All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 534 Bright Ultraman, left and right assistants

Chapter 534 Ultraman Bright, Assisting Left and Right (Third)
However, Ye Fan's dream can never be realized. In the ancient forbidden land, anyone can die, but Ye Fan can't die no matter how hard he tries.

Because the Lord of the Ancient Forbidden Land is not a blond and long-haired Super Saiyan, but a ruthless emperor walking on the road of the world of mortals!
However, after Dongfeng Wangfo left the barren pagoda, he walked leisurely into the barren ancient forbidden land.

Daoyang Saint Physique is here to visit relatives and accept younger brothers.

Wang-Fo stepped into it without cover, and the ancient and forbidden land shocked the supreme change
With flying hair and fluttering clothes, a slender figure is peerless, as if walking from a mythical world, she is so detached, like a fairy coming to this world.

The ruthless emperor, without a prefix, the only strange woman in the ages, the most talented empress!
Empress Hengkong, like a god like a fairy, is peerless, squatting beside a blond Super Saiyan, and a Dacheng Holy Body God Nian.

The imperial prestige of the ancient forbidden land soared into the sky, attracting the prying eyes of countless supreme beings in the forbidden area, and their spiritual thoughts swept across. Seeing the two saints of great accomplishment, they were furious, roared, and their blood rushed to the sky.

The spiritual thoughts and breaths from the other four restricted areas were all blocked and could not be sensed.

For a moment, the supreme beings in the restricted area suffered a dumb loss. In the past, the empress ignored them.Even though no one thought that the Dacheng Holy Body in the ancient forbidden land would actually recover, and it would change from one to two.

For a moment, all living beings bowed their heads and bowed their heads in worship, and even some aristocratic families and holy places thought that darkness and turmoil were coming, and they almost opened their foundations and escaped from the Big Dipper.

Daoyang Saint Physique took back the dharma body, looked at the empress and explained, "This is the World Honored One."

Two astonishing lights shot out from the empress's eyes, completely different from the quietness before. She seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and she was no longer quiet. She stared at Wang Fo and asked: "There is reincarnation in the world."

Dongfeng Wangfo squeezed the flower and smiled: "The universe is in reincarnation, and a similar flower is the proof.",

The empress remained silent and looked up at the sky. Obviously, she didn't need this answer.

"Compassion, compassion." Dongfeng Wang Buddha said together: "Although there is no reincarnation in the world, reincarnation can be cast."

The empress' pupils sparkled, she was clear, and she asked aloud, "How to cast it."

Dongfeng Wangfo said indifferently: "In the past, Huangtian Emperor proved the Dao and Immortal Emperor, and created reincarnation by himself."

"Becoming an immortal in the world of mortals is the first step, the immortal king is the second step, the quasi-immortal emperor is the third step, and the immortal emperor is the final dao fruit."

"Thank you!" The empress nodded slightly, and a radiant radiance burst from behind, and she actually wanted to give the Nine Wonders Divine Medicine to Wang Fo.

"No need." Wang Fo shook his head, and then asked, "Will the empress enter my heavenly court?"

Not to become a fairy, just to wait for you to come back in this world of mortals.The ethereal voice of the empress seems to have come from those nine days. Her persistence, her belief, and her oath have not dissipated yet.

Dongfeng Wangfo smiled and said: "The human world is also the heaven, and the fairyland is also the heaven. The heaven governs the infinite universe, nine heavens and ten places, all time and space, how can it be narrow."

The empress was silent for a long time, and finally stretched out her slender hand to retrieve the elixir, nodded and said: "Yes."

Then the emperor's body dived into the abyss, and carried out the transformation from a world of mortals to a fairy.

After dealing with the issue of the female emperor, Dongfeng Wangfo looked at another Dacheng Holy Physique. He interpreted the power of light in his body. Obviously, the Daoyang Physique passed on the power of vows to him, and he was practicing the Ultraman Dharma Body.

"Fellow Taoist, would you like to enter my Heavenly Court?" Dongfeng Wangfo asked with a smile

The blond Dacheng Holy Body clasped his fists and said: "Thanks to the blessing of the Tathagata, Shengyang is willing to enter the heaven!"

"Excellent." Dongfeng Wangfo said with a smile: "Sacred Sun Physique has made great achievements, and today you are granted the title of Dacheng Physique Ultraman Ming Buddha!"

"The two Buddhas of Light, you can assist me to form an Ultraman team in the real world to maintain order."

The Buddha's light is bright, the Dao fruit is swaying, the infinite light, the infinite faith gather, wash the holy body, all the curses and filth fade away, the Dacheng holy body is reborn, and embarked on a different path of longevity in the universe.

