All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 35 Long Spear Defends the Chinese Soul

Chapter 35 Long Spear Defends the Chinese Soul Alone

Vitality Dan Dao, the theory is simple, similar to the doctor's dispensing.

It is to strip the qi of various attributes from the vitality, so as to prepare it, according to the prescription, mix it as one, and finally refine a medicinal pill.

But the first level of practical operation is stumbling thousands of aliens.

In today's world, if there really are aliens who have stripped their vitality and cultivation.

It is probably Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain. After all, he is the ancestral court of Taoism and has some means.

Like Luo Feng, who is so arrogant, he directly extracts the Primordial Qi Condensation Pill. It is estimated that he must find it from the ancestors of the past.

After a while, Jingtian Laodao said quietly: "I'll call you senior, forget it."

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "No, those who reach them are seniors first, and fellow practitioners Dao is a fellow daoist. If you rank seniority and size based on pure strength, how is it different from a bandit den."

The immortals are one person and one mountain, and the true ones use fakes to cultivate the truth.

To cultivate the Tao is to cultivate the mind.

If the fist is big, then the grandfather can be the grandson, the grandson can be the grandfather, the master and the apprentice are reversed, what is the difference between the gangsters who fight in the street, and the bandits who fall for the grass.

Said to be immortal cultivators, in fact, they are powerful bandits and robbers, and it is also a triad fight when they get together.

This kind of immortal cultivator is not so much cultivating immortals as it is cultivating demons.

All respected by strength, ignoring any rules, trampling all ethics and morals, and doing whatever they want.

Hearing this, Taoist Jingtian nodded with a smile, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

As the saying goes, the old Taoist priest quietly tested Luo Feng just now.

After all, a figure who can destroy his own sect with a raised hand is nearby.

The old Taoist can't, heartless, sleep after eating, no matter what.

Daoist Jingtian changed his words and said, "Why this disciple of Tiance Sect was chased and killed by the whole nature, fellow Daoists know."

Luo Feng pondered: "I was passing by, and I saved it. As for the group of aliens, I'm afraid it is not true."

"I caught two aliens back, and then I can seriously interrogate them."

"Not all sex!"

Taoist Jingtian's expression changed, as if thinking of something, he stood up suddenly, walked back and forth a few steps, and then walked to the front of the case and folded a paper crane.

The paper crane flew towards the main hall of the Qing Palace at a very fast speed.

Luo Feng saw some clues: "Friend Jingtian, but something happened?"

Jingtian Laodao sighed and said, "Do you know the origin of Tiancemen?!"

Luo Feng shook his head. He focused on cultivation. Even if he flipped through books, it was all about cultivation.

The understanding of the Inhuman world is limited to the few schools indicated.

Jingtian Laodao put down his robe, turned to stare at the unconscious boy, and said with a little admiration, "Tiancemen, originated from the Tiance Army."

"The Tiance Army was established by Li Shimin, the former Qin king, and the army was invincible. It was the Tang Dynasty's tough way to fight against interfering secular aliens."

"Since the establishment of the Tiance Army, it has made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, the founding of the Tang Dynasty, and the pacification of the Anshi Rebellion. There are all Tiance soldiers."

"There has been a saying in the Tang Dynasty for three hundred years!"

"The long river sets the sun in the eastern capital, and the iron horse guards the grave of the general. Do the best to kill Xiaotian and righteousness, and the long spear guards the soul of the Tang Dynasty alone!"

Even though Jingtian Laodao was in the Taoist gate, he still felt his blood boil when he read this poem.


Jingtian Laodao couldn't help sighing and said: "It is the way of heaven. The rebellion of Huang Chao swept the world, and the Tiance army gradually weakened."

"After a hundred years, it was gradually transformed into Tiancemen and became one of the sects of the Inhuman Realm."

"However, because of his military background, Tiancemen is not as clean as me and other Taoist gates. Instead, he is keen to protect the family and the country, and guard the Han people's Taoism."

"Tiancemen, several times of ups and downs, several times of collapse, and several times of prosperity, rely on this spirit. As well as the admiration of the major aristocratic families, they spare no effort to support it."

After saying a few ups and downs, the Taoist Jingtian wrinkled and said solemnly.

