All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 60 The battle is in progress

Chapter 60 The battle is in progress (two more)

Standing up, he glanced at Dongying Yiren who was monitoring in the dark.

Luo Feng shook his head and sighed, this year's spies can't do it.

In this way, even the reincarnated living Buddha monk among the 24 heroes can't compare.

In the daytime, wearing night clothes, alas, must be integrated with the environment, so that it can be hidden, do you know it!

Also, when I go out, I still carry a Dongying sachet.

I could smell it from a mile away, the scent of cherry blossoms.

As for other big and small defects, Luo Feng doesn't want to mention it.


Everything went according to the script of the Umekawa tape.

This is that everything is going too smoothly, everything seems to be going along, his mind is progressing.

Meichuan Eve of the Meichuan family asked with concern: "Brother, what's the matter with you."

Mei Chuan pointed to the image in the water mirror, and said worriedly: "I always feel that things are going too smoothly."

Meichuan Eve glanced at it, and there was no surprise.

Luo Feng entered the city all the way, and all the aliens were beaten and retreated.

"Brother, why are you thinking too much, it's normal now."

Listening to the conversation at Dongying Base Camp, Luo Feng withdrew one spiritual sense, put down two more spiritual senses, and nodded.

Yes, everything is in your plan.

You are resourceful, and your city is very deep, and no one can see through your plans!

You think too much, Meichuan Scallop!
On the opposite side, Dongying Yiren, who has been retreating steadily, is so miserable that he wants to cry but has no tears.

Their souls are crying frantically: "Flax drop!"

But the body was uncontrollably fighting against Luo Feng.

Every move, every move, has a firm eye, like a puppet being manipulated.

Suddenly, a group of Dongying aliens rushed out again in the distance, obviously to support.

With a knife in his hand, no matter what, he will start a killing spree.

Looking at the dilapidated streets and the people fleeing everywhere, Luo Feng frowned and sighed slightly.

So, with an excited expression on the surface, he shouted: "Die!"

In fact, there are hundreds of zhenqi like silk threads, entwining the new Dongying Yiren.

I saw the Eastern Ying Yi people who were supporting them.

Avoiding the fleeing people, with a ferocious face and a panicked expression, he slaughtered at Luo Feng with a weapon in hand.

In the Dongying base camp, Mei Chuan took a look at the different people from Dongying who went one after the other, desperate for their own lives, thought for a while, and said after a while: "It seems that I think too much.

"For the great cause of the empire, use your life to deceive that Demon King!"

"It can be seen that they are all loyal warriors, who can serve the empire and serve His Majesty the Emperor, and their bravery is commendable."

"After this battle, I will go back to the empire and give them credit."

He slammed out a palm and used a little strength to kill the Dongying Yiren in front of him.

Luo Feng stood there, pretending to laugh and said, "Who else!"

Immediately afterwards, he manipulated the body of the opposite Toyoichi, and shouted the Japanese to retreat.

A group of Eastern Ying Yiren quickly fled to the rear.

The target is the place of traps that Meichuan Shui prepared for Luo Feng.

There was a trace of anger on Luo Feng's face, and he shouted: "Where is the thief going?"

Then, he chased after him.

One chase, one escape.

Steady progress.

People have to sigh, it is really a wonderful battle that is evenly matched, hard-to-get
Seeing that Luo Feng stepped into the trap as he expected.

Mei Chuan's face was overjoyed, ignoring what went too smoothly, and shouted, "Go!"

The order was passed to the four directions, and the Dongying Yiren in the city moved.

In the base camp of Dongying, 36 spirits, one dissipated

There was a smile on Luo Feng's mouth, and the fish was hooked.


The strangers walking around, a word rang in their ears.

Yesterday, the aliens from all sects and factions who had infiltrated the city by pretending to be ordinary people quickly began to act.

Every alien is followed by a divine sense.

At this moment, it is like a chicken-eating game.

Every alien is a player, and the divine sense is a blue hole plug-in, opening the perspective of God.

And Luo Feng hid the explosives, black dog blood, hidden everywhere in the city, all boxes.

