The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 871 Moon Black Murders, Feng Gao Sets Fire

Chapter 871 Moon Black Murders, Feng Gao Sets Fire
Anshan, named for its similar shape to a saddle, is the main peak in the southern mountainous area of ​​Yuquan Pavilion.

Cao Cao is now stationed in the main peak with the main force of the Han army, or it is more appropriate to say that he is trapped here.

In the Battle of Yuquanting, Qu Yi led troops to break through dozens of formations, and the attacking soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

Some were killed by the cavalry of the Ming army, and the other part were killed by the Han army themselves, because those rout soldiers lost all their rationality and chose to attack the army, so naturally they could not be merciful.

After Xu An led the cavalry of the Ming army to arrive, he forced Cao Cao all the way into the southern mountainous area of ​​Yuquan Pavilion. At the camp, and then continue to reinforce it, it seems that they are not going to attack immediately.

Chen Gong knew very well why Xu An did this. This time Xu An seemed to bring all cavalry. It was not a wise move for cavalry to attack the mountain. Xu An was probably waiting for the arrival of the follow-up troops.

And the infantry of the Ming army who could arrive here the fastest were undoubtedly the soldiers and sharp soldiers under Xu Huang's command.

The Ming army did not attack for the time being. After Chen Gong collected the entire army, he counted the number of people and found that more than [-] people were lost in the battle of Yuquanting, and more than [-] people were injured, with varying degrees of severity.

The original [-]-strong army now has only about [-] left, and it seems that it is still capable of fighting.

But in the previous battle of Yuquan Pavilion, almost all the elite members of the army were beaten and disabled.

The Danyang soldiers suffered heavy casualties in the interception battle, and the Rui Shi and the Tiger Guards also suffered heavy losses in the previous river beach offensive battle. After the [-] Tiger Guards were gathered, there are only more than [-] soldiers left now, and many of them lost their armor. Soldiers are abandoned when defeated.

And the most important thing is actually a question of morale.

Now the morale of the Han army has completely fallen to the bottom under repeated blows, and it is difficult to pull it up from the bottom.

In the Anshan camp, there was a dead silence in the tents of the Chinese army.

Cao Cao changed his usual vigorous and vigorous style, sat in the first seat without saying a word, just looked at the burning stove in front of him, looked at the burning charcoal inside, and wondered what he was thinking.

Xiahouyuan, Xiahoudun, Cao Xiu and other generals all lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking.

A scout of the Han army with double flags on his back walked into the tent of the Chinese army at this time, bringing even worse news.

"The Ming army has surrounded our army from all sides. When we were investigating, we found a large number of scouts and skirmishers of the Ming army in the mountains. We killed more than a dozen people, but we were unable to break through."

"The mountain roads leading to other places have been completely controlled by the Ming army. The Ming army is constantly sending troops into the forest and building camps on the mountain roads."

The atmosphere in the military tent was even more gloomy.

All the generals in the tent raised their heads and looked at Cao Cao who had been silent all this time.

I don't know how long this situation lasted. Finally, when the charcoal in the pot was about to burn out, Cao Cao raised his head again and looked at the people in the tent.

Everyone in the Chinese tent noticed Cao Cao's movements, and their eyes followed Cao Cao's.

Cao Cao looked around at the generals in the tent of the Chinese army, and finally spoke his first words since entering the mountain.

"How is the perimeter defense arrangement?"

Xiahou Dun was the first to react. He bowed slightly and replied quickly.

"The outer camps have already set up a lot of fences on the mountain roads, and dug ravines in some gentle places to slow down the enemy's attack speed."

Cao Cao nodded slightly as a sign of approval.

Then there was a long silence, and the atmosphere in the Chinese military tent was extremely depressing.

But in the end it was Cao Cao who broke the silence.

"Our army still has [-] people. If we stick to the mountain and rely on defense, if the Ming army forcibly attacks the mountain, there will inevitably be a lot of losses."

"Xu An's purpose is very clear, he just wants to trap us all to death in this mountainous area of ​​Yuquan Pavilion."

