All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 22 The Age That Does Not Belong to the Old Surname

Chapter 22 The era that does not belong to the common people
The essence, qi, and spirit choose a path to achieve the innate, which is called the pseudo-innate.

Proficient and congenital, most of them are martial artists

Qi breaks the innate, most of them are Taoist masters

Supernatural powers are innate, most of them are sublime warlocks
The spirit, energy, and spirit are mixed together and gathered at one orifice of the profound entrance, this is the true congenital, also known as the great congenital.

In all dynasties, the practitioners of the Three Flowers Gathered on the Top and the Five Dynasties of the Yuan Dynasty are known as innate real people.

The real person goes one step further, in order to transform all living beings, it is called Dao Dao, and the title is Dao Dao Dao Dao, also known as the Great Master, the Innate Great Master!

There are not many people who have achieved this in history.

Daming: The Patriarch of Wudang, who transformed the real person through microscopic visualization, Zhang Sanfeng

Southern Song Dynasty: Patriarch of the Southern School, Master Ziyang, Zhang Boduan; Second Patriarch of the Southern School, Master Xinglin Cuixuan, Shi Tai;
Northern Song Dynasty: One Dream for One Hundred Years, Fu Yaozi, Chen Tuan;


Datang: the founder of Neidan, the real person of Chunyang, Lv Dongbin;


Northern and Southern Dynasties: The patriarch of the Shangqing School, Mrs. Wei Cunhua; the golden body of Bodhi, the patriarch of Bodhidharma


Two Han Dynasties: Ancestor Tianshi of Longhu Mountain, Zhang Daoling;

Anyone who has opened up an orifice of the porch will be famous in the history and famous all over the world.

However, the closer to modernity, the fewer people open the door.

The most recent one is the 700-year-old Wudang Patriarch.

It is rumored that Liu Bowen arrived here 600 years ago, but it is just a rumor. It is also a rumor that Wang Yangming retreated 400 years ago.

Since the entry of the black dragon, a dragon's pressure has suppressed all laws in the world, and an imperial decree has imprisoned the change of thought.

For 300 years, there has been no news of the entrance.

In today's Daomen, the one orifice of the entrance is a legend.

Elder Shuiyue's greatest expectation is that Zheng Zha's Yangshen will be perfected, solve the mystery in the womb, and achieve the status of ghost and immortal.

Ghost Immortals are one under the Five Immortals.The yin is detached, the idols are unknown, the ghost gates have no surnames, and the three mountains have no names.Although not reincarnation, it is difficult to return to Pengying.In the end, there is nowhere to go, only to give up after reincarnation
Lu Zu did not agree with the Tao, looked down on it, and regarded it as an inferior and inferior Taoism.

However, for ordinary practitioners, it is already a very high karma, which is equivalent to reliving a lifetime.

Pursuing the Great Dao again in the next life is much easier than in the previous life.

Zheng Zha was silent for a while:  …

He just wants to know one thing now, what kind of realm Luo Feng has reached.

If there is a mistake in the practice, then the ordinary sympathy will be nothing more than that.

If it is really only one step away, then the spirit, energy and spirit can be mixed together and gathered at the one orifice of the profound entrance, proving the position of the congenital real person.

Why are you still hiding in Yangjia Village? ! ! !

Are you ready to smash the plane cannons with your body, and break through the tank radio with spiritual thoughts?

Only when one person dominates the world, and one country breaks through the whole country, are you ready to go out? !
With a delicate mood, Zheng Zha went to comprehend the secret text of Zhengyi Fulu.

The peerless genius in the eyes of Elder Shuiyue, the top ten of the Shangqing dynasties, is only half of Zheng Zha's strength.

After staying with Luo Feng for many years, I also learned one or two steady tricks.

He thought that his talent was already amazing.

However, there are perverts in the world, and perverts work harder than him!


Misty rain hazy, orchid fragrance.

Luo Feng and Luo Yuan, both big bags and small bags, took them to Maoshan.

Along the way, what I saw and heard, not to mention that the little girl was silent and tangled, even Luo Feng's heart was firm and a little sad.

Compared with ten years ago, the world has not changed for the better, but worse.

In order to eat in one bite, the common people put down their dignity and beg all over the world, just to live.

Ragged clothes, yellow face and thin skin are common, selling children and daughters, and leaving home are common.

These are dark times, these are tragic times.

There are powerful enemies outside and warlords inside.

The romantic scenes seen by the literati are extravagant and luxurious and belong to the upper class.

The good life described by the great writers will never belong to the common people.

There is only darkness, and after a thousand years, there is only misery.

