All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 46 Dharma Xiangren Immortal!

Chapter 46 Dharma Xiangren Immortal! (one more)
Only children make choices, adults need all!

The first impression of the Shangqing faction was good, and Luo Feng did not reject joining the Shangqing.

The Shangqing faction reciprocated, but did not dare to regard Luo Feng as an ordinary disciple;
The elder of the Cangjing Pavilion, this is an idle job. Luo Feng can read the classics in the bookstore and comprehend the secrets of the Shangqing.

The responsibility to bear is to stand up when the Qing Dynasty is in danger.

This is also the responsibility of all Shangqingmen.

Ten days later, the Golden Light Mantra was delivered, and there was also a Dragon Tiger Mountain high-gong, Daoist Mo Yan.


After three days of teaching, Daoist Mo Yan, who accompanied him to teach, was like a dream, his expression was in a trance, and his footsteps floated away.

Just leave one sentence.


The golden bell hood focuses on composure, stepping on the sky and the earth, unmoving like the earth, quiet and deep like a secret treasure, unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

The Golden Light Mantra focuses on agility, layer upon layer, but it is extremely subtle. It can transform thousands of layers of golden light, and it can also be transformed into a tiny amount of light.

As a thousand-year-old faction, the Shangqing School has a lot of classics in the Book Collection Pavilion.

With the golden bell hood as the body, the golden light mantra as the heart, and many classics as the auxiliary, the skeleton.

Fusion into one, forming a super defensive supernatural power, the key is that it can be superimposed layer by layer.

Let Luo Feng no longer have to worry about his life.

One day, two days, three days...

Taoism, Buddhism, the collision of two different systems.

Rubbing out the spark of wisdom, Luo Feng fell into a state of deep learning and was fascinated.

I only read the books of sages and sages, and I don't listen to things outside the window.

As for the destruction of the four families rumored in the alien world, a Taoist palm, immortals come to the world...

A lot of rumors, what does it matter to me.

What do you really have to do with Qingxiang Bailiansu, the elder Luo Feng of the Shangqing faction? !


The clouds in the Temple of Heaven are like snow, and the water in the jade cave is like a piano.White clouds and flowing water, thousands of years clear people's hearts.

The Taoist stepped out of the cave door and flew to the Temple of Heaven, surrounded by infuriating qi, like a blue dragon.

Stepping through the heavens and the earth, dancing with boxing, infuriating like a dragon, constantly entangled, transformed into a supreme golden body, standing behind Luo Feng.



Luo Feng shouted loudly, and Jin Shen also shouted loudly!
Finally hit with a bang!
The world was silent for a moment, and time seemed to be reversed again.

The human body is small, the universe is big.

The exterior scene is connected with the interior scene, the aura is reversed, and the world changes color.

The white clouds in the sky turned into clouds, the water on the ground stopped and reversed, and the sound of fists echoed in the mountains and forests.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and let out another breath.

Between the exchange of clarity and turbidity, white clouds are misty, flowing water and clear springs.

Everything seems to be an illusion.

There was a hint of joy in Luo Feng's eyes.

After a hard retreat for more than a month, I finally integrated the defensive supernatural powers.

Reincarnator: Luo Feng (The Lord of God)
Number: 00-0
Skills: Breathing Ancestral Qi Technique: One hundred and eight layers; Nine-turn golden body: One layer of heaven;

Main quest: none
Reward: None
Looking at the data sheet, Luo Feng pondered: "The Avenue of Essence has made a breakthrough. It has exceeded the scope of ordinary warriors and can be regarded as a golden body."

"However, integrating the theory of one hundred schools of thought and three religions is no longer a pure Buddhist golden body."

"How should it be named?"

Luo Feng thought for a while, and suddenly remembered a big guy he had seen in the main god space.

A flash of light.

With a movement of divine sense, he touched the fragments of the Lord God.

Reincarnator: Luo Feng (The Lord of God)
Number: 00-0
Skills: Breathing Ancestral Qi Technique: One hundred and eight layers; Nine-turn golden body: One layer of heaven;

Achievements: Dharma Xiangren Immortal, Elder of the Shangqing School;
Main quest: none
Reward: None
The flower of essence breaks [-]% to [-]%. Once the punch is thrown, the interior scene will connect with the exterior scene, and the vitality will fluctuate.