"Anshan is just a sub-camp of our army. The [-] troops stored here will consume all the food and grass in less than five or six days. He has calculated that it is impossible for us to store a large amount of food and grass here."

The generals in the Chinese army's tent did not say a word. This was a dead end.

Now they are trapped in Anshan, surrounded by the Ming army.

The mountains to the south are steep mountains and primeval forests. Even if they can break through the heavy siege of the Ming army and run into the forests and mountains, they probably won't be able to get out alive.

Among the dense forests, there is no sun, miasma is overgrown, ferocious beasts are rampant, and there are few people. Only hunters who have been hunting for many years dare to enter and exit, and they can enter and exit safely.

In other places, the Ming army has now completed the encirclement on three sides.

Xu Huang had already led the troops to join forces with Xu An, and more than [-] Ming troops were stationed not far from the foot of the mountain, monitoring their every move.

As soon as there is a sign of trouble, a corresponding response will be made.

At this time Xu An has led the cavalry to occupy the camp of Yuquan Pavilion.

Just in the northern part of Anshan, a large number of Ming army cavalry were ready to go, waiting for the Han army to dispatch.

If the Han army wanted to break out of the siege, it would be double strangled by Ming army infantry and cavalry from three sides at the same time.

The way to break through has been blocked, and it is almost impossible to pass the news.

"Dian Wei."

"The end is here."

Dian Wei, whose name was called by Cao Cao, immediately stood up.

"You order [-] elites from the Tiger Guards, cooperate with the scouts, and try again to see if you can break through the siege of the Ming army and send these two letters."



Cao Cao lowered his eyes slightly, glanced at Chen Gong who was sitting beside him, and nodded.

Chen Gong stood up, took out two silk manuscripts from his sleeve, and handed them to Dian Wei.

"The first letter was sent to Taishan County to Yuan Gonglu, and the second letter was sent to Beihai County to Zihe."

"My lord..."

"Zilian, you will deliver the letter to Beihai County yourself."

Le Jin on the side heard Cao Cao's voice, got up quickly, and promised.

"Although the hope is slim, let's give it a try."

"You guys go and arrange it first."

Cao Cao waved his hands at Dian Wei and Le Jin, and lowered his head again.

The air that had been recirculating in the tent of the Chinese army solidified again after Dian Wei and Le Jin left.

"My lord..."

Xia Houyuan hesitated for a long time, but finally stood up.

"Wonderful talent..."

Cao Cao heard Xia Houyuan's voice and turned his head to look where he was.

"But it doesn't matter."

Xia Houyuan looked into Cao Cao's eyes, and only then did he realize.

At this time, Cao Cao's eyes were full of exhaustion, and he had already lost his former look, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

Xia Houyuan clenched his fists, looked at Cao Cao, and said mercilessly.

"At the time when Xingyang was defeated, tens of thousands of troops were wiped out, so that the king was not decadent and disappointed."

"In the Battle of Jibei, our army was ambushed, and Chen Qun, the governor of Yanzhou, was seriously injured by an arrow, so the emperor did not feel dispirited."

"Our army was defeated in the Bohai War, and the Ming army landed in Donglai. Both are dangerous situations. Shijun has never been decadent and frustrated. Why is Shijun now decadent and frustrated?"

"How can a great man be born in the world, and be decadent when he dies?"

"Go up when you are in trouble, even if you are in adversity, you should have the ambition to forge ahead, this is a real man!"

"Wonderful talent!"

Xiahou Dun turned his head, glared at Xia Houyuan fiercely, and shouted in a low voice.

Xia Houyuan's words were really blunt, and he didn't care about his dignity at all.

Cao Cao was silent, and also looked at Xia Houyuan.

"Staying in Anshan is just sitting and waiting to die. Once the food and grass are cut off, there is no need for the Ming army to attack, and our army will collapse on its own."

"The Ming army surrounded us in Anshan, unable to move. Our army is all infantry, and it is impossible to break through the Ming army's cavalry formation."

"Anshan is indeed a dead end."

"But even in a dead end, there is still a chance of survival. As the leader of an army and the leader of a state, how can you be so decadent?"

Cao Cao's eyes were slightly clear, and his expressionless face also changed a little.

