All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 501 The Power of the People

Chapter 501 The Power of the People

Looking down from the air, the circular area built by Swan Castle and the moat looks like a sea of ​​fire.

As Luo Feng said, a revolution is not a dinner party, a revolution is a riot, a violent action by a class to overthrow a class.

The reality placed on Master Yue is to chop off his head to vent public anger, to break his dignity, and to distribute the wealth he has exploited all his life to the poor.

Faced with such violent behavior, Master Yue naturally resisted to the death and struggled desperately, but to no avail.

He is not the incarnation of a certain class in the kingdom, nor is he the king, he is just a dog leg who dominates the place, the Duke's personal guard.

The few magic props he owns can make him show off among ordinary people and even knights, but it is not enough to face the fighting spirit.

Magic items are dead, have cooling time, and gaps, but the person who masters fighting spirit is alive. After cheating Master Yue's big move, the ending is already doomed.

The rulers come and go, and the people are still the same people. The people at the bottom only care about their own three meals a day, and they only chat after dinner about the changes at the top.

However, the new office officer didn't know what was wrong, and actually distributed money to the poor. This made the major forces in Swan City very angry, and there were all kinds of small thoughts in their hearts.

However, what Luo Feng did next turned the major forces from being angry to trembling.

A copper pillar was erected in the central area of ​​Swan City, engraved with the introductory method of fighting qi, as long as the elves of Swan City can watch it at will, those who block it will be killed without mercy.

And the official City Lord's Mansion issued a notice that all citizens of Swan City who have cultivated the sense of qi can go to the City Lord's Mansion to sign up to join the army, serve the City Lord, and obtain the next part of the practice experience.

It is true that the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, but Swan City is not an ocean, it is just a small pond, and the huge rock of the new extraordinary road was blown down, killing a large number of fish.

Unlike magic, which is superior, fighting spirit is extremely close to the people. Whether you are a descendant of a nobleman or a farmer in the field, you are all equal in front of fighting spirit. This move made Luo Feng a saint in Swan City, even though he only came to this city for a few days.

In just one month, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion expanded to more than a thousand people, and the number continued to increase.With the army under control and the support of the people, the affairs officer Luo Feng became the real lord of the city, and the government orders were unimpeded in the city.

It has only been a few decades since the lofty trend of thought in the kingdom of the high elves rose. The craftsmen, engineers, manufacturers, and technicians of those days are still alive. Under the temptation of extraordinary power and high salaries, factories began to restart, and arms began to be forged one by one.

The mighty move finally attracted the attention of the High Elf Kingdom. After a year of secrecy, a group of mages headed by a royal sun elf arrived.

"Moon Elf of the Empire, you have crossed the line!"

The royal mage suspended in the air and scolded: "There is an agreement among the three countries. This is a choice of different paths. You are destabilizing the existing order."

"Stop the factory, hand over the seeds of vindictiveness, we can respect your ideas, and even canonize you as the Earl of Swan City."

"This is the last chance to negotiate!"

Turning into a horse with fighting spirit, Luo Feng rode the horse to the sky, looked straight at the mage, and said indifferently: "The empire is the escapee faction, the federation's surrender faction, and you escape faction. What qualifications do you have to represent the elves?"

"The old order has been destroyed, and the new order has not been established. You are just refugees living on the ruins."

Seeing Luo Feng's words, the royal mage's cold eyes softened, and he persuaded him: "I can understand the ambition of young people. Back then, I also dreamed of opening up a new path for all elves."

"However, reality is reality after all, listen young people! The mother planet can no longer accept our mining and refining, and all trials of ice and fire must stop."

"Let the mother planet return to normal and the natural environment recover, we are the hope of life, this is the right path!"

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully: "Is this your correctness, the order you agree with?"

The royal mage nodded and said: "You are a rare genius among the elves, give up resistance, join us, and embrace the mother planet."

"But, it's not my right." Luo Feng refused without hesitation, dou qi emerged from his fingertips, and he went up mysteriously, showing a bright brilliance.

"The combination of extraordinary and technology is the correct order and the order that this planet should have. Blindly escaping will only make the elves lose their civilization!"

"Extraordinary fighting spirit allows the elves to live longer while maintaining their fecundity. The exploration of technology is a torch in the dark, proving that the elves have not given up hope!"

"Even you can join us." Luo Feng said seriously: "The path of magic is also profound. We can study space technology and explore unknown areas. This is also a correct path."

"No!" The royal mage yelled angrily, his eyes were cold: "How can you be sure that your path is correct."

Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is that one's own path is denied, failure does not bring success, it will only lead to greater failure.

Luo Feng looked at the royal mage pitifully: "Then, I will prove it to you."

"Elves, let's show the brilliance of fighting spirit for mages, tomorrow's sky must be the sky of fighting spirit!"

Five vast and bright holy lights rose. They were the first five sages to follow Luo Feng.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of rays of light rose, and warriors with fighting spirit turned into wings and flew into the sky, defending the future of fighting spirit and protecting their home city.

If it is these, it is not enough to shock the royal mage. In the Swan City that really made him lose color, the rising point of light, one point, two points, three... Fighting side by side!
There are hundreds of thousands of people in a Swan City. They all stepped into the threshold of fighting spirit and walked on the extraordinary road.

but!but!There are too many of them!

In the entire high elf kingdom, it shouldn't be said that the three major elf countries don't have hundreds of thousands of magic apprentices, but there are hundreds of thousands of fighting spirit fighters here.

A high-ranking mage, and forty middle-ranking mages, are vulnerable to this kind of power!
"This is the power of the people." Luo Feng smiled and said, "Master, what is your choice?!"

The royal mage was silent for a long time, and within a year, he developed a power comparable to that of a kingdom. Hundreds of thousands of extraordinary people are enough to explain everything.

"Perhaps you are right." The royal mage murmured with a complicated expression, "But I have my persistence!"

With a sigh, the mage group was annihilated in the brilliance of fighting spirit

It is easy for a person to forgive others for their mistakes, but it is difficult to forgive others for their rightness.

 Yazi, who everyone doesn't like very much, skip this paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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