The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 896 Questions

Chapter 896 Questions

The desolate horn sounded from within Pengcheng.

Naturally, there are generals in Pengcheng who are responsible for observing the enemy's situation, so how could the incident in Jiuli Mountain escape their attention.

The Ming army broke through the two camps on the hillside and foot of Jiuli Mountain. At this time, two Ming army cavalry were galloping towards Pengcheng.

The cavalry of the Ming army is mighty, roughly counted, the two cavalry of the Ming army have at least [-] people.

The shocking change in Jiuli Mountain also affected all the Han troops in Pengcheng.

"An accident happened in Jiuli Mountain!"

Cheng Yu was observing the enemy's situation on the tower in the south city. The Ming army's offensive became more and more urgent. Letters from the Southwest Company Battalion pleading for help came like snowflakes. He was already devastated just by sending reinforcements.

Cheng Yu, who was wearing a black light armor, had a gloomy and cold face, and led a group of personal guards to the top of Pengcheng.

Xu An personally led the army, lined up in Dongshan, and attacked the southwestern company of the Han army, which attracted everyone's attention.

No one doubted that this was a feint attack, after all, from under the Western Mountain, the direct descendants of the Ming army could see clearly.

This time Xu An only brought four battalions of cavalry, more than [-] cavalry from the four battalions of Xiaoqi, Shanggu, Xiliang, and Bingzhou. They were obviously lined up at the foot of the Dongshan Mountain, forming a cavalry formation.

The cavalry from Duliao Camp and Wuxiang Camp are far away in the sky, in the northern border and western regions, how could they arrive here.

But why did more than [-] cavalry appear here? Where did the Ming army get so many cavalry? Could it be that these cavalry were all flying from the sky.

Cheng Yu's face was gloomy, he kept thinking in his heart, he wanted to understand this matter.

"Damn it!"

It was rare for Cheng Yu to swear a curse word like Poppy in the market.

"Ji Ling is such an idiot, how did he go to defend Jiuli Mountain with [-] people, and the enemy broke through Jiuli Mountain in less than two hours?"

"Could it be that all the generals of the Ming army are as brave as King Xiang?!"

Cheng Yu slammed a fist on the crenel. He didn't care about Ji Ling's life or death, but what he cared about was that he was the one to fight against this mess.

How can he resist, relying on the tens of thousands of old, weak, sick and disabled in Pengcheng, or relying on the five or six thousand selected regular troops left behind?

Most of the Han soldiers who were left in Pengcheng were Xiangyong.

Township braves are unbearable to fight, most of them are local farmers recruited by powerful families, and they train two to three times a month. Except for some Xiangyongs who wiped out bandits who saw blood, the rest of the township braves have never even seen blood.

The training they received was not professional training, and the books on the art of war and military strategy were not owned by the powerful, and only a small number of aristocratic families stored them.

It is impossible to expect them to be able to reach the level of the civilian troops in the Ming Dynasty. In any case, the Ming national troops will receive retired soldiers who will be trained according to the simplified Ming military drills.

It is okay for these townspeople to defend the city and fight against the wind, but if they want to rely on them to win this battle, I am afraid that the arrival of the soldier fairy Han Xin will have a half chance of winning the battle.

Although Liu Xie's implementation of the reform did have his tolerance, it was ultimately due to the limitation of his vision, and he was still wary of the aristocratic and powerful families.

If he is willing to distribute the training method summed up from the Ming army to all places, and let these powerful families train Xiangyong according to this method, then the more than [-] Xiangyong around Pengcheng will also be able to fight, at least they can Fight with the elite army.

Instead of all being placed in Pengcheng and the camps around Pengcheng as supplementary soldiers.

Ants killed elephants more, and if Liu Xie really acted like this, then the Han army's chances of winning in the battle of Pengcheng would be at least [-]% higher.

It's a pity that Liu Xie doesn't have such a magnanimity. His position makes it impossible for him to act like this.

After all, once he did this and spread out all the training methods of the Ming army, then after those powerful families had a military force that was not inferior to them, he would have no way to restrain them at all.

The power of group training, the method of training, and local finances are the root causes of separatism and chaos.

Of course, if Liu Xie really did this, Xu An would not rush to Pengcheng with just over [-] people.

The Han army gathered in Pengcheng totaled [-] people.

Of the [-], only [-] are the main army of the Han court, and the remaining [-], more than half are the countrymen and rangers recruited by powerful families from all over the country, and a small part are auxiliary soldiers who were forcibly conscripted to defend the city .

In the Ming Dynasty, according to the laws enacted by Xu An, private fighting was prohibited and public fighting was encouraged.

Those rangers who disagree with each other draw their swords, and use martial arts to violate the ban. What's more, if they are heroes and cunning, they will be the guests of the noble family, disturbing one side, and they will naturally be banned.

