All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 526 Dongfeng King Buddha speaks the truth

Chapter 526 Dongfeng King Buddha speaks the truth

In the Great Leiyin Temple, three lotus flowers are turning slowly, full of brilliance, blooming with boundless dao rhyme, a gleam of brilliance flowing out is enough to suppress time and reshape the universe, and the endless luck in the dark is vented like a long river.

The fragrant white lotus is the third grade, which is the foundation of the Buddhism in this world, and it symbolizes the long-standing luck of one side and even the heaven.The great wisdom is bred between the rotation of the white light. If ordinary people can see it, they will immediately arouse the bodhicitta, escape into the holy way, and achieve meritorious deeds.

The reincarnation purple lotus is the sixth grade, which originated from the hands of Emperor Huangtian. This world breeds darkness. Every age has the conquest of blood and tears. Only a strong man like Huangtian Emperor can live forever and be immortal. Relatives and friends have all suffered a catastrophe, and this purple lotus contains the emperor's thoughts on reincarnation.

Buddhism is good at the way of reincarnation, Emperor Huangtian gave the purple lotus of reincarnation to Luofeng, which may not have allowed Wang Fo to carry forward, and then deduce the meaning of a truly safe road of reincarnation.

Hei Lian is the ninth grade, I don't know where Zheng Zha got it, it breeds the destructive aura, like the evil gathering of the heavens, if it is not suppressed by Luo Feng, at this moment, the universe will be turned into ruins, dead and destroyed.

Raise your hand and let go, and the billowing demonic energy sweeps down, intending to turn the entire Bright Buddha Kingdom into a dark demonic domain and reverse the basic laws of this world. It is extremely corrosive and extremely domineering.

"Jiejie...hehe...halahala..." Weird laughter sounded, and there seemed to be an eternal demon hidden in the void, peeping at all living beings and despising the Tathagata Buddha Kingdom.

"Laugh! Laugh!"

"I bother!"

Dongfeng Wangfo spat a mouthful of thick phlegm onto the face of the Eternal Devil, followed by a fist the size of Mount Sumeru, descending from the sky, everywhere, and the only one in the real world, blocking the infinite timeline of the past, future, and present. Above the immortal body of the devil!

The head of the black lotus demon screamed, his body shrank to one side, and his eyes were filled with shock and inconceivability. He is the body of a lotus flower, the incarnation of devil energy, and a combination of everything that destroys and ends human beings, ghosts and ghosts.

Even if this monk has some skills, how could he hit his real body? !

"How dare you shout in front of the Buddha?!"

Wearing a cassock, with a big light on his head, and a solemn treasure, Dongfeng Wangfo sneered a few times, "I don't want to ask, who is the father on the Fomen street in Lingshan!"

"The Taishangtian Demon Lord, Mohe Demon Lord, Dazizai Heavenly Demon King, Yuanshi Heavenly Demon... The poor monk talked and laughed happily with them, and I have seen many battles."

"Just because of you, you just ran wild on the old monk's territory!"

The head of the lotus flower demon's canthus was about to burst, and the billowing demon energy swept through him, trying to break through the shackles and look for a trace of life.

"I want to leave after offending the abbot!"

"Today I will let you know the depth of Buddhist culture!"

Dongfeng Wangfo suddenly yelled, and fists the size of Mount Sumeru fell like raindrops. In an instant, the mountains collapsed and the earth collapsed. , Deduce the Buddha Dharma of the heavens and the principles of Mahayana.

Dongfeng Tathagata resides in the kingdom of Buddha, not a false Buddha who steals the power of faith to act out a divine kingdom and proclaims himself Tathagata, nor is he a Hinayana true Buddha Tathagata with 53 incarnations, nor does he praise 35 Buddhas in the past and 88 Buddhas in the future, totaling [-] The Buddha's ordinary Buddha's other world projection.

Although the word Dongfeng is an unorthodox fruit position, it is also certified by the Lingshan government. Duobao Tathagata Buddha Sect entrusts the prophecy in person. ocean.

Since its conception, as a Bodhisattva in the Immortal World, Luotian Universe practiced the Sixth Paramita.The great dharma benefits life, so that all living beings can accumulate wisdom and light; enlighten the Ksitigarbha king to become enlightened, and accumulate merit and wealth;

A little spiritual light flows, Buddha-nature Bodhi, wisdom illuminates the past, future and present, can be fully accessible without hindrance, and become a wonderfully enlightened Buddha.

