All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 506 Newton's Coffin Board

Chapter 506 Newton's Coffin Board
Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Fate comes and goes, all living beings have fate, and the poor will naturally know."

"As for whether it's worth it, the poor monk has some kind of friendship with the Buddha, and I have a seat in Daleiyin Temple. I will ask you some other day if all these cakes are worth three buckets and three liters of rice grain gold."

"However, Liu Yunzhi, you also have no chance to eat sliced ​​cakes, not even a single chance. You can be called the most embarrassing one in the Taishan protagonist group."

Everyone was stunned, he, he said another person's name.

"Damn, how can there be any gods, what age, and feudal superstition!"

"Isn't it easy to check a person in this society?" Pointing at Luo Feng, Liu Yunzhi said coldly: "Maybe this Taoist priest has investigated all of us and came here to lie to us today."

"He said that the predestined person might have deliberately arranged to mix in with us as an internal response."

As he spoke, he deliberately looked at Ye Fan.They already had conflicts, and it was only normal for them to want to splash dirty water at this moment.

Zhou Yi stood up and scolded, "Liu Yunzhi, what do you mean? The trip to Mount Tai was planned by me and Wang Ziwen."

"You mean we organized a group to lie to you?"

Liu Yunzhi was at a loss for words for a while, offending Ye Fan alone and offending a group of classmates are two different concepts.

So the clever Liu Yunzhi pointed the finger at Luo Feng. After all, this is an unknown Taoist priest, and he is a liar, and he is on the side of justice.

"I didn't say that, what I mean is that this Taoist priest is investigating us, and he must have good intentions."

Suspicion, questioning, and puzzled eyes cast down one after another, and even a few boys were gearing up to deal with the liars.

"Liu Yunzhi, didn't you hear from the Taoist priest that these cakes are given to those who are predestined and don't need money?"

"I think you can't eat cut cakes, you should become angry from embarrassment."

Ye Fan joked out loud

He saw Liu Yunzhi's little move to harm Shuidong just now, and he didn't give any revenge. He really took Ye Hei's reputation for nothing.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things." Luo Fenglang laughed: "You are the fourth person who asks to cut the cake, so I will give this cake to you."

As he spoke, he handed over a cart of cut cakes to Ye Fan.

Everyone was stunned, just gave it, so simple? ! Is Liu Yunzhi a scam? !

Liu Yunzhi's body was stiff. Facing everyone's strange eyes, he felt as if his back was on his back, and he couldn't help cursing angrily, "You're talking tricks. Ye Fan conspired with you. No matter how many times he comes out, you will cut the cake for him." Right?!"

Luo Feng nodded as a signal, and replied frankly: "Of course, he is destined, and you are about to die."

"Come, come, Pindao doesn't have any cakes on him, and there are still a few candles, you can keep them for yourself."

As he spoke, he took out a few candles and yellow paper from his bosom, stuffed them to Liu Yunzhi, ignored his liver-like complexion, and left with a loud laugh.

"In the past, the ancient emperor entered the wilderness, and now the Taishan Emperor conceives the emperor, the flowers are similar every year, and the people are different every year!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Luo Feng took three steps and three steps, using the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

Ye Fan touched the cart of cakes in his hand thoughtfully, while Liu Yunzhi was panicked, worried about his family's fate, and didn't care about the trip to Mount Tai, the friendship between classmates, and hurried down the mountain.


The parking lot at the foot of Mount Tai was densely packed, and there were countless luxury and famous cars. Luo Feng ignored them all, walked straight to Ye Fan's mount, looked it over, and couldn't help but admire: "What a car of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Although the Mercedes-Benz is made of ordinary materials, it bears the title of Emperor of Heaven, and its value is skyrocketing.

If the Lord God Dimension gets hold of this, how many reincarnators will be harmed.

Thinking about reincarnation, the person trembled and worked hard to do countless tasks. When he wanted to change a means of transportation, the emperor's mount, a Mercedes, appeared.

Thinking about it, thinking about it, Luo Feng couldn't help but smile knowingly, this kind of thing that harms reincarnated people cannot be done by others, it must be done by oneself.

Here Taoist Luo likes to mention the Heavenly Emperor's soldiers Mercedes-Benz, and Ye Fan and others gradually climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor.

Time flies, and it has come to the end of the day. At this moment, the sun is setting, and the clouds and peaks are inlaid with a layer of golden bright edges, shining like rare treasures.

Such a beautiful scenery, can not help but intoxicated.

Suddenly, Luo Feng raised his head and murmured: "Here we come."

A few black dots appeared in the sky, and then gradually became larger, and there were gusts of wind and thunder.

One of the rare sights in the Kowloon coffin universe is here for Ye Fan today.

Luo Feng looked down, couldn't help being surprised, and counted the number of people: "There is one less person?"

Turning his gaze, he saw Liu Yunzhi who was crazily fleeing down the mountain.

Due to the intervention of the Great Luo, the cause and effect of fate began to be confused, and Liu Yunzhi, a person with a very small cause and effect, quietly broke away from the timeline.

"You still want to escape after offending the abbot?" Luo Feng sneered, "If I don't give you a retribution, how can I show that I'm effective."

The emperor of Dongyin ruled the water element, was in charge of the affairs of the water emperor of the rivers and all spirits, and ruled the water gods, the most important authority was to relieve disasters.

Hold the book of ghosts and gods of the dead souls of Changye, and record the reasons for the merits, demerits, sins and blessings of all living beings.Solve natural disasters.The spirit of full karma.Xiaji Youyi.

It is for the blessing of the heavenly officials, the punishment of the local officials, and the relief of the water officials.

Thoughts spread slightly, Liu Yunzhi, in this life, has no chance to get rid of his misfortune, in other words, all the good luck, happiness, and happiness in the world will come to him, and even if he gets it, he will lose it at the moment of success.

While the thoughts fluctuated, nine huge monsters fell from the sky, like nine long black rivers falling down. At this moment, everyone on Mount Tai's shocked expressions froze and looked at each other in amazement.

It turned out to be nine gigantic dragon corpses, pulling an ancient bronze coffin and pressing down towards the top of Mount Tai.

In a panic, Ye Fan suddenly had an absurd idea.

According to the physical formula, the huge dragon's body is at least a kilometer long, with nine heads in total, plus at least a bronze coffin of unknown material, and it falls from the sky. What is the impact force?

Ye Fan didn't know, but he knew one thing.

It's not as good as the meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs, but at least it can blow up Mount Tai to pieces, leaving deep pits on the ground.

And the people on Mount Tai will die so that there is not even a scum left.

"Oh, I forgot to take something."

Just when Ye Fan and his group were in despair, Luo Feng slipped out with a smile.

Everyone shouted: "God help me, big brother help me!"

"Got it, got it." Luo Feng waved his hand, then picked up the treasure wheel of merit and virtue from the trolley, hung it casually behind his head with a great light.

Brilliant, check in at the post, and the emperor of Dongyin will return to his throne!

Holding the sky with one hand, Luo Feng led the Jiulong coffin to the five-color altar, and pressed the ground with the other hand, holding down Newton's coffin board.

After finishing all this, Luo Feng turned around to look at Ye Fan, and said with a smile: "We are destined to meet again."

Ye Fan bowed cautiously: "Thank you, Taoist priest, for saving your life."

Luo Feng nodded, and then asked with a smile: "Meeting is fate, are you interested in building a heaven for fun?"

Ye Fan: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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