But soon, Cao Cao's eyes dimmed again.

"Xu An led the army from the east and surrounded our army with Xu Huang on this mountain."

"There are so many cavalry troops in the Ming army, our army can't break through the siege at all. Even if we break through the encirclement by luck, we will be gradually eaten away by the chasing cavalry of the Ming army."

"In the battle at the river beach, the long-term attack failed, but they were besieged. The morale of the army has fallen to the bottom, and there is no strength to fight anymore. What can we do?"

Cao Cao stood up slowly and looked around at the generals in the tent.

"When I was young, I was a hero and dissolute, and I died in the industry."

"Being protected by the clan, Xiaolian was promoted as a man, and he was awarded the northern captain of Luoyang."

"In the first year of Zhongping, the world was in turmoil, and the Mothie rebelled. Ren Qi Duwei followed the two generals Zhu Jun and Huangfusong to conquer the Mothie, and was promoted to Prime Minister of Jinan because of his meritorious service."

"Dong's thieves are chaotic in Beijing, because if they use their swords again, the alliance will beg for thieves."

"The world is chaotic, wars are frequent, and the emperor has a lot of trust, so he is able to worship the general and seal him as a marquis, and he is promoted to the state shepherd, and the shepherd guards one side."

"Just now..."

Cao Cao frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Because of my fault, I will implicate Qingzhou and fall into the enemy's hands. This crime is unforgivable."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of losing Qingzhou."

Xia Houyuan took a step forward, stepped out of the row, and faced Cao Cao.

"Anshan has become a dead end. We are besieged in Anshan. If we don't think about making progress, we can only die without food."

"It is true that the Ming army has a large number of cavalry, coming and going like the wind, and our army is absolutely hopeless to break through."

"The glimmer of life I'm talking about is not the life of our army."

"It's Shijun's lifeline, Qingzhou's lifeline."

Xia Houyuan was serious, his words attracted everyone's attention, and even Chen Gong's expression changed slightly at this time.

"The Ming army has indeed encircled our army, but the mountain roads have not been completely blocked. If we concentrate our elites, we can still break through."

"Miaocai means..."

"Let me gather the elite and escort the envoy to escape here, return to Linzi, reorganize the army, and preside over the overall situation of Qingzhou?"


"I don't think so."

"If we act like this, the Ming army will definitely not let it go easily, and will definitely send a large group of soldiers and horses to pursue it, not to mention the Ming army is well-informed. Could it be that they have forgotten about the two cities of Kuicheng and Licheng, this matter is simply impossible. "


Xia Houyuan's words stirred up the stagnant water in the Chinese army's tent, everyone discussed it, and it seemed like a military discussion.


While everyone was discussing, Cao Cao spoke again.

Cao Cao's voice was not loud, but when he spoke, he suppressed all voices.

"You keep talking."


Xia Houyuan bowed and clasped his fists, took a breath, first looked around the crowd, and then said in a deep voice.

"In the past, Emperor Gao, the great ancestor, competed with Xiang Yu for the world. He ordered Fan Kuai, Guan Ying and others to lead troops to attack Longxi from Qishan Road to attract the attention of the Chu army. In fact, the main attacking army was led by Han Xin. The Chu army was caught off guard and suffered a major defeat, and the land of Guanzhong fell into the hands of Emperor Taizu Gao."

"The strategy I think of is based on this."

"what do you mean……"

Chen Gong also stood up at this time, he understood what Xia Houyuan meant.

"We led the army to pretend to break out of the siege to attract the attention of most of the Ming army, and secretly dispatched elite escorts to break through the siege. Even if the Ming army found out that something was wrong, they would not be able to pursue it. When the envoy arrives in Linzi, Qingzhou can be re-stabilized."

Xia Houyuan glanced at Chen Gong and nodded, as a tacit consent.

"What Miaocai means is to sacrifice the remaining [-] soldiers in the mountain in exchange for me being able to return to Linzi?"

Cao Cao looked at Xia Houyuan.

"Anshan is a dead end, and there is absolutely no reason to win. Instead of running out of food and chaos, it is better to attack before the food runs out. One is to cover the evacuation of the king, and the other is to consume the strength of the Ming army."

