All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 25: Climbing the altar

Chapter 25 Climbing the altar and giving the urn, the name of the road (one more)
After comforting the little girl, Zheng Zha looked up.

Ten years later, Luo's style is still the same, still young and young.

Time does not hurt, years do not diminish.

Can't see at all, the vicissitudes of 30 years.

Since the infuriating qi nourishes the body, the boxing technique moves qi and blood, which is like opening a tenth-level beauty.

Standing with Luo Yuan, they are more like brothers and sisters than elders.

People can't help but sigh, Zongzhi is a handsome and handsome young man, looking up at the blue sky with his white eyes, as bright as a jade tree in front of the wind.

Walking to Zheng Zha, Luo Feng smiled and took out a handful of candies, stuffed one for himself, and said with a smile, "Why not?!"

Luo Feng is fond of sweetness, and she will have one when she does things and fights.

Watching familiar movements.

Zheng Zha laughed dumbly, and ten years of estrangement disappeared in an instant.

man, still that man.

After taking the candy and tasting it, Zheng Zha's eyes lit up: "Zhou Ji's stuff, that shop is still there?!"

"always there."

Luo Fengchao stuffed another Zhou Ji candy into his mouth, and then said contemptuously, "It's you, you've become a middle-aged uncle, and you used to feed the dog with a handsome and quiet boy?!"

"Let you learn the talisman, without practicing the breath."

Zheng Zha's face darkened, and sure enough, even after ten years, this guy's tongue is still piercing.

Suppressing the conflict of beating people, I thought to myself, forget it, forget it, I can't beat it, I really can't beat it.

"I got you, come in."

"You're early, let's lay the floor tonight."

Zheng Zha rubbed his forehead, stretched out his hand to invite Luo Feng in, and then closed the wooden door.

The little girl, Luo Yuan, was independent in the wind, with a confused look on her face.

After sitting down, Luo Feng turned his head to look around, and asked with a look, "Did you forget something?"

Zheng Zha's fingers stiffened when making tea, and he swallowed: "I thought you had other arrangements."

Pushing open the doors and windows, the courtyard was desolate.

The petals were scattered on the ground, and only the branches were left in the flowerpot. The little girl on one side was half-squatting, her mouth was smashing, and she was pulling the petals with extreme force, as if she was going to be divided into five horses and slashed with thousands of knives.

Within 3 minutes, all the stamens were lifted.


Time passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, the ceremony of imparting ordination was about to begin.

Counting Zheng Zha, this time, there were five disciples in the inner sect of Shangqing.

The Shangqing faction is quite prestigious in the world of aliens, and the surrounding clans and sects also sent people to watch the ceremony.

On the one hand, to win over his feelings, he said that he absolutely followed the Qing faction, and would never be a child of two or five.

On the other hand, let the disciples of the family get to know the disciples of the Shangqing School and make friends, so as to avoid the accident of flooding the Dragon King Temple.

The ceremony of conferring urinals was held in Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, and Taoist priests welcomed the guests on both sides of the mountain road.

Zheng Zha and his party of three walked slowly before the mountain gate, and saw a Taoist priest in green robe standing chatting with several foreigners.

Luo Feng fixed his eyes and saw that he was still an acquaintance, the Taoist Ziyuan who guided him a few days ago.

Zheng Zha whispered: "He is the elder brother of the inner door, and the name is Ziyuan. No matter how he cultivates, how he behaves, or how he does things, the people of Shangqing are full of praise."

"It is said that the headmaster and the elders have studied and decided, and in the future, it will be the presiding officer of the Shangqing faction. This time as the master of ceremonies, it is purely an experience."

Luo Feng thought about it, it turned out to be the senior brother of the Shangqing faction.

It's no wonder that they act cautiously and have a steady style, and they can communicate frequently in the future.

However, if Daoist Ziyuan is the head, what will Zheng Zha do? !

After thinking for a while, Luo Feng asked casually, "Do all the disciples of the Shangqing School obey him? Isn't this an appointment?"

Luo Feng said it very euphemistically, but Zheng Zha still understood the meaning.

After all, they both come from the same hometown.

"I support Senior Brother Ziyuan."

Zheng Zha chuckled and said, "My ambition is not here, Luo Feng, you know, when I went to Shangqing, in addition to saving you, I also had some thoughts myself."

"The position of the head is too cumbersome, which is not conducive to my concentration on the Tao of Talismans."

