Chapter 626
Don't say that the Tai Si girl is Yangou, but it is a normal reaction for a woman to hear that she will marry a male god in the future, and for a man to hear that he will marry a goddess in the future.

Name: Ji Chang; Identity: Young Master; Achievement: Twenty Immortal; Appearance: Xiqi Wushuang.

The so-called great perseverance, great opportunity, and great luck can prove Hunyuan Wujiluo.

Appearance, life experience, temperament, and talent can all be counted in the attributes of great luck. In human terms, ugly looks are not worthy of cultivating immortals.

Ji Chang was twenty percent immortal, and even in the prehistoric age, he still belonged to the ranks of rich and handsome, second only to the creatures born innately.

Undoubtedly the male god among male gods.

There is no face dog in the world, or everyone is a face dog.

The Taisi girl has never heard of the word Yangou, but she can guess the meaning of Yangou from the literal meaning.

Being ridiculed by the patriarch, the Taisi girl couldn't help but blush, and stammered: "Yangou can't be regarded as a dog... Yangou!... Can the matter of cultivating immortals be regarded as Yangou?" , What "dual cultivation of Taoists and companions", what "luck of luck" and the like.

Luo Leishen smiled, and the silent time and space was filled with joyful air.

"Then you are willing to marry." Luo Leishen asked with a smile

The girl Tai Si nodded, then shook her head again, thought for a long time, finally gritted her teeth and said seriously: "I would like to report to Patriarch, the sect is kind enough to raise and preach disciples. If the patriarch orders, disciples should shoulder the responsibility. On behalf of the sect Go to Xiqi to marry."

"If it wasn't for the order of the patriarch of the sect, the disciple would like to meet Xiqi Jichang first before making a decision."

"Great kindness." The gesture of the Taisi girl made Luo Leishen nod in satisfaction, this is the attitude that a monk should have.

If it is posted upside down like a nympho, the Zongmen family, parents and relatives will all be ignored.However, Luo Leishen wanted to contact Emperor Yu and asked him to exchange a clan member from his lineage.

"This god wants to take you in as a disciple." Luo Leishen asked leisurely, "Are you willing?"

The Taisi girl was stunned for a moment, then she cupped her hands and bowed: "The patriarch is the god of thunder, he must be a god of great power, and he is willing to accept Taisi as his apprentice. The disciple is very grateful."

"It's just that Taisi has a doubt, and I hope the patriarch can clarify it."

Luo Lei Shen nodded and asked: "You tell me."

The Taisi girl raised her chest and raised her head, but she asked nervously, "Being under the patriarch's door means taking on the responsibility of marriage?"

"Leave the sect now."

Luo Leishen chuckled: "The future is changeable, who knows. But after you become an immortal, the sect will arrange for you to go to Xiqi to see if you can be Ji Chang's wife.

"Regular wife?" The Taisi girl couldn't help asking, "Aren't you a concubine?!"

The gap between a female disciple of a sect who has not yet verified the way of immortality and a son of an emperor of an immortal kingdom is like heaven and earth.

Even the emperor has countless concubines, but he can only have one wife, and the others are all vassals.

The main wife shares authority with her husband, and if it is placed in a country, it is a more feminine symbol.

In this era, the strong 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Court are the mainstream of the era, and it is extremely normal for a powerful female fairy to have three thousand faces under her seat.

In the imagination of the Taisi girl, she is shouldering the mission of the sect, becoming Ji Chang's concubine, representing the interests of the sect, and will spend the rest of her life in the narrow harem.

"Young Master Xiqi has a noble status." Luo Leishen's smile faded, and he said solemnly: "But the sect will never give up any of its disciples, and the poor are not so contemptuous that they send their disciples to be concubines."

"The Zongmen regards its disciples as children and expects them all to have a brilliant future."

"Tai Si, what do you think your future will be like?"

Ascetics have the ability to come on a whim, and they sense that this answer is extremely important to them. The Taisi girl gritted her teeth and shouted excitedly: "Taisi hopes that there will still be a chance to become an immortal in the future, not only an earth immortal, but also an immortal." The Heavenly Immortal Avenue, the Golden Immortal Avenue, and even the mysterious and mysterious Way of Daluo."

"Although we are humble and mortal, we have the ambition to be a Kunpeng. Taisi doesn't want to be confined to the harem all her life, but wants to use her body to glimpse the way of heaven and witness more scenery."

Taisi wanted to spy on Da Luo's way. This idea seemed ridiculous. If Jinxian heard about it, he would laugh at it, because only when he set foot on Jinxian, would he find the real gap between himself and Da Luo, which was bigger than ordinary people and Jinxian .

But in the face of Tai Si's rampant remarks, Luo Leishen nodded approvingly, because many golden immortals don't even have the courage to shout this sentence, if they don't believe that they can prove Da Luo, how can they prove Da Luo.

The so-called believe there is, do not believe there is no!
The starting energy of Jinxian is a universe of thousands of stars, but when Jinxian superimposes to three thousand universes, he finds that he is getting farther and farther away from Da Luo. When the energy accumulates to the multiverse, it seems that there is only a line gap .

But one epoch, two epochs, and three epochs have passed, and this line has never been crossed.

If the mind is lost, there is no possibility of attaining it.

Only by strengthening one's own beliefs and believing that one can prove Da Luo can one find the possibility out of the impossible, find hope from despair, and light up a Da Luo heart from the ruins.

Luo Leishen smiled and said: "Then go, go to Xiqi after becoming an immortal, the identity of Ji Chang's wife is just your starting point, but not your end point."

Having received the guarantee from the Patriarch of Thunder God, and with a bottom line in mind, Tai Si straightened her clothes and bowed solemnly: "The disciple pays homage to the teacher."

Luo Leishen stretched out his hand to caress and helped Taisi up. At this moment, Taisi has truly returned.

"From now on, you are the disciple of Pikachu, the Thunder God of Thunder."

On the long river of time, a small wave was set off, and a chess piece really fell.

The God of Luohe looked at this scene leisurely again, and smiled knowingly.

He is not only the eighth ancestor of Shang Dynasty, but also the teacher of Tai Si, Master Ji Fa, who repeatedly jumped between the two camps of Shang and Zhou.

Luohe couldn't help sighing with emotion: "I only know the state of Kunpeng today."

This feeling of repeatedly jumping horizontally is really exciting. It is not too easy to play, and the leader character cannot be manipulated.During the Lich Years, Kunpeng was definitely not the only one who jumped repeatedly, but only the Kunpeng demon master was still active in the world, which showed a big problem.

Under the leader, jumping and jumping repeatedly is extremely hated, and it is very easy to be wrapped in a sack and beaten, and then locked in a dark room.

The God of the River withdrew his gaze from staring at Tai Si, and nodded towards the distant future of the long river of time, saying: "So fellow Taoists, you can rest assured."

A stream of cultural energy soared upwards, swaying the immortal brilliance of Da Luo, and manifested a middle-aged king dressed in plain clothes, and bowed back: "The Great God Xuanming has always acted cautiously."

"Ji Chang is naturally at ease."

The ancestor of Xia is Emperor Yu, who is in a state of extraordinary and refined, and has entered the state of great supernatural powers.

The ancestor of Shang was Cheng Tang, who also entered the realm of Da Luo.

As the ancestor of Zhou, Ji Chang was naturally also Da Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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