All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 28 Am I Too Strong

Chapter 28 Am I too strong (two more votes!)
At first, Luo Feng refused.

If you make friends with wine and meat indiscriminately, you will be involved in disasters and disasters, and ultimately harm others and yourself, and disturb the purity.

If you make sincere friends, how can you just sit back and ignore the death of your friend, and it will be a calamity.

Just like Shen Gongbao in the Fengshen List, all three mountains and five mountains are friends, and all five lakes and four seas are relatives and friends.

A clever mouth can harm many fellows, and a sharp mouth can persuade the true immortals to go to the world.

A Taoist friend, please stay, they are all famous people on the Conferred God List.

Friends, in fine, not in many.

However, Zheng Zha couldn't bear the repeated requests and reduced the number of brothers from a group of brothers to one person.

Sanyimen, Lu Jin.

When Zheng Zha first entered the outer door, it was quite difficult. It was Lu Jin who pulled him and let Zheng Zha see Elder Shuiyue.

Later, when they performed a mission together, it was considered a life-and-death relationship, and they were upright and upright.

After a hard time, Luo Feng finally decided to meet Lu Jin.

Except for Zheng Zha's highly recommended, this is the main reason.

Luo Feng felt that it was not bad to see a person from the Trinity Sect who practiced the third level of Rebellion.


In the small courtyard, Lu Jin sat quietly making tea.

Zheng Zha's always-respected friend, what is it like? Today, I want to have a good experience.

The sound of footsteps started, Lu Jin glanced at it, and Zheng Zha walked slowly with a person in the distance.

His pupils shrank, and his eyes gradually became hot.

It is well-known that foreigners practice Qi, but they are all acquired Qi!

Use fire energy to practice fire magic powers, use gold energy to practice swordsmanship, refine weapons...

There are very few aliens who really touch the innate energy.

Over time, Xiantian Qi has gradually become a legend, and the major sects no longer regard the pursuit of Xiantian Qi as their only goal.

However, one martial exception.

It is Trinity!
From the ancestors of the Sanyi School to the present, the disciples of the sect have been pursuing the innate energy all their lives.

The three-one, the unique knowledge is the three-fold anti-birth.

The first stage is to strengthen the body and increase the physique. It looks like an ordinary alien, but it lays the foundation for the future.

The second level is that the internal organs, bones and blood can be temporarily transformed to a certain extent. Even if the body is damaged, the energy can be repaired!

The third stage is perfect Qi transformation. Legend has it that reaching this state can transform into a flying immortal.

The elders of the three-one sect practice the three stages of rebirth, so the qi is pure and pure, rigid and thick.

An uncle, who once resisted artillery with physical strength.

Lu Jin thought that was the purest and perfect Qi he had ever seen in his life.

Until Luo Feng appeared in front of him.

The flower of qi blooms at the tenth grade, and the whole body is mixed with energy, not a single drop, not a drop, not to mention the immortals, at least the diamond is not bad.

"Master Uncle, is it possible that Feathered Fei Xian really exists!"

Lu Jin stared at Luo Feng with a pair of pupils, just like a monk seeing a Buddha and a believer seeing the true God!

"Sanyimen, Lu Jin greets senior!"

Lu Jin stepped forward quickly, solemnly clasped his fists and saluted
"Jianghu Loose People, Luo Feng has seen fellow Daoist Lu!"

Luo Feng smiled slightly and returned the salute with his hand.

Lu Jin was the cleanest person he had ever seen.

Clean doesn't mean that Lu Jin is aggressive, and there is no trace of resentment on his body.

Indeed, as Zheng Zha said, he is bright and upright, with a clear conscience.

It was Lu Jin's body that had no yin, yang, gold, or fire that other aliens had contaminated. The whole body was pure aura that belonged to him.

Sanymen is the door to seek the Tao, and Lu Jin is the one who seeks the Tao.