"Praise Dongfeng King Buddha!" ​​Shengyang Dacheng Holy Body praised sincerely, and then asked: "World Honored One, where is the real world now?"

Daoyang Dacheng's holy body was also confused for a while. When he left, Tathagata did not refine this illusory dharma realm.

Dongfeng Tathagata smiled without saying a word, threw out two Poke Balls, and captured Ultraman and Super Saiyan.Another master ball was thrown into the abyss of Ruthless Emperor.


The real Dacheng Eucharist is outside, and the fake Dacheng Eucharist is inside.

Facing the gaze of a great emperor, Ye Fan expressed panic, and he smiled awkwardly: "Great Emperor, I am really a holy body in the realm of Lunhai."

"About the fact that I was obviously a newcomer but was considered a boss by a group of bosses"

Also known as "On the surface I am a big guy, but in fact I am a newcomer, but in essence I am a big guy"

The Queen Mother of the West was a little astonished, and couldn't help asking: "One billion layers of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness? Only cultivate the secret realm?!"

As the Taoist partner of the Great Eucharist, Queen Mother Xi knows many secrets of the Eucharist, one of the more serious ones is that the key to the great accomplishment of the Holy Physique lies in rebuilding.After the Holy Body lineage reaches the Holy Realm, it needs to rebuild the five secret realms of Lunhai, Dao Palace, Siji, Hualong, and Xiantai, and then it can finally achieve great success.

Ye Fan was slightly taken aback, and unconsciously thought of the other shore that the god on Mount Tai said in the past. Could it be that one needs to cross a billion layers of the sea of ​​suffering to reach the other shore.

The eyes of Queen Mother Xi shone with golden light, and after scanning the origin of Ye Fan's holy body, she checked carefully before confirming, "It's really a Lunhai holy body."

As soon as this statement came out, it attracted the attention of many great emperors and ancient emperors. They were all the supreme beings at the peak of humanity. No matter how lofty your status was in the past, you would not be able to attract their attention.

Including the Primordial Spirit of Emperor Qing's evolution into the Immortal Realm, and the Dujie Tianzun walking on the road of longevity, in their eyes, they are all strong in the same field.

However, a Mengxin suddenly appeared in the crowd, a real Mengxin mixed with the boss, and instantly attracted the attention of all the Supreme Beings of Humanity.

The ancient emperors of some human races stared at Ye Fan and couldn't help laughing in good faith.

This feeling is like a little hamster mixed into the real dragon's lair, and the real dragon hasn't noticed it yet.

"Friend Qingdi, is this your descendant?" An ancient emperor saw the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor in Ye Fan's body.

Emperor Qing said indifferently: "It's just a coincidence, this little friend was brought in by the World Honored One."

In an instant, the eyes of all the great emperors and ancient emperors brightened up. The first batch and the second batch of people who entered the Realm of the True Realm were either the ancient emperors or the great emperors. It is the reincarnation of Dujie Tianzun.

How could Ye Fan, who was traveling with him, be so simple? Even if it is a bottom-level round sea secret realm, it is also a reincarnation secret realm with great luck.

"This little friend is infinitely poor." Wuliang Tianzun said with a smile, "Would you like to follow me to Baiyujing to practice."

"Buddhism is vast, and people with predestined relationship can be transformed, and the almsgiver is guided by the World Honored One, which shows that the Buddha's predestined relationship is vast." Amitabha Buddha said with a smile

"Go! Go!" The Queen Mother of the West shouted: "What do you know about cultivating the Eucharist? My Taoist companion is a Dacheng Eucharist. No one understands the Eucharist better than me!"

"Fellow Daoist's words are wrong! The Holy Physique is not an emperor." An ancient emperor of light said solemnly: "If he enters my royal family, I will marry the only daughter-in-law to him and carefully cultivate her. God!"

"Hehe~!" Emperor Void sneered: "The ancient emperor said it was bad, my human disciples should be trained by my human race."

"Not bad, not bad." Tai Huang nodded and said, "They are all Taoists. When it comes to cultivation, no one is worse than the other."


Many ancient emperors talked about it, and for a while Ye Fan became a fragrant bun. In order to fight for him, the emperors seemed to have a big move.They are not the holy masters with shallow eyelids from the outside world. A pure-blooded ancient holy body is cultivated, and the worst is a great holy body, which can challenge the Great Emperor!
"Fellow daoists, this is my family's junior, so don't bother everyone to worry about it."

There was a loud laugh in the distance, and a statue of the Dacheng Saint Physique came walking with dragons and tigers.

"Old Ancestor!" Ye Fan exclaimed, looking excited, finally found the organization.

It doesn't feel good to be among a group of bigwigs, and now the backer has finally come.

(End of this chapter)

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