All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 2 Shocked!The main god space turned out to be...

Chapter 2 Shocked!The main god space turned out to be...

cold, shaking...

A man's cold voice: "You are the worst person among the people who came here this time."

Zheng Zha turned his head and saw a scarred black-haired young man staring at him with a sneer, who looked to be in his 20s.

Turning around, the scarred-faced youth who acted as a senior said coldly: "It's not just him, you are also the worst newcomer I have ever seen."

"The Lord God has injected basic information into your minds, and you will understand it yourself in the future. Let's start introducing yourself now!"

The scar-faced youth said that he didn't seem to think how weird it was that there were more than 20 people, and he didn't notice the weirdness of some people. Everything seemed to be natural.

"My name is Cheng Pan, and I like to play farming games," said an ordinary-looking man.

"My name is Ren Di, and I also like farming games. But I prefer logistics." A young man in heavy armor said to Cheng Pan.

"There will be time to communicate in the future!" Cheng Pan laughed.

Immediately afterwards, a young monk in a monk's robe stood up, clasped his hands unnaturally and said, "The little monk is really fixed, the layman's name is Meng Qi, and I have a wife."

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the three people next to him with a smile: "These are some roommates from the poor monk's college."

A man in black robe with golden eyes and like a scientist pushed his glasses and said with a kind smile, "My name is Lucien, Meng Qi's roommate, I have a wife."

A relatively normal-looking young man dressed in urban workplace clothes smiled mysteriously: "My name is Shao Yi'an, and I am also Meng Qi's roommate. I am a normal person and will definitely have a wife."

Meng Qi's last roommate, a handsome Taoist priest in a yin-yang robe, waited for the first two to finish speaking, and said with a dark face, "Pin Dao Shi Xuan, Meng Qi's roommate, I don't have a wife."

"Besides, I want to eat sizzling squid."

The other three smiled knowingly

The scar-faced young man who introduced the situation just now finally realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong there. Distraught, he stepped forward and scolded impatiently: "You guys, are you all right? "

"The person behind you hurry up and don't waste your time." Then he waved to the person behind
"My name is Wang Zongchao." A humane looking at Lianjiazi.

"My name is Qiming," said a pale young man.

"My name is Liu Yibin. I was still in the hospital before I came here. Don't think I'm a burden." said a young man in a hospital uniform.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Mu, I'm a language teacher," said a white-haired boy.

"Mo Shijun." A young man in casual clothes said.

"My name is Su Luo, her name is San'er, my apprentice." said the young man with a little Loli in his arms.

"Hello, my name is San'er." said the little loli in the young man's arms.

"Yan Luo," said the indifferent young man.

"My name is Liu Shiqi, I'm known as the goddess of luck, but I've almost been raped several times because of my luck + charm, sigh..." A woman who seemed to be a holy incarnation said, with her beauty, if not an extreme person , it will not raise a blasphemous heart towards her, which shows her "lucky".

"Pindao Lu Yun." said a young man in a robe.

"Pindao Xuantianji." Another young man in Taoist robe said.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you have time to discuss the Dao!"


"Zhang Liang Mala Tang, we are different. My name is Zhang Liang, the boss of Zhang Liang Mala Tang." said a young man in a suit.

"Yu Tian." said the man in an emperor robe.

"Small twilight," said a young man with a hippie smile.

"Tang Tian." A young man wearing a work uniform printed with XX water and electricity said.

"Zhou Qi." said a young man in a white coat.

"Su Li." This time it was a young man with a sick face. The eyes under his thick eyebrows were like a star, and he was very special, which made his ordinary face appear distant and secluded. temperament.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Tianyi, and I used to use the name Zhang Ding Zhang." said a muscular man in a black suit who looked like a coolie in "Kung Fu".

"Su Jun." said a handsome and masculine boy in white with flying long hair and a long sword on his back.

"Zhang Daoyi," said a young man like a trainer.

"My name is Xiaoyan, and I was struggling with the rent before I came here. Now it's alright, don't worry about it." Said a handsome young man with a girl's smooth skin and translucent lustre between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Xiao Hong," said a young man who looked like Kojiro Sasaki in the cosplay "Fate Stay Night".

"Li Chen." A young man with three thousand blue silk reaching his waist, a face like a crown of jade, a jade tree facing the wind, sword eyebrows and star eyes, holding a blue glass bead in his hand, raised his head and smiled.

"Jiang Cang." A young man wearing a Chinese costume engraved with clouds and birds and beasts smiled honestly, and then stood silently behind Li Chen.

"My name is Bai Haoran, and I'm a college student," said a young man with black glasses, who looked a little bit two.

Li Chen looked at it, sighed, and pulled this ignorant little brother behind him.

"Bai Luoran," said a young man who looked like he was in the first year of high school.

"Zhou Bofu." said a vicious man with a height of more than two meters.

"Li Pu." An ordinary-looking person who looked like an otaku was humane.

"Lin Feng." A student looked like, but was full of murderous aura.

"Hello everyone, I'm Feng Bujue." A young man in a purple suit said jokingly.

"Chen Sheng!" A man wearing a Tang suit looks like a master at first glance.

"Lu Cha," said a barefooted young man in a hospital gown.

