All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 213 Mountain God Land System

Chapter 213 Mountain God Land System (Part [-])
Thinking, thinking, Luo Feng couldn't help feeling sad, and wiped the corners of his eyes with the corner of his clothes.

It's too difficult for a civil servant in the Heavenly Court. Little low-level monks like myself may be black-handed by the Dragon Clan one day when they go out.Shaking and cold~!

"I'm so hard."

Luo Feng sighed, returned to the Water Virtue Hall, and prepared a few letters.Once something happens to my family and I lose contact, it will automatically be sent to the Jade Emperor, Doumu Yuanjun,... Taier Immortal... and even Zixiao Palace.

As for the murderer, there is no doubt that there is someone other than Zulong.

Under the big Luo, who can kill his own family, and among the big Luo, he can only offend Zulong.


The prehistoric never remembers the years, time is the most valuable thing in this multiverse, and it is also the least valuable thing.

Immortals are counted in Yuanhui for a little retreat, and Daluo is like a day for hundreds of millions of years.

In the past 30 years, the Heavenly Court seems to have not changed much, and everything is operating normally. However, under the impetus of the Jade Emperor, the reforms in various departments are as new as possible, and the authority of the gods is growing day by day. It is an expansion of a mountain and a river, it may be just an ordinary area with no aura... Subtle and invisible, it is easy to be ignored by the immortals, but it really exists.

Many prehistoric beings in remote lands with great mountains and rivers have already begun to express their gratitude to the holiness of the heavens, holding sacrifices and prayers.

The Heavenly Court is constantly expanding, and on the eve of the Conferred God War, it continues to penetrate into the prehistoric.


The bell rang, and the once-in-a-century court meeting began.

In the Lingxiao Temple, the Jade Emperor Tianzun smiled and fully affirmed the work of the gods and Xingjun, and made important instructions!
Attaching great importance to the development of the basic work of Tianting popularization, caring about the purpose, supporting personnel, guaranteeing funds, and tilting equipment, has effectively promoted the development and progress of the deep prehistoric era.

Pointing out that the heaven and the world are originally one, and they are both members of the great universe, and they are treated equally. Whether it is the Ministry of Water, the Ministry of Fighting, the Ministry of Tiangong, the Ministry of Construction...all the departments of the Heavenly Court should go deep into the grassroots and implement the policies of the Heavenly Court to everyone. On an inch of land, let every prehistoric creature enjoy the grace and welfare of heaven.

Let every living being recite the real name of the Heavenly Court from the heart, be grateful to the Emperor of Heaven, and regard it as orthodox in the Three Realms.

At the same time, Marshal Tianhe and Taibai Jinxing were also commended for their mighty act of stabilizing the Xinghai situation and restoring order.

Finally, name Shui De Xing Jun and give affirmation and encouragement.

Luo Feng got up and bowed his hands, and said modestly: "I have not been in the Heavenly Court for a long time, and I just did a little work."

"In general, there are three things in total. The first is to arrange check-in and sign-in, which establishes the time. The second is to reform the system of the Ministry of Water, which improves efficiency and enthusiasm. The third is to break the surface under the leadership of the Great Tianzun , to promote the affairs of the Ministry of Water to the Heavenly Court."

"The current situation is not due to my talent, but the holiness of the Great Heavenly Lord, and the help of all my colleagues and gods."

"It is necessary to know that the Magical Artifact of the Ministry of Water to carry clouds and rain cannot be separated from the creation of Tiangong, the Ministry of Water can't subdue the water demon and water monster without the help of Tianhe Navy, and the Ministry of Water cannot explore unknown areas without the assistance of Doubu... "

"Today's Water Department is not the work of me alone, but the collective efforts of all immortals and gods!"

Speaking of the impassioned part, Luo Feng immediately turned around and bowed, expressing his thanks to all the main gods and stars.

"Mr. Shui De Xing, you are welcome."

"Ashamed, ashamed."


All the main gods and Xingjun hurriedly returned their salutes with bright smiles on their faces.

What Luo Feng said was not all false, but it was all the affairs of the departments, whether it was big or not, or small or not.

Shui De Xingjun is willing to give them a share of the credit, which shows that he is broad-minded and sophisticated.

Shui De Xingjun can be a man!

The great leader, the Jade Emperor, sets the style, the main gods of each ministry, the star kings of all walks of life, and the idle gods report the century-old work around the core, and the grand court is drawing to a close.

