Chapter 564

In the branch of Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, Dongfeng Wangfo preached the scriptures, and suddenly held up a flower to show the crowd, with a peaceful mind, but he didn't say a word.The three thousand disciples listening to the Dharma looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand.

Only the fourth Demon Ancestor, the Immortal Emperor of Darkness, who accompanied him at the end, smiled thoughtfully.

The king of Dongfeng smiled and said, "Although you are a demon king, you are a good man. Reality has no appearance, and your heart and heart are connected."

A little light is conceived, and Bodhicitta sprouts at the beginning.

The Immortal Emperor has attained Taiyi, the only one in all worlds, the Fourth Devil Ancestor is enlightened, the Emperor Bone himself, the dark Immortal Emperor suddenly has light in his heart and penetrates his true nature.

It is a joyous occasion for a statue of Taiyi to get rid of the darkness for the first time. This is a joyful occasion of praise from the heavens. Even the mother of all Buddhas, Manjushri Bodhisattva and Zhunti Buddha Mother dedicated herself to praise and give her own blessings.

Dongfeng Wangfo took this opportunity to inquire about a Buddhist koan. In the past, Xuanming Tiandi once asked Taishang Daode Tianzun when he was consummated.

The answer given by Yishi Diversified Daode Tianzun is that Duobao Tathagata is just an escrow.

What is the answer to the two supreme Zhunti Buddhist mothers in the world? !
"What is the relationship between Duobao Tathagata and Sakyamuni?"

Zhunti Buddha's mother pondered for a long time, and finally gave an answer: "There is no Buddha in Lingshan."

In an instant, the three thousand disciples who listened to the scriptures almost collapsed and reincarnated.

"Sure enough." Dongfeng Wangfo sighed slightly: "A Buddha is an enlightened person. What is an enlightened person? Self-awareness, awareness of him, and complete enlightenment. A Buddha is a person who is free from troubles and is pure and at ease."

"When you step into the Lingshan Mountain, you will become a god, a Tathagata Buddha that all living beings worship and all Buddhas praise."

"Duobao Tathagata is the Tathagata Buddha, Shakyamuni did not want to be the Tathagata Buddha."

"Why do you need to enter Lingshan to become a Buddha? All living beings are Tathagatas."

Zhunti Buddha Mother nodded and said nothing. Sakyamuni chose to become an enlightened one. He was betrayed by his disciples, refuted by the six heretics, and expelled by Brahmans. Sakyamuni, who saved the country three times and was finally destroyed by foreign soldiers, is not Lingshan The undefeated Tathagata Buddha.

Sakyamuni turned into Buddha nature and hid it in the hearts of all living beings, hoping that all living beings will attain Buddhahood and escape from the sea of ​​suffering. This is his great compassion and great perseverance.

Manjusri Bodhisattva Zhunti Buddha and the leading Buddha Amitabha cannot choose this way. Buddhism is their foundation and Buddhism is one of their ambitions. They can ignore it, but they can't live without it.

If Sakyamuni is the founder of the Buddhist company, Zhunti and Jieyin are the directors behind the scenes, and Duobao Rulai is the CEO, chief executive officer, and chief executive officer.

Daomen, Huoyun Cave, Heavenly Court, and various forces cross-holding shares have shaped the complex pattern of the Buddhist Daleiyin Temple.

The struggle at Lingshan Company even affected the branch of Dongfeng Wangfo.

Thousands of words can only be turned into one: "Amitabha."

In an instant, the immeasurable life and the immeasurable light hole pierced the ten directions, piercing the darkness and illuminating the soul. It can't clean up the Buddhas in Lingshan, and it can't clean up your little darkness.

In the chaos of ancient time and space, before the temple, Emperor Dizhen muttered: "Yes, I am Dizhen, and Dizhen is me."