Cao Cao felt cold in his heart, the strategy offered by Xia Houyuan was to exchange the lives of [-] people for his own life.

He hadn't considered the issue of evacuation before, because he hadn't thought about leaving the army alone to escape.

And this time in the Yuquan Pavilion battle, Xu An's behavior really deserved the title of the number one military strategist in the world, and he didn't think he could escape from Yuquan Pavilion.

Since there is no way to escape, it is better to die in Yuquan Pavilion like this, at least it can be regarded as an explanation for the loss of Qingzhou.

However, the strategy Xia Houyuan mentioned seemed somewhat feasible.

If he can really return to Linzi, the battle of Qingzhou can be delayed for a little longer. Although he lost an army of [-] people, with the help of the strong city in the Jishui area and the bravery of the village, he can hold on to some extent. For some time, come up with other ways.

If he died in Anshan, Xu An would sweep the entire Qingzhou with an unstoppable force.

However, Cao Cao soon discovered a major loophole in Xia Houyuan's plan.

"The morale of our army has fallen to the bottom now, and it is impossible to send troops at all."

The originally restored atmosphere of the Zhongjun account fell into a dignified state because of Cao Cao's words.

Indeed, the morale of the army is low now, how can it be possible to go to war, once out of the mountains, I am afraid that the cavalry of the Ming army will have collapsed before the cavalry of the Ming army can reach the front.

The dignified atmosphere lasted less than a second before being broken again.

"Fight against the water."

Everyone followed the prestige, but found that the person who spoke was Zhou Yu who led the troops back before.

"Captain Miaocai should be the same as I think."

"The cavalry of the Ming army fought with their backs and broke through nearly ten formations of our army. The delay until then put our army at a disadvantage."

"Our army can also fight against the water."

"We are in the mountains, why are we fighting against the water?"

Someone was puzzled and asked.

"One carries the water, not the other."

"The so-called backwater means cutting off the way of life and falling into death. Only by fighting and winning can we save our lives."

"Although our army is in a desperate situation, the ordinary soldiers are not at any disadvantage. They are only afraid in their hearts. How should they act to stimulate their fighting spirit?"


Zhou Yu answered the man's question, but his eyes were on Cao Cao.

"It is only necessary to inform all the armies about the lack of food among the generals."

Zhou Yu's words attracted everyone's attention.

"Then inform the soldiers of the various armies that the Ming army does not actually have many soldiers, but a cavalry that circles behind. The suspicious soldiers who deliberately set up banners and flags will probably arouse the soldiers' fighting spirit."

"There's no guarantee of the reaction you'll get."

"Maybe it will cause all the armies to collapse and our army will be defeated directly, or it may be able to arouse the fighting spirit of the soldiers below. If so, the strategy just now can be implemented."

"But it's better than doing nothing and waiting to die."

Zhou Yu sat down again, and he continued without saying anything.

A group of generals in the Chinese military tent were also lost in thought.

Xia Houyuan's strategy was still adopted in the end. Anyway, he would die anyway. Instead of doing nothing and just sitting and waiting to die, it would be better to seize this last chance.

Plans are drawn up soon.

Cao Cao left the big banner, battle robe, and armor, and replaced the other robes. Chen Gong replaced Cao Cao as a substitute. The next day, he led the main force of the Han army to stay to confuse the Ming army.

Xia Houyuan himself asked to stay. This was a strategy he offered, and his staying also made it impossible for the remaining generals to raise any objections.

When tomorrow is Pingdan, Chen Gong will lead the army to break out to the northeast, and at this time Xiahou Dun and others will escort Cao Cao in disguise to break out from the small road.

The sun is setting and the sky is getting dark.

What happened in the camp of the Han army is unknown to Xu An, and it doesn't matter what the Han army will do tomorrow.

Because none of this matters.

Xu An had no intention of continuing to wait.

The black moon kills people, and the high wind sets fire.

Today's Night Breeze is very eager.

 Tomorrow, I invite everyone to have barbecue, and eat eight thousand characters of barbecue! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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