In the Han Dynasty, the knight-errant style flourished in the Western Han Dynasty and declined in the time of Emperor Wu. However, although it is the Eastern Han Dynasty, it has not yet been extinct.

Although the Eastern Han Dynasty inherited the Western Han Dynasty, many places were different. In fact, the ranger was relaxed a lot, and because of the turbulent times, there were many rangers in various places, and the powerful families recruited customers.

There are thousands of diners under the family of Mi family in Xuzhou, the most among them.

The law of the Ming court does not recognize the legal status of rangers, and does not allow any individual, clan, or business to solicit customers in any form.

Although the rangers in the Ming Dynasty would not be culled and captured at will like in Emperor Wu's time, but with the six gates and the eagle wolf guards staring at them, there was nothing they could do.

These [-] people are a mixed bag and extremely difficult to manage.

Sun Jing didn't have the experience and ability to command hundreds of thousands of troops in battle. He selected Jianyong among them, and more than [-] of them were arranged in Jiuli Mountain to support Ji Ling as a supplementary reserve force.

Another [-] people were dispersed by him into twenty-seven companies as assistants.

Using veterans to lead new recruits and training them in battle is the fastest way to improve.

As for the others, Sun Jing could only stuff them into the camps in and around Pengcheng as a follow-up supplement.

Mobilizing [-] people is completely different from mobilizing [-] or [-].

Not everyone is as evil as Han Xin, as long as there are more soldiers, the better.

When going down to Quyang, Huangfusong defeated Zhang Bao's [-] yellow scarves with an army of [-], just waiting for Zhang Bao's command to be messed up, and then smash them in one fell swoop.

Although Guo Jia and Xun Yu's military strategy is extraordinary, they are mostly strategists and do not have much experience in leading troops in combat.

The two were sent by Sun Jing to take charge of the left and right formations of the two battalions in the southwest.

With lessons learned from the past, Sun Jing naturally didn't want to give Xu An this chance, so he chose to stick to it.

Sun Jing's personality is completely opposite to his elder brother Sun Jian's. Sun Jian's personality is fierce, while Sun Jing's is resolute and steady.

Sun Jing set up four camps in the southeast and northwest outside Pengcheng, each with [-] people, each led by a Zhonglang general.

In the end, Sun Jing, the remaining [-] people, ordered him to stay in Pengcheng, led by Cheng Yu, to support the two wings.

There is no way to say that Sun Jing is wrong for such an arrangement, there is no problem with his command, and there is no problem with the arrangement.

But the problem is that, among the [-] troops, there are quite a few people with evil intentions.

Xu An has been paying attention to the situation of Jiuli Mountain, and he has naturally noticed the beacon fire at the foot of Jiuli Mountain.

Jiuli Mountain used to be the place where the Han army and the Chu army fought fiercely when the Chu and Han Dynasties were in power. As the strongest barrier in the north of Pengcheng, now that it has been broken, the morale of the Han army has been shaken.

Xu An could see it clearly, there were commotions of varying degrees in the various battalions of the Han army not far away.

"Order Lu Bu to lead a battalion of soldiers out to replace Yan Liang and Wen Chou."

Xu An raised the whip in his hand, and ordered in a deep voice.

"The Chinese army advances a hundred steps, and Ma Teng and Zhang Yang are ordered to lead the Ruishi Battalion to take over the attack from the flanking army, and Zhang Liao is ordered to march northward, cutting off the communication between the Southwestern Han Army Company Battalion and Pengcheng."

A group of township warriors in Pengcheng, only a small part of the main army, must be panicked if such a short incident in Jiuli Mountain is broken.

What's more, there is his internal response in Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is just something in his pocket.

Xu An sat back on the seat, and after giving the order, he didn't pay too much attention to Pengcheng.

In Pengcheng, as well as the surrounding four villages, they were already riddled with holes.

It wasn't just the Yingchuan Fourth Clan secretly expressing through the Yinglangwei that they wanted to join, but many powerful families in the Han court actually secretly communicated with each other and wanted to join.

A rough calculation shows that there are at least [-] people in Pengcheng and the surrounding camps who are planning to rebel.

If it weren't for the eagle wolf guards being cautious and prudent, and not contacting each one one by one, I am afraid that even twenty or thirty thousand more people would not be impossible.

Xu An's expression was deep. Everything that happened in Jiuli Mountain was expected, and there was nothing to be happy about.

The battle in Pengcheng is still going on, but Xu An is thinking about another thing now.

It wasn't that Xu An wanted to be distracted and didn't care about the outcome of this battle, but because this incident would greatly affect the future situation.

Yan Zhong looked sideways slightly, and he also noticed Xu An's expression, knowing that Xu An was thinking now.