Xiantian Yiqi, also known as Xiantian Zuqi, is a person on the same path of cultivation.

Although, Luo Feng was about to come to an end, and Lu Jin only got a glimpse of the door.

Luo Feng was still willing, calling Lu Jin a friend.

"What kind of seniority is this?" Zheng Zha on the side was dumbfounded.

As soon as the two met, they were more familiar than their middle friend.

What's going on here? !
Is he a tool man?
"Senior, please act and teach me!"

Lu Jin clasped his fists and bowed, bowing deeply.

Zheng Zha's face changed suddenly, and he said quickly, "Old Lu, don't think about it!"

Others don't know, Luo Feng's strength, he still doesn't know? !
He was afraid, Luo Feng slapped Lu Jin's heart to pieces.

"Brother Zheng doesn't need to say much, I still have some means among the younger generation."

Lu Jin waved his hand, and refused indifferently: "As the saying goes, if Chao Wendao can die in the evening, wouldn't he just be beaten? It's worth it!"

"Alright, I haven't shot for a long time."

"I also want to see the means of Sanyimen."

Luo Feng said with a smile
After coming to this world for many years, I have never been serious, and I have encountered either ordinary people or low-level aliens.

Can't Rest in Peace · Bottom Inhuman · Huang Feng: "mmp!"

Today, against the masters of the younger generation, take a look at yourself and analyze your positioning.

Of course, the more important point is that Lu Jin is Zheng Zha's friend, so he won't reveal his strength casually.

Seeing that Luo Feng also agreed, Zheng Zha had no choice but to look at Lu Jin with pity.

Although you look handsome when you pretend to ask for advice, you must be very embarrassed when you fall to the ground.


Facing a strange and powerful opponent, Lu Jin didn't dare to slack off. With a loud shout, he turned on the three-fold to maximum power, Qi Yuan burst out, and the blue light vaguely sheltered his whole body.

With a full blow, it is like a dragon going out to sea and a tiger descending the mountain. The momentum is as magnificent as the setting sun in nine days, and the immortal's finger swept across the obstacles in front of him.

Looking at Lu Jin who was coming in fiercely, Luo Feng was ready.

Looking at the splendid special effects of the exercises and the additional breath background, you will know that it is extraordinary and extraordinary.

Wind remnants of clouds.


A crisp and pleasant voice came over, and Lu Jin rolled in a few large circles and fell to the ground.

The scene was awkward.

Zheng Zha couldn't bear to look directly.

Luo Feng still didn't know: "Friend Lu Daoist doesn't have to be merciful, I have the power to protect myself."

Lu Jin hesitated for a moment, then, with full firepower, he attacked!





The scene was so tragic that it can be described in a few words.

Lu Jin felt that he had a great advantage, Lu Jin leveled up, and Lu Jin hit gg.

Lu Jin didn't believe in evil, so Lu Jin released his ultimate move, and Lu Jin played gg.


Luo Feng stood against the wind, lost in thought.

Is this opponent a little weak? !

Isn't Lu Jin one of the ten future men? !

Is it even worse than Zheng Zha? !
Using Lu Jin as a reference, he compared the aliens he had seen.

Suddenly, Luo Feng had a bold idea.

Am I too strong? !

Regarding his position, Luo Feng thought about it for a long time, and Lu Jin, who was so confused for a long time, finally came to a conclusion.

In the human world, he temporarily has the ability to save his life.

But in the practice of the Great Dao, I only did a little bit of trivial work.

Now, it's just a small hurdle.

You know, in a few years, the atomic bomb was developed.

[Tell me about the update, there is no accident, two updates a day. 】

[Update time, because the author is a student party, usually in the evening, when there are more manuscripts, the exact time will be determined. 】

【Thank you for the [-] reward from the boring gods】

[ps: Daily Sacrifice: Survival Chat Game, the author estimates 200 million words, great perseverance, friendly recommendation]

(End of this chapter)

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