Chapter 545

All the positions on the list of gods are blank, but there are fixed numbers of high-level positions. For example, the five emperors are reserved for the former great emperors and ancient emperors.After shaking, because of the extreme solipsism of monk Zhetian and the symptoms of not believing in the afterlife, to a certain extent, he avoided being affected by the assimilation of the tuba and became a puppet spokesperson.

There is actually no fixed number of gods at the bottom, such as the gods of heavenly soldiers and generals. As long as the merits are sufficient, the merits are in place, and the realm is complete, they can theoretically be granted infinitely.He can even match the Lord of the Land with one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in a frenzy.

This is not an exaggeration, but a future realized step by step, a plan that is gradually perfected.

The ancient star of Fangfang Life recommended people with great achievements and respected them as saints of meritorious deeds.After the verification, the Heavenly Court recognized their merits and granted them the titles of gods and generals one by one, granting some of them the authority of the True Realm.

Shen Lingtian will be stationed on his own planet all year round. In fact, he is also the identity of the Lord of the Land. With his merits and status, he will invisibly influence an ancient star of life and monitor the four poles and the eight wildernesses for the heaven.

Is it reasonable for the Lord of the Land to work part-time as a heavenly general, and to equip one of the heavenly generals with one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers?This is very reasonable.

The Heavenly General works part-time as the land master. In the past, the land master managed a small territory and had fewer subordinates. Now the land master manages a large territory and has more subordinates.Is this reasonable?This is very reasonable.

The high-level gods all have a fixed number, and the lower-level gods are infinitely granted, but a middle-level god truly belongs to the predestined people, and it is a great opportunity that belongs to countless sentient beings.

Great Sage Huntuo is one of the predestined people. He was originally a great sage of the ancient clan and is about to enter old age.But Great Sage Huntuo has a strange fate, which can be described as the top of words, to persuade the world, Great Sage Huntuo persuades the immortals to die!

In the period of the great sage, he was able to influence the fate with words, which can be said to follow the law. Ordinary great sages can persuade one to die with a word, and they can influence the quasi-emperor when necessary.

The sages and sages from ancient times turned into dust, the quasi-emperor died a lot, and the Dark Sovereign proclaimed himself a million years without seeing the immortal.The great sage Huntuo easily proclaimed himself the second world, followed the emperor of heaven to march into the fairyland, and became a fairy easily.

Such a fate can be called a god of decline, rare in the nine heavens and ten places, and hard to find in the world. At the moment when he was conferred the god's throne, the god of General Fenshui sang, and his luck called.

Watching the sunrise in the morning, turning to Tianhe at dusk, dispersing in summer and concentrating in winter, the cycle repeats itself. Counting the post of general who divides water, it is already under the jurisdiction of Tianhe, and the Black Emperor himself can seal it.

Back then, Shen Gongbao was able to persuade all the immortals to enter the world of mortals with his own power, and he ruined countless Jiejiao immortals with a sentence, fellow Taoist, please stay.

Of course, there is a reason why the God Conferred Tribulation and Tribulation Qi is obsessed, the leaders of the three religions are behind the scenes, and all the great Luos of the heavens are in unison.However, it cannot be denied that Shen Gongbao's fate role is worthy of the title of the person who opened the robbery.

Luo Feng is very looking forward to whether the Great Sage Huntuo with the same destiny can persuade the Immortal Emperor to influence the luck and IQ of the dark forces.

So he pushed it along and changed the title of Great Sage Huntuo to the General of Dividing Water, allowing him to inherit Shen Gongbao's supreme supernatural powers.

Although the Dacheng Holy Physique is not clear about the specific situation, but based on the past achievements of the Great Sage Huntuo and the information revealed by Dongfeng World Venerable, he also understands the role of this decrepit god.

Daoyang Dacheng Saint Physique sneered: "Ye Fan, go and ask the Water Dividing General Huntuo Great Sage to come over."

Let Wanlong Nest, the Fanggu royal family, experiment with the achievements of Great Sage Huntuo today.

"Don't look at the fun now, be careful about making lists in the future." Shengyang Dacheng Holy Body said leisurely
Ye Fan understood, and cupped his hands with a smile: "I'll go right away."

