Chapter 56 I will definitely help the field (one more)
The method of Linghe's message transmission is the ancestral kung fu of a strange man named Wei among the 24 heroes.

Relying on infuriating actions, each pass can only be three or four miles away.

Coupled with the wet weather and human activities, it is extremely easy to damage.

Often seen as a little trick and illusion, juggling is no different.

After Luo Feng learns, make improvements.

On the Linghe, three formations are depicted, the mission must be fulfilled, and there is no fear of fire and water.

When inputting the compressed version of True Qi, the speed is no less than that of ordinary flying swords.


Wudang Mountain.

From the words of Emperor Zhenwu: "No real martial arts is not enough"

There is Wudang School on Wudang Mountain, which is an important school of Taoism.It is "taking Wudang Mountain as the mountain, believing in Emperor Zhenwu, attaching great importance to the practice of inner alchemy, and being good at flying swords and talismans.

The characteristics of Wudang sect's exercises are strong muscles and bones, and luck.Emphasizes internal strength training, pays attention to restraint with stillness, overcomes rigidity with softness, overcomes long with shortness, beats fast with slowness, uses luck with mind, moves the body with qi, favors femininity, focuses on breathing, uses short hands, and Wudang exercises do not focus on attacking, However, it cannot be easily violated.Offenders stand up.

Among them, Taijiquan shakes the world.

The patriarch, Zhang Sanfeng, was a great Taoist master who opened up one orifice.

The titles of the past dynasties have continued to increase, from real people to real immortals, to real monarchs, and Tianzun.

From the Song Dynasty, to the Yuan Dynasty, and then to the Ming Dynasty, after three dynasties, it is the only one who has manifested the holy and true immortal in the past thousand years.

The ancestors who have such a fork on the back, the Wudang School has come out in great numbers in all dynasties.

It has always been a famous faction in the Inhuman world, and it has not fallen for nearly a thousand years.

Even the traitor Zhou Sheng, who is widely spread in all corners of the world, is reviled by everyone, but no one denies his talent as a warlock.

Qimen after the wind, the world's first warlock!

On this day, a paper spirit crane flew into the Wudang Stone Stele Realm.

A Taoist practicing Tai Chi, with light in his eyes, glanced slightly.

Ti Yunzong, the Wudang school of Qinggong stunts, created by Zhang Sanfeng, it pays attention to the lightness of the body and does not confuse the opponent with the change of footwork. ability.

The Taoist stood up immediately, stepped on his right foot with his left foot, and flew up a few hundred meters, grabbing Linghe Feixin.

Look at the double sword mark above Linghe.

The Taoist said in amazement, "A letter from the Demon Punishment Alliance."

A few years ago, Dongying invaded in a big way, and the secular world became a pot of porridge, and the world of foreigners could not be outdone, and various sects gathered.

Luo Feng and other 24 people are known as anti-Japanese heros in the alien world.

In the end, with Luo Feng as the head, the major sects sent disciples to form the Demon Slayer League.

Form a united front of aliens.

The Daoist did not dare to neglect the important matters of the family and the country, and immediately went to the headmaster hall with light work.

"Meet the real head teacher!"

The Taoist bowed.

Wudang headmaster sat in meditation, without moving the slightest bit, and said indifferently: "Elder Xu, what's the fuss about, how many times have you said it, Taoist attitude, Taoist attitude!"

Daoren Xu said solemnly, "The letter sent by the Demon Punishment Alliance bears the imprint of Zhenren Luo Feng."

Headmaster Wudang stood up suddenly, opened the letter, and after reviewing it, he laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

Xu Daoren was expressionless, and secretly complained in his heart, and also talked about his posture.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and they are still playing Liaozhai.

Among the brothers and sisters, you are the most irritable. I really don't know why Master let you be the head teacher.

However, Daoren Xu was also curious about what was written in the letter, he hesitated and asked, "But what happened to the battlefield."

Wudang headmaster Fuxu said with a smile: "It's a good thing, the foreigners from Dongying gathered together and prepared to plot against the real Luo Feng, but I never wanted to be seen by the real Luo Feng and find the trace."


