All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 39 On the Importance of Vests

Chapter 39 On the Importance of Vests

As a superficial, ordinary acquired monk.

Luo Feng also has a dream to become a true fairy.

However, the immortal in his mind is definitely not a gorilla with power.

A real immortal should have three elements and four characteristics.

The three elements are Jing, Qi, and Spirit.

With three elements, the three flowers gather on the top, the five spirits are in the prime, and they become a basic practice immortal.

The four characteristics are: Dao Xin, Learning, Dao, and Perpetual Movement.

The theory of Dao Xin is mysterious and mysterious. In simple terms, it means persistence, one tendon, unchanged for a year, unchanged for 100 years, unchanged for 1 years, unchanged for a measurable kalpa, and unchanged for an immeasurable kalpa;

True immortals have a firm heart, like a tendon, but that doesn't mean they can't learn. Learning is a major characteristic of true immortals.

Technology, magic, supernatural power, immortals, weird...

Whatever exists, whenever it appears, as long as there is logic or no logic, true immortals can learn.

A light bulb, seemingly simple, actually contains many theories, and is a foreign object to ordinary people.

But for the inventor, the theory and design of the light bulb are familiar to the heart. Is this still a foreign object?

Gentlemen are not different, they are good at things; immortals are not holy, they are good at learning things;
The word Dao is unspeakable and unspeakable. To give an inappropriate example, Dao is the product of laws and minds.

The road that practitioners take in pursuit of the Tao is the road of the Dao, the Dao!

The last point, perpetual motion, is the easiest to understand and the hardest to achieve.

Life is endless, the self-nature is perfect, only then is the true immortal.

Immortals do not die, all those who die are pseudo-immortals.

An immortal with four characteristics is a true immortal.

Luo Feng has deduced his own path forward, from the Breathing Technique to the Breathing Ancestral Qi Technique, and it seems feasible.

For example, the way of essence, infinite accumulation of combat power, comprehension of skills, such as cleverness, dark energy, muscle movement, body structure, from the change of flesh and blood, evolved into acupoints, and then peeked into cells from the acupoints, and then saw from the cells. Molecules, molecules see atoms, atoms see particles...

The evolution is endless, with a certain day, a flash of inspiration, maybe it is feasible, maybe it is possible to comprehend the avenue of power, and it may be possible to glimpse Pangu.


The three ways of spirit, energy and spirit are endless, Luo Feng practiced by himself, and tried to bloom the [-]th grade.

At the same time, the four characteristics must also be possessed.

The Tao is profound, the Tao is far, and the eternal movement is high.

All Luo Feng can do now is study, and only study is all he can do. There is only one thing in my heart, study.

Now, Luo Feng is learning Baiyi Yiren's skills.

The Baiyiyiren hidden by the Shangqing faction was a middle-aged man with downcast eyes, wearing a Taoist robe, and carrying a Luban ruler in his hand. If he didn't know it, he would have thought he was a carpenter.

However, like a virgin, with smooth and white hands, it shows that he is an alien.

He is good at helping people disguise their identities, making a facelift with one hand, and even top strangers can't recognize them.

When he first saw the craftsmanship, Luo Feng was immediately shocked. What kind of operation is this, comparable to the four major sorcerers in Asia.

Immediately, I made a decision, and I must learn from it.

I can't, I can't do avatars, I can't cut paper people, disguise is the key to hiding one's identity and evading investigation.

These days, whoever goes out without wearing a few vests, who doesn't have a few trumpets.

[Gou Zhidao, first vest, many trumpets]

[The upper avatar, the second paper man, the lower one is disguised. 】

"Mr. Ma, how do you draw this eyeliner..."

Luo Feng asks humbly

Ma Tianling waved his hand in a panic and said quickly: "You are a distinguished guest of the Shangqing faction, how can I be your teacher."

The Yiren world respects strength, and the status of Baiyi Yiren is very low, similar to the people who set up stalls and sing big plays in the secular world.