Different people from various factions have to do things like licking bags, bombing formations, and destroying layouts.

The aliens from Eastern Ying and the aliens from various factions started to fight.


Most of the Eastern Ying Yiren were at a disadvantage and were pressed and beaten by the Huaxia Yiren.

It's not that Dongying Yiren is too weak, and not all Huaxia Yiren are geniuses.

It was Huaxia Yiren, who hung up.

Everyone has a spiritual sense, and no doubt everyone has their grandfather's instructions.

Open and hang for a while, cool for a while, open and hang all the time
at the same time.

The square where Luo Feng was located was even more pouring rain.

The rain like a waterfall wet Luo Feng's robe.

The ink faded, the talisman paper was soaked, and the five-layer talisman bodyguard failed.

Luo Feng was slightly surprised and looked up at the sky.

It looks like you've done your homework!
This wave works well!
learned, learned.

He still has flaws.

Be sure to pay attention to this in the future.

In addition, the material of the talisman has to be changed.

Bricks are fine.

Another day, get a few Wulei Zhensha bricks to play with.

Thoughts turn.

Hundreds of foreigners from Dongying came to kill Luo Feng, some with sniper rifles.

"The road is pretty wild"

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "However, I won't play with you anymore."

With a single point of his finger, ten thousand golden rays of light shot out, piercing through the death point of Dongying Yiren.

The strength is too weak, the three flowers are not used, and the golden body is too lazy to open.

Directly kill with Golden Light Spell.

Through the water mirror, the face of Meichuan Shui, who observed this place, changed dramatically, although he had heard rumors of Luo Feng.

But when you really face it, you will understand the horror of Luo Feng!
This is no longer human!
"Only ghosts and gods can kill ghosts and gods!"

Mei Chuan Shui murmured with lingering fears
Be fortunate to yourself and take the method of summoning the Orochi, instead of playing yourself without believing in evil.


After a while, loud noises sounded all over Ping'an County, one after another, non-stop.

Eastern Yingyiren's base camp was also affected.

Eve Meichuan's expression changed suddenly, and the seal was immediately formed, and more than ten water mirrors appeared around.

In the water mirror, there was a scene where the formation was destroyed and the building exploded.

"Brother, what should I do?!" Eve Meichuan said anxiously
Dongying Yiren, who was left behind in the base camp, also changed his face wildly, and he couldn't summon ghosts and gods!

Then who will deal with it, the ghosts and gods in the water mirror!
"What the hell is going on, you ask me, who do I ask!!!"

Meichuan Daizi was stunned, but he didn't panic.

As a wily old fox, he was well prepared.

Showing that he was as stable as an old dog, Mei Chuan waved his hand and laughed loudly: "I had expected this!"

"This general is resourceful and wise like the sea, don't panic about trivial matters"

"A few days ago, the underdrain water channel I ordered you to dig is a backup plan."

"Pass on my life, let the adults in the gossip direction manually blood sacrifice!"

"Hey, obey!"

The aliens in the camp nodded and were about to go on a mission.

Suddenly, a Dongying Yiren ran in and said with a panicked expression: "Sir, there is something wrong with Fujiwara-sama. While drinking tea, he was suddenly struck to death by countless thunders."


To the east of the city, in Longhu Mountain, Zhang Tianshi held Ti Lei in the palm of his hand, like a god-man coming into the world.

Looking at the top foreigner from Dongying who was slashed to death by Wu Lei Zhengfa in the distance, Zhang Tianshi stroked his beard and smiled.

This is the normal world, the old man is still the top of the mountain in the world of aliens.

I abused the food for a while, it was cool for a while, and I abused the food all the time, and it was always cool.

With a flick of the robe, golden light splashed around, turning into a thousand golden knives, cutting off the ropes that bound thousands of people.

"Thank you, old fairy, for saving your life!"

"Thank you, Lord, for saving your life!"


"Sir, Master He is entangled by an old Taoist and can't walk away!"

"Sir, Lord Tianshan is fighting with three or four Huaxia aliens, and we can't get involved at all..."

The announcement made Mei Chuan's face darker and darker!

(End of this chapter)

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