All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 617 Princess Longji

Chapter 617 Princess Longji (33)

The god-man sang loudly: "Go up to the Yuqing Mansion in Shenxiao, and the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor has arrived."

Another Six Yutian Emperors was long overdue and arrived at the opening of the banquet.

This is a common practice, all the gods, the golden fairy came to congratulate the golden mother, there is nothing wrong with it, and the golden mother also has friends in the idle Da Luo Taiyi, so it is reasonable to come to congratulate her.

However, Liu Yutiandi symbolizes the prehistoric heaven, the universe and heaven, and when he came to congratulate the golden mother, he put the golden mother on the heaven, ignoring the majesty of the prehistoric.

Only one and a half of the prehistoric people can get the six emperors to go to pay their respects. One is Pan Gu in this era, and the other half is naturally the Taoist ancestor of Zixiao Palace.

Why is it half, because only when Daozu presided over the Zixiao Palace meeting, it symbolized the way of heaven and represented the Pangu universe.On weekdays, it is natural that the ancestors of the holy Tao will rule and rule, and all the virtuous and virtuous will sit and discuss the Tao.

But if you don't come to congratulate, the golden mother's personality is slightly inferior, but her realm is Taiyi Datianzun.

The leader of Taiyi, Tianzun, can still decline and ask Da Luo, his subordinate, to congratulate him. Among the six imperial emperors, Nanji and Qinghua are not Taiyi Datianzun, so they can only pick an appropriate time to come.

After waiting for a while, after Chengtian followed suit, Tuhuangdi and Gouchen Shanggong Tianhuang came together, both of them were Taiyi Datianzun, Jinmu and Jade Emperor stood up to greet them.

The bells were lingering, and the time was fleeting. Five emperors among the six emperors of the heaven gathered in Yaochi to celebrate the golden mother's birthday. It was a grand event in the heavens.

In Dongfeng Leishen's seat, there was a boy in white who shook his head and sighed: "This time Ziwei didn't come again."

On the other side, the eagle-nosed old man in black said quietly: "The sub-lord of the heavenly court and the emperor of heaven naturally have a bad relationship. It's like the emperor and the prince, hehehe."

"Haha, the analogy between the emperor and the prince is inappropriate. The prince is the son of the emperor, but Ziwei is not the son of the Jade Emperor. The two of them are more like the emperor and the demon master." A flaming-haired god-man joked.

"Shut up! Chong Li"

The white-clothed child and the black-clothed hawk-nosed old man turned their heads together and shouted in unison, as if they were one person.

The god-man with hair like flames clicked his tongue twice: "I can't be provoked by the essence, I can't be provoked by the essence."

Taking advantage of the eyes of all the gods on the Emperor Liuyu, Chong Li walked beside Dongfeng Leishen with a drink, and said with a smile: "People don't know who you are, but I remember you."

"That's right, sister Xuanming...cough cough, brother."

Dongfeng Leishen took the Zidian hammer back calmly, and cursed angrily: "You bastard, why don't you help your sister, why are you running to me?"

Chong Li took a sip of his drink, shook his head, and said nonchalantly: "There are not many Pan Gu Ji who can't understand the bastard thing about my sister and Qing Tong."

"One has a temperament like fire, and the other has a pure yang like fire. When two fires meet, hehe..."

"Then go drink, why are you looking for me?" Dongfeng Leishen rolled his eyes

Chong Li sighed and said, "For my unworthy son."

"Prince Changqin has committed too many crimes. On the surface, Fuxi, Zhulong, water god Gonggong, and daughter of the Yellow Emperor are involved in the cliffs of Huoyun Cave. I don't know how many people are secretly involved." Dongfeng Leishen shook his head and said: "I can not help you."

Chong Li opened his eyes wide, and said in a low voice: "Old brother, I beg you, didn't you take care of Zhulong? Gonggong will not be able to leave for a while, and Fuxi is no longer the emperor of heaven. He always doesn't care about things and has little resistance. too much."

