All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 554 Acceptance Speech: My Black Emperor Father-in-law

Chapter 554 Acceptance Speech: My Black Emperor Father-in-law

The infinite snake pumped out energy, and the tortoise of Heluo loaded the orb. Dongfeng Tathagata's eyelids twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched when he saw it.

"Can you still be considered a snake like this?!" Dongfeng Tathagata said quietly
The huge energy produced by the collision of the universe tastes far superior to the star beast countless times. The distance between the two is like black and white bread, and now the white bread is enough.

"How can the infinite snake be such an inconvenient thing!" Xinxin changed form, took on the orb of the real world, licked the chaotic dimension, performed three mouths and one universe, squinted his eyes and replied happily: "Mr. Dongfeng, you have to trust me!" The... ability, hiccup."

The black emperor of Dongyin narrowed his eyes, and looked at his stupid apprentice a lot. This girl has been ill since she was a child, and she has the body of a dragon and snake. She won't be fooled into being a candlelight.

Although the Dragon of Candle Day is a good spirit, it is not suitable for his own lineage. Cosmic movie police is the matter of the censor. A snake can eat and drink.

Can people who run around as policemen all over the world be decent people? !

Luo Feng's lineage pays attention to stability and prudence, until Da Luo still does not change, this is called true self-identity.

After looking at it for a long time, Jinxin, the infinite snake, was about to get up and grow red hair, only then did Heidi Dongyin slowly look away.

"Stupid is a little stupid, but he still fulfills his duties."

The Infinite Snake's body trembled, and the radiance flowed, endowing the invisible snake with the concept and taking shape.

A well-behaved female Taoist boy wearing a jade crown and glass pupils stands in the chaos. The silver light of the Taoist robe is tattooed with time waves, which symbolizes the invisible way.

Jinxin is originally a female snake, who previously manifested a male form as a boy, and later ascended to the position of Shui De Xingjun, to maintain majesty in front of the gods and immortals, and has always manifested in a male form.

As the Dharma Body of the True Realm, it conceives the heavens and the world, formulates the infinite snake that balances yin and yang, and manifests the female form.

"Good boy." On the long river of time, a flat boat floated, and the river god stepped into reality from time, walked to Jinxin's side and touched his head with a smile, then took out a small jade ax from his Taoist robe and handed it over: "You You have been a teacher for many years, and there is no magic weapon to give you as a teacher."

"Now you are projecting into the Realm of the True Realm, gathering Dao fruits for Dongfeng, and guarding the balance and order, and you are considered a teacher."

"I will lend you this small ax for a period of time. It is considered a treasure of defense."

"Thank you, Master!" The girl Jinxin's eyes were shining like stars, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing her white canine teeth, which was very cute.Hold the small jade ax in your hand, and engrave the word "Truth" on the axe.

"Forget it, after all, I'm working for the poor monk." Dongfeng Tathagata pondered for a while, stretched out his hand into the long river of Buddhist luck, the long river is rolling and endless, and the golden lotus falls and turns into golden flowers, and the light rises to evolve into heaven and man , boundless light, boundless faith, boundless brilliance, arhats sing, bodhisattva praise, just like a world of bliss and long river.

In the monstrous and long river, in the center of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, there is a pool of merits and virtues of the eight treasures, which gathers the immeasurable merits and virtues of the Buddhist sects of this world, and three lotus flowers grow on the pool.

A ninth-rank black lotus, which destroys the demons, is the true body; a sixth-rank purple lotus, left by the emperor of heaven, the way of reincarnation; a third-rank white lotus, luck and virtue, the foundation of Buddhism.

The World Honored One took off the purple lotus, pinched the flower and smiled: "This thing contains reincarnation, and it is related to your infinite snake. The great way of reincarnation and infinite derivatives complement each other, and now I give it to you."

Sincerely bowed with joy: "Thank you, Teacher Dongfeng."

"Since you're after excitement, then follow through to the end." Dongyin Heidi said indifferently: "Our lineage, if you don't do it, you'll do it, and if you do it to the end. We must be kind to others on weekdays and form good karma."

"But once there is an enmity, it must be cut and rooted, and the bloodline of eighteen generations must be traced back. Whenever the subordinates are involved in cause and effect, they must be clearly and clearly arranged. Don't give the enemy any chance to affect reality."

"It's just that there is a chance of resurrection hidden at the end of endless time and space. You have to pull it out, fall to the ground and step on countless feet, so that he can never recover, and there is no chance for revenge."

Between the words, the Black Emperor of Dongyin blessed him: "I promise you that with your insightful eyes, under Pangu, all time and space, past, future, present, and countless timelines will not confuse your heart."

Jinxin bowed deeply: "Thank you, Teacher Dongyin."

What the river god gave was attack, what Tathagata gave was defense, and what the black emperor gave was hope.

"Be careful, how long will it take for the heavens to unite?"

"Reporting to the three teachers, it's the last moment!"

As the Infinity Snake turned and the universe roared, Zhang Chulan, the king of the world, announced on the high platform that the top three winners of the Martial Arts Conference were awarded, and awarded rewards.

"The Martial Dao Conference of the Friends of the Heavens has since come to an end. This conference was hand-picked by the Heavenly Court and held by all the heavens. Once it is confirmed, all living beings will remember it, and the Dao will last forever."

"Let us welcome the third runner-up of this year's Martial Arts Tournament with warm applause, the I multiverse team. As the saying goes, the emperor comes to my house every year, and Sun Wukong has finally become the emperor of heaven. Next, please speak on behalf of Monkey King Daoist, Emperor Qitian .”

Under the watchful eyes of countless sentient beings in the universe, Emperor Wukong stepped onto the high platform, wearing a golden crown and a golden robe, like a god-man.

"Ahem, joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random making up."

"Our universe can win the third place, just like my old grandson becoming the emperor of heaven, it's genuine."


"Damn!" The gods of the supreme prehistoric team below glared, what about fighting alone? !Legend has it that a bunch of him came out, and the Emperor of Heaven greeted Da Luotian directly, and let the three thousand Taoists end, and it was called the induction between the emperors of heaven. Pooh, it is really shameless.

Emperor Wukong looked indifferent, this is shameless, you have never seen the first generation of the other side who was the king of Dao.They can make you dizzy when they play, and you don't know who is the enemy and who is your own.

"Ahem, let's invite Emperor Wukong to receive the prize." The atmosphere was tense for a while, and Zhang Chulan was afraid that the first multiverse team would fight with the supreme prehistoric team, so she hurriedly announced that she had entered the award receiving session.

Emperor Wukong received a cosmic seed with a smile. Once it is derived, he can witness the prosperity and changes of the universe, which is helpful for comprehending Dao and fruit.

After letting Emperor Wukong go off the stage, Zhang Chulan said with great excitement: "Let us welcome the runner-up of this year's Martial Arts Tournament with warm applause. Can be defeated by us..."

"Here, I would like to thank the organizers of this conference, my father-in-law, the Black Emperor..."

In an instant, countless applause sounded, the heavens and myriad worlds are so real and lovely.

With waves of climax, the Martial Arts Conference draws to a close, Ye Fan's heart becomes more and more uneasy, and instinctively senses that the future is a vast abyss on a whim.

(End of this chapter)

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