All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 606 Daluo Psychiatrist

Chapter 606 Daluo Psychiatrist
In the Dharma-ending era, abducting Buddhist disciples into the MLM organization of the Demonic Dao was originally the job of the Demonic Ancestor.

Helplessly, the Demon Ancestor took too many blames, was wronged and humiliated, and before the Buddhist sect got his hands on it, he was directly imprisoned and returned to the ruins.

Ever since the first Demon Ancestor was sealed and returned to the ruins, the Ancestor Styx took over the Demon Sect's Shit Stirring Stick and became the Second Demon Ancestor.

Different from the straight-forward approach of the first Demon Ancestor, the two parties were familiar with their business and fought back and forth, but the Second Demon Ancestor was full of insidious tricks and did dishonest deeds.

If the first demon ancestor is a pure demon, the second demon ancestor is an evil demon, with the word "xie" in front and the word "mo" in the back.

The evil one is the most insidious.

The Buddha is a self-conscious person, ordinary means are useless, and the Buddha needs to be disintegrated internally, and let his expected disciples kill the Buddha. This is the best way.

Facing the killing intent of the ancestor of the evil spirit Minghe, Medicine Master Buddha said indifferently: "My Buddha's disciple has fallen into the evil way, and the poor monk will heal himself."

Patriarch Minghe pretended to be enlightened, looked up and laughed loudly, "Almost forgot your honorary name Medicine Master."

"Among mortals, those who are familiar with the combination of yin and yang in pharmacology can be called miracle doctors. Immortals have created thousands of things to manage yin and yang, and one vitality can cure all diseases. They can be called fairy doctors."

"Above all immortals, you can only be a pharmacist if you cure Daluo's loss of self. That's why Emperor Wa entrusted the Lingzhu to you to raise."

Medicine Master Buddha said without sadness or joy: "It's just a fluke to heal a benefactor. If the ancestor loses me in the future, he can also ask a poor monk to heal him."

Old Ancestor Minghe counted on his fingers: "You are a psychiatrist in the Daluo Center, a guiding light in the Shami... But, if, but, maybe..."

After dawdling for a long time, Patriarch Minghe suddenly said coldly: "What if one day, your Medicine Buddha himself gets sick?"

"Doctors don't heal themselves!"

The probability of the psychiatrist getting sick is indeed not low, and with the Ancestor Styx making trouble on the side, maybe one day the pharmacist will really get sick

Medicine Master Buddha was fearless, and made a sign with his seal: "If the temple is not here, the monk is here; if the monk is not here, the scriptures are here; if the scriptures are not here, the Buddha is here; if the Buddha is not here, the Dharma is here; if the Dharma is not here, the Buddha is here."

"Why ask for a pharmacist, everyone is a pharmacist. I save him, he saves me."

In the past, the world of ten directions, the world of aliens; the nodes of infinite time and space, the resonance of the old monk.

After eradicating Yamata no Orochi, the Thirty Schools deployed doctors and administered medicine with a clear conscience.An old wild fox monk who does not read scriptures and does not make Buddha statues sits down before he is transformed. He recalls his life, verifies his soul, and feels something in his heart. He recites the name of Medicine Master King Buddha, and he gets a glimpse of inspiration, which is guided by boundless light, and he ascends to the pure land of oriental glass.

At this time, the eastern world is shining brightly. The immeasurable pure Buddha and the immeasurable free sages all looked at Patriarch Minghe.

"Good! Good! Good! You have a lot of people in Buddhism, and now the ancestor can't afford to provoke you." The ancestor Minghe is weird and changeable. He was still gloomy one second, and laughed heartily in the next second: "Pharmacist, let's fight!" It's a gamble to see whether the sentient beings in the future era will have more Buddha-nature or more demon-nature."

"No gambling!" Medicine Buddha resolutely said

Patriarch Minghe raised his head in surprise, and looked him over: "You really must be a pharmacist? Isn't Buddhism the most important thing about compassion?"

Medicine Buddha smiled indifferently: "The business is different. This is the work of the future Star Buddha. At that time, the future Buddha will come to suppress the ancestors, and then open the Dharma in the Dharma-ending era."