"I didn't ask you to break the rule of heaven to save him, just give him a place to live, find a place among the abbots of Penglai on the three islands of Shizhou, and let him avoid it."

Dongfeng Leishen groaned for a while and nodded, the ancient gods of the four seasons have always been in harmony, and they can be counted as giving Chong Li a face.

As the saying goes, Honghuang is not about fighting and killing, but about the world. If you help the prince Changqin today, you may be able to help yourself tomorrow.

The abbot of Penglai in Shizhou and Sandao, although he is not from his own place, can still speak a few words now.

Seeing Dongfeng Leishen nodding, Chong Li breathed a sigh of relief.

He is clear about Xuanming's character, he never forms karma easily, but once karma is formed, it is imperative.

For a long time, a respectful maid came and went, presenting flat peaches and fairy fruits, pushing the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax.

The six Yutian Emperors who ranked first, the Holy Mother of Jiejiao Jinling, the real person of Yuding Jade, Shangxian Yiyuan of Taiyi, Venerable Ananda of the West, and Bodhisattva of the Golden Cicada, these great figures are naturally enjoyed, condensed by innate spiritual roots The flat peach, the fruit of the Dao of Shouyuan.

Secondly, the Great Sage of the Golden Immortal enjoys the top-grade flat peaches, from which he can comprehend the law of water and the law of gold, so as to gather the five qi in his chest and make a further step in his Taoism.

For example, the gods of Leibu can enjoy middle-grade flat peaches, use the power of flat peaches, and the merits accumulated over the years of conferring gods to eliminate calamity, suspend cause and effect, and survive another calamity, gaining 64 billion lifespan 8000 million years.

Ordinary celestial beings enjoy the low-grade flat peaches, and gain 3000 yuan to gain mana and get great benefits.

In such an elated situation, Jade Emperor Da Tianzun said loudly: "At this grand meeting, there is a god who recommends to Zhu Tian Da Neng to know."

In the depths of Yaochi, the white clouds spread out, there was the sound of Luanming and cranes, and several pairs of fairy boys, each holding a feather fan.Among them is a bright and elegant fairy, with a pearl and phoenix crown, wearing a gold silk nine-phoenix court robe, and coming slowly; there are eight girls on the left and right, with a faint fragrance and a colorful aura.

Yaochi Golden Mother chuckled lightly: "This is my daughter, Princess Longji."

In an instant, the flat peach will be as silent as a ghost, and a needle can be heard when it falls.

In the next second, all the gods and gods shouted in unison, and the golden mother was delighted with the noble daughter.

Only Da Luo Taiyi was seated, and the heavenly and Taoist monarchs could not let go of it for a long time.

Daoist Yuding wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist, and murmured sadly in his heart: "I'm so stupid, so stupid, I should know that flat peaches are dangerous, but I didn't expect it to be so dangerous!"

Dongfeng Leishen's banquet was even more exaggerated, Chong Li stopped drinking, and the wine jars fell to the ground, Lie Shan's face flushed, and he coughed a few times, Tsing Yi Tai Gao lost his indifference and Tian Yuan excitedly looked around, the Three Hole God was so frightened Yu Ruyi is gone...

And many people looked at Qing Tongjun who was fighting with Wutong Goddess.

One popped up in my heart?
Who is the father of this child?is that you? !

Seeing the murderous expressions of Chongli Zufeng Zhurong and Wutong Zuhuang, Qing Tongjun just wanted to cry out that he was wronged, and he wanted to die.

He has always been a pure yang body, and after hooking up, he decisively reincarnated, where did his daughter come from.

Fortunately, this doubt did not last long.

In the nod of Haotian God and Jinmu, Princess Longji turned around and declared solemnly: "My name is Longji, and I am the daughter of Haotian God, born of Yaochi Jinmu!"

In an instant, the eyes looking at Qing Tongjun turned into pity.

Wooden male and golden mother, it was also a good story back then.

(End of this chapter)

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