Chapter 874 Mingguang Iron Clothes (5k5 Chapter)

Seeing someone breaking the formation, Tai Shici immediately led his personal guards straight away, ready to stop the team of cavalry who broke the formation.

Tai Shici's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that the cavalry of the Han army who had broken through the first line of defense did not continue forward, but charged straight towards his position.

Tai Shici was alarmed. After breaking through the first formation, the cavalry of the Han army did not continue to flee, but came straight to meet them. This is not in line with common sense.

In other words, the cavalry of this Han army is just a vanguard!
Tai Shici turned his head to look at the mountain road where the Han cavalry had just arrived.

The sound of horseshoes resounded in Tai Shici's ears, and a hundred cavalrymen of the Han army reappeared on the mountain road.

Tai Shici's expression changed slightly. There must be something strange about the number of Han cavalry who appeared here.

The battle situation was urgent, and Tai Shici couldn't help but think too much, Le Jin had already come on horseback with a spear.

Tai Shici clenched the long knife in his hand, calmed down, and focused all his attention on Le Jin.

The mountain road is narrow and the impact of the cavalry is limited. It is not easy for the cavalry of the Han army to break through the formation.

In the blink of an eye, war horses collided, and the weapons in the hands of Tai Shici and Le Jin collided in the air, and there was a clear clanging sound in an instant.

The two horses passed by each other, Tai Shici's body was almost motionless on the horse, but Le Jin's body was involuntarily leaning back, obviously unstable.

Le Jin felt terrified, the general in front of him was not wearing the armor of a general in the Ming army, but an ordinary school captain's armor.

It was just a school lieutenant of the Ming army, but he suffered a lot. The horse lance in his hand almost flew out.

However, there was no time for Le Jin to think about more things.

As the war horses staggered, more weapons came one after another. With a roar of the tiger, Le Jin waved his spear in his hands, and met the Ming cavalry who were charging straight ahead. It was just a melee in an instant.


On the mountain road, the sound of shouting and killing pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks.

Cao Xiu and Xiahou Dun led the cavalry to the front from both sides.

Le Jin sacrificed his life to break through the front line of the Ming army and stopped Tai Shici. Now they are needed to open the next two defense lines of the Ming army on the mountain road.

Xiahoudun charged forward, his spear in the hands of the tower seemed to be transformed into a wandering dragon, and wherever he went, the halberd was cut off, and the sword was shattered.

The generals of the Ming army who came to stop them from all around were picked off by Xia Houdun with an iron spear.

The cavalry of the Han army took Xiahou Dun as the front, and after paying nearly [-] cavalry casualties, they broke through the second army formation set up by the soldiers of the Ming army.

Xiahou Dun held the spear tightly, panting deeply.

Time seems to have returned to Guangzong in the first year of Zhongping. At that time, Cao Cao led three thousand Han cavalry straight into the formation of Guangzong's Yellow Turban Army. At that time, he was also a pioneer.


The sound of killing and cutting was loud, but the slight vibration of the bowstring still did not escape Xiahou Dun's ears.

"Raise your shield!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiahou Dun raised the double-arc shield hanging on the side of the saddle, and lowered his body as low as possible on the horse.

Xiahou Dun reacted quickly, and at the same time shouted and raised his shield to warn the cavalry behind him.

But not everyone has the same speed as Xiahou Dun.

A large number of feathered arrows poured in, and the three tiger guards of the Han army who charged at the forefront were shot off their horses before they could react at all.

All the crossbows used by the soldiers of the Ming army were strong crossbows made in the military workshop, and even the heavy armor originally worn by the tiger guards of the Han army could be shot through, let alone the armor worn by the tiger guards of the Han army. Ordinary scout armor worn.

The crossbow arrows easily penetrated the thin leather armor and thin iron armor of the tiger guards, and ruthlessly embedded into their bodies.


The war horse screamed, and it wasn't just the tiger guard who was charging forward that got hit by the arrow, the horses under their seats were also hit by the feather arrow, and none of them escaped.

The sharp crossbow arrows shot into the horse's body with strong power, causing great pain, and this heavy blow caused many horses to fall to the ground.

The felling of the cavaliers and horses in front caused a chain reaction, and some Han cavalry who could not avoid it were also brought to the ground, and the Han army's cavalry formation instantly became chaotic.


Xiahou Dun heard the heavy panting of the horse under his seat. He leaned on the saddle, his cheek pressed tightly against the neck of the horse under his seat.

He could hear the wailing from the horse's body, and he could also see the blood foam overflowing from the horse's mouth and nose.

This war horse accompanied him all the way from Yanzhou to the present.