Xu Daoren's eyes lit up and said: "Since Luo Feng started killing people, foreigners from all over the world have come lurking, acting secretly, and it's annoying. The major schools have been ridiculed over and over again, and they have long been on fire."

"Senior brother, make a decision."

The headmaster of Wudang pondered for a while and said: "This trip, many old practitioners should not go, and stay to teach the disciples."

"Eighty percent of the elders and deacons of each vein are dispatched, and the Wudang Zhenwu Seven Intercepting Arrays are dispatched thirty..."

"Zhenzhen Luo Feng is going to attack Ping'an County, we Wudang faction must help the field!"

"Respect the law!"


Sihan Tianshi Mansion is located in jx, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. It is the No. 15 cave and 32 blessed place of Taoism, with brilliant aura.

Zhang Tianshi's lineage, which has been passed down for thousands of years since then, is also a well-known sect in the world of aliens.

Master Gao Gong obtained Yin Wulei and Yang Wulei, and ordinary disciples practiced the Golden Light Mantra.

As for the Celestial Master, he practiced the legendary Five Thunder Dharma.

One-handed thunder can shock the world, slaughtering demons.

There are even more rumors that there is a secret method in Tianshimen called Tianshidu.Therefore, the secret law, the Tianshi Mansion of Longhu Mountain is vaguely the first of the right path!
Linghe flew into the mountain, and the gate of the house faces south, tall and wide, facing the river, with a majestic momentum.The middle of the courtyard in front of the gate is inlaid with the Eight Trigrams Tai Chi map.A pair of couplets holding a pillar on the gate of the mansion: "The celestial guest in the Qilin Temple, the prime minister's house in Longhu Mountain."

Flying to the mountain gate, the bell rang.

Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain narrowed his eyes slightly, and the golden light spell in one hand was so clever that it turned into a golden thread and flew from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, grabbing the letter.

Open for review.

Zhang Tianshi laughed loudly: "It's fun, it's fun, I have already had a good fight!"

Tian Jinzhong, who was standing aside, asked curiously, "What's the matter with Master..."

Zhang Tianshi said with a straight face: "It's time to fight against Dongying Yiren."

"Instructed to go down, the real people of each mountain prepare, and the disciples who have practiced the Golden Light Mantra for more than ten years are allowed to go down the mountain."

"Zhiwei, you can arrange this matter."

Standing on one side, Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists and saluted, "Disciple obeys!"

What Master means by this is that he wants to train himself to be the next generation of Celestial Masters.

But, I'm not the best fit...

"You all go down too, Jinzhong stay."

Zhang Tianshi stood for a while, thought about it, and waved his hand.

Many Taoists left, only Tian Jinzhong stayed.

Tian Jin said, "Master, why do you keep me here?"

Zhang Tianshi looked at his disciple, stayed on Tian Jinzhong's red eyes for a few seconds, sighed and said, "Jinzhong, how long have you not slept."

Tian Jinzhong's body trembled, and he said slowly: "Master has asked, the disciple dare not hide it, it has been six years."

Zhang Tianshi sighed: "In a few days, you can go down the mountain with me. It's time for a good night's sleep."

Tian Jinzhong suddenly raised his head and said a little excitedly, "What does Master mean?!"

Zhang Tianshi changed his words and said: "It has been several generations since the ancestor Tianshi preached."

Tian Jinzhong straightened his face and said, "It has been 64 generations since the ancestor Tianshi passed down to the master."

Zhang Tianshi nodded and said solemnly: "You know, my Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, passed down from generation to generation, keeps incense, what is it?"

Tian Jinzhong thought about it for a while, and asked tentatively, "Maintain the right path and look magnificent?!"

"Guarding the calf!"

Zhang Tianshi flicked his robes, turned and left
"Disciple, respect your teacher's orders!"

Tian Jinzhong shouted loudly, his expression was excited, and his voice resounded through the sky.


Songshan, Shaolin Temple

Maoshan, Shangqing School

Xiangxi, the corpse family


[Anyone, someone squeaked]

(End of this chapter)

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