If Xu An can temporarily put aside the war in front of him, then there is only the matter of the Han court's belonging to the aristocratic family.

"What is Duke Ming thinking about and how to deal with these surrendered people?"

Xu An's eyes moved slightly, and Yan Zhong explained what he was thinking in one word, which also let him break away from thinking.

Looking forward again, Xu An nodded slightly as an admission.

"Minggong, if you have doubts, you might as well talk to me, maybe the problem can be solved."

Yan Zhong regained his composure and looked at Xu An.

Xu An didn't speak immediately, but took a look around first, and then set his eyes on Yan Zhong.

"I've been thinking about a question."

"Why are so many aristocratic families willing to donate thousands of pieces of furniture, and the foundations of a century or even a thousand years accept surrender."

Yan Zhong frowned slightly, he guessed right, Xu An was really thinking about this question.

For this question, he actually had an answer in his heart. He asked the question just to help Xu An solve it.

But when the words came to an end, Yan Zhong hesitated again.

Seeing Yan Zhong's expression and hesitation, Xu An realized that what he was thinking was indeed right, and there was indeed a huge problem in it.

Yan Zhong took the initiative to bring it up, just to tell him about it, but he hesitated to speak, which is not normal.

In fact, it is normal, Yan Zhong is also a family after all, and his and his clan's interests must be involved in it. If he tells the internal cause and reminds him, he has chosen to betray his own class.

Xu An turned his head to look to the other side. Jia Xu's face didn't change much at this time, his eyes were still looking at the battle situation, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Jia Xu has always been wise and safe, Xu An knew very well that he was going to ask Jia Xu, and Jia Xu was definitely talking about him at this time.

"Actually, this question is very simple."

Yan Zhong finally made up his mind, he closed his eyes, exhaled a foul breath, and opened his mouth slowly.

Xu An's expression was serious, he turned his eyes back, and listened quietly. He ignored the sound of war drums and golden weapons around him.

"Betting separately is the norm in the family. Duke Ming is very clear about this. This is the first reason."

"Duke Ming's expedition to the east and the south, the general trend has been achieved, and the collapse of the Han court is a foregone conclusion, which cannot be changed."

"Instead of accompanying the Han court to perish..."

"If we wait until our army wins and liquidates, it would be normal to destroy the family."

"It's better to add icing on the cake at this time in exchange for preserving the clan."

"The Fourth Yingchuan Clan and other aristocratic families all act in this way. Many of their descendants follow the Han Court. These people will follow the collapse of the Han Court and be buried for the Han Court. It can be regarded as returning to the Han Dynasty. The grace to rule for four hundred years."

Yan Zhong paused for a moment, opened his eyes, his face showed a trace of solemnity, and then continued to speak.

"As far as I know, Duke Ming doesn't have any clues. It can even be said that he is just wondering if there are other reasons besides this."

Xu An's eyes narrowed slightly, he could figure out the first point, but he always felt that things were not simple.

"Minggong feels right."

"There is indeed a second reason why so many powerful families in the Han court surrendered."

"It is this second reason that made the four Yingchuan clans choose to rebel, even willing to risk the infamy of the world and bear the name of traitor, and choose to rebel at this time."

Yan Zhong's eyes were deep, he avoided Xu An's gaze, and turned his head to look forward, he did not look directly into Xu An's eyes.

"The reason is the 'system'."

Yan Zhong almost choked out the last two words between his teeth.

Xu An's heart sank slightly, and he repeated it.



Yan Zhong nodded.

"To be precise, it is the education system..."

Yan Zhong said in a low voice with a solemn expression.

"Ming Gong opened schools in various places, set up Mongolian schools and county schools, and set up Chinese schools and military schools in Chang'an."

"County students can be officials, national students can be officials, and military students can be generals."

"Duke Ming's original intention was the right way. This action also solved the problem of our army's lack of mid-level and low-level officials, and also trained a large number of generals for our army to supplement our combat power."


Yan Zhong changed the topic.

"Duke Ming has been paying attention to martial arts, but he has neglected domestic government affairs and this aspect of the problem."

"There are actually problems with the current junior high school education system, and the four Yingchuan families and the aristocratic families attached to the Han court have seen through the problem."

"Is there something wrong with the education system I set up?"

Xu An's expression froze. What is taught in the school is experience learning. For the education system that has been established now, he has worked hard to improve the shortcomings, and he just wants to ensure that there are no problems in education as much as possible.


"What's the problem?"

Yan Zhong turned his head, looked into Xu An's eyes, and said solemnly.


 This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapters of the four families of Yingchuan. After this chapter is finished, the next chapter should not have too much description, and then this problem will be solved together with the previous government affairs problem.

  The last big battle, I want to write better, not grumble

(End of this chapter)

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