All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 532 Black Lotus Bodhisattva, the King of Chopping Hands

Chapter 532 Black Lotus Bodhisattva, the King of Chopping Hands

Based on the appearance of the shopping mall, the penguin theme background, exquisite..., only unexpected, there is no real world that can't do it, everything that can be installed is installed, and this is the only virtual world, there is no semicolon.

What business is the most profitable, the platform.What platform is the most profitable, monopolize the platform.

Emperor Qing and Emperor Hengyu looked at each other, pressed a button, and instantly opened a new world.

The theme background is slowly unfolded, and you can see the Huanghuang Tiangong, the mighty fairyland, the golden light rolling red, and the auspicious aura spraying purple mist.I saw that Nantianmen was made of green and sinking, made of colored glaze; bright and bright, made of precious jade.

The gods in golden armor are on duty, the immortals and jade girls are on tour, and the red-bearded dragons with golden scales and shining sun are wrapped around the pillars;

In the Lingxiao Palace, the brilliance circulates, the merits and virtues shine, all the gods, gods, gods, immortals, spirits, and kings congratulate and praise the emperor in unison!A majestic and sacred atmosphere

The voice of the Black Lotus Bodhisattva machine sounded: "Ancient Heaven, the theme background of Lingxiao Palace... [-] million merit coins! Do you want to exchange them?"

For a moment, Emperor Hengyu was stunned and couldn't help asking: "What is the merit coin?"

A mechanical voice sounded: "The merit value of the True One Realm is a contribution to the True One Realm, such as discovering unknown lines, providing some kind of magical experiment, handing in practice experience, working for the True One can even use the source, Shenyuan exchange."

"Zhenyijie has launched a new event, share the QR code within 33 days to invite friends to enter, you can receive a huge amount of merit coins, and you can withdraw cash when you reach [-] merit coins."

"Six hundred million sources, not divine sources." Emperor Hengyu muttered, "It's not very expensive either!"

As the great emperor, who ruled the universe and the sea of ​​stars, the titular master of the universe, Emperor Hengyu had never touched money, and had no interest in money.

The most important point is that in the ancient Heavenly Court, there was such a scene that it didn’t exist when he ruled the universe and the star sea. The exquisite picture quality, vivid gods, and worship of all gods are absolutely worthy of his status as the supreme emperor.

Immediately after the screen rotated, many themed backgrounds appeared such as Zixiao Palace·Taoist Preaching, Wahuangtian·Worship of Ten Thousand Races, Nine Layers of Heaven·Supreme Glory, etc.

Looking at the theme mall, Ye Fan, the only Ultraman on Earth, looked weird, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, the owner of this real world is surnamed Ma.Otherwise, this cheating technique

The following scenes made Ye Fan suddenly realize that the owner of the real world is definitely more than a simple surname Ma, and can be described as a combination of all "people's entrepreneurs".

In the exterior shopping mall, a fairy dress looks dusty, with exquisite dark embroidery, gold silk outline and embellishment, showing the world's elegance.When the special effects are turned on, ginkgo leaves fall one after another, dancing with the wind, and the dance is alluring.

The emperor's clothing, the gorgeous gold crown is more luxurious, and every gesture is full of emperor's prestige.As soon as the special effects were turned on, there were many sacred praises, and the heavens bowed their heads with incomparable majesty.

There are also Taoist clothes in nature, distant mountains are like snow, immortals are like gods, just like the Taoist ancestor coming to the world.As soon as the special effects are activated, there will be immortal guardians, and the heavenly monarch will send purple air from the east to illuminate auspiciousness at any time, and there will often be golden lotuses hanging down to show the sacredness.

On the side of the eight-treasure merit pool, there are cassocks embedded with seven treasures, which are impenetrable by water and fire, and can be used to defend oneself against evil spirits. When the special effect is turned on, a dragon is draped in a strand to prevent the disaster of being swallowed by a big roc;But where you sit, there are all gods paying homage; for every action, there are seven Buddhas with you.


Emperor Qing was originally born from Chaos Qinglian, the elixir of immortality. He has an elegant temperament and is independent of the world. He used to overwhelm the universe and star seas for twelve thousand years.