At this time, even though he was hit by several arrows, Xiahoudun's horse still galloped forward with all his might.

Xiahou Dun's eyes were red, and he raised his head.

The last formation of Ming soldiers was less than ten steps away from him.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--"

The dense sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from behind Xiahou Dun's ears, and a large number of short soldiers smashed fiercely at the formation of the Ming army's soldiers.

Only this time, those short soldiers thrown out couldn't make meritorious deeds as before.

This time, the soldiers of the Ming army were prepared, and the tower shields in front of the formation easily blocked them all. The densely packed spears protruded from the formation of the soldiers of the Ming army. The tip of the gun was glowing with a cold light, reflecting in the eyes of every Han cavalryman.

It's just that no matter how dense the gun array is, even if there is a cliff ahead, it can't stop these tiger guards.

Those who can be selected as personal guards are extremely trusted people.

Most of these tiger guards were from the Cao family and the Xiahou family, and they could all be regarded as Cao Cao's private soldiers. When they were personal guards, they had already given their lives to Cao Cao.

Such a situation was extremely normal in the feudal army.

Ordinary soldiers are just cannon fodder and consumables. Generals rely on the elite of the army most of the time, while the military guards are the last cards of a general. These people can play a decisive role in critical moments.

They enjoyed the best treatment in the army, and their families also received preferential treatment. Even if they died in battle, their families would always receive preferential treatment.


Another burst of earth-shattering shouts erupted from the cavalry formation of the Tiger Guards. The Tiger Guards cavalry in front were hoarse and blushed. They all knew that now was the time to desperately fight.

They lowered their heads, put on their saddles and jumped on their horses, holding the spears in their hands tightly, roaring and waiting for the judgment of fate.

The fiery red torrent suddenly hit the strict formation of soldiers of the Daoming Army in Shan Daoming.

But in the end, just like the waves hitting the reef, the seemingly turbulent waves just crashed into pieces before the solid reef.

The Han cavalry who was facing the Ming army formation at the front was directly pierced through the chest by the spears stretched out from the formation, and the horses under them were also assassinated by the spear formation.

The sound of dying horses struggling and the fighting of both sides can be heard endlessly.

Xiahou Dun was originally charging at the forefront, but the horse under his seat could only advance with difficulty due to injuries, so he was overtaken by the tiger guards behind him.

But because of this, Xiahou Dun escaped the most brutal first wave of shock.

It's just that when the horse under his seat was about to gallop to the front of the Ming army, it was finally difficult to continue, and suddenly staggered, fell to the ground, and suddenly knocked Xiahou Dun to the ground.

The huge impact made Xiahoudun's consciousness a little unstable. He leaned on the Han sword and struggled to get up from the ground.

The scene in front of him made Xiahoudun a little dazed. He looked at everything in front of him as if he was watching a pantomime. He hadn't recovered from the huge shock just now.

Everything was in chaos, causing Xiahou Dun's head to swell with pain.

And while Xiahou Dun was still in a trance, the dark soldiers of the Ming army swarmed in with cold Yanling sabers in their hands.

As the flames fluttered, Xiahoudun clenched the Han sword in his hand, and he remembered his duty...


Xiahoudun roared angrily, like a wounded wolf king.

The formation of the Ming army seemed to be indestructible. The impact of the first wave of cavalry did not break through the formation of the soldiers of the Ming army, and did not even open a gap in it.

He must open a gap for the follow-up steps, a gap that is enough to break through the last line of defense!

Holding the Han sword in his hand, Xiahou Dun's eyes were about to split open, the veins on his neck and forehead were all bulging, and he took a step forward suddenly, like an arrow flying from the string, he slammed into the Ming army soldier who had just been shot by the cavalry. On the army formation that has been impacted.

Xiahou Dun fell to the ground, recovered his sanity, and then the first wave of shock cavalry of the Han army smashed his head and blood in front of the Ming army's soldiers. These things actually happened between the rise and fall of the rabbit.

Although the soldiers of the Ming army did withstand the formation in that wave of cavalry attack, they were inevitably shaken and the formation was scattered.

The spear array of the soldiers of the Ming army was a bit scattered, Xiahoudun saw the gap, and then slammed into the only tower shield blocking his way.

Xiahou Dun was a tall man who had practiced martial arts since he was a child. How could an ordinary Ming army soldier be able to bear such a forceful impact? What's more, because the first wave of shock had passed, the Ming army soldiers were also a little slack.

Xiahou Dun slammed him hard, knocking him to the ground.

However, the soldiers of the Ming army were experienced soldiers after all. The moment Xiahoudun crashed into the army formation, the three wild goose feather knives slashed at him almost at the same time.