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Da Ze is the first. Since you want to learn, it's not an exaggeration to call him a teacher."

Ma Tianling rubbed his hands together, irritable, and kept saying, "No, no."

Before coming here, the headmaster of the Shangqing faction had explained to him that he had to deal with this person.

Let him do what he does.

So, Ma Tianling, who is honest and responsible, is obedient.

From the beginning to help with makeup, it has evolved into, and now is, on-site teaching.

Luo Feng thought for a while and said, "Don't care about the name, you should continue to teach me."

Ma Tianling nodded fiercely, as if relieved.

Luo Feng blooms the flower of the gods, the gods are bright and wise, not to mention one eye and ten lines, at least it is unforgettable.

In half a day, Ma Tianling has learned seven or eight levels of his life skills.

The things at the bottom of the differential pressure box have not been learned.

Fully reflect the difference between perverts and mortals.

In the end, Ma Tianling, who has always been taciturn, couldn't help but say, "If only my son had a talent like yours, it would be great."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Otherwise, you will accept me as a disciple and pass me the tricks of pressing the bottom of the box."

After getting along for a long time, Luo Feng knew Ma Tianling's personality, and what he said was just a joke.

In this era, there is no difference between accepting an apprentice and passing on art and having a son.

Apprentices are almost equivalent to children, and they also exist in the world of aliens.

Unexpectedly, Ma Tianling was silent. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "You are a distinguished guest of the Shangqing faction, so you shouldn't see such little tricks as Baiyi."

"But I am selfish. If you learn Baiyi, you may be able to reproduce the glory of the ancient wizards. If you can meet and ask the gods, my life will be worth it."

"If you don't dislike it, I can accept apprentices on behalf of my teacher, pass on your core secret techniques of Baiyi, and exchange Qi!"


Luo Feng smiled and nodded.
Ma Tianling said in surprise: "You don't dislike it, the status of Baiyi among other people is no different from the secular advocacy of excellence."

"How come the different people are superior and inferior? Besides, the ancestor of Baiyi is an ancient wizard."

"I want to learn."

Luo Feng said solemnly

He comes from the 21st century, he is different from people today, he is born with contempt for actors and advocating actors.

What about Baiyi, Baiyi is also a human being.

My generation is born free, who dares to be high above!
"it is good!"

There was a hint of determination on Ma Tianling's simple and honest face.

I've been honest all my life, it's better to be presumptuous.

Baiyi Inheritance is not from the Ma family. If it was a master, the master would agree to see Mr. Luo's talent.

Luo Feng followed Ma Tianling to a hut, where he paid tribute to the ancestors of the past dynasties, as well as the ritual of the ten sorcerers of Lingshan Mountain.

After spending a day, Luo Feng initially understood the mystery of changing Qi.

Seeing Ma Tianling doubt life.

Back then, it took him five years to get started.

After a long time, the honest Ma Tianling said, "Junior Brother, you are really an immortal."

Luo Feng smiled indifferently and said, "I'm just an ordinary acquired monk, and my brother praised me wrongly."


When I went to Baiyi Patriarch's Hall, Luo Feng saw him casually. Ma Tianling's son, Ma Ben was there.

Although he was not as talented as Luo Feng at such a young age, he could still touch the core to change Qi.

Moreover, he followed his father Ma Tianling to fiddle with the carpenter.

It looks like blue is better than blue.

As a teacher, Luo Feng thought about it, smiled, and gave him a few talismans as a gift.

Vortex center?

In a few years, I will turn you into a prostitution center.

I'm playing Destiny, not the same level.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

The group includes Taoist Jingtian, Tiance Juvenile, Luo Feng, and Biqing.

[The next chapter begins to climax]

[Thanks to Yanlong for the [-] reward]

[Thanks to Lai Sun for the [-] reward]

[A wave of new recommended sacrifices: Magical girl Filia: "Don't have money to pay the bill? Then please sign a contract with me and become..."]

[Offer offering: "Magic Girl Restaurant"]

(End of this chapter)

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