All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 504 Order is born, the road is completed

Chapter 504 Order is born, the road is completed

A huge, brilliant, ambitious, and incredible plan shocked the hearts of all the elves present.

Wandering Planet, what a brain hole, what a madness, to come up with this plan.All the crazy plans in elf history pale in comparison.

"How can you guarantee that this plan will succeed!"

The representative of the high elf kingdom roared hysterically
Promoting the mother planet is completely opposite to the kingdom's path, and it is a proper enemy of blocking the path in the world of Xianxia, ​​the enemy of the avenue!
Luo Feng smiled slightly: "At least it's more reliable than going back to primitive society and embracing slavery."

"How many elves are willing to give up civilization and destroy the wisdom of ancient sages. Please remember that the biggest gap between intelligent life and wild beasts lies in civilization!"

"Today we destroy civilization, tomorrow we are a group of aborigines, and a plague the day after tomorrow can completely destroy primitive tribes!"

"You!" The representative of the high elf kingdom was about to argue another side.

"Enough!" Dean Karl scolded in a cold voice, then looked at Luo Feng, and asked solemnly, "How sure are you?"

Luo Feng said sincerely: "Before it is realized, everything is an unknown territory."

"But at least it is more reliable than the fleeing faction, the surrender faction, and the self-destruction faction."

Dean Karl nodded, then remained silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and shouted: "I support this plan!"

Luo Feng showed a slight smile, and Lao Tzu said: When the Dao is destroyed, there is benevolence and righteousness; when wisdom comes out, there is great hypocrisy;

When civilization is in despair, there are always some elves who will come forward. He is a fire thief and a watcher.

Looking around, Luo Feng asked flatly: "Who is in favor of this plan, and who is against it!"

"I object!" shouted the representative of the high elf kingdom
"I support!"

"I support!"

·Representatives of the Elf Federation and the Elf Empire agreed one after another, and the envoys of the High Elf Kingdom were stunned for a while, what happened, what happened? !

We agreed to share weal and woe, we agreed to be in the same camp, you two guys with thick eyebrows and big eyes, why did you rebel? !
The representative of the Fairy Federation said slowly, "This is God's will."

The representative of the Elf Empire smiled wryly, looked at Dean Karl, and remained silent, but everyone else understood what he meant.

Most of the empire's technology comes from the Karl Academy, and most of the officials come from the Kerr Academy. If I disagree today, the empire will be divided tomorrow.

The minister wanted to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender first!

The three major kingdoms have made a choice, and the only enemy of Luo Feng is the kingdom of the high elves.

The derivation of the road of fighting spirit, the influx of countless civilian grass elves, and the rapid expansion of the army have continued to expand the strength of the Southland.

If it is the Elf Federation and the Elf Empire, they can open factories and develop a large number of arms and weapons to fight against the enemy. The power of science and technology has erased the gap between the extraordinary.

The high elf kingdom, which is devoted to the pursuit of primitiveness, has exposed its disadvantages. Facing the mighty fighting spirit army, the only thing the high elf kingdom can do is the weapons left over from the old era. As for the mages, they have long been annihilated in the vast ocean of the people.

The city was besieged in March, the fields were cleared in June, and the capital was attacked in September. It took less than three years for an elf kingdom to be captured.

This example has sounded the alarm for countless forces. The path of self-destructing civilization and abandoning technology is undoubtedly death.

Replacing the kingdom of the high elves, what followed was cooperation, negotiation, streams of light gathered, and on the verge of the destruction of the planet, countless elves burst out their vitality and creativity.


In the vast void, Luo Feng stared at the converging flames of humanity, finally illuminating the darkness, walking out of a way to survive, and couldn't help but smile knowingly: "Order lives!"

The Dao tree swayed, and the vision of Dao Dao appeared on the tree. The Dao Fruits on the top layer were the most brilliant, full of purple air, and golden patterns like jade. Among them were the praises of all gods and saints. The fruit, the order of the elves, the Tao and the fruit echo each other, project each other, and form a unity of their own, just like the arrangement of the pyramids of the three talents.

Dao gave birth to one, now one life is two, it can be seen that the correctness of the Dao of Order is qualified to be imprinted in the endless void and remain in the concept of all beings.

Looking down at the billions of stars, Luo Feng groaned, and countless water vapors emerged, turning into billions of constant sands and Taoist gods, escaping into the vast starry sky, and then doing things similar to the order of the elves, further verifying the results of Dao Sheng Er, and becoming prosperous. Road trees add bricks and tiles.

There are three ancestor gods in this starry universe, Fuxi, Nuwa, and Pangu, who are all related to Luofeng. Once the correctness of the preaching is verified, there is no obstacle in other aspects, but green lights are given everywhere.

Time, space and matter are three in one. It took billions of years in the universe and the starry sky. In some places, it took only an hour. The dao bodies who went out have completed the task and returned to the body

This feeling is second only to being in the Nascent Soul universe that I created. It can be said that it is cool to hold the thigh for a while, and it is always cool to hold the thigh all the time.

After finishing everything, Luo Feng was a bit dull, and the plug-in was a bit fun to use, but the difficulty of clearing the level was too low. After all, it was a universe without the slightest sense of accomplishment.

"Could it be that I, Luo, really only know how to hold my thighs, and let the boss take me to lie down and win?!"

Luo Feng muttered in a low voice, and immediately rejected this idea in his heart, he is not this kind of person!
Thinking of him, Luo is an upright person, acts brightly and aboveboard, is frank, respects the old and loves the young, and has always convinced others with virtue. He is a good young man in the new era of the heavens and the world.

"I can no longer rely on cheating at home!"

"I am a big Luo who rose from the grassroots, not some second-generation god. Starting today, I, Luo, must learn to be self-reliant and self-reliant!"

"Cultivate hard now, work hard, prove Pan Gu's position, and become a real leader of the heavens."

Luo Feng is high-spirited, strives to be strong, and strives to dream.

A helpless voice came from Yunhanjing around his waist: "Brother, is your side okay? Laojun told you to go back to work."

"You still owe him 10 years of work."

"Ah, this..." Luo Feng looked up at the void, not knowing what to say.

His Pangu dream was shattered, and he returned to the life of a worker.

"Soon, soon." Luo Feng sighed: "You tell Laojun, I will go back in a while."

"There is the last step. Daosheng [-] is multi-dimensional, Daosheng [-] is the continuity of yin and yang, and Daosheng [-] is short of Daosheng. Yin and yang are combined and all things are born."

In the Cloud-Han Realm, Luo Tianyi hesitated and said, "Dao [-] and Dao [-] were verified in the Da Luo universe, Dao [-], brother, did you find a new Da Luo universe?"

Touching the world coordinates sent by the magic stick Fuxi, Luo Feng nodded and said: "Although this universe has been pierced into a sieve, the one on the ceiling is Da Luo at any rate, and it can barely be regarded as the Da Luo universe."

(End of this chapter)

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