And to cover the sky and the universe, seeing the darkness and turmoil, with a heart of great compassion, wanting to be fearless with all wisdom, fearless when the leaks are exhausted, fearless when speaking of obstacles, and fearless when speaking of the path of suffering. Be mindful, and cultivate the ten powers of the Tathagata, and achieve eighteen different dharmas.

In the end, the three senses are complete, the ten thousand virtues are full, and the Daqian leader of the Tao, the World Honored Tathagata.

Three bodies, four wisdoms, five eyes, six powers, ten powers, four fearlessnesses, and eighteen different dharmas, step by step up, with infinite supernatural powers and supreme dharma, this is the Buddha's fruit status not weaker than that of the great Buddha. The root cause of Luo Daoguo!It is also the fundamental means for Buddhism and Taoism to fight against each other!
Dongfeng Wangfo is currently practicing the ten powers of the Tathagata, and he has not yet achieved perfection. He can only be regarded as a future Buddha, half a Daluo, but he is not something that a mere black lotus demon can provoke.

One of the ten powers of Xing Tathagata exhausts the intelligence, strikes with one punch, and cuts off all afflictions.

Beating the demon head of Hei Lian to the point of death, he has no idea at all.

With a final kick, the demon head of the black lotus manifested into a demon body, swollen all over, lying on the side of the hall like a dead dog, dying, and choked up: "Buddha, Buddha, stop beating!"

"I'm done, I'm done!"

The three corpses have different personalities, representing the side of the deity. As the saying goes, one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. Luo Feng's few anger, anger, and evil thoughts are all pinned on the Buddhist corpse and Mohe Mojun.

Compared with the demon king who practices the way of the devil and is not taboo about meat and vegetables, Dongfeng Wangfo is a Tathagata at any rate, so he should pay attention to his own image.

Seeing that the demon head of the black lotus obediently bowed his head, and Dongfeng Wangfo did not kill him, he pinched the flower and said with a smile: "You can clearly understand what wisdom is, what is Buddha's light, and what is compassion."

The black lotus demon head struggled to get up, clasped his hands together, and said tearfully: "Buddha, the disciple has enlightened!"

"Today I know that the Buddha is the supreme teacher. Under the enlightenment and enlightenment, the disciples are greatly enlightened, and they are willing to arouse the bodhicitta and escape into the Buddha's way."

"Since then, I have changed my mind and turned to the light!"

Dongfeng King Buddha nodded with a smile and said, "Good, good. Although you are a demon king, you can learn the Dharma and plant all kinds of good roots. You can be called a good man."

"Now I will give you a prophecy, and I will confer the Bodhisattva status on the three grounds of the black lotus. After countless kalpas, you will be the Tathagata of the black lotus."

The head of the Black Lotus bowed before bowing, and when he raised his head again, his hair fell off one after another.

It can be said that the troubles are gone, and the world of mortals is far away.

At the void point of the Dongfeng King Buddha, the Black Lotus Bodhisattva obediently let go of the restriction of the ninth-grade black lotus, allowing the Tathagata to play with it.

The way of the universe is respected by Zhen Yuanzi, the great immortal, but the truth is illusory, and all dharmas are empty, but it is headed by Buddhism.

Three lotus flowers rise slowly, with the black lotus of destruction as the foundation, the lotus of reincarnation as the introduction, and the fragrant white lotus as the carrier, it transforms into a virtual world, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

In the ancient times of Immortals and Chaotic Ancients, there was a False God Realm that could attract the souls of all living beings, temper themselves, and fight life and death without really harming the real body.

This side of the virtual world and the False God Realm have a greater role,

All living beings can try their best in it, go crazy, hone as much as they want, rub different sparks of wisdom in the past, do things that they dare not do in the past, and practice the Dao that they dare not practice due to various factors, without considering various Dao injuries, losses, You don't even need to worry about the impact of the experimental secret method on your lifespan...

Here there are infinite possibilities, infinite changes, infinite deduction, and infinite positions. To a certain extent, all beings are practicing the way of Daluo.

Because of unlimited choices and countless repeated experiments, this is the privilege of Da Luo

Dongfeng Wangfo has a compassionate and bright face, holding the virtual orb world in his hand.

Only the Black Lotus Bodhisattva, who has gone through the heavens and knows the seven emotions and six desires, and the changes in people's hearts, flashes panic and fear in his pupils.

This... this Tathagata is going to eat all living beings in the universe!

[The birth of the first leader of this book, applause (operation officer + leader) is Lucifer, sprinkle flowers ヽ(°▽°)ノ]

(End of this chapter)

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