"Qingfen." A man with yellow hair who looked like a gangster whispered.

"Chu Hao." A man wearing glasses with a flat face.

"Hello everyone, I'm Bai Shuo." A man wearing sunglasses who seemed to be blind said.

"Bai Jinglang." A man in a white robe who looked like a scientist said softly.

"Dugufeng." A woman in ancient costume looked at everyone and said.

"My name is Li Jiayu. She is my younger sister. The elders in the family used to be lazy, so they gave us the same name. Later, she changed her name to Su Haoyue. The young man over there is my friend, Lu Xiaofeng." The blue-eyed girl pointed at a black-haired, red-eyed loli, and then pointed at a handsome young man in Taoist robe.

"My name is Su Haoyue." The black-haired, red-eyed loli said with a smile.

"Pin Dao Lu Xiaofeng, Li Jiayu, long time no see." said the Taoist youth.

"I'm Lilin." A man wearing a black trench coat version of the priest's uniform whispered.

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Yuyan," said the long-haired girl in a pale yellow dress.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Zhujue." The man in a white coat, seemingly mentally ill, said happily.

"I'm Su Jing." said a handsome boy in a school uniform with a gentle face.

"Shen Yi." A young man with a calm smile said slowly.

"My name is Lu Bairan." said a young man in black with a sword.

"Jiang Ning," said a man in a wizard's robe.

"Zhu Peng." The guy who spoke this time was wearing a golden robe with silver threads embroidered on it.There is also a simple purple long sword on the back. At the handle of the long sword, there is a yin and yang Taiji map. At first glance, it is all true.

"Gu Shaoshang, my hobby is Go," said the young man with a black robe hanging on the ground, with a handsome and unparalleled appearance, with a dignified appearance and a calm demeanor that contained a daunting aura.

"My name is Mi Liancheng, and I'm an online writer." A young man who looked harmless to humans and animals said directly.

"Lan Mu." said a thin man with cold eyes.

"Li Yue." There was a different calm in one pupil, as calm as a lake without ripples, that feeling was like a man who saw through life and death.

"Ling Donglai, what are you good at? Does fighting count as a fight?" said the young man in blue clothes, with a white jade hairpin on his head, a small bell tied around his waist, and a purple flute in his hand.

"I'm very interested in this place. It's a really good place, I've been looking for it for a long time. I'm Chen Ang, from the Republic, and I'm a newcomer like you. My profession is a scientist, my specialty is doing research, and my hobby is doing research." A young man wearing a rigorous scientific coat looked at all this with great interest, and said with a radiant expression in his eyes.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Mo, and many people call me Dr. Chen. I'm the big boss of the Umbrella Company. My strengths and hobbies are the same as those of Chen Ang," said the young man who was almost indistinguishable from Chen Ang when he was dressed.

"My name is Zhao Qi, and I'm a teacher. You can call me Lao Zhao, or call me Teacher Zhao like my group of incompetent students. Please give me more advice." The boy said with a smile.

"My name is Lin Qing, and I'm currently a non-staff employee of Dameng Taiyi Division." said a young man in a staff uniform.

"Poor Dao Taiming, the layman's name is Li Yuan," said a thin little Taoist boy with white hair reaching his waist, a little red in the eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and a warm jade.

"I am Lin Dong. Although I am a coser, I have deep research in English, ancient literature, calculus, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer programming. I also have personal opinions in politics and sports. You can understand by looking at my figure." A young man in a black-haired suit took the initiative to introduce.

"Li Anping." A tall and strong man said indifferently.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ye Ren." said a young man with a playful aura.

"Garon." A sturdy man said indifferently.

"My name is Victor, you can also call my Chinese name - Li Mo, I'm a scientist, don't get me wrong, I'm different from Lin Dong, I'm not a coser, this is my wife's clothes." The youth of the reformed Ziwei imperial robe.

"My name is Bai Ge, what are the things I'm good at, do brain holes count?" said a young man who looked like a private detective.

"Mo Huang." said a young man wearing the mask of Monkey King.

"Luo Chenxi," said a young man with smooth skin, flawless white, long hair reaching his waist, thick jet-black, big eyes and dark pupils, more beautiful than a girl.

"My name is Zhou Yang, and I'm a businessman," said a young man in Chinese clothing.

"My name is Li Yu, my occupation is the same as Zhou Yang, but the things I sell are a bit special, don't get me wrong," said a young man in a Confucian shirt.

"Brother Li, are you interested in doing some business?" Zhou Yang smiled honestly.
Li Yu frowned and waved his hand: "I don't do py transactions, I'm a normal person."

"Haha, where did Brother Li want to go? I mean to do some light bulb transactions." Zhou Yang said
"oh oh……"

The two businessmen had similar interests and ignored other people, so they just found a corner to discuss.

Zheng Zha was stunned and at a loss, but he found a young man who looked like an otaku sitting next to him. He was still wearing Pikachu's pajamas. Maybe because he was staying at home, his skin was too fair and delicate, but his hair was slightly messy. , with a pair of black glasses, looking a little melancholy.

When he just listened to the introduction, he found that the otaku's face changed from very panic, to doubt, then to fear, then to despair, and finally to emptiness, and whispered in his mouth: "It's over, it's over..."

(End of this chapter)

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