Chapter 879
Xuzhou, Donghai County, and Qu County.

On the east side of Qu County, the water village that had been idle for a long time became busy and lively again.

Only this time, the flag flying in the camp was no longer the fiery red flag of the Han army, but a bright ocher yellow.

Lu Bu pressed the Yanling knife in his hand, and stepped off the warship in fast and fast steps.

Cheng Lian and Wei Yue followed closely behind with a group of guards in cotton armor and iron helmets.

Lu Bu raised his eyes slightly. When he stepped off the warship, he had already seen a man in red brocade clothes and an iron crown waiting for him on the pier.

Lu Bu's eyes were slightly focused, his eyesight was very good, although he was far away, he could still see clearly the shape of the brocade robe, and the painting on it was an eagle soaring high.

"Eagle Wolf Guard?"

Lu Bu frowned slightly. It was less than half an hour after they occupied the water village, the Eagle Wolf Guards had already found the pier, and they were still in the enemy's territory, wearing the uniforms of the Eagle Wolf Guards majestically. This is really unbelievable .

"Deng Ling, the Thousand Household Officer of the Eagle Guard stationed in Donghai County, Xuzhou, sees the champion."

As soon as he got closer, the man in the red eagle uniform saluted first.

Lu Bu raised his hand and returned the same salute. The identity of this person has already been checked. He is indeed the Thousand Household Officer of the Eagle Wolf Guard stationed in Donghai County. Whether it is the portrait, the logo, the waist card, or the seal, it has been confirmed.

The Eagle Guard has its own set of exclusive passwords and passwords, and the Eagle Guard accompanying the army has repeatedly confirmed that there is not the slightest problem.

Deng Ling naturally noticed Lu Bu's puzzled expression.

"My hidden identity in Xuzhou has been exposed, so I went underground, took control of the situation, and stayed in Qu County. This dress was changed while waiting for the general. It was not necessary, but this dress has been worn for a long time. I haven’t put it on anymore, and I really want to put it back on.”

Deng Ling smiled and explained.

"This time the champion is here, I think, in the future, he should be able to wear it for a long time. He doesn't need to pretend to be someone else, but can be himself."

Lu Bu's expression softened slightly. The job of the Eagle Wolf Guard was to dance on the sword.

As the chief general of the first army and a high-ranking official in the court, he also has a certain understanding of the Eagle Wolf Guard, and he did not despise the Eagle Wolf Guard at all.

Going deep into the enemy's territory, looking for news, and passing it back, there may be the danger of falling into a desperate situation at any time, and we must not relax for a moment.

Most of the time, during battles, he would formulate strategies and decide how to attack because of the maps drawn by the Eagle Wolf Guards, as well as the extremely detailed reports and the enemy's defense maps.

In the battle of Rao Leshui, at the critical moment, it was the intelligence of the Eagle Wolf Guard that allowed him to find the fighter, and it was also because the information obtained by the Eagle Wolf Guard in exchange for his life captured the women and children of Xianbei in the central part, allowing him to sacrifice to the sky in Beishan and drink horses in the vast sea , and even accomplished things that have never been accomplished before.

After the war, everyone boasted about his achievements.

But those eagle wolf guards who made outstanding contributions in the battle, but no one saw their achievements.

"Deng Qianhu came here so quickly, what important matter do you want to talk to me about?"

Lu Bu didn't beat around the bush, but asked straightforwardly.

"It's an important thing, and it's extremely important."

When talking about business, Deng Ling restrained his smile and regained his seriousness.

"Champion Hou should also be puzzled, why I came so fast, logically speaking, it is not easy to pass the news in the enemy's territory."

"If it's other places, it's really slow for me to pass on the information, but it's really not the case in Qu County."

In the whole world, Qu County is not well-known.

But in Donghai County, in Xuzhou Prefecture, no one knows Qu County, no one knows.

The reason why Qu County is famous is not because it used to be the military port of the Xuzhou Navy.

It is because, as the richest businessman in Xuzhou, the Mi family has made a fortune since then.

The Mi family in Qu County, the ancestral breeders, had thousands of children and customers, and the wealth was huge.

It is not an exaggeration to always say that the rich can rival the country.

Qu County is said to be the city of the Han Dynasty, rather it is the city of the Mi family.

Up to the county magistrate, down to the officials and soldiers, they are all under the control of the Mi family, and there is no dissatisfaction.

In other places, the influence of the Mi family may be greatly reduced because of their status as merchants, but in Qu County, the Mi family can really be said to be a single-handed overlord.

