an end.

Just when Qu Yi's army stopped, the formation of the Han army was constantly changing, reorganizing the defeated army, gathering their forces, and encircling them from all sides.

Qu Yi looked around at the Han army that was rearranging around. He did not order to continue the attack, but turned his head to look to the west.

If they had attacked the west side by riding a wall from the beginning, I am afraid that they have broken through the encirclement net of the Han army by now, and they have really broken out of the encirclement.

It's a pity that there is no way for him to choose again now, and he didn't expect the wall-riding attack to have such a strong impact and pressure.

There is no turning back when the bow is opened, and it is too late now.


Qu Yi exhaled a foul breath, looked up again and looked forward.

The cavalry who followed him out of the formation all started to line up again, just like they had lined up on the river beach before.

The collapse of the Han army's formation, the scattered soldiers fled in all directions, and they still have time to regroup.


Qu Yi's thoughts were interrupted by the snorting of a war horse coming from the side, and Qu Yi followed the sound.

But he saw that Guan Hai was already driving the horse to his side.

The two looked at each other, then turned their heads again.

Although there was no verbal communication, they already understood each other's meaning.

With the sound of horseshoes, a brand new cavalry formation was being rearranged, this time because of their previous experience, their speed was much faster.

However, this time the Ming army's cavalry was much weaker than before, and it was not uncommon for people to fall on the charge.

They broke through the formation of the Han army one after another, but not without cost.

Only about [-] cavalrymen regrouped under Quyi's banner were left, and the rest of the generals had no chance to rejoin the formation.

Except for Qu Yi's general flag, all the prayer flags and banners were lost in the formation.

Qu Yi grasped the reins of the horse, and slowly raised the blood-stained saber in his hand, ready to order to charge.

Suddenly a slight buzzing sound appeared in his ears, and Qu Yi's expression changed slightly, as if someone was reciting scriptures.

Qu Yi turned his head and looked back. In his field of vision, all the cavalry soldiers from the Xiliang camp were all staring ahead and wriggling their lips.

The sound of chanting scriptures came from the mouths of those cavalry soldiers from the Xiliang camp.

The buzzing sound of chanting actually brought a bit of tranquility and detachment to this noisy and cruel battlefield.

Qu Yi listened carefully, and finally he heard the content of the scripture clearly. It was the opening scripture of the Complete Canon of Taiping. After he joined the Ming court, he also read the scriptures of Taiping Dao.

"Keep it for a long time, self-generated light, see the four directions clearly, travel far with the light..."

Qu Yi tilted his head to look at Guan Hai, but he had always had a question in his mind.

In the journey of the great way, the world is for the public, selecting the virtuous and capable, preaching trust and repairing harmony.

The old man is not alone to kiss his relatives, not only his son, his son will die when he is old, he will be useful when he is strong, and he will be strong when he is young.

Men have a share, women have a return, and if evil things are abandoned on the ground, there is no need to hide them in oneself;

As long as the so-called world of Huang Tian is realistic, it is clear that it will only exist in fantasy, how can it be realized?

Humans have the seven emotions and six desires, how can they be selfless?

Where there is good, there is evil, and where there is yang, there is yin. How can it be completely eliminated.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, heroes contend for hegemony.

The Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by the Qin Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty destroyed the Han Dynasty.

After the fall of the old dynasty, a new dynasty will soon be built on its ruins.

Those who established the new dynasty will replace the nobles of the old dynasty and become new tyrants and new families.

It seems that everything has changed.

But in fact, nothing has changed, only a new set of people in power, or no change at all.

Many of those aristocratic families that have been passed down from Zhou Shi still exist until now, and even hold great power, Wuji Zhen, Runan Yuan, Langya Zhuge, Wen County Sima...

There are ten thousand hectares of fertile land, thousands of children and servants, fields and fields, and thousands of buildings.

Today's Ming court is nothing but a new dynasty, then Xu An has already ascended the throne, and after defeating the Han court, he will ascend the throne of God one day.

After becoming emperor, it was just another reincarnation.

It can't change the essence, it's just a new batch of powerful and aristocratic families.

But why are so many people willing to believe that the illusory world of the yellow sky will eventually come, even willing to give up their own lives, as if even Yan Zhong believes that the world of the yellow sky will come true one day.

Those soldiers who had been in the camp who had followed him to the north and south and had been well paid were still afraid, but why did most of the soldiers in the Xiliang camp disregard life and death.

From their eyes, Qu Yi did not see the color of fear in many people's eyes.

Some people were indeed timid, and Qu Yi could see it, but after the sound of chanting, the timidity of those people dissipated without a trace, and they became firm again.

Qu Yi couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out either.


Qu Yi's voice caught Guan Hai's attention, and Guan Hai turned his head to look at Qu Yi.

"Do you really... think that the so-called world of Huang Tian exists?"

Qu Yi stared at Guan Hai's eyes, he wanted to find the answer from Guan Hai's eyes.

"I do not know."