The moment he stepped out of the door, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Daoyang Saint Body stuffing the invitation card of Wanlong's Nest into the trash can, and Ye Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally missing a dragon girl!

That's the dragon girl!Both of them are so fierce, come and take jujube pills!Fortunately, the witty family made it ahead of time.

Ye Fan, who had succeeded in his plan, showed a smile, and walked briskly to ask for the water-distributing general Huntuo the great sage.

Gu Yang Dacheng Saint Body looked at Ye Fan's leaving figure, showing a trace of pity.While shaking his head, he took out a large stack of invitation cards from the small cabinet on one side.

"Daoyang, have you finished reading the Big Dipper Starfield? This is an invitation from the Eternal Starfield."

Whether it's Ye Fan's troubles, or the death of the ancient clan, the defeat of a generation of royal families is a small situation in front of the true one.Years are enough to smooth everything out, because the true world is the general trend.

For 120 years, the passage of time is a short time for monks.For mortals, it is a lifetime, full of children, countless children and grandchildren, passed down three generations, four generations, and even five generations.

For them, the True Realm seems to exist forever, just like the sun, moon and stars in the sky have existed forever.

Every time a baby is born, the local land master will drop a poke ball and automatically register a Zhenyijie account.Any soul will enter the real world, just like eating and sleeping is an innate instinct at home.

In the 120th year of the Tianting calendar, in March, on a remote planet, the last group of people registered.

Sitting cross-legged in the world of mortals, Dongfeng Tathagata squeezed flowers and smiled: "All living beings fall into my trap!"

"The first step is done!"

Ignoring everyone is like looking at the eyes of a lunatic, and the body is silent with the orb.

The Tathagata, who was in the busy city, dissipated in the world, and returned to the infinite heights, the immeasurable and supreme dharmakaya.

Just as the Tathagata said, all living beings in a world are counted into the true one jewel, and the jewel blooms with brilliance, sinking and floating in the palm.The great world around is ups and downs, the universe is flowing, it turns into waves and flowers, rushing towards it, displaying boundless mighty power, if you are not careful, the fairy king will drown in it.

A boundless, pure and perfect giant Buddha lies lying in the insignificant void. Whether it is the spray of the universe or the flowing water formed by time, when it encounters the pure glass dharmakaya, the matter in the universe will automatically flow, and the long river of time will automatically detour without increasing. Minus, all laws do not invade.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Staring at the jewel in the palm, the pure Tathagata shouted: "You are a mani pearl, why bother to hold back the brilliance!"

The True One Realm draws in the law of the great way and expands the dimensional matter outward. As the artifact refined by Dongfeng Wangfo, the future body of Daluo, it expands all the time, crazily deriving its own tentacles, and linking all the time and space universes that can be touched.

"Yu" refers to the infinite space, and the world that covers the sky is just a corner of the nine heavens and ten lands in the past, and even the nine heavens and ten lands and even foreign lands. Even if the fairyland is added, it is just a relatively large wave in the vast sea of ​​realms.

Beyond the boundary sea, there are countless great realms, heaven, fairy realm, supreme, supreme, embellished with various words, filled with their own brilliance, and the immortal king is like an ant in it, only the quasi-immortal emperor, the figure of the Dao ancestor series In order to barely stand, only the real emperor can have a place.

Sea of ​​Sacrifice - Sea of ​​Boundaries - Immortal Realm - Shrouding the Sky, the four realms are connected to each other, clearly defined up and down, and interact with each other. This is the proper volume of a Da Luo series universe.

"Zhou" refers to infinite time. The real world is like a black hole standing on the long river of time, standing in the present time and space.

The universe is one, the time and space are unique, the past, future and present are all one, and this is the ultimate perfect form of the true one realm orb.

I heard what the Tathagata said, that the orb has a spirit, and it moves when it sings.

In an instant, the already bright brilliance is magnified infinitely billions of times, penetrating the ten directions and the three realms, the heavens and the four directions, the universe, time and space, the past, the future and the present, everything that should have and should have no material concept!
 I went to celebrate the New Year today, I came back a bit late, and updated two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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