The rules of the Mi Clan are the rules of Qu County, and anyone who dares to violate them will be severely punished.

However, the Mi family controlled Qu County and its surroundings not by relying on the thousands of followers under the sect, nor by coercion by force such as the clan's private soldiers.

Instead, relying on the bondage of interests, step by step, people in the entire Qu County were pulled into Mi's car.

Because of interests, all the officials in Qu County, down to the common people, are actually the eyes and ears of the Mi family, and it is precisely because of this that the Yinglangwei got on the line of the Mi family.

No matter how fierce the battle in Xuzhou was before, no matter how turbulent the world was.

Qu County has always maintained a certain degree of stability, all because of the influence of the Mi family, because of the influence of money.

"Just a few days ago, our Wei successfully instigated the rebellion against the Mi Clan in Qu County. The patriarchs Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and the elders of the clan have agreed and are willing to fully cooperate with our Wei."

"So my deployment in Qu County has also changed from underground to public. Just the day before yesterday, I sent a fast boat across the sea to Qingzhou, but unexpectedly, the general landed in Qu County suddenly, and..."

Deng Ling glanced at the docked warship in the water fortress, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He had also seen the grand occasion of the Han army navy before, and he thought that the scale was the limit.

But now seeing the extremely large fleet of our own side, I realize that those are nothing but trivial, not worth mentioning.

"The Mi family in Qu County?"

Gan Ning came from another direction, just as he heard the exchange between Deng Ling and Lu Bu, he hurried forward.


Deng Ling nodded.

Lu Bu and Gan Ning looked at each other, both of them could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Although the Mi family in Qu County is not the so-called high-ranking family, in terms of financial resources, the ten families added together may not be as rich as the Mi family.

No one can say clearly how rich the Mi family is.

However, the Mi family kept a low profile. It was only after the Eagle Wolf Guards got all the information that they knew that the Mi family was rich, even far surpassing the Wuji Zhen family.

And such a person was actually instigated by the eagle wolf guards.

Although the words came from Deng Ling's mouth, Lu Bu and Gan Ning still couldn't believe it.

Finally, after hearing Deng Ling's explanation, and Mi's pursuit of official and business certificates after the war, it was indeed discovered that Yinglang Weiqu County had indeed turned into the light, otherwise Deng Ling could not have come so quickly.

Lu Bu and Gan Ning began to believe this news.

"Champion Hou, don't worry, Qu County is under martial law at this time, and all news transmission has been blocked. As long as Champion Hou is not found on the sea road, then Xuzhou must not be vigilant."

"How to march, these are the things that the champion marquis considers, so I won't bother you too much. If necessary, the champion marquis can give orders. I, the Eagle Wolf Guard, have scouts in every city."

Lu Bu's eyes moved slightly, and his heart skipped a beat.

"If I remember correctly, Mi Zhu, the Patriarch of the Mi Clan, is currently in charge of the administration of Xuzhou, so he should be in Tan County, the prefecture of Xuzhou, right?"

Deng Ling was slightly taken aback. He didn't know why Lu Bu asked suddenly, but he still answered Lu Bu's question.

"Champion Hou's speculation is correct. Mi Zhu is currently working in the administration of Xuzhou, and is indeed in the administration of Tan County in Xuzhou."

"His younger brother, Mi Ren, is currently in Qu County, preparing to deliver rations to the Han army in various counties and Pingchang."

"Speaking of which, the Han Dynasty is also unpopular. Lu Kang, the state shepherd, asked the Mi family to donate a large amount of grain and rice again, which made the Mi family completely fall to our side."

"and many more……"

Lu Bu grasped the key points in Deng Ling's words.

"You mean, Mi Ren is now preparing and sending military rations to the Xuzhou army going north, and his Mi family is responsible for these military rations?"

Deng Ling nodded, "Exactly."

"Do you have general information about the current movements of the Xuzhou army?"

"I don't have one for the time being." Deng Ling looked serious, "But if the champion wants it, he can get it right away."

"Now the supply of food and grass for the Xuzhou army is all in the charge of the Mi family. Mi Ren should have the specific number of troops and their distribution in cities and regions."

Deng Ling saw Lu Bu's solemn face, and he knew in his heart that perhaps he succeeded in instigating against the Mi family this time, and the benefits he brought were far greater than he expected.

"Champion Hou, wait a moment, I'll send someone to fetch it right away."

Deng Ling was born in the old Taiping Road, and he was one of the earliest Huang Angels who followed Xu An. He was able to do things well, and immediately arranged for people to go to Mi's mansion to take pictures.