Ancestor Minghe changed his mind and realized in an instant that after the Conferred God Calamity, Buddhism will soon become a sub-base of Taoism. Medicine Buddha has done his job well, and he has a great compassion. If he spread the Dharma everywhere, he would exceed his authority. Propaganda is not only to provoke other Buddhas, but also to support the enemy's Taoism.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Minghe looked to the west, and said in a strange way: "Since the business is different, let's not talk about it. Come, let's talk about your son Lingzhu's worship at the Taoist sect."

"The Golden Immortal of Interpretation and Teaching once joined Buddhism, and now the oriental leader of Buddhism will also turn into a Taoist Tianzun."

"The ancestor is really messing around." Pharmacist Wang Fo sighed helplessly, this topic cannot be continued.

If it continues, even if he is a loyal pharmacist, if he falls into the mouth of the Styx River, he will become a second-five boy who lives in Buddhism and has a heart for Sanqing, and if the yellow mud falls into his crotch, it will be shit or shit.

Although he is also a leader-level figure and stands in the Taiyi domain, the innate aura of the pharmacist is only [-] lights, which symbolizes the [-] methods of the sect, and there is still a distance from the [-] Taoism of the ancestor Minghe.

Unless another leader-level person is invited, such as the leader of the burning lamp and fixed light, the leader of Maitreya Constellation, the leader of Sakyamuni, the leader of the Western Paradise Pure Land...

One leader can only protect himself, two leaders can check and balance Styx, and three leaders can suppress the second patriarch of the evil way.

Medicine Master Buddha knew that it was no way to tear it down any longer, so he simply meditated in emptiness, and Nirvana passed away, leaving only one relic hovering in the void, blooming the light of relic, and there were 42 white rainbows in the sky, connecting the north and the south.

"Bah! I hate you bald donkeys the most!"

Patriarch Minghe said contemptuously, but he didn't touch Medicine Buddha's relic.

Not only because of the Buddha's Nirvana, which symbolizes great wishes and great merits, promotes the progress of heaven in the dark, and is favored by the universe.

It is also because of the place where the Medicine Buddha relic went.

The power of samsara was guided one after another, and the destiny was conceived and born, so that the aura of Medicine Buddha was born in the residence of the Lord of Chentangguan in the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

"Emperor Wa, Houtu."

Styx shuddered when he recalled a certain goddess who was used to windmills with a snake tail in the ancient times.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, the ancestor doesn't want to be beaten.

Letting the relics go away through the air, Patriarch Minghe sat down and continued fishing, concentrating on nothing else.

Whether it is Medicine Buddha, Fengshen Jie, Pantaoyuan, Yunzhongjun, or Dongyin Water Official, none of them can attract the attention of the ancestors. Fishing is more important than anything else.

At this moment, there are still 800 years before the God Conferment and the Tribulation, and there are still 500 years before the Peach Festival.

The aura of catastrophe is rising, the murderous intentions are chaotic, and the universe is in an inexplicable emotion. Only the Daluo Dojo can offset this buff, but as soon as you leave the dojo, you will enter the catastrophe.

The most famous place to avoid robbery in the East China Sea belongs to the ten states and three islands. Many immortals with connections and backgrounds got the news in advance and entered the ten states and three islands to clean up and avoid calamity.

In this way, the workload of Daojun Yiyuan and his party has also increased. After going through Zuzhou, Yingzhou, Jukuzhou, Xuanzhou, Yanzhou, Changzhou, Yuanzhou, Liuzhou, Shengzhou, Fenglinzhou, Visited no less than 30 Da Luo.

There was no trace of Tianzun, and finally learned from a unicorn master in Fenglinzhou that Dongyin water official is now a guest at Biyou Palace on Penglai Island.

It is the dojo of Tongtian Jiaozhu, one of the incarnations of Lingbao Tianzun's account.

Daojun Yiyuan and his party hurried to Penglai, this time a fairy boy greeted them outside the door.

The four of them looked at each other and couldn't help smiling, they came to the right place this time.

(End of this chapter)

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