He is the first emperor who created the world.A body with a cultivation base that surpasses the ancients and the present, and opened up the heavenly court. In the process of breaking through the immortal emperor, he was conspired by more than two immortal emperors from the strange source. He was blackened by the strange black blood pollution and split into two bodies, light and darkness. The body is also the source of apparent darkness and trouble.

Immortal Emperor Corpse, Immortal Emperor Darkness, are all contemptuous names for him.

He rose in the most turbulent era, with the world in mind, conquered all places, quelled chaos and strangeness, sheltered all races, walked to the end of an evolutionary path, became the supreme power, and ruled the heavens.

His real name is Dizhen, he is a godless person who protects the common people and fills the darkness with his body!
A glimmer of light emerges spontaneously.

Luo Tianyi smiled and asked, "Dizhen Immortal Emperor, do you still want to take revenge?"

Immortal Emperor Dizhen, who had initially gotten rid of the darkness, fell silent, and said slowly for a long time: "According to the logic, I should thank him, but when I think of Emperor Huangtian's face, my hands itch and I can't help it!"

"Then let's go." Luo Tianyi radiated light, illuminating the road ahead, and guiding Immortal Emperor Dizhen to the final destination.

Shicun is located in the Cangmang Mountains, surrounded by high peaks and ravines, and the vast mountains are towering.

In the early morning, the glow of the morning glow shines down like pieces of gold, bathing people in warmth.

The villagers got up in twos and threes and started a busy day. Some were in a hurry to hunt, some began to exercise, some began to take a medicinal bath... Among the group of dark male teenagers, another milk boy stood out.

The little one is very white, tender and beautiful, with big eyes rolling black and white, the whole figure is like a white porcelain doll, holding a bowl of animal milk in his hand, with some milk stains on the corner of his mouth, it looks very cute.

The old man in the village who was absorbing the essence of heaven and earth smiled cheerfully when he saw this, and sent the little one to play at the entrance of the village because he was too young to practice.

"Understood, Grandpa..." Xiaobudian stepped up with little radish legs, took the milk bowl and ran to the village entrance to scoop milk with a wooden spoon under the withered willow tree, squinting his eyes to eat deliciously.

Suddenly, a man and a woman came from a distance. The man was handsome but dark, and the woman was slim and graceful, like a water fairy.

"Where is he?" the man asked.

The woman pointed to the little one and said: "It's him, here, knocking over his bottle, isn't it just because you made him cry?"

At first Xiao Budian was curious about the origin of the two of them. After all, there were very few outsiders in the village, but when he heard that his milk bottle was about to be knocked over, he burst into tears, crying very loudly.

"Yeah, yay, patriarch grandpa, patriarch grandpa, someone is robbing me of milk!"

Although Shicun is small, it is very united. The little one is very cute and even the favorite of the village. In an instant, a group of people flocked to the village. The seven uncles and eight aunts were all present, watching the two visitors with cold eyes.

Discussions came from the crowd from time to time: "How old is he, and he still grabs the baby's food."

"Hey, o(*////▽////*)q is ashamed."


Immortal Emperor Dizhen's face turns blue and red for a while, will he be reduced to the point of grabbing milk from the baby boy? !

At this moment, he wanted to yell very much, obviously I was the victim, okay?

The patriarch Shi Yunfeng also rushed over quickly, looked at the little boy Shi Hao, and then at the two outsiders in simple and gorgeous costumes, seemed to remember something, and asked vigilantly: "Where did you two come from, and what are you doing?"

Luo Tianyi looked at Immortal Emperor Dizhen, who was silent and attacked a baby boy. If it got out, the Immortal Emperor from the dark side would laugh to death.

The Immortal Emperor is arrogant.

Luo Tianyi understood, and smiled calmly: "The village chief doesn't need to be nervous, we are members of Tianting Co., Ltd., and we came here to ask him to shoot animal milk commercials."

Looking at the little one like a white porcelain doll, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng's heart tightened, and he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Are you looking for Shi Ritian? What is the advertisement?!"

(End of this chapter)

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