Lu Bu and Gan Ning didn't wait long, and soon, a fast horse flew to and rushed into the water village. It was the Ti cavalry that Deng Ling had sent out to get the defense map.

Lu Bu and Gan Ning had already moved to the camp of the water village, and at the same time, all the soldiers were urgently called up. When the fast horse entered the camp, all the Ming troops who had landed had already assembled.

In the camp at this time, not only Lu Bu and Gan Ning were here, but General Yan Liang and Wen Chou were also in the same building.

The deployment map sent by the eagle wolf guards was spread on the table, and there was a roll of bamboo slips with it.

Lu Bu picked up the bamboo slips on it and weighed it. He hadn't seen this kind of bamboo slips for a long time. Paper was always used in Ming court.

And it's not limited to the original 'yellow sky paper', on the paper, the time has also been updated over the years.

A lot of new paper has been made, and there is even a paper as white as jade, which is called 'jade paper'. It is the most respected and sold to the Western Regions. gold.

At this time, the Han court was still using the heavy bamboo slips, looking around at the familiar furnishings in front of him, Lu Bu suddenly realized that the Ming court was different from the Han court.

In the Ming Court, everything is full of vigor and vitality, and everything seems to be brand new. Even the old palaces and quaint buildings can smell the thriving atmosphere.

But looking back at the Hanting, it is becoming more and more decayed and destroyed, just like this water village.

On the bamboo slips, the movements of the Xuzhou Army were written in great detail.

It is even specific to the number and movement of the army, where it has arrived, and where it will arrive in a few days.

The logistics of the army are extremely important. The soldiers and horses are not moved, and the food and grass go first. This is a necessary condition for war.

Lu Bu passed the bamboo slips in his hand to Gan Ning who was beside him.

"The situation in Xuzhou is exactly as Duke Ming expected. There are only a few old and weak soldiers left behind and some village braves."

The bamboo slips were passed among the hands of the remaining three, and finally placed on the table again.

"Most of the Xuzhou Han army is now moving towards the counties and Pingchang cities, and Xuzhou has also recruited a lot of civilians to serve as auxiliary soldiers, and they are all attracted by the army led by Duke Ming."

"Now the situation is clear, and the interior of Xuzhou is extremely empty."

Lu Bu briefly introduced the current situation, and finally pointed the whip in his hand to a point in the center of the map. Gan Ning and the others followed the direction pointed by Lu Bu's whip.

When they saw the place name there, the three looked up at Lu Bu almost at the same time.

At this time, Lu Bu was confident, his eyes swept across the faces of Gan Ning, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou, and he smiled calmly.

"Attacking it because of its emptiness, this battle can easily defeat the enemy."

"What Fengxian meant, could it be..."

Yan Liang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought of a rather crazy possibility.

"Zhitan County of Xuzhou Prefecture is only three or four hundred miles away from here. The garrison in the city has left for a long time and has arrived at Kaiyang City in Langya County. Now there are only about a thousand soldiers left around it. Law and order, stable situation."

"If you march in a hurry, you can reach the distance of more than three hundred miles in four days."

"Our army now has [-] soldiers, all of whom are elites in the army, and the thousand soldiers in Tancheng are all newly recruited soldiers..."

Lu Bu's words stopped short, and the hearts of Gan Ning, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou jumped wildly.

They were all shocked by Lu Bu's risky plan.

Their original task was to capture Qu County, then go south to approach the Huaihe River, set a nail in Xuzhou, and then advance steadily to approach Tan County to cooperate with the attack.

Its main purpose is actually to hit the morale of the Xuzhou army.

Fighting on two fronts, facing the threat of being surrounded and annihilated, the morale of the Han army in Xuzhou will completely drop to the bottom.

But now Lu Bu's plan was directly revised to attack Tan County.

Once they invaded Tan County and beheaded Xuzhou state Mu Lukang, it would undoubtedly be a devastating blow to Xuzhou.

"There is not enough food and grass in Xuzhou, that's why Lu Kang asked Mi's to raise food and grass."

"Mi's grain and grass are all transported from Yangzhou and Yuzhou, and the grain and grass of Xuzhou's Han army and Zhu Zhi's army are now being supplied by Mi's."

"Nowadays, the grain in the north is only stored for about ten days, and the rest of the grain is being transferred. As long as our army captures Tan County and cuts off the supply of grain and grass for the Mi family, it will cost nothing at that time. Counties, In Pingchang, [-] Han troops starved to death in the city..."

(End of this chapter)

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