All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 628 Goodbye Tai 2 Real People

Chapter 628
Different identities interweave and continue one era after another, composing and writing the glory of Luofeng.

Set up teaching wherever you want, and save people through disasters.He is the ancestor of the Emperor Shang, the teacher of Tianzhou, the sons of the Immortal Qin Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and his pseudonym changed his name.The way of establishing the sky, the way of the earth, the way of man, hiding the sage and showing the ordinary.The emperor of the four ruined rivers.Qi, the ancestor of Bao Xuanming's Miaodao.Transforming the present and the past, cutting the white snake will open the luck of the two Hans.Master freezing, commanding the universe to end.Great compassion and great wish, great sage and great mercy, emperor of Dongyin, god of Luofeng.

The gods of Luohe are in Huangshang, Tianzhou, Xianqin, Shenhan... everywhere, making sure that they are safe at every point of time.

Of course, jumping back and forth from one camp to another has a price.Even if it is Da Luo, even if it is too easy, it is impossible for Da Luo to do whatever he wants in the wild
In the void, Luo Leishen and Luo Qinglan couldn't help slapping each other. They are one of the incarnations of Da Luo Tianzun, with a lofty nature and a whim that far exceeds that of an immortal.

Each incarnation is different, but they all inherited the cautious character of the deity. The two avatars immediately stopped what they were doing, immersed themselves in the secrets, cleared the fog, and counted their fingers.

In the next second, Luo Leishen and Luo Qinglan scolded at the same time: "Luohe God, you street bastard, you won't even let yourself go!"

"As an incarnation, what qualifications do you have to arrange for us!"

Da Luo's incarnation is different from a puppet. He is born with a spirit, but one body is different. It is equivalent to yesterday's self and tomorrow's self, with its own independent will.

Luo Leishen is not Luo Feng, Luo Qinglan is not Luo Feng, Luo River God is not Luo Feng, and even Luo Tianzun is not Luo Feng, just one of the subjects.

Only by gathering all the Luo Fengs from the heavens and worlds together, and summoning the innate immortal aura of the Taiyi era, the Luo Feng that was born through fusion is the real Luo Feng.

If all Luofeng is compared to an empire, Luo Leishen and Luo Qinglan are ordinary residents of the Luofeng Empire, and Luohe God, as the incarnation of the Daluo series, is an empire resident + official, and the three enjoy equal rights.

There is only one person who is truly qualified to decide the life and death of the residents of the Luofeng Empire, the emperor of the Luofeng Empire, and Luo Tianzun, the real main body of Luofeng in this world.

Luo Tianzun's actions symbolize Luo Feng's interests, and every Luo Feng will respect them, but the form of expression is different.

"If it is the order of Luo Tianzun, I will respect it myself, but the God of the River..." Luo Leishen sneered twice. He was a little hesitant just now, and now he is going to help Zhou destroy Shang!
With a flick of his robe, he turned and walked towards Xuanyuanzong. He wanted to meet Taier, one of the ancestors of Xuanyuanzong.

Luohe God observed this scene on the long river of time, and couldn't help being furious: "I've worked so hard, it's fine if you, an incarnation of a fairy, don't support it. You even took the lead in resisting."

"If the Yin Shang is finished, how will the deal between the deity and the Master Tongtian be settled?"

"This amount of calamity must be helping merchants destroy Zhou!"

The two incarnations went in opposite directions, one developed towards the direction of the master of Tianzhou, and the other carried the karma of the eighth ancestor of Xuanming.

The river god is above time, covered by the fog of fate, and his actions are unknown.Luo Leishen's whereabouts were open and frank, and he went all the way to Xuanyuanzong to meet Taier Daoist.

The Xuanyuan Seven Sects formed an alliance since Luo Xiantian, and later Luofeng ascended to the gods, and the disciples of the alliance also followed the ancestors and elders to the heavens and became a glorious heavenly worker, serving in various departments.

Over time, the seven sects merged into one and became the present Xuan Yuanzong.

The mountain gate is stationed in the Xuanyuan Mountains, and the Xuanyuan Cave is opened in the void. The Xuanyuanzong immortals are basically stationed in the cave to reduce the cause and effect of swallowing the aura of the wild; as for the disciples who have not yet become immortals, they need to comprehend the sound principles of the wild universe and perfect their practice , still stationed in the Xuanyuan Mountains until he became an immortal.

The fairy mist is misty, the mountains are undulating, and there are seven extremely high peaks, standing between the sky and the earth. There are immortal practitioners coming and going between the peaks to set up many rays of light, adding a bit of color to the green mountains, just like the jewels on the crown.

Luo Leishen didn't block his figure, and went straight to Xuanyuanzong's gate until he was stopped by the sect's guardian array.

Two disciples of the Nascent Soul Sect came against the wind, looked at the clothes on Dongfeng Leishen's body, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, they cupped their hands and asked, "Dare to ask this god of the heavens, where is the divine palace, and why did he come here?" ?”

Luo Leishen asked with a chuckle: "You know me, how do you know that I come from Heaven?"

The tall and slender disciple of the sect said neither humble nor overbearing: "The patriarch of this sect has training, he does his job and does what he does."

"As the disciples of the Hushan Mountain, the two of us should know the identity of the visitor. I know the costumes of the three religions in the heaven and the underworld, and the costumes of the gods in the heavens."

"To avoid colliding with the great gods from all walks of life, and causing disasters for the sect."

Luo Leishen nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Shui De Xingjun can carry out the tasks assigned by him."

The expression of another shorter disciple of the sect changed, and he cupped his hands and asked respectfully: "May I ask what is the relationship between senior and my Zong Shui De Xingjun Patriarch?"

Luo Leishen pinched his fingertips and said with a smile: "A little relationship, a little relationship. This god is here to visit Taier Taoist friend."

The shorter disciple of the sect looked more respectful: "Master, please wait a moment, I will report to Tai Er Patriarch."

The tall mountain guard disciple cupped his hands and said, "Senior, please enjoy the fragrant tea with this junior in the gazebo."

Xuanyuanzong set up a protective array between the seven peaks, and the pavilion is just on the edge of the protective array.

It can entertain strangers and show the dignity of the sect, but it will not allow spies and enemies to pretend to be guests and sneak into the sect's formation.

In addition, space arrays are deployed around the gazebo, allowing ancestors above immortals to come down immediately and carry out righteous group fights.

The disciples of Hushan came forward to lead the way, but Luo Leishen saw through and didn't say anything, but in his mind, he was constructing a group of immortals from Xuanyuanzong to beat him, how should he set up an ambush and carry out counter-killing.

"Senior, please drink tea." The mountain guard disciple shouted, interrupting Luo Leishen's thinking.

Luo Leishen coughed lightly, took the tea, forced himself not to make calculations, and told himself silently that this is his sect, this is his disciple, and this is his immortal.

The cultivator was extremely fast, and after a while, the white-haired and childlike Immortal Tai Er came over on a cloud, Luo Leishen raised his head and smiled, and let go of the seven schemes he had already thought up.

"Fellow Daoist Tai Er descended to welcome him from a distance, Pi is really panicked." Marshal Luolei Shenpi cupped his hands and smiled

Immortal Tai Er raised his brows and signaled the two mountain guard disciples to go down.

When the gazebo was empty, Immortal Tai Er rolled his eyes, pointed at Luo Lei and said, "You, you, you can come up with something new for me every time."

"Patriarch Styx doesn't have as many incarnations as you."

Luo Leishen waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this."

"I came here this time to ask the immortal to do me a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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