If he was wearing heavy armor, Xiahou Dun wouldn't care about these straight-cutting Yanling swords at all, but what he is wearing now is just ordinary scout armor, and these straight-cutting Yanling swords can easily cut him open The leather armor on the body.

The soldiers of the Ming army were proficient in battle formations, and had been training for a long time in the art of combined strikes. The three-handed Yanling saber had already sealed off all other directions for him to avoid except behind his back.

Withdrawing from the army now can still save his life, but the Ming army's army will immediately return to its original state, and all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Xiahoudun let out a low growl, and continued to slam forward, raising the Han sword in his hand.


The sound of a sword piercing flesh suddenly resounded.

The Han sword in Xiahoudun's hand pierced the throat of the Ming army soldier standing in front of him, and the blood sprayed from his throat stained Xiahoudun's cheeks red.

But his abdomen and back were cut by the Yanling Saber at the same time.


The huge collision sounded again, and the second wave of Tiger Guard cavalry rushed to the last line of defense of the Ming army soldiers on the mountain road along the gap opened by Xiahou Dun desperately.

The tiger guard cavalry who rushed to the formation fell down, but then more tiger guard cavalry rushed to the army formation of the Ming army soldiers, one wave after another, like a raging wind.

Xiahou Dun's figure was also submerged in the raging waves.

Cao Cao's eyes were red, and he watched Xiahou Dun die in front of him like this, but he was powerless.

The feeling of being powerless when looking at important people made Cao Cao feel extremely painful.

But he couldn't stop, because he knew that if he stopped here, not only would he not be able to avenge himself, but the sacrifices made by Cao Hong, Chen Gong, Le Jin, and Xiahou Dun would all be in vain. He had to live on. !
Hundreds of Tiger Guards cavalry risked their lives one after another and finally opened the gap.

It suddenly became clear that they had already broken through the front lines of the Ming army soldiers.


Cao Cao looked around.

The horses and bodies of Cao Xiu and Dian Wei were covered with scars. Apart from Dian Wei and Cao Xiu, there were only thirteen tiger guard cavalry left around him, and these tiger guards were all wounded. .

The cold moonlight shone on the mountain road. Cao Cao held his horsewhip tightly and stared ahead. At this moment, his mind was in chaos.

A rush of hoofbeats came from behind, interrupting Cao Cao's thinking again.

"The cavalry of the Ming army is catching up!"

Someone was shouting, Cao Cao turned his head and looked back, and sure enough, he saw a fire dragon following them on the mountain road, very close to them.

The horses ridden by the cavalry of the Ming army were all good horses from the Northland.

Le Jin was not able to stop Tai Shici for too long. After Tai Shici killed Le Jin, he led his team's cavalry to pursue Cao Cao who broke through the follow-up army and fled.

"My lord, go forward, Dian Wei is still here, don't worry."

Dian Wei looked back at the pursuers behind him.

From the beginning to the end, his expression didn't change much.

Dian Wei raised his whip and looked at Cao Xiu who was beside him.

Cao Xiu understood, drove his horse to Cao Cao's approach, and beat Cao Cao's horse to speed up a little.

Dian Wei's position also fell behind.

On the mountain road, chase after each other.

Soon Tai Shici had led the cavalry to catch up with Dian Wei who was hanging at the end.

Dian Wei looked back at the chasing Ming cavalry behind him, and shouted to a tiger guard beside him.

"Tell me if the chasing soldiers are within twenty steps."

The chasing Ming army cavalry opened their bows and set up arrows, and kept firing arrows at Dian Wei and the tiger guard cavalry who fell behind.

However, under the violent running and the interference of the night, most of the arrows fell into the air without causing too much damage. Only one tiger guard cavalry was shot and fell off his horse. The distance between them has been further extended.

Tai Shici noticed this situation, and immediately stopped everyone's actions, so they abandoned their bows and took up their guns, and continued galloping in pursuit.

The distance between the two sides was quickly shortened to a distance of ten steps.

"The enemy has reached twenty paces!"

The tiger guard cavalry beside Dian Wei shouted loudly.

"Within ten steps, tell me again."

Dian Wei looked calm and didn't look back.

The tiger guard cavalry beside Dian Wei was taken aback when he heard this, ten paces away, this distance meant that it would be too late to turn around and fight, and would be overwhelmed by the Ming cavalry in an instant.

Seeing Dian Wei's calm expression, the tiger guard cavalry gritted his teeth. Everyone knows Dian Wei's bravery. Although he didn't know why he had to be ten paces away, he didn't disobey and looked back at the pursuers again. Ming army cavalry.