Seeing this, Taibai Jinxing went out to the ranks, exercised the power of the prime minister, and said some words of praise as the concluding remarks of the court meeting.

Seeing this, the gods and immortals naturally understood, waited for the bell to ring again, bowed their hands, and left the stage one after another.

Luo Feng was also about to return to the Ministry of Water to deal with complicated affairs, but Taibai Jinxing hurried forward to pull, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty summons."

Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it, and suddenly realized.

The Jade Emperor Tianzun is looking for his family at this time, could it be because of the ginseng fruit meeting.

With doubts, he followed Taibai Jinxing to Tongming Hall.

The Jade Emperor is sitting on the throne, with layers of jade slips, books and memorials in front of him.

Luo Feng stepped forward and bowed, and when he got up, he saw a scroll, or a scroll of magic treasure, placed in front of the imperial table.

There are nine resplendent characters in the letter: the map of the true spiritual karma of the land of the mountain gods

The divine light is introverted, but it contains the authority of the emperor of heaven, sacred and majestic, as mighty as mountains and sky.

Jade Emperor Tianzun smiled lightly and said, "Sit down, don't be restrained, you have seen it too."

"The reason why I called you here this time is because of the mountain god's land."

In the void, the map of the true spiritual karma of the land of the mountain god slowly unfolded, showing the fourth-rank, eighth-level and 32nd-order true spiritual karma.

The uppermost god position is the master of mountains, rivers and earth, and the position of landlords.

It's just that the status of the landlord's business is bleak and obviously impossible to achieve, but the status of the three mountains and five mountains of the second class shines brilliantly.

The Jade Emperor held the picture and said: "If the Heavenly Court wants to develop, it is impossible to keep the Heavenly Realm trapped."

"You dominate the water element and compete with the dragon clan. This is a road. As the saying goes, mountains and rivers meet. There is water, and there can be no mountains."

"The power of mountains and rivers is also the most important thing."

Luo Feng respectfully said: "Your Majesty wants the little god to discuss the land system of the mountain god with the great immortal Zhenyuanzi."

"Yes, not right!" The Jade Emperor shook his head, stared at Luo Feng and said, "I want you to give the authority of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains to Zhenyuanzi!"

A hint of surprise flickered in Luo Feng's eyes, the landlord's authority was unattainable, because there was Queen Wa fighting for the front.The power of the three mountains and five mountains is already the highest god on the earth, and there are eight emperors and emperors, what luck.

How could the Jade Emperor be willing to do so? !Really bold.

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty." Luo Feng cupped his hands and said
As the saying goes, if you want to take it first, you must give it first.The Jade Emperor gave up the position of the eight emperors, and he must want to get more.

The Jade Emperor Tianzun waved his hand, and a virtual map of the Great Desolate Continent appeared.

"Do you know who are the gods of the Great Desolate Mountain?!"

Luo Feng pondered for a while and said: "The little god heard that there are Kunlun Mountain Gods, Taishan Mountain Gods..."

After a while, the great gods with names and surnames were reported out.

"That's right." Jade Emperor Tianzun nodded and said, "These famous mountains and great rivers have mountain gods, and they are all congenital sacred, conceived out of the sacred mountains."

"But what about other mountain ranges?! Mountain ranges with ordinary auras don't even have monks, not to mention mountain gods."

"This is a vacancy. Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, and there are countless Earth Immortals under him. He is good at transforming mountains and opening up blessed lands."

"I have a god position, instead of walking the way, in charge of one party, and my own luck and merits are derived."

Jade Emperor Tianzun said meaningfully
"This... this!" Luo Feng suddenly realized, his pupils were filled with shock.

He understood what the Jade Emperor Tianzun was going to do, it was going to be a big news!
Famous mountains and rivers in the prehistoric and desolate have owners, the sacred mountains are occupied by Da Neng, and the next-level spiritual mountains are occupied by immortals.

The combination of earth immortals and mountain gods, greening the environment, contributes to the heaven and the earth, this is a great project for the benefit of the prehistoric, and it has great luck and merit.

Moreover, once the mountain god land system is established, there is another huge benefit.

There are mountain gods in the mountains, and there are lands everywhere. A huge information network covering the prehistoric world and the heavens is formed!

(End of this chapter)

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