"Five years ago, Dongying invaded our land in China, occupying the land of three provinces. The world of the world reacted violently, and the world of other people is naturally unavoidable."

"Mr. Li Chong'en, the sect master of Tiance Sect, led the disciples in the sect, and he sent Yiren, who shared the same enemy, to go north to fight against Dongying Yiren."

"If the disciples of Cemen are attacked today, and the enemy is still pretending to be the whole nature, it must be an accident in the Northeast!"

"Northeast, Dongying?!"

Luo Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed. If he remembered correctly, it would be 1937 in another year.

This is a special year that brings unimaginable pain to the Chinese people.

Even in a different world, history repeats itself.

Although Luo Feng is cautious by nature, although it is not the same world.

But in some things, Luo Feng doesn't mind being a little less stable and indulging himself a little bit.

Anyway, after ten years of cleaning and repairing, since the shot has been taken, it must be carried out to the end.

"Uncle Shi, you're right!"

"There was an accident in the three northeastern provinces, and Tiancemen was wiped out overnight!"

"It's tolerable, but it's unbearable!"

The headmaster of the Shangqing faction came over with a gloomy expression, followed by Luo Yuan, Biqing, and Zheng Zha.

Luo Yuan's attack shocked him.


After seeing a ceremony, when the headmaster sat down, Luo Feng suddenly said: "Little brother, you can wake up, this is the Shangqing faction, this is the headmaster of the Shangqing faction."

Several people looked at the boy on the bed, he was awake!

The headmaster of the dignified faction and the uncle Jingtian Daoist of the Shangqing faction did not find out.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man stood up immediately, clasped his fists and saluted Luo Feng: "Senior, Li Yan has nothing to thank you for, please accept me."

After saying that, he was about to bow down, but found that he couldn't move, and there was a hint of surprise in Li Yan's eyes.

Luo Feng lifted him up and said solemnly: "Remember that you are Tiancemen. I have never liked soldiers to kneel and worship. In addition, the long spear guards the soul of China alone, which I admire very much."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists in a salute and shouted, "Follow your orders!"

Walking outside, Li Yan is not only a person, but also a representative of Tiancemen.


After some sad remarks, the small Sanqing Hall was full of killing intent, dispelling the sect of Taoism in the past.

Tiancemen was indeed destroyed by Dongying Yiren.

Ten days ago, the main force of the Yin-Yang Dao in the East, the three major shrines suddenly gathered and attacked Tiancemen with lightning speed.

The Tiance Sect was outnumbered, with corpses everywhere, and the sect master Li Chongen fought for a chance for his disciples.

One person, one shot, the Great Priest of the Three Palaces of Eastern Ying.

That night, blood flowed like a river.

Family hatred swept through the heart.

Several surviving disciples, after deliberation, decided to go to the major sects for help.

Li Yan was selected and went to Shangqing.

But I didn't expect that on the way, I met a group of aliens who claimed to be full of sex.

In the hall, the little girl Luo Yuan was the most shallow in the world, and scolded with righteous indignation: "Brother Li, don't worry, wait for my great achievements, and I will help you to avenge and kill Quanxing!"

Li Yan clenched his hands tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid it's not all-inclusive."

"No?" Luo Yuan was taken aback.

"Yeah?!" Jingtian Laodao sighed and said, "I'm afraid, it's really not that group of scumbags, you must know that Tiancemen has its own unique skills and unparalleled combat skills that have been passed down for thousands of years. Naturally, there are people who pry it. In the past, it was okay, but Right now, Zhengtiance's strength is at its weakest."

The sect master died in battle, and the disciples and disciples were scattered across the rivers and lakes. Is there a better target than this?

Luo Yuan didn't dare to believe: "It's not all-inclusive... Who dares to do this! Isn't this chilling the world!"

"Girl, you are too young"

The headmaster of the Shangqing School snorted coldly: "Since ancient times, there has been a group of people who can't fight outside, but are good at fighting inside."

【Thank you for the thousand reward in the cool night】

[Thanks to Tian Jixuan for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to the girl for the [-] reward]

【Thank you for the [-] reward of the cheap little bookworm】

【Thank you for the [-] rewards that already exist with nicknames】

[Thanks to the book friend 20190326083501248 for the [-] reward]

(End of this chapter)

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