Chapter 207 Flipping the Table (Part [-])
Although, everything in front of me is very similar to a certain monkey making trouble in the heavenly palace, as if the Jade Emperor invited the Tathagata, everything is so similar, similar.

It seems that a third-rate director changed the name of the script and copied it.

However, under the fierce influence of the war between immortals and demons, most aliens have long lost their minds and will only follow the trend.

Only a small number of strangers found a little clue, and all the plots were too coincidental.

But do you have proof? !
Don't talk nonsense without evidence, biting people without evidence is a demonic act.

Be careful which day you go out, the sky thunder descends into the world to kill the demons, and be careful which day you go out to the river and accidentally fall into the water.Be careful which day you don't go out, and you suddenly become obsessed with retreating at home...

No matter what, Zhang Chulan yelled loudly, and everyone found a glimmer of hope.

However, the demon lord gave a sinister smile: "Then Luo Feng has some abilities, he is immortal, but is there time?!"

After thinking about it again, my heart died.

Although Master Luo of Duntian Valley has great supernatural powers, but he is thousands of miles away, he may be too late, and there are only bones left on the top and bottom of Longhu Mountain.

"Why is there such a monster in the world!" a headmaster moaned
"Eternal Devil Tribulation, Eternal Devil Tribulation!"

A monk sat cross-legged on the ground, and the Buddha's light enveloped some people, sheltering his disciples, but he was powerless about things other than the Buddha's light, and he couldn't help feeling hopeful.


Longhu Mountain, which was originally full of aura, is now surrounded by demonic energy, monsters are running rampant, blood is splashing everywhere, and it is a scene of purgatory on earth...

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, the Demon Lord tossed his robes, and a large group of his subordinates with blurred faces shouted like repeaters.

"Lord Moha Moha, with boundless magic power, can control dragons and tigers, and rule the world!"

"Destroy the dragon and tiger first, and then kill Kunlun. There is no one in the world, only the sage!"

The shouts were like a landslide, unstoppable, sweeping up and down the Longhu Mountain, and the attack from the soul was no less than bloody swords, guns and sticks.

Therefore, in the eyes of many strangers, the demon king sits high in the sky, with a mysterious face and a sinister laugh, worthy of being a demon in the ages!

"Blood sacrifice to dragon and tiger."

The Demon Lord shouted loudly, all kinds of strange sounds appeared in the sky, and black air burst out, a typical villain, the flames of demons were so powerful that they were invincible.

"Dare you, the evildoer!"

Just when this hope was about to be shattered and the world fell into darkness, a bright lotus flower bloomed in the east.

Just like a big sun slowly rising.

A handsome Taoist, with golden light on his feet, round light on his head, and three twelfth-grade lotus flowers swaying in the air, hanging down a little bit of spiritual energy, purifying the dark Longhu Mountain.

With an immortal demeanor, his face is like a crown of jade, surrounded by immortal light, he can't be called a fairy, and no one believes it.

Humans are visual animals, and Luo Feng formed a sharp contrast with the Demon King as soon as he appeared on the stage.

What's more, at this time of life and death, Luo Feng is regarded as a life-saving straw.

"Also ask the real person to use great mana, great supernatural powers, and pay this demon."

Zhang Chulan, the heir to the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, yelled carelessly, calling out the aspirations of everyone.

"Capturing the deity, you are not ashamed."

The devil laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Daoist Luo, I also know your skills, but do you know mine?!"

Luo Feng smiled lightly and said, "What's so difficult about this?"

"Living in the world, going through the world of mortals, there are good and evil, and all emotions, good and evil, are dominated by the "three corpses", "six thieves" and "seven poisons". It is impossible to be pure and natural, and it is difficult to realize the true nature."

"Originally, one person's three corpses, six thieves and seven poisons only troubled one person."