Luo Feng nodded, no matter what Zheng Zha thought, he supported him as a friend.

In the future, help him keep an eye on the various talismans.

"Big Brother!"

Zheng Zha stepped forward with a smile and bowed.

"Junior brother is here. You are the protagonist today. Go and prepare for the ceremony. Don't miss the time."

"The two benefactors Pindao are destined to get to know each other, let me receive them."


Daoist Ziyuan smiled and said with a smile, before a few words, it made people feel like a spring breeze.

Get things done and stay organized.

I personally sent Luo Feng and Luo Yuan to the VIP seats, and then gave them a peace talisman, saying it was a gift.

After introducing a new master of ceremonies to the two of them, he just pleaded guilty and left.

Looking at the figure of Daoist Ziyuan who has gone away.

Luo Feng sighed in his heart, if he had such a senior brother, he would definitely...

Will definitely be on guard!

This kind of person, if the heart is bright, is definitely a good teammate, God assists.

But if it is, the enemy, his words and deeds have been seen through by him, and he can't help but shudder.

Mastering all the details of a person, you can arrange every step he takes.

The human heart is always the strongest magical power.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell rang, and the sound of the sky was faint.

Maoshan Shangqing, Shangqing Zongtan, the precepts and the urns, were officially opened.

There was a hustle and bustle of guests watching the ceremony, and Luo Feng was hidden in the slightest inconspicuous.

Deliberately avoid, there are many dog ​​legs, prominent aliens, avoid slaps in the face and pretend to be forceful, and the bloody plot happens.

After all, he is not wearing a mask now, he is using his true identity.

To be human, one must pay attention to kindness.

When the altar was opened, under the guidance of the master of ceremonies and the banners of Jingjie banners, the Taoist priests invited the three masters and the six guardians of the Dharma to speak into the altar.

Zheng Zha was among them, dressed in a green robe and wearing a Taoist crown, as if he was the head of many disciples.

After the three masters and the sixth masters of the Dharma protectors entered the altar, they offered incense in front of the throne, worshipped, performed the opening ceremony, paid homage to the Jade Emperor, Sanqing, Wei Huacun, the wife of Nanyue, the ancestors of the heavens, the ancestors of all dynasties, and the Taoist priests who gave them the rituals.

Immediately after that, they preached the classics such as "Salvation of Human Beings" and "Beidou Jing" respectively......

"In the past, in the blue sky of the beginning, the blue sky and the sky, the big floating Li soil, and the immeasurable high-quality goods of the Yuan Shi. The Tianzun of the Yuan Shi, it should be said that it is a scripture.

The sound of the Dao is vague, stepping on the sky.

Other aliens who watched the ceremony were confused, extremely tired of the cumbersome rituals, and the boring scriptures.

However, Luo Feng's eyes lit up, and he glimpsed a little mystery.

The pace of Taoist rituals has hidden rules, especially the recitation of scriptures, which has rhythm and rhythm.

It is of great benefit to let the Taoist priests in them stay clean and close their breaths.

"As expected of a major sect, it has a heritage."

Luo Feng sighed, and secretly wrote down the mysterious rhythm.

When you recite the Qingjingjing and Huang Tingjing at home, you might find it useful.

After the tedious etiquette, it is the penultimate item of the ceremony.

Grant the ultimatum.

I saw the presiding master, singing loudly, holding a scorpion: "Three mountain talismans, a covenant... Today there are people from the Shangqing Sect... Disciple Zheng Zha, who is intelligent and learns the Tao, the upper body of the heaven, the heart of compassion, and the ability to uphold the precepts of the Tao. . . . The heirs of Shibao's friends, eternal Renchang, Gongcun to respect, and sons will inherit."

"Pedestrian Avenue, the name is Taoist, today I will give the slogan, the road name Zibu!"

Road number cloth? !
The Taoist priest of the Shangqing School, Zheng Zha!Zheng Zibu? !
Luo Feng was in a trance, as if remembering something.

[Thanks to liskyrim for the [-] tip; I am a cautious and dog reader for the [-] tip. 】

[The second update is at noon today]

 Recommend a book "Collapsed Heavens Marvel World" with the theme of 5000 million human beings chaotically entering the beautiful and slow "Marvel" world, which is a good idea.Book lovers who like Marvel can go and have a look.

  Final statement: The author has no py transaction.


(End of this chapter)

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