Qu Yi was slightly taken aback, he thought he could hear an affirmative answer, but he didn't expect Guan Hai's answer to be so uncertain.

"I really want to answer you firmly, it exists."

"But I really don't know if the world of Huang Tian exists."

"I've never been a firm believer in Taiping Tao."

Guan Hai turned his head away, clenched the saber in his hand.

"But I can tell you another answer. I once asked Daojun about this."

"Men have a share, women have a home, if evil is abandoned on the ground, there is no need to hide it in yourself, if power is evil, it does not come from the body, and there is no need to do it for yourself..."

"I actually don't think I can see the world of Huang Tian..."

Guan Hai raised his head and looked forward.

"Even if it is a fundamentally impossible existence, can it be used as a reason to give up fighting for it?"

"If you don't strive for it, if you don't work hard, how can you know that it is impossible."

Qu Yi's eyes flickered, and the pupils in his eyes dilated slightly.

"We may not be able to witness the coming of the world of Huang Tian, ​​but we can end this desperate era."

"The world of Huang Tian must exist, even if we never let the world of Huang Tian come to us in our whole life, that doesn't mean that the world of Huang Tian doesn't exist."

"Maybe it's not the right time, maybe it's not enough time, maybe we haven't done well enough in some places, or maybe we accidentally strayed off the road..."

"However, no matter how twists and turns the road is, we will eventually reach the end and usher in the world of Huang Tian."

"This is what Daojun once told me."

Guan Hai raised the saber in his hand again, holding the saber flat with the point forward.

The cavalry formation of the Ming army has been rearranged, and the Han army has almost completed the reorganization of the army at this time. In a little time, the Han army will reorganize the offensive and press towards them. They have no time left.

"I don't know if the world of Huang Tian exists."

"But I believe in Daoist Lord, and I am willing to believe that the world of Huang Tian really exists."

"Even willing to..."

"Give your life for it."

Guan Hai stopped speaking, and quietly followed the crowd to recite the familiar scriptures.

"Observe the law of one light, all directions are dark, and the hole in the belly shines, this is the light of Taihe, the way of Dashun..."

The strong wind blew up the yellow tassels and yellow scarves on the helmets of a group of Ming cavalrymen.

The sound of hunting echoed in Qu Yi's ears.


There was a loud shout.

Qu Yi followed the prestige, and the voice came from the place where a Ming soldier Fu Zhu was.

Fu Zhu of the Ming Army held his saber high and shouted loudly.

"We witnessed the sun rise today, but we may not see the night come again."

"Today, our souls may all return to Huang Tian."

"But our comrades will never forget us. In the future, whenever people sing praises of courage, our names will be mentioned!"

"Victory will eventually belong to us!"

Looking at the group of pawns in the cavalry formation and Guan Hai beside him, Qu Yi felt a little enlightened.

Qu Yi slowly raised the saber in his hand, the final moment had arrived.

The Han army has completed the entire team again. If they don't act again, the Han army will completely swallow them up.

However, Qu Yi noticed that there seemed to be a little commotion in the surrounding Han troops, and many Han troops even stopped.

There were also low noises from the various formations of the Han army, which was very unusual.

"call out--------"

The whistle sounded for a long time, straight into the sky.

In an instant, it overwhelmed the rumbling drums in the Han army formation.

The noise of the Han army formation became louder and louder, and all the Han troops stopped their steps.

Qu Yi was slightly taken aback, he didn't drive his horse, because he didn't swing down the saber in his hand, and gave the command to charge.

And the Ming army cavalry behind him didn't move a bit, because the whistle sounded not from the cavalry, but from far away in the east.

Qu Yi raised his head and looked towards the east, towards the direction from which the whistle sound came from.

But with just one glance, it is difficult to look back.

Just like the wind and fog before, a piece of ocher yellow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then the ocher yellow expanded rapidly until it covered his entire field of vision.

Countless ochre-yellow banners fluttered in the strong wind, and everywhere that came into view was ochre-yellow.

The ocher cavalry is all over the mountains and plains, covering the entire front of Yuquan Pavilion like water leaking out of Yinchuan.

A big ochre-yellow banner slowly rises from the slope in the northeast.

Swords and guns were like forests, spears and halberds were like hemp, and tens of thousands of cavalry with ocher-yellow banners gathered on Yuquan Pavilion into a boundless yellow wave, sweeping towards their position.

Accompanied by the sound of rumbling horseshoes, the yellow wave rushed forward with an indomitable momentum.

Although they were quite far apart, Qu Yi felt a little unsteady on the horse, and even had the illusion that the ground was trembling.

Qu Yi stared blankly at the ocher yellow banner in the distance, he had completely lost the ability to think, he even thought he was hallucinating.

Qu Yi didn't understand until he saw the complete chaos of the Han army in front of him, the assembled Han army lost order again, many Han troops even started to flee, and Cao Cao's general flag began to move rapidly towards the south. Everything is real.

(End of this chapter)

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