The distance of ten steps is just less than ten breaths.

"Ten steps!"

The tiger guard cavalry roared angrily when they saw the Ming army cavalry who were chasing them getting closer.

Dian Wei stepped on the stirrups with both feet, stood up abruptly, and then turned around abruptly.

Tai Shici's expression changed abruptly. With the help of the moonlight, he saw the short halberd in Dian Wei's hand.

Tai Shici hooked the stirrup, and turned to the right, narrowly dodging the flying halberd.

But Tai Shici dodged, and the rest of the Ming cavalry were not so lucky.

Dian Wei hurled his halberd at the enemy, and all those he threw fell down from their horses. The chasing Ming cavalry fell into chaos.

The cavalry led by Tai Shici was only about [-] cavalry, and Dian Wei killed five or six of them in an instant. His morale was frustrated, and he had actually lost the ability to pursue.


After Dian Wei threw the halberd, regardless of what happened behind him, he let out a low growl, beat his horse and continued forward.

The tiger guards beside him saw Dian Wei's bravery, they were all excited, and their blood surged.

Cao Xiu and others who were guarding Cao Cao's side were also refreshed because of this, and a little bit of the haze was swept away.

The pursuers could not catch up with them in a short time. This is already the east mountain boundary of Yuquan Pavilion. It only takes a few hundred steps to escape from Yuquan Pavilion.

At that time, even if the cavalry of the Ming army came in pursuit, it would be useless.

Cao Cao looked ahead, only the last few hundred steps, this is already the downhill section.

Go down the mountain road from the southeast mountain, pass Yuquan, and you can take the road directly into Dongping Mausoleum!

As long as you get out of the east mountain of Yuquan Pavilion, you can escape from birth!

Everyone guarded Cao Cao, kept an eye on their surroundings, and fled all the way down.

There was no light at all along the road, but there were quite a few torches beating in the distance, and they heard the noise, which seemed to be the Ming army chasing them, but they didn't see any Ming army blocking the way.

All the way to the east of Yuquan Pavilion, but still did not find anything.

After leaving the Yuquan Pavilion, Cao Xiu observed the stars in the sky, and then led the people to continue running towards one side. Although they were still moving forward, the speed of the horse also slowed down a bit. No one spoke, but they were obviously relieved. .

"My lord, this place is still dangerous. Let's speed up our horses and hurry through. The nearest military fort is only ten miles away. After arriving, we can change horses and rush to Dongping as soon as possible..."

Before Dian Wei could finish his sentence, his face changed suddenly, he looked forward, grabbed the reins of Cao Cao's horse, and stopped the horse.

Cao Xiu and the tiger guards around were all shocked, and they immediately stood in front of Cao Cao.

With the help of the moonlight, Cao Xiu saw that just in front of Cao Cao's war horse, the arrow cluster of a wild goose feather arrow had been deeply pierced into the soil, while the feathers at the tail were still trembling slightly.

If Dian Wei hadn't held Cao Cao back, I'm afraid Cao Cao would have been shot off his horse by now.

Everyone followed Dian Wei's gaze forward, and found that there were figures in the darkness directly ahead.

At the same time, as countless black shadows stood up, the sound of the wind blowing banners also appeared in their ears.

Dots of flames were in front of Cao Cao's eyes, and gradually became denser, and more and more torches were lit.

Countless flames gathered together, forming a sea of ​​flames in front of his eyes.

All over the mountains and plains, there are flames.

Countless Ming soldiers appeared in Cao Cao's sight. Under the light of the fire, the iron armor on his body reflected a cold light.

One side ocher yellow flags fluttered, and one side yellow flags filled with scriptures waved.

Cao Cao's pupils narrowed slightly, and he saw that just in front of the Ming army's large formation, a heroic general in ocher yellow shirt was sitting on a stone bench, looking in his direction.

Yuquan Pavilion got its name because there is a clear spring between the mountains in the southeast of the pavilion, and the spring water is clear and sweet.

Once there was jade at the bottom of Wangqingquan, so it was named "Yuquan", and Yuquan Pavilion was named after Yuquan.

The stone bench that the man was sitting on was the former site of Yuquan.

And on his side, a group of Ming army generals and school guards in burqas are guarding around him, guarding his sides like stars holding the moon.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Cao Cao knew very well that this person must be Xu An!
Holding a whip in his hand, Xu An stood up slowly, looked at Cao Cao who was not far in front of him, and said calmly.

"Cao Shijun has been traveling all the way, why not take a break at Yuquan?"

(End of this chapter)

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