Uploaded an imperial technique to exchange for merit points.

Immediately, he exchanged for a piece of Supreme Tsing Yi, which was blessed like a green lotus.Just like the Tao gives birth to one, it is still no more than three leaves, like three things give birth to all things, gently flicking, strands of chaotic air hang down, and the sound of heaven plays between the swaying, and when you move, light is born step by step.

The body turns into a rhizome and the heart makes a flower, a lotus in the eternal blue sky!

Immediately, there were visions in the sky, the leaderboard unfolded, and the golden light shone, projecting the heavens of the universe.

[Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Wanqing, who is dressed in fairy clothes and has an excellent fairy appearance, ranking first on the list of fairy spirits]

[Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Wanqing, you spend a lot of money, your luck is like the sea, and you rank first in the luck list]

Just when everyone was wondering, the void commentator Hei Lian Bodhisattva appeared again.

The devil has been divided into thousands and has countless incarnations. This time, the Black Lotus Bodhisattva said in a calm and simple voice: "The three rankings in the real world, the combat power rankings, the fairy rankings, and the luck rankings."

"It symbolizes invincibility, fairy appearance, and luck."

Emperor Qing couldn't help smiling lightly, what is Wuque Emperor?

For a while, Emperor Hengyu couldn't help itching, people have physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs and self-realization needs.At the level of the Great Emperor, respect and self-realization are necessary.

In the past era, the great emperors did not meet each other, and the Supreme Beings of the same restricted area were sworn enemies. The great emperors of all dynasties could only pursue the Dao Xian Road, alone.

Even if they wear a sackcloth, all living beings of all races will still worship.

But now that the Thirty Emperors of Eternal Age live in the same life, with people of the same level, they naturally need respect.

Emperor Hengyu is a young man, and he is incomparable to Emperor Qing who stands at the pinnacle of humanity and is still in the realm of a great emperor, rich and powerful.

While thinking about it, I shared a series of QR codes.

The Thirty Emperors of Eternal Blue Sky have lived together for one lifetime, so naturally they have their own ways of contacting each other.

Although at the beginning, the emperors were afraid of each other and looked at each other, but after some cordial and friendly exchanges, they both recognized each other's strength.

And it can be proved that the great emperors are not short-sighted people. They know that the competition in this life is not only about the emperor fruit, but even several immortals. They, the group of former emperors who were fished out by the river god, should be in the same camp.

During the flow of information, beams of brilliance flew to the various ancient families, the holy land of the great emperor, the lineage of the emperor's lineage, the imperial court of the dynasty, and even the hidden ancient royal family were all affected.

The great emperors, the ancient emperors, and the mythological gods raised their eyes one after another, and the situation changed for a while, and the luck gathered.

In an unnamed mountain range, a celestial being dressed in ancient costumes is practicing and exhaling.

He is the Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology. Compared with the ancient emperor and the ancient emperor, time is too ruthless, so that the orthodoxy has been cut off, and there is no force to rely on.Tianzun is extremely wise, knowing that he is weak at this moment, he is not easy to make public and lie dormant on an unknown mountain, just like a golden carp entering a pond, only to one day jump over the dragon gate and become a real dragon.

Suddenly, a piece of information flowed over.

Tianzun slowly opened his pupils and asked, "Emperor Hengyu?!"

[Whether to enter the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]

After pondering for a while, Tianzun swept his mind and chose to click to enter.

Immediately afterwards, in the real world, countless heavenly sounds sounded, and golden lights suddenly appeared, and there were many visions.

[Boundless Tianzun entered the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]

[Dao De Tianzun enters the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]

[Battle Saint Emperor enters the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]

[Emperor Void enters the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]

[Amitabha Buddha entered the Realm of True One through the QR code shared by Emperor Hengyu]


One after another, the figures that stand tall in the sky and stand tall in the sky, emerge in the real world, or the Tao is natural, or compassionate, or bloody, or overbearing, or fighting the sky and the battlefield... All kinds of Taoism and temperament converge in one place to form Eternal confrontation!

(End of this chapter)

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