All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 615 Marshal Fusang Thunder Skin

Chapter 615 Fuso Thunder Skin Marshal (13)

Faced with the lack of talent and technology in Heavenly Court, and the fact that he has no way to advance, many thunder gods sighed in unison: "Who said it wasn't?!"

Earth immortals comprehend space, take one step, and reach the end of the world; heavenly immortals understand time, jump out of the long river, get rid of the shackles of life, and never die;
The celestial beings who live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and live the same age as the sun and the moon, are already the limit that ordinary creatures in the prehistoric world can reach.

Further up, the mysterious and mysterious, summing up time, space and matter, the trinity of immortal golden immortals, is no longer a realm that ordinary creatures can touch.

The heavenly immortals have accumulated 64 billion years, and finally comprehended a trace of the Dao and touched the threshold of the Trinity. As a result, when the calamity came, they were involved in the calamity, the cause and effect were settled, the Dao disappeared, and hundreds of millions of years of hard work turned into ashes.

The gods of thunder are not disciples of the three religions, and they are willing to go to heaven to be gods. On the one hand, they want to accumulate merits and virtues, offset the cause and effect, and avoid getting involved in the calamity of their own families.

Thunder is the cardinal of yin and yang, commanding the root of all things.Therefore, without thunder, there is no way to dominate the three realms.It is the kind that is based on the thunder, and it is the group of products that come out of ten thousand kinds.It is the chance of life and death at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.At the beginning of the universe, there was a temporary eruption due to the intersection of yin and yang, which is also the function of thunder, so thunder appears everywhere
Therefore, the Dao of Thunder is also the Dao of Life and Death, the Dao of Doom, the Dao of Destruction, and the Dao of Killing...

But who would have thought that the sky is also in a downturn, there are countless earth immortals, heavenly soldiers and generals, and heavenly marshals and real people are everywhere, but there are very few golden immortals with great powers.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of talents in Tianting, there is no way to do it, and the market is in short supply, so Tianzun also speaks according to the situation.The situation of the gods of thunder has just changed from waiting hard for one calamity to waiting for several calamities while working part-time.

The most painful thing in the world is not despair, but a ray of light on the horizon, which is beyond reach.

"The situation will change in the future." Dongfeng Leishen comforted

A few thunder gods waved their hands nonchalantly and said, "We have tens of thousands of Yuanhui in the sky, and seeing that a calamity is almost over, what will change."

"Come, come, the queen mother is hosting a banquet today, don't talk about those unhappy things, drink, drink."

Xixi Leijun took a sip of the fine nectar and jade dew, sighed and said: "Drink, drink, I only sigh that when I became a fairy, I was a thunder fairy, if it was a water fairy."

"If you make great achievements again, you may not be able to enjoy a top-grade flat peach. With the help of the innate Renshui flat peach tree, you can have a glimpse of the golden fairy road."

Lei Jun of the North sneered when he heard the words, rolled his eyes and said: "Brother, this is not greedy enough to swallow an elephant."

"Why don't you say that you are worshiping under Shui De Xingjun's old man's family? Today, the water luck in the family is strong. The former Shui De Xing Jun has been certified as Da Luo, and he has transcended invincibility. He is the Black Emperor Cave Yin. The current Shui De Xing Jun is also a golden fairy. Great Sage."

"If you worship under Bai Jinzhenjun's sect, then you will be an undeniable golden immortal. When you become the Daluo Tianzun one day, don't forget to support and support me when you return to the head."

Lei Jun of the North ridiculed for a while, causing many thunder gods to roar with laughter.

Mr. Xixi Lei let out a snort, waved his robe and scolded with a smile: "Go, go, just make fun of me. Today, Pantao will not care about you!"

All the gods of thunder were frolicking, but only Dongfeng Leishen looked melancholy. How could Jin Xian, who was in a state where he would be killed as soon as he went out, could do it.As an immortal, he always carried an innate spirit treasure to strengthen his courage when he went out.

This Leibu is too careless.

