Chapter 37 Inaction and Inaction (plus one more chapter)
Gou people, forbearance and lurking, have ambition, keep a low profile, rather than live and survive, lose their original intentions, kneel on their knees, and bend their spines.

I want to ascend to the sky and become a fairy, I don't want to live for a long time against the real dog.

In the past, I read the Tao Te Ching by myself and sought the way of truth.

There are five thousand words of morality.

I got a glimpse from it and regarded it as a wise saying and a code of conduct.

[Tai Shang Dao Ancestor said: Dao always does nothing but does everything]

Therefore, do nothing, you can do everything.

It is not that nothing is done, but that there is a bottom line, a measure, a means, and a safe plan to do it.

If you really want to do nothing, what is the difference with the dead, inaction, like a puppet, is just a walking dead.


Only by doing nothing can we do everything, stop greed, and seek the peace of the Dao.

Taishang Daozu is the master of Gou Dao's thought.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng suddenly realized something.

Daozu wrote the scriptures and learned the Tao Te Ching by himself.

In this way, Taishang Daozu is not his own teacher.

In this way, he is also too introverted.

Whether you believe it or not, I, Luo, believe it.

Regardless of whether Guan Zu recognizes it or not, someone in Luo recognizes it~!

In an instant, Luo Feng was enlightened.

Shaped like a wind, in the blink of an eye, he came to Wanfu Palace from the top of the mountain, and found a Taoist priest on duty.

Luo Feng patted his shoulder and said, "The Taoist priest is merciful, I have something I want to trouble you with."

"Mr. Luo, it's you."

"What's your order?"

The Taoist priests of the Shangqing School were surprised at first, and then bowed respectfully.

A few days ago, the headmaster of the Shangqing Sect summoned his disciples, and he explained that Luo Feng was an honored guest of the Shangqing Sect.

Luo Feng said with a smile: "Don't be too polite, do you have a portrait of the Supreme Daozu here?"

"I want to invite one to go back and pay homage."

The Taoist priest on duty chanted Tianzun and stretched out his hand: "Please come with me, sir."

I have to say, there are people up there who are doing a good job.

The headmaster personally explained that the Taoist priest on duty did not dare to neglect, and immediately brought a volume of the most precious image of the Taoist ancestor.

Made by Baiyi Yiren painting, the image of the god is invincible.

The scrolls on both sides are made of precious rosewood.

It is usually given to sincere pilgrims and nobles from all over the world by the Shangqing School to make good friends.


Hang the statue of Taishang Daozu on the wall respectfully.

Luo Feng squeezed the incense and bowed: "Disciple Luo Feng, I have heard the mantra, I have learned a lot, and thank the Dao ancestor!"

After a week, he seemed to let go of one thing and breathed a sigh of relief.

Respectfully put away the image of the god.

Luo Feng fell into deep thought when he looked at the picture of the goddess Taishang Daozu, which was a foot long.

Do you want to look for a space magic weapon that is easy to carry and visit day and night?

"Space magic is easy to lose, so let's practice space magic."

Luo Feng murmured softly.

When he was watching Journey to the West, he admired not Tathagata or Sun Wukong the most, but the Great Immortal Zhenyuanzi of Wuzhuangguan. With one move, Luo Feng yearned for it.
As for the idea of ​​​​cultivating supernatural powers in space, Luo Feng has already found it.

Among the aliens, there is a being called the Refiner.

They will refine space instruments, such as sacs, space rings.

Although it can only store dead people and dead objects, it is enough.

Luo Feng didn't want to go under one sleeve, open up chaos, and save the heaven and earth in the palm of his hand.

All he wanted was a storage space.


During the time when Luo Fengli was honoring Daozu, the Shangqing faction had already questioned the name of the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's just that Luo Feng's trace is uncertain and cannot be found.

Now, as soon as he returns to his residence, let Luo Yuan come over and invite someone.

Walking on the mountain road to the Sanqing Palace, Luo Yuan suddenly asked: "Uncle Feng, did you really take revenge to help Tiance?"

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly: "This is natural, otherwise why?"

Luo Yuan blinked and smiled playfully: "You can lie to me, Uncle Zheng, because you have only exchanged letters for the past few years, but I have been by your side for the past ten years. Uncle Feng, you can't lie to me."

"I'm inexperienced, but I'm not a fool!"

"Even if you take action in anger, you will at most clear away those evil spirits. Although Dongying is weak, it is still a country. You decide not to blatantly force it and publicize it in public."

Luo Feng stopped, looked at the sky, pondered for a long time, and dropped a sentence: "Because of destiny!"


Luo Yuan was confused and followed, she thought it was another secret.

What is destiny? !


Luo Feng sighed slightly in his heart, what he did, this time the frontal anus, was meticulous.

There are two reasons.

Fighting against Dongying is a politically correct thing.

As long as it is a Chinese person, at this moment, what should be done is to fight against Dongying, and it can only be against Dongying.

If so, only the first reason.

Luo Feng will stick to Gou's way and fight against Dongying Yiren.

Poisoning, assassination, ambush, sowing dark, how come.

In terms of identity, put on makeup, put on three or four layers of vest, and then change into disguise, and then...

Every action, at least dig a secret channel, ask the top foreigners to prepare for the response, and at the worst, a few artillery pieces are required.

However, there is another factor that affects Luo Feng's decision.

The second reason is a guess.

Destiny?Ha ha?
What is destiny in this era!

36 thieves?Jiashen Rebellion?Turmoil in the alien world?Even Eight Miraculous Skills? !
No, not at all!
In this era, there is only one destiny!
That is, the invasion of Dongying, the rise of China, the rebirth of Nirvana, and the re-creation of glory!
This period of destiny has become an established history.

No one can change it.

If Luo Feng guessed correctly, anyone who wants to change this piece of history will suffer an absolute blow.

Including, the big guys who caused their own crossing and exploded the main god space.

Because, this history is guarded by big men of the same character.

It is the general trend to fight against Dongying, and it is more favored by 'God' to fight against Dongying on the front.

At a deeper level, it is for the sake of gaining, some mysterious and mysterious, unspoken bigwigs support.

In other words, stand in line!
Taishang Daozu is just an example, a consultation.

If the Taoist scriptures are recorded correctly, the Supreme Taoist ancestor is at least neutral, the incarnation of Tao.

Today's Luo Feng is very inflated.

Yes, his words are very inflated, and the next thing to do is very inflated, and his methods must be very arrogant.

But that doesn't mean he's gone.

The expansion and arrogance on the show is for a deeper level of stubbornness.

Who says you can't have both.

[The last chapter was just a joke, I didn't expect many book friends to give rewards. 】

[Everyone's support, Canghai is very moved]

[Originally there was only one larger chapter today. In order to thank everyone for your support, the author temporarily added a new chapter]

【Thank you for the thousand reward of the remnant soul of Shang Feng】

[Thanks to Tori Ya Ketuo for the five hundred reward]

[Thanks to Lao Tzu for the five hundred reward]

[Thanks to Tang Huangtian for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to the other side for the [-] reward from the other side]

[Thanks to the book friend 20170514083442518 for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to book friend heijun123321 for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to book friend Kongmeng AL for the [-] reward]

【Thank you for the [-] reward for the book friendship flower that has fallen】

[Thanks to the book friend for the [-] reward of Disillusionment Mysterious Soul]

[Thanks to the book friend Qi Jiangai for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to the book friend 141101183318068 for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to the book friend 20170514083442518 for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to Liu Aogu for the [-] reward]

[In addition to the book friends who read qq, Zuojun will thank them individually]

(End of this chapter)

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