Chapter 622

The female reincarnator frowned, and said unhappily: "How long will this take? This is a taboo world marked by the main god, and there is danger at any time. It takes ten thousand reincarnation points to open the Great Silence Barrier once."

The black-clothed captain said calmly: "Anna, let him go. Lao Huang's practice is the Great Compassionate Kongzhi Yoga Great Teaching King Sutra. If he doesn't practice and supplement, his strength will be unstable."

"Only by maintaining a stable strength can we better carry out the reincarnation mission."

"Besides, we will be able to search for souls and collect information later."

There was a hint of compassion on Huangmao's lustful face, and he folded his hands together and said, "Mercy, mercy, I can't find it, I can't find it, the benefactor will say it himself later."

The female disciple of the Xuanyuan Alliance blushed and cursed angrily: "Evil heretics, evil monks! Obscene monks!"

"Come, come, little lady, today the Lord Buddha will let you know what is called the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss and what is meant by nothingness."

Seeing the evil monk approaching step by step, the female disciple desperately recalled Marshal Pi's Baogao again... Fusang Thunder Marshal Pi, [-] volts to kill evil spirits!

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the yellow-haired reincarnation, and he curled his lips and said, "Pikachu, it's even more unreliable than the main god, if today..."

Booming, the originally clear sky of Jiuxiao was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and amidst the purple lightning, a bright thunderbolt descended, not too big or too small, just hitting the crotch of the yellow-haired trousers.

Thunder God's majestic voice came from Nine Heavens: "This is the four things are all empty. I understand Buddhism better than you!"

The yellow hair on the ground howled in pain, and the power of thunder unscrupulously destroyed his body structure, destroyed his realm, and annihilated his vitality.

"Thunder God? The God of Thunder in the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm!" The black-clothed captain's expression changed, and a trace of panic flashed in his pupils

He is not an idiot, he has already collected information before deciding on the target, the highest level of the Xuanyuan Alliance is no more than the eight-star Celestial Immortal Realm, and the legend has some involvement with the Heavenly Court Water Department, it is absolutely impossible to calculate the Nine-Star Great Silence Realm of the main god.

The target they chose to attack was also a disciple of the Xuanyuan Alliance who had not yet become a fairy. He didn't have much backing, so how could he have anything to do with the Thunder God of the upper realm!
Even if cause and effect were caused, it should be caused by the gods of the Ministry of Water. What went wrong? !
"Captain, let's go!" The female reincarnation reminded using telepathy, holding a cross in her hand, filled with the rhyme of rebirth and resurrection.

"Let's go." The black-clothed captain also replied in his heart: "How can I go, this is the God of Thunder who is in charge of the catastrophe."

"The lord god will not be exposed to the catastrophe for us few reincarnations."

Hearing the voices of the two, Dongfeng Leishen's eyes dropped, and the infinite thunder flashed, and the majesty of the heavens from the prehistoric universe oppressed the two extraterritorial demons.

Different from the Alien World who has already registered their household registration, the two reincarnated people in the main god space are real black households, and they feel 100% of the great malice of the Great Desolate Universe.

The black-clothed captain was close to despair, but the years of life-and-death struggle in the reincarnation space made him unwilling to give up his life easily. He struggled and shouted: "Thor, we are fighting in the lower realm."

"Which rule of heaven has been violated, you will send down the catastrophe to kill us."

He's betting, he's betting that Thor's cultivation level isn't enough to see through their samsara identity, he's betting that Thor won't dare to violate the rules of heaven, at least he won't dare to violate the rules of heaven openly!
Dongfeng Leishen was stunned, stood upright in the clouds, nodded and said: "You have not violated the rules of heaven, and it is true that you should not be killed according to the law."

The ferocious faces of the three reincarnations showed a hint of disbelief and secret joy. Is there any hope of surviving.

The captain in black took a deep breath, ready to bow his head and admit that he was small, and offer benefits in exchange for his life.

It's not like they haven't done this kind of thing before. Facing the powerful native creatures, they chose to surrender on the surface.But under the great divine power of the Lord God, they have conquered every world, and this world is no exception!

The black-clothed captain showed a cruel smile, then turned into humble respect, and bowed his hands: "Lord Thunder God..."

Dongfeng Leishen turned a deaf ear and shouted righteously: "However, your Celestial Tribulation is coming!"

Captain in black:? ? ? !

What the hell is Celestial Tribulation? !
The three reincarnations have a seven-star evaluation in the main god space, and they are earth immortals in the prehistoric world, especially the captain who has broken through to the level of an eight-star immortal.

Dongfeng Leishen did good deeds every day, and gave the reincarnated people a chance to be promoted to the eight-star celestial beings as soon as possible.

In an instant, Dongfeng Leishen was moved by him, and he repaid his hatred with kindness, he was really a kind person.

The heavenly immortals were originally divided into nine realms, corresponding to the nine heavens in the sky, a total of nine heavenly tribulations. However, after the conferring of the gods and the calamity of the gods, the gods signed the list of gods in Zixiao Palace, and the pattern of the heavens changed again and again.

The original parallel heaven will soon be transformed into a three-dimensional heaven, expanding its domain and devouring chaos. The heavens of all great Luos will be included in it. The original nine heavens will soon be turned into 33 days, or even 36 days.

In the same way, the Nine Heavens of Immortals has become the Thirty-six Heavens of Immortals. The advantage is that the road is clearer and one can step on it step by step. The disadvantage is that the number of catastrophes has increased.

If you fail the mortal exam, you will be beaten. If you fail the celestial exam, you will feed back the heaven and earth with your spiritual energy, and then enter the six reincarnations. Heroes, please start again.

The benevolent Dongfeng Leishen felt that 36 exams were too many, so he simply turned it into one exam.

Anyway, the exams have to pass the tribulation, as for the amount of crossing the calamity, it is of course a matter of one mind, and it is determined by Leishen himself.

The thunder roars, the purple electricity fights, the majesty of the heavens falls, the heaven and the earth reward the good and punish the evil, and everything is thunder, which shows that the heaven is ruthless and fair.

One is Yushu Lei, the second is Yufu Lei, the third is Yuzhu Lei, the fourth is Shangqing Dadong Lei, the fifth is Fire Wheel Lei, the sixth is Guandou Lei, the seventh is Fenghuo Lei, the eighth is Feijie Lei, and the ninth is called Fei Jie Lei. Said the North Pole Thunder...... A total of 36 days of thunder.

The thunder rolled and fell suddenly, as if a young man didn't talk about martial arts, and suddenly attacked.

36 The power of the god of thunder and thunder, even the gods who have accumulated for many years can't bear it, let alone the three seven-star reincarnations, who disappeared in an instant and turned into ashes.

Seeing this, Dongfeng Leishen couldn't help but click his tongue twice: "The current reincarnation, I really can't help but hit."

36 Tianlei is just an appetizer, followed by the Taoist Ten Thunders, the Shinto Five Thunders, the Zixiao Shenlei, and the legendary Kaitian Shenlei.

There is always a Leifa suitable for the victim.

"Disciple pays homage to Patriarch!" The female disciple of Xuanyuan Alliance escaped from the sky, weeping with joy, and bowed respectfully.

Although I didn't know that the elder from Shimen became the god of thunder, there is nothing wrong with calling him Patriarch.

Dongfeng Leishen nodded, turned around and changed into the image of the black-clothed captain, and asked with a slight smile, "Which generation disciple of the Xuanyuan Alliance are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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