While pushing cups and changing glasses, Daming Bodhisattva came to the seat of Thunder God, folded his palms together and asked with a smile: "Everyone is well, I don't know the title of this newly promoted Thunder God."

The Thunder Gods were taken aback for a moment, this Dongfeng Thunder God and the others were new acquaintances, how should we introduce him.

While in a daze, a slim female fairy came not far away, and said with a soft smile: "He is Lei Zu's subordinate, he was born in Fusang, and his name is Fusang Lei Tingpi Marshal, and he can kill demons with [-] volts."

"Make good use of the Dongfeng Nuclear Explosion God Thunder, so it is named Dongfeng Thunder God."

The Great Understanding Bodhisattva proclaimed the Buddha's name, clasped his hands together: "This old monk is ignorant and ignorant, I have a Tathagata in the west, who opened up the pure land of Dongfeng Tathagata, and saved the world with great compassion."

"I don't know what is the relationship between Dongfeng Leishen and Dongfang Tathagata?"

Dongfeng Leishen put together a smile and said, "A little bit, a little bit."

Daming Bodhisattva nodded, turned to look at the female fairy and asked, "Who is this benefactor?"

The fairy smiled slightly and said, "I am Dongfeng, his sister Feng Lixi."

The eyes of many Thunder Gods and Great Understanding Bodhisattvas turned to Dongfeng Thunder God.

"Feng Lixi?" Dongfeng Leishen murmured, and silently murmured in his heart.

Why do you gangsters like playing trumpets so much? There is no place for my little Thunder God to hide in Honghuang, and he is shivering.

Facing the doubts of the gods and bodhisattvas, Dongfeng Leishen said calmly, "It's my sister."

As he spoke, he walked to Feng Lixi's side and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Feng Lixi didn't care, picked up a melon and gnawed it, and said with a smile: "The queen mother is hosting a banquet, what a rare opportunity, of course I came to eat melons."

"Come, come, Xiao Luo, come with me to see your brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law?!" Dongfeng Leishen murmured with a broken face, "Are you all here?!"

Feng Lixi spread his hands helplessly: "You can come, why can't we come."

Dongfeng Leishen turned around stiffly, facing Daming Bodhisattva, many Thors clasped their hands and said, "Someone from my family also came to the Peach Blossom Festival, excuse me and excuse me."

Many thunder gods smiled indifferently: "It's natural, Brother Dongfeng, let's go first."

Although the Great Understanding Bodhisattva was a little curious about Marshal Pi, he couldn't stop his relatives from meeting each other, so he could only smile and give him a present, and planned to ask questions later.

The banquet held in Yaochi is vast and boundless, including the maids of Yaochi and golden armored guards, gathered millions of gods, manifesting their sizes with dharma bodies.

The Heavenly Venerable Taoist Monarch, who has not yet taken his seat, has manifested his dharma and is seated at the head. The golden immortals and great sages have manifested their dharma bodies for hundreds of feet, and they are worthy of the second seat.

At this moment, the banquet has not yet started, and there are not many people paying attention to it.

Dongfeng Leishen was dragged all the way by Feng Lixi, from the last seat of the Lei Department to the seats of all parties, only to see a group of immortals and Buddhas gathered, all of them were in the realm of celestial beings, and they were at the level of the last seat.

Feng Lixi pointed to a human in Tsing Yi in the middle of the seat and said with a smile: "That is your brother-in-law Tai Gao."

"Beside Taigao is Lieshan, and next to Lieshan is Tianyuan."

"The three Taoists over there who look similar are the three brothers Dongzhen, Dongxuan, and Dongshen."


Dongfeng Leishen listened to Feng Lixi's introduction one by one with a blank face.

Roaring wildly in my heart, you group of leader Tianzun, Tai Yi Da Luo is really enough.

They said that they would not come or not, and they secretly opened a trumpet to eat melons and watch the show one by one, and now they are forming a group!
After Feng Lixi finished the introduction, he patted Dongfeng Leishen on the shoulder: "Let's go, brother, the fun is about to begin, go and eat melons."

Dongfeng Leishen suddenly realized that I was the one who was eating melons, so it's all right.

(End of this chapter)

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