All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 250 The Third Generation

Chapter 250 The Second World

The Qinghe Zhang family is a typical feudal dignitaries, a family of prestige in the county.

Not only does the head of the family serve as the county guard in the local area, but the family's influence is also extremely large, and the prestige in the local area is extremely high.

Talking and laughing with great Confucianism, no white people in communication is the best portrayal.

When Luo Feng was born as the second son of the Zhang family, from county to county, people with names and surnames came to congratulate him.

There are martial arts masters, real masters, officials of the same dynasty, and noble residences of family friends.

There is a lot of traffic, people come and go.

There were congratulators and envious ones. In a restaurant not far away, a man said sourly, "The Zhang family must be very greedy for such extravagance and consumption."

"I will report to Yushi Zhongcheng another day."

"Don't go, there are too many of them." The man's companion hurriedly said in panic, "You can't beat them."

The man said angrily: "Even if Yushi Zhongcheng doesn't care, doesn't His Majesty also care?!"

As soon as imperial power was mentioned, there was silence in the banquet, and three or five people did not speak.

Today's Daxiong is not the Warring States of the past, the four seas are complete, the territory is one, the Daxiong truly rules the world, and the emperor is supreme.

Naturally, the emperor can take care of it, and has the ability to take care of it. Don't talk about the drama of the aristocratic family fighting against the royal family, it's all a novelist's words.

It may be possible in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, but it is absolutely impossible for a unified dynasty.

In the land of the East, the imperial power is always supreme, the emperor's power is invincible, and it is the emperor who can be defeated, not the imperial power.

However, why did the first emperor do this? The Zhang family is not the enemy of the empire, but the pillar of the empire.

The Daxiong Empire established the country with the title of military merit and governed the world with the system of counties and counties. The cornerstone of Daxiong is the big and small dignitaries similar to the Zhang family.

The interests are the same, beyond doubt.

The man didn't dare to speak the words of the emperor, so he hummed submissively for a long time: "There must be a treacherous evil to deceive Shengcong."

When everything was finally revealed, the male companions breathed a sigh of relief.

Daxiong's criminal law is strict, but let's talk about it, not only against the subordinates, but also against the superiors.

From the common people to the ruling class, all follow the Nobita's hierarchical system, but for the ruling class, strict etiquette is an advantage within the rules, but it is a shackle for the servants.

However, the man's words just violated the rules. His Majesty the emperor in the empire is always supreme, sacred and inviolable.

External affairs have nothing to do with Luo Feng, disputes between adults, disputes over interests, grievances and hatred, all have nothing to do with him.

"I'm just a kid after all."

Luo Feng thought about it, and cried out, indicating that his family needed to eat.

What followed was a ball of snow-white steamed buns, exclusive for babies.


"This day is... not bad."

Luo Feng stretched out his little hand contentedly, feeling the warmth, very comfortable, who is not a child.

During this time, he was a child, and only a child.

If you really want to show that you were born and talked, you can walk at the age of one, you can speak at the age of three, and you can write poems at the age of five. Given the cultural heritage of the Zhang family, you will not burn him as a monster, but send him to the Tianxing Division for inspection. .

This is an extraordinary world where prodigies are not necessarily geniuses, they may also be old silver coins.

The flowers bloom and fade, and the sky is full of flowers. Spring goes and spring comes and spring returns.

As a normal child, Luo Feng could barely crawl away when he was one year old, and began to see the world with his eyes open.

Extract useful information from every move of people around you.

When I was three years old, I had a certain understanding of the relationship between the people around me and the etiquette of affairs.

When he was five years old, the children of the same clan went to school together, showing middle and upper qualifications, with 120 people in the clan, and he hovered around the top five.

For six long years, time is like water.

Luo Feng seemed to have forgotten who he was, and became the second son of the Qinghe Zhang family. He worked hard like his peers. If nothing happened, he would enter the officialdom in the future, relying on his own efforts and a little help from the family.

Become a middle-level official of Daxiong and become a loyal minister of Daxiong!
Walking through the courtyard, the servants came and went to salute when they saw him, even if they had something to do, they stopped and bowed slightly.

The difference between masters and servants, and class distinctions, are obvious.

Luo Feng accepted it calmly, choosing to be born in such a family, naturally he would not bring over his experience of rebellion in his previous life.

As before, I casually call people brothers and sisters, and call everyone Li Si and Zhang Zi.

In the previous life, I was able to call brothers and sisters casually with people in the mountains and fields, and I was able to call friends with great scholars and real people because there were no constraints.

But in the Zhang Mansion, he talks to the servants on the same level, and treats them equally.

Luo Feng might just be scolded, the servant will die.

Just as she was about to enter her own yard, suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

Luo Feng looked back and saw that it was his own book boy - Bai Xi.

"Young Master, something has happened."

Bai Xi looked anxious, and quickly ran to Luo Feng's side and whispered: "Mr. Zhang Zheng was beaten."

Luo Feng nodded, and a fat smiling figure appeared in his mind. He studied diligently, but his aptitude was low. He was always at the bottom of his family studies, but he could laugh very happily. The whole family only had him.

"Where is the person?" Luo Feng asked

Bai Xi pointed to Dongfang and said, "It was in the school, and was discovered by several other young masters."

Quickly stepping into the school hall, a roar came from next to my ear: "Old Twelve, the Lu family dared to beat you, we will beat you back."

"Yes, call back...!"

"It's been hard to see them for a long time!"

There was a burst of agreement in the school, and the young people were full of blood, and when they were provoked, they all aroused.

"No, no..." A little fat man with a bruised nose and a swollen face next to the corner of the table lowered his head slightly and murmured softly, "It's because I am inferior in skills and lack of talent... I don't dare to bother my brothers."

"No matter how weak your strength is, no matter how low your aptitude is, you are still from my Zhang family!" Luo Feng came out from the side, and said with a serious face: "It's also a cat, a dog can move."


"I've seen you, Young Master."

Everyone came to salute one after another, the family has side branches, descendants of meritorious persons, and some relatives, and Luo Feng, as the second son of the patriarch, belongs to the clan, with a distinguished status, above everyone else.

Pressing down on the injured fat man, Luo Feng handed him an elixir, then turned around and shouted to the clan members of the school: "No matter how bad Zhang Zheng is, he is also my brother of Zhang Qing, your brother, and our Zhang family. "

"In my family and country, if one person is humiliated, the whole family will be humiliated. I can't swallow this breath."

"Can you swallow it?!"

"I can't swallow... beat back..."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves, and the reaction in the school is fierce. Different blood, closeness, high and low, are the mainstream thoughts of this era.

Zhang Zheng's aptitude is poor, so what if his cultivation level is low, that's also my Zhang family, and it's also a matter of the family to fight and laugh on weekdays.

Your Lu family counts that onion, how dare you look down on our brother!

"Whoever is with me, call back." Luo Feng snorted softly

He stepped out of the door, followed by a long dragon, and almost all the disciples of ethnology came.

Walking to an open place, Luo Feng suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at the people behind him, sighed and said, "Are you going out to fight with bare hands?!"

Everyone woke up like a dream, panicked and prepared to find weapons.

Luo Feng shook his head and waved his hand: "Come with me."

The crowd surged, and after a while, they came to a place, the focus of the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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