All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 608 Xuanming Zhenwu Jue Immortal Sword

Chapter 608 Xuanming Zhenwu Jue Immortal Sword

Although there are many Taiyi Daluos, there are few who can be trusted. Buddhism and Taoism will annex the Jiuge God Department is the third choice. If you choose the five-color human god, the Jiuge God Department must reincarnate in the human race. This is the second choice.

Originally, the object entrusted by the Taiyi God was Cangli's spouse, Mrs. Ziguang, who was also his teacher's wife. The starry sky was vast, and the Nine Songs God Line could not compete for hegemony in the prehistoric world, but could also make great achievements in the sea of ​​stars. This is a conservative pattern.

But he didn't want Luo Feng to be born out of nowhere, proving the way would be too easy.

That is, Madam Ziguang's registered disciple, who can be related to the Zhoutian Star God, and is born in the human race, so he will have a place in the prosperous age of the human race in the future.

Right time, right place, right people.

Without any suspense, Taiyi made an exception and promoted Dong to sue Sikong.

This is the benevolence and virtue of the Emperor of Heaven to the world, the love for his direct subordinates, and the layout for himself to leave the prehistoric world.

Emperor Taitian's golden words cannot be tampered with.

Si Kong Zheng dressed in winter, came out and bowed: "Thank you, the Emperor of Heaven is merciful."

Emperor Taitian promoted Dongju Sikong as Taibao with a word, and the power of feedback flowed downstream, establishing the current node of time and space.

In the era when Taiyi lost his position, Taibao Luofeng was the temporary boss of the Jiuge God Department, and at the same time shouldered the responsibility of protecting the Jiuge God Department.

Emperor Dongyin, Lord Tongtian, Lord Yunzhong, Da Si Ming, and Shao Si Ming have a clear heart, and they all know what happened, and there is a tacit understanding of the same thing.

Only Daoist Yiyuan looked confused, where am I, what am I doing, and what happened.

Why did Yun Zhongjun know the teacher, and why did I come here.

"Yiyuan, you are from the system, you should be most familiar with the way of trading." Dongyin Emperor Luofeng smiled slightly: "You are willing to worship me as a teacher."

No matter how confused, the purpose of Daoist Yiyuan entering Honghuang is to repay the favor and repay the cause and effect.But after seeing the arrogant posture of Moyan, the ancestor of Styx, he realized that the water in Honghuang was dark and deep, and there was no background that he couldn't get along with. Daoist Yiyuan had the idea of ​​finding a backer.

Luo Feng took the initiative to mention, how could Taoist Yiyuan be unwilling, and immediately bowed: "The disciple pays respects to the teacher."

Luo Feng stretched out his hand towards Yiyuan Daojun, and Daojun stood on the side of the cloud bed, and the Taoist robe on his body also changed into a black robe with cloud patterns, the corners of the clothes were flowing with the sky, the cuffs were filled with waves, and the stars and the Big Dipper were on his back. .

Looking at his disciples, Dongyin Emperor Luofeng said with a smile: "All the gifts of fate have already been priced in secret."

"Since you became a Daoist monarch, you have been regarded as a member of our sect, so fate has attracted you, and your breath has been implicated, causing many troubles."

"One drink and one peck is the number of days. If it is not God's will, you will not meet Yun Zhongjun, you will not meet the ancestor of Minghe, and you will not be able to go to the Biyou Palace on Penglai Island."

Daoist Yiyuan tasted it carefully, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Is this the way of thinking of Da Luo? Although I have proved the Tao of Taiyi, I still look at things with the eyes of ordinary people."

Master Tongtian sneered: "No."

Daoist Yiyuan looked over curiously, wanting to hear what this incarnation of the supernatant had to say.

"Although our Da Luo reverses cause and effect and reverses time and space, we also pay attention to how things will come to fruition." Master Tongtian said disapprovingly: "If you use the normal channel, you should be the first to be the Shui Bo, enter the Jiuge God Department, and cultivate feelings for hundreds of millions of years. That way you’re not an outsider.”