Generate golden effect.

Luo Feng named it Fa Xiang, there are five immortals in the sky, and human immortals cultivate the body.

Hence the name, Fa Xiang Ren Xian!
As soon as the thought moves, the data dissipates.

Luo Feng nodded with satisfaction, not only because the body went further.

Also, his ability to control the fragments of the Lord God is getting stronger and stronger.

From the beginning of observation, to later changes, to the current setting.

Perhaps, the flower of the gods does not need to bloom at the [-]th grade, but only needs the [-]th grade to fully grasp the main god fragment.

"At that time, maybe you can go back and have a look."

Luo Feng stared at the sky with stars in his eyes.

He firmly believes that he can go back, this is belief.

But when can I go back, and after I go back, what era, what year...

"The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river again. When will the moon return me?"

The Shangqing School has relatives and friends, like home, but outside of home, there is a word called hometown.

Although Luo Feng grew up in an orphanage, but in the mother world, he also has Chunchun's dashing friends, gentle teachers, and enthusiastic neighbors...

Having lived in my hometown for decades, that kind of attachment cannot be given up.

The first time is always the best.

"Uncle Feng, you are out."

Luo Feng showed his golden body, shaking the mountains, and the Shangqing faction had already sensed it.

Luo Yuan, Biqing, Zheng Zha and the others came one after another.

Seeing this, Luo Feng smiled knowingly.

The sadness in my heart gradually faded a little, and there are also relatives and friends here.

After some jokes.

The Taoist Jingtian came here in a hurry.

Luo Feng chuckled lightly: "Fellow Daoist is late."

Daoist Jingtian smiled and gave a sigh: "Forgiveness, forgiveness, today I'm talking with Taoist friend Yuan Huang about weapon refining, it's late, it's late."

A group of people shouted that they wanted to make Jingtian Laodao drink to make amends.

The old Taoist looked at it, and it was Luo Yuan's favorite, and Biqing set off.

Laughing and scolding, rebel, but thinking about it again, this generation is not right.


It was lively on the side, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional.


Luo Feng suddenly remembered one thing, he still lacks a few magic weapons, both defensive and offensive.

Moreover, the space magical powers are mysterious and mysterious. Luo Feng couldn't find any clues. Once an idea was born, he had to start with the space magic tool.

After congratulations, Jingtian Laodao took Luo Feng to find the refiner Yuan Huang.

This is an artifact refiner who is supported by the Shangqing School, and has always served only the people of the Shangqing School.

Luo Feng once again praised his wit.

If you hadn't joined the Shangqing faction, you wouldn't be able to see the many secrets of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion.

If you want to find a refiner, it will take longer.

"It's nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree."

Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"Big tree?"

Jingtian Laodao, who accompanied him, looked aggrieved and hesitated to speak.

Daoist Luo Feng is not very clear about his status.

Who is the big tree? !
Going against the wind, he soon arrived at the residence of Yuan Huang, the artifact refiner.

Yuan Huang is a middle-aged man with a mighty face. When they met, he held a handful of jade Ruyi in his hand.

After explaining the purpose.

Yuan Huang nodded and agreed, Luo Feng Shangqing sent the elders to build magic tools for him, as it should be.

More importantly, Jingtian Laodao mentioned Luo Feng's record to him.

Things went so smoothly, which surprised Luo Feng.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan Huang, I've heard that an ordinary artifact refiner can only make a few artifacts in a lifetime?"

Hearing this, Yuan Huang smiled and said, "Daoist Luo Feng doesn't know anything about it. It is true that the artifact refiner can only make a few artifacts in his lifetime."

"But that refers to the formed natal instruments. I forged for the Shangqingmen who are the prototypes of instruments."

"It is necessary for the master of the instrument to use Qi to support himself, and it does not need to spend the efforts of the artifact refiner."

"The world doesn't know the inside story, it's just spreading rumors."

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, it seems that the description in the original book is not entirely correct.

Come to think of it.

A world with a myriad of weather can be summed up in just a few strokes.

Write it out, draw it out, it's condensed, it's one-sided
It is better to believe in books than to have no books.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

(End of this chapter)

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