"But there are innate abilities in this world. Quanxing was originally a Taoist sect, but it is a pity that the descendants have entered the way of magic through unfilial piety. Now Quanxing has gathered four madmen, three corpses, six thieves and many demons under the flag."

"The sins and filth of the world are condensed into one, and finally you, the heart demon, are born!"

"Pindao is right."

The Demon Lord chuckled, and didn't care at all: "So what, I'm just like this, so what if I let you know. It is born from the heart, and dies from the heart."

"As long as the people in this world don't sever their demonic thoughts, I will live forever!"

"The top of the devil, proud of the world, with me, the devil, there will be heaven!"

"Luo Taoist, even if you are immortal and holy, what can you do to me?!"

The devil's rampant laughter made everyone tremble with fear. If it was true as he said, wouldn't it be immortal? Even if Luo Zhenren had supernatural powers, he would not be able to kill him.

Luo Feng was silent for a few seconds, although he really wanted to say something, if they were all killed, wouldn't you just die.

But considering that this line is more in line with the image of the villain, I thought about it and changed it.

"Whoever dares to call himself invincible is invincible." Luo Feng sneered.

Step out and turn into a boundless golden road, to suppress the demon king in the earth, and the golden body of the dharma figure stands in the sky like Mount Sumeru, as majestic as holy, supreme and great.

The demon king was accidentally trampled to pieces and disappeared temporarily.

Before everyone was a little bit more happy, the black energy suddenly gathered and turned into the shape of a demon king, and everyone's hearts sank again for a while.

The Demon Lord is not lying, he is truly immortal!

"It doesn't matter how powerful your supernatural powers are, how can you resist people's hearts like a demon." The demon lord laughed, and didn't fight head-on. When he retreated, he turned into thousands of smog and black gas, charged into Longhu Mountain, and swept everyone.

"Daoist Luo, I admit that you have exquisite Taoism and are invincible, but if you can kill us, can you deal with them?!"

All of a sudden, there were a lot of curses, and Longhu Mountain instantly turned into Zu'an Square, with the sound of gongs and drums, and it was very lively.

The Demon Lord doesn't have the slightest heroism, and wants to use the people of Longhu Mountain to blackmail the real Luo Feng.

Seeing this, Luo Feng laughed mockingly: "Little Doyle!"

Stepping out of the world, he stretched out his big hand and turned it into a lotus flower with a golden glow, wrapping the top and bottom of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain into a golden pill, pinched the seal with his right hand, and held the Dragon and Tiger Mountain with his left hand, and flew towards the sky.

Immortal light floats behind him, the sound of Dao is faint, and its own special effects rise.

"Even if you have to bear the burden of the common people, you need to support the dragon and tiger fairy mountain with one hand, I, like Luo Feng, are invincible in the world!"

With a flick of the Taoist robe, it was like a dream, full of force.

The Demon Lord couldn't help but gasp, Taoist Luo is so terrifying!
But he is the Immortal Lord, and he can let go.

"Luo Taoist, Luo Xianren! You are invincible in the mortal world, I will see if the power from outside the sky can cure you!"

Unwilling to give up, the demon lord shouted loudly, shouting for heaven and earth.

Nine days away, a star slowly fell, and it even wanted to lift the chessboard and use a space-based weapon.



This scene was not only seen by the aliens in Longhu Mountain, but also all countries in the world have satellites in the sky, so they can naturally monitor it.

What used to be soaring through the clouds, turning into hundreds of millions, and even dragging mountains and soaring up, and the collapse of the world view is within the scope of understanding, and we have endured it.

Isn't it too much to make a meteorite from the sky and lift the chessboard now!

Your old man is a demon, and has a relationship with the stars outside the sky.

Don't tell me you're related to Heavenly Demon? !

In an instant, many big shots had a thought in their minds, whether they should grow mushrooms.

Only mushrooms can counteract this situation!

You must know that the last large meteorite directly ended the age of dinosaurs,
[Going out yesterday, no update]

(End of this chapter)

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