The little girl had never seen such a scene before, Luo Yuan's eyes were slightly red, and he muttered: "Is it wrong to be alive?"

They don't seek glory, wealth, fame and rights, they just want to live!

They are the most simple group of people, they have paid a lot of labor, but the harvest is meager.

Until now, even living is a luxury.

"That's right!"

"Everyone has the right to live."

Luo Feng stared at the corner, the old man with missing arms and legs, the dying child, the middle-aged man who was confused, and the woman who kept sobbing. For some reason, his eyes were very deep.

Luo Yuan hesitated for a long time, then hesitantly asked and prayed, "Uncle Feng, can I help them?"

After speaking, the little girl lowered her head hopelessly.

She knows Uncle Feng's character, follows it, doesn't cause trouble, doesn't bother, doesn't stick to the cause, and doesn't seek the result.

If she asked, she might fail, and she felt uncomfortable, but if she didn't ask, she would definitely not succeed, and she felt uneasy.


Luo Feng sighed.

Then he took out a bag of steamed buns from the carriage, as well as a mask and cloak.

Luo Yuan raised his head in surprise and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

"Sleep when you are sleepy, drink water when you are thirsty, and eat when you are hungry. This is the only right and only principle, and the emperor can't stop it!"

Glancing at the sky, Luo Feng was decisive.


Luo Yuan nodded, took the mask, put on the cloak, and went to distribute the food.

Kindness is necessary, but precaution is essential.

That's how people's hearts are. If you can make an inch, you will repay your kindness and vengeance.

Don't underestimate the ugliness of human nature.

Because they are ignorant and ignorant, for thousands of years!
look away.

Refugees have mixed reactions to Luo Yuan's arrival, ranging from excitement, disgust, desire, and gratitude.

The first time he rescued the people, Luo Yuan was a little nervous and squeezed his hands tightly.

When he touched the cloak on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at Luo Feng thoughtfully, and said in his heart, "As expected of Uncle Feng, apart from covering up his identity, the emotions of people's hearts are counted."

Under the protection of the cloak and mask, even if Luo Yuan panicked in his heart, he looked as stable as an old dog on the surface.

"You line up, the old and the young are in the front, and the young are in the back!"

Luo Yuan shouted

Around ten refugees, you look at me, I look at you, and finally an old man took the lead in lining up.

It's not that Luo Yuan has a lot of prestige, but that she has a bag of food in her hand.

The distribution process was not smooth, and at the end, a destitute young man wanted to grab a bag of steamed buns and escape.

However, Luo Yuan is not easy to provoke.

Obtained the personal biography of Luo Feng, who was hanging on the wall, cultivated to the ninth floor in breathing and breathing, and practiced martial arts since childhood.

No tricks are needed, a simple punch will knock the weak and destitute youth away.

The other refugees were stunned for a moment, holding their breath, and then took the food with much respect.

The last beggar boy who came to collect the food was holding a baby in his arms. Since he was not old or young, he was holding people, so he didn't dare to crowd and was last in line.

Seeing that he was pitiful, Luo Yuan softened his heart and quietly gave Qi'er a few copper coins, and also sent his water hyacinth with milk in it.

"Thank you!"

The boy tremblingly took the food and the gourd, thanked him gratefully, and then bowed.

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and the other refugees had said thank you, but Luo Yuan felt that this sound was the most sincere.

Waving his hand and saying goodbye to the beggar boy, Luo Yuan walked slowly to the poor boy and handed a steamed bun.

The others are two, he is one.

This is punishment.

The desolate young man was stunned for a while, and Luo Yuan had already turned away.

A row of turbid tears shed, and the destitute young man knelt down and kowtowed.

Waiting for Luo Yuan to sit up, Luo Feng started to drive the carriage and asked, "Do you understand?"

Luo Yuanxiu's eyes moved and said: "The country can't die, and the people can't stand up?!"

Luo Feng smiled but said nothing

The little girl thought for a while, and then said: "Cang Lin knows the etiquette, and knows the honor and disgrace."

Luo Feng shook his head and nodded again.

The little girl pondered for a long time and said, "Human nature is good, and everything should stay in the line."

"The one who destroyed the six kingdoms is not Qin," Luo Feng sighed, and then said: "Yuan Yuan, you are both right and not entirely right."

"What they lack is a goal, or an idea, a belief, or a person, a group of people."

Luo Yuan was thoughtful, then supported his little face and asked, "Will this era change?"

Luo Feng said without hesitation: "It will definitely be!"

Since Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, the Chinese people have never lacked such courage!
It is the unique temperament and character of the Chinese people to be willing to cut the emperor off his horse.

 Double shift starting Monday

(End of this chapter)

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