"You can also justifiably accept the Nine Songs Divine System. With this calculation, Emperor Dongyin is still too anxious and too rude."

Daoist Yiyuan was startled, and looked back at Da Si Ming, Shao Siming and Yun Zhongjun, all three gods were silent and acquiesced.

According to their plan, after visiting the thatched cottage three times, Luo Feng should be invited to be He Bo, and then go back in time and space as He Bo, let Dong sue Sikong, and finally be promoted to Taibao, instead of being as simple and rude as he is now.

Dongyin Emperor Luofeng sighed slightly: "Fellow Tongtian Daoist said it lightly. The teacher has a great career, and the leader is the Lingbao Tianzun behind him. He doesn't understand the difficulties of us small retail teachers."

"If you don't worry a little bit, the God Conferred Tribulation will be over soon, not to mention the Dao of Creation, there will be no chance to pluck the wool."

Master Tongtian shook his head, and did not follow Luo Feng's words, but said bluntly: "Fellow Daoist sent me the twin swords of Patriarch Styx, and I also borrowed the dojo for you to accept disciples and recruit people."

"The cause and effect are offset, so the two are cleared."

With that said, he was about to pick up a cup of tea.

"No hurry, no hurry." Dongyin Emperor Luofeng said with a smile: "Pindao also wants to discuss another business with Tianzun."

Master Tongtian put down his teacup and said calmly, "Please tell me."

Luofeng, the emperor of Dongyin, beat the void, stroked his palms and sang: "It's not copper, iron or steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru; if you don't use yin and yang to make it upside down, how can there be no water and fire to temper the sharpness? Killing immortals, killing immortals, trapping immortals everywhere Red light; Juexian's changes are infinitely wonderful, Daluo's clothes are stained with blood."

"Qingping sword is sharp, unparalleled in killing, cleansing the heavens and gaining great freedom, so it is natural for the Qingping sword of Tongtian Daoist to be in charge. It can be said to kill immortals."

"Born in Yuan Tu's blood sea, it is the most filthy existence. It inherits the innate killing. Even if the glazed Buddha's body and pure Yang Dao body are hit by a sword, it will also kill the body. It can be called killing immortals."

"Abi means infinity, that is, there is no interruption in pain. No matter how the holy Buddha struggles, there is no hope of escape from hell. Such an artistic conception. It can be called a trap."

"Three swords come out at the same time, but there is still one Absolute Immortal Sword."

"Pindao has a Xuanming True Martial Sword, which conceives the meaning of ending freezing. It can annihilate the vitality of good fortune. It is worthy of the word "jue". It can be borrowed from fellow Taoists.",

A three-foot-three-inch long black jade fairy sword is suspended in the void, with turtles and snakes hovering above it, and traces of mystery and frozen ancestral energy wander around, interpreting a dead world.

When the universe entered the ruins, first the Lingbao Tianzun set off a catastrophe; Xuanming came to the world and froze the universe; null.

The demon ancestor was sealed and returned to the ruins, and now Styx is in charge, and Abi Yuantu has also become a spiritual treasure that symbolizes the demon ancestor and the way of the devil.

Now Qingping, Abi, Yuantu, Zhenwu, and the four swords are merged, which secretly coincides with the death of the universe and the end of all things.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian are the four ultimate avenues of innate.

As the leader of Jiejiao, he is also the patriarch of kendo.

Master Tongtian took a look, a trace of amazement flashed in his pupils, he couldn't help holding onto the handle of the Zhenwu sword, and praised: "What a Xuanming Zhenwu sword, what a Juexian sword, it's really good."

"Emperor Dongyin, what are you going to give in exchange?"

For a moment, Daoist Yiyuan was confused again. It is obvious that the teacher lent the Lingbao to the master of Tongtian, why did the master of Tongtian ask for something from the teacher instead? !
Seeing the smiling and silent looks of the three friends around him, Daoist Yiyuan held back his doubts. Although he is Mengxin, he cannot reveal that he is Mengxin, otherwise others will think he is